1. This file describes how to install KTIGCC.
  2. A. Installing KTIGCC from RPMs
  3. ==============================
  4. The recommended installation method for Fedora is to use the provided RPMs.
  5. WARNING: This section is ONLY for Fedora Core 6 (and possibly later versions,
  6. though this is not guaranteed to work) users. If you're not running
  7. FC6 (or later), please skip to the next section.
  8. 1. Obtain the required prerequisites:
  9. 1.1. The following RPMs from Fedora Core or Extras are required:
  10. glib2 (used by libti*)
  11. qt4
  12. qt4-doc (for the Qt Assistant help file viewer)
  13. ctags (to locate C functions/prototypes)
  14. These can be installed with:
  15. yum install glib2 qt4 qt4-doc ctags
  16. 1.2. The following RPMs packaged by me are required:
  17. kdelibs4 (obviously) and kdebase4 (required for some features), as well
  18. as kdepimlibs4 (required by kdebase4), version 3.80.3 - can be obtained
  19. from
  20. (in i386/RPMS.unstable resp. x86_64/RPMS.unstable)
  21. tigcc and ktigcc-completion-data - can be obtained from
  23. libticables2, libtifiles2, libticalcs2 and libticonv - can be obtained
  24. from
  25. 2. Install KTIGCC:
  26. For i386 (32-bit x86) architectures:
  27. rpm -Uvh tigcc*.i386.rpm ktigcc-completion-data*.noarch.rpm libti*.i386.rpm ktigcc*.i386.rpm
  28. For x86_64 (64-bit AMD64/EM64T) architectures:
  29. rpm -Uvh tigcc*.x86_64.rpm ktigcc-completion-data*.noarch.rpm libti*.x86_64.rpm ktigcc*.x86_64.rpm
  30. (RPMs are currently available only for the i386 and x86_64 architectures.)
  31. 3. KTIGCC should now show up in the menu. If it doesn't and you're running KDE,
  32. try:
  33. dcop kded kbuildsycoca "recreate()"
  34. It can also be found in /usr/local/tigcc/bin, which should be in your $PATH,
  35. so running ktigcc from an X11 terminal will also work.
  36. B. Installing KTIGCC from source
  37. ================================
  38. 1. Obtain and install the required prerequisites:
  39. glib2 (*)
  40. Qt 4 (*) (NOT Qt 3)
  41. kdelibs from KDE 4, version 3.80.3 (*) (NOT KDE 3)
  42. kdebase from KDE 4 (should be the same version as kdelibs)
  43. Qt 4 Assistant (often included in qt4, qt4-doc or qt4-devel packages)
  44. pkg-config
  45. Exuberant Ctags - can be obtained from
  46. libticables2 (*), libtifiles2 (*), libticalcs2 (*) and libticonv (*) - can be
  47. obtained from
  48. TIGCC/*nix and TIGCCLIB completion data for KTIGCC (ktigcc-completion-data) -
  49. can be obtained from
  50. (*) If your distribution provides both a runtime and a -devel or -dev version
  51. of these packages, the -devel or -dev version is also needed.
  52. 1.1. Installation instructions for libti*
  53. The libti* libraries are standard autotools projects, they should build
  54. and install just fine with:
  55. ./configure
  56. make
  57. make install
  58. 1.2. Installation instructions for TIGCC/*nix
  59. Please refer to the INSTALL document coming with the TIGCC/*nix source
  60. tarball. The main stumbling blocks:
  61. * You have to fetch the GCC and GNU as sources separately and symlink
  62. the extracted versions to download/gcc.ti and download/binutils.ti
  63. respectively.
  64. * There is no configure script or makefile. Instead, do this:
  65. cd scripts
  66. ./Install
  67. and an interactive wizard will prompt you for everything else.
  68. This procedure is described in detail in the TIGCC/*nix INSTALL file.
  69. 1.3. Installation instructions for ktigcc-completion-data
  70. The tarball contains a file named "completion". This file should be
  71. extracted to `kde-config --expandvars --install data`/ktigcc/ (usually
  72. /usr/share/apps/ktigcc/).
  73. 2. qmake-qt4 (or qmake if that points to Qt 4 qmake)
  74. (You can run ./configure, but that just runs qmake-qt4.)
  75. WARNING: You need the Qt 4 version of qmake. Make sure you don't accidentally
  76. run the Qt 3 one.
  77. 3. make
  78. 4. make install
  79. 5. KTIGCC can now be found in your $TIGCC/bin directory.