1. This file describes how to install KTIGCC.
  2. A. Installing KTIGCC from RPMs
  3. ==============================
  4. The recommended installation method for Fedora is to use the provided RPMs.
  5. WARNING: This section is ONLY for Fedora 7 (and possibly later versions, though
  6. this is not guaranteed to work) users. If you're not running Fedora 7
  7. (or later), please skip to the next section.
  8. 1. Obtain the required prerequisites:
  9. 1.1. The following RPMs from Fedora are required:
  10. glib2 (used by libti*)
  11. qt4
  12. qt4-doc (for the Qt Assistant help file viewer)
  13. ctags (to locate C functions/prototypes)
  14. kdelibs4 (obviously) and kdebase4 (required for some features), as well
  15. as kdepimlibs and kdebase-runtime (required by kdebase4), version 4.0.0
  16. or higher
  17. These can be installed with:
  18. yum install kdebase4 qt4-doc ctags
  19. 1.2. The following RPMs packaged by me are required:
  20. tigcc, ktigcc-completion-data, libticables2, libtifiles2, libticalcs2 and
  21. libticonv
  22. They can be obtained from:
  24. 2. Install KTIGCC:
  25. For i386 (32-bit x86) architectures:
  26. rpm -Uvh tigcc*.i386.rpm ktigcc-completion-data*.noarch.rpm libti*.i386.rpm ktigcc*.i386.rpm
  27. For x86_64 (64-bit AMD64/EM64T) architectures:
  28. rpm -Uvh tigcc*.x86_64.rpm ktigcc-completion-data*.noarch.rpm libti*.x86_64.rpm ktigcc*.x86_64.rpm
  29. (RPMs are currently available only for the i386 and x86_64 architectures.)
  30. 3. KTIGCC should now show up in the menu. If it doesn't and you're running KDE,
  31. try:
  32. dcop kded kbuildsycoca "recreate()"
  33. It can also be found in /usr/bin, which is in your $PATH, so running ktigcc
  34. from an X11 terminal will also work.
  35. B. Installing KTIGCC from source
  36. ================================
  37. 1. Obtain and install the required prerequisites:
  38. glib2 (*)
  39. Qt 4 (*) (NOT Qt 3)
  40. kdelibs from KDE 4, version 4.0.0 or higher (*) (NOT KDE 3)
  41. kdebase from KDE 4 (should be the same version as kdelibs)
  42. Qt 4 Assistant (often included in qt4, qt4-doc or qt4-devel packages)
  43. pkg-config
  44. Exuberant Ctags - can be obtained from
  45. libticables2 (*), libtifiles2 (*), libticalcs2 (*) and libticonv (*) - can be
  46. obtained from
  47. TIGCC/*nix and TIGCCLIB completion data for KTIGCC (ktigcc-completion-data) -
  48. can be obtained from
  49. (*) If your distribution provides both a runtime and a -devel or -dev version
  50. of these packages, the -devel or -dev version is also needed.
  51. 1.1. Installation instructions for libti*
  52. The libti* libraries are standard autotools projects, they should build
  53. and install just fine with:
  54. ./configure
  55. make
  56. make install
  57. 1.2. Installation instructions for TIGCC/*nix
  58. Please refer to the INSTALL document coming with the TIGCC/*nix source
  59. tarball. The main stumbling blocks:
  60. * You have to fetch the GCC and GNU as sources separately and symlink
  61. the extracted versions to download/gcc.ti and download/binutils.ti
  62. respectively.
  63. * There is no configure script or makefile. Instead, do this:
  64. cd scripts
  65. ./Install
  66. and an interactive wizard will prompt you for everything else.
  67. This procedure is described in detail in the TIGCC/*nix INSTALL file.
  68. 1.3. Installation instructions for ktigcc-completion-data
  69. The tarball contains a file named "completion". This file should be
  70. extracted to `kde-config --expandvars --install data`/ktigcc/ (usually
  71. /usr/share/apps/ktigcc/).
  72. 2. qmake-qt4 (or qmake if that points to Qt 4 qmake)
  73. (You can run ./configure, but that just runs qmake-qt4.)
  74. WARNING: You need the Qt 4 version of qmake. Make sure you don't accidentally
  75. run the Qt 3 one.
  76. 3. make
  77. 4. make install
  78. 5. KTIGCC can now be found in your $TIGCC/bin directory.