symbols_ld_calc_const.hss 864 B

  1. [Main]
  2. Title=__ld_calc_const_...
  3. [Top]
  4. __ld_calc_const_<I>constants</I>, where <I>constants</I> is an
  5. underscore-separated list of positive integer values in decimal or
  6. hexadecimal notation (prefixed with <CODE>0x</CODE>), resolves to one of the
  7. values in <I>constants</I>. The actual value depends on the calculator
  8. belonging to the file that is generated. This feature adds the possibility to
  9. compile a program for multiple calculators at once and still generate
  10. different files for each calculator.
  11. <BR><BR>
  12. The order of the calculator-specific values in <I>constants</I> is as
  13. follows:
  14. <OL>
  15. <LI>TI-92</LI>
  16. <LI>TI-89</LI>
  17. <LI>TI-92 Plus</LI>
  18. <LI>V200</LI>
  19. </OL>
  20. Values for calculators which the linker is currently not generating any
  21. output file for may be omitted. If a significant value is omitted, the value
  22. is assumed to be zero, and a warning is emitted.