insert_kernel_exports.hss 1010 B

  1. [Main]
  2. Title=__ld_insert_kernel_exports
  3. See Also=insert_fargo_exports: __ld_insert_fargo_exports
  4. [Top]
  5. __ld_insert_kernel_exports can be used to export symbols from a library. It
  6. treats all symbols that are declared external and look like
  7. &quot;<I>libname</I>@<I>index</I>&quot; or
  8. &quot;<I>libname</I>__<I>index</I>&quot; as exported entries. <I>index</I> is
  9. a hexadecimal number which must have exactly 4 digits.
  10. <BR><BR>
  11. __ld_insert_kernel_exports inserts library exports in the format used by
  12. kernels:
  13. <UL>
  14. <LI>For each exported item...
  15. <UL>
  16. <LI><B>2 bytes:</B> <I>location</I> (offset from the beginning of the
  17. library; may be 0 if nothing was specified)</LI>
  18. </UL></LI>
  19. <LI><B>2 bytes:</B> 0</LI>
  20. </UL>
  21. <B>Note:</B> Since exported entries are stored one after another, skipped
  22. entries will take up additional space in the export table. For example, if
  23. you only define one symbol called &quot;<I>libname</I>@0010&quot;, then there
  24. will be 16*2=32 bytes of zeroes in the export table.