===v8 Cross-compiling=== Reference doc: https://github.com/riscv-collab/v8/wiki/Get-the-Source 1. Install depot_tools and add it into your PATH. 2. Then, create a new folder and 'fetch v8' in the directory, example as below:     $ mkdir v8-cr     $ cd v8-cr     $ fetch v8 3. Git checkout into the version that we wanted:     $ git checkout Alternatively, you can use exisiting source code: $ cd v8- 4. Then, run the following so that the gclient tool will retrieve the dependencies that match to this particular branch.     $ cd v8-cr/v8     $ gclient sync --with_branch_heads --with_tags 5. Prepare RISC-V Toolchain and add the toolchain path to PATH:     $ export PATH=":$PATH" The following files are need to be made: 6. Go to 'build/toolchain/linux/BUILD.gn', change "riscv64-linux-gnu" to "riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu" (Around line 302) gcc_toolchain("riscv64") { -  toolprefix = "riscv64-linux-gnu" +  toolprefix = "riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu"   cc = "${toolprefix}-gcc"   cxx = "${toolprefix}-g++" 7. Apply the following patches: $ git apply 0001-riscv64-disable-fp-multiply-and-accumulate-instructi.patch $ git apply 0002-riscv64-fix-the-staticstackframesize.patch 8. Use gn to configure the build as such:     $ gn gen out/riscv64.native.release --args='is_component_build=false is_debug=false target_cpu="riscv64" v8_target_cpu="riscv64" use_goma=false goma_dir="None" treat_warnings_as_errors=false v8_use_external_startup_data=false' 9. Build with ninja:     $ ninja -C out/riscv64.native.release -j32 10. Output files will be in out/riscv64.native.release.