symbols_ld_kernel_bss_table.hss 699 B

  1. [Main]
  2. Title=__ld_kernel_bss_table
  3. Index=__kernel_bss_table
  4. [Top]
  5. Usually, this symbol is simply resolved to a user-defined symbol named
  6. <CODE>__kernel_bss_table</CODE>. However, if the program does not contain a
  7. BSS section, it is redirected to the entry point of the program. The effect
  8. is that constructs of the form
  9. <PRE>.word __ld_kernel_bss_table-<I>entry_point</I>
  10. </PRE>
  11. resolve to 0 if no BSS section is used.
  12. <BR><BR>
  13. <B>Note:</B> If a program/library defines <CODE>__kernel_bss_table</CODE>, it
  14. absolutely <I>must</I> handle the BSS section. See
  15. <A HREF="$$LINK(insert_kernel_bss_refs)">__ld_insert_kernel_bss_refs</A> for
  16. a way to get information about references into the BSS section.