symbols_ld_lib_count.hss 996 B

  1. [Main]
  2. Title=__ld_lib_count
  3. See Also=symbols_ld_referenced_lib_count: __ld_referenced_lib_count, insert_kernel_libs: __ld_insert_kernel_libs, insert_fargo020_libs: __ld_insert_fargo020_libs, insert_fargo021_libs: __ld_insert_fargo021_libs, insert_preos_compressed_tables: __ld_insert_preos_compressed_tables, symbols_lib_call: Library Calls, control_lib_min_version: Minimum Library Versions
  4. [Top]
  5. This built-in symbol resolves to the number of libraries needed by this
  6. program/library. The libraries do not actually need to be used; it is enough
  7. for a file to specify a required minimum version for a specific library
  8. (see <A HREF="$$LINK(control_lib_min_version)">Minimum Library Versions</A>).
  9. The idea is that a program should be able to specify a minimum version for a
  10. library even if the library is only referenced indirectly via another one.
  11. See <A HREF="$$LINK(symbols_ld_referenced_lib_count)">__ld_referenced_lib_count</A>
  12. for a way to count only the libraries that are actually used.