package_bin 575 B

  1. #! /bin/sh
  2. #
  3. # This script creates a tarball of the binaries.
  4. # Everything must have been build prior to running this script.
  5. #
  6. OUTDIR=../gcc4ti-sources
  7. echo GCC4TI script: Packaging binaries:
  8. #echo stripping...
  9. #strip $TIGCC/bin/*
  10. echo clamscan...
  11. clamscan -ir $TIGCC
  12. echo tar...
  13. OLDPWD="`pwd`"
  14. cd $TIGCC
  15. tar -c --exclude=projects/* --exclude=bin/quill.drv --exclude=lib/quill.drv --exclude=lib/fargo.a -f "$OLDPWD/$OUTDIR/gcc4ti_bin.tar" bin doc examples include lib projects
  16. cd "$OLDPWD/$OUTDIR"
  17. echo bzip2...
  18. rm -f gcc4ti_bin.tar.bz2
  19. bzip2 -9 gcc4ti_bin.tar
  20. echo Done.