_initialize_bss.s 406 B

  1. .xdef __initialize_bss_AND___startup_code
  2. .section _st151
  3. __initialize_bss:
  4. | Push the length of the BSS section (num parameter).
  5. pea.l __ld_bss_size
  6. | Push 0 (c parameter).
  7. clr.w -(%sp)
  8. | Push the address of the BSS section (buffer parameter).
  9. pea.l __ld_bss_start
  10. | Code to load memset into %a0 is inserted here.
  11. .section _st153
  12. | Call memset.
  13. jsr (%a0)
  14. | Clean up the stack.
  15. lea.l (%sp,10),%sp