symbols_ld_export_count.hss 547 B

  1. [Main]
  2. Title=__ld_export_count
  3. See Also=insert_kernel_exports: __ld_insert_kernel_exports, symbols_lib_call: Library Calls
  4. [Top]
  5. This built-in symbol resolves to the number of exported items in the current
  6. program/library. This equals the highest export number present in the linked
  7. files (see <A HREF="$$LINK(symbols_lib_call)">Library Calls</A>) plus 1. For
  8. example, defining a single exported entry named <CODE>mylib@00FF</CODE>
  9. causes the export table to be 0x100 functions long, and therefore this symbol
  10. to be resolved to a value of 0x100.