.gn 1.2 KB

  1. # This file is used by the GN meta build system to find the root of the source
  2. # tree and to set startup options. For documentation on the values set in this
  3. # file, run "gn help dotfile" at the command line.
  4. import("//build/dotfile_settings.gni")
  5. # The location of the build configuration file.
  6. buildconfig = "//build/config/BUILDCONFIG.gn"
  7. # The python interpreter to use by default. On Windows, this will look
  8. # for python3.exe and python3.bat.
  9. script_executable = "python3"
  10. # These are the targets to check headers for by default. The files in targets
  11. # matching these patterns (see "gn help label_pattern" for format) will have
  12. # their includes checked for proper dependencies when you run either
  13. # "gn check" or "gn gen --check".
  14. no_check_targets = [
  15. "//:cppgc_base",
  16. "//:v8_internal_headers",
  17. "//src/inspector:inspector",
  18. "//test/cctest:cctest_sources",
  19. "//third_party/icu:*",
  20. ]
  21. # These are the list of GN files that run exec_script. This whitelist exists
  22. # to force additional review for new uses of exec_script, which is strongly
  23. # discouraged except for gypi_to_gn calls.
  24. exec_script_whitelist = build_dotfile_settings.exec_script_whitelist +
  25. [ "//build_overrides/build.gni" ]