control_calc.hss 728 B

  1. [Main]
  2. Title=_ti92, _ti89, _ti92plus, _v200
  3. Index=_ti92, _ti89, _ti92plus, _v200
  4. [Top]
  5. You need to define one or more of these symbols to specify the calculator for
  6. which the program is to be linked. This only controls which output files are
  7. created; the linker does not check whether a file format really exists for a
  8. given calculator. Kernel compatibility flags (see
  9. <A HREF="$$LINK(control_flag)">_flag_...</A>) are added according to the
  10. symbol:
  11. <BR><BR>
  13. <TR>
  14. <TD VALIGN="TOP">_ti89</TD>
  15. <TD VALIGN="TOP">Flag 0 (0x01)</TD>
  16. </TR>
  17. <TR>
  18. <TD VALIGN="TOP">_ti92plus</TD>
  19. <TD VALIGN="TOP">Flag 1 (0x02)</TD>
  20. </TR>
  21. <TR>
  22. <TD VALIGN="TOP">_v200</TD>
  23. <TD VALIGN="TOP">Flag 5 (0x20)</TD>
  24. </TR>
  25. </TABLE>