_kernel_format_data_var_direct.s 852 B

  1. .xdef __handle_data_var_AND___kernel_format_data_var_AND_NOT___data_var_create_copy,__handle_data_var_AND___kernel_format_data_var_AND___data_var_copy_if_archived,__kernel_format_data_var_use_directly
  2. .section _st98
  3. __kernel_format_data_var_use_directly:
  4. | Call HLock with the file handle.
  5. move.l (%a5,0x99*4),%a0 /* HLock */
  6. jsr (%a0)
  7. | Add 2 to skip the size bytes.
  8. addq.l #2,%a0
  9. | Put the result into %d3.
  10. move.l %a0,%d3
  11. bra.s __kernel_format_data_var_relocate
  12. | This strange order of sections is because of a bug
  13. | in GNU as.
  14. .section _st1064
  15. __kernel_format_data_var_unlock_handle:
  16. | Unlock the handle.
  17. move.l (%a5,0x9F*4),%a0 /* HeapUnlock */
  18. jsr (%a0)
  19. bra.s __kernel_format_data_var_cleanup_almost_end
  20. .section _st1062
  21. | Move the handle on the stack, check if it is 0.
  22. move.w %d4,(%sp)
  23. bne.s __kernel_format_data_var_unlock_handle