Firefox RISC-V Build Guide 1. Download Rust 1.63 $ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rsĀ | sh $ rustup default 1.63.0 (1.64.0 rust currently have some problems with riscv64) 2. Download the dependencies needed for build: $ apt-get install libnspr4 libgtk-3-dev 3. You can either use the source code or git clone: $ cd firefox OR $ git clone -b debian/105.0-1 --depth=1 4. Apply the following patches: $ patch -Np1 -i 0001-Bug-1786638-Return-early-if-we-can-t-fetch-an-intern.patch $ patch -Np1 -i firefox-riscv64-hack.patch $ patch -Np1 -i makotokato-riscv64-support-and-zenithal-backported.patch 5. Move the mozconfig file into the base directory of the source code: 6. Build firefox by running: $ ./mach vendor rust --ignore-modified $ ./mach build 7. The output binaries and libraries can be found in ./obj-riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu/dist/bin/