buildall.bat 1.0 KB

  1. @echo off
  2. REM --------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. REM
  4. REM This batch script will loop through a list of all pctools and
  5. REM try to execute buildone.bat for them.
  6. REM
  7. REM Due to memory restriction we build them in more than one loop
  8. REM I know this can be fixed by increasing the shell memory but
  9. REM I don't want to "confuse" future users.
  10. REM --------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. set ttsct=ttbin2hex ttbin2oth ttbin2str
  12. for %%a in (%ttsct%) do call buildone.bat %%a
  13. set ttsct=ttextract ttstrip ttarchive
  14. for %%a in (%ttsct%) do call buildone.bat %%a
  15. set ttsct=ttpack ttunpack tthelp ttinfo
  16. for %%a in (%ttsct%) do call buildone.bat %%a
  17. set ttsct=ttchecksum ttbin2bin ttsplit ttppggen
  18. for %%a in (%ttsct%) do call buildone.bat %%a
  19. set ttsct=tttiler ttunarchive tthex2bin ttsetname
  20. for %%a in (%ttsct%) do call buildone.bat %%a
  21. REM set ttsct=ttdos2ebk ttebkgen ttunebk
  22. REM for %%a in (%ttsct%) do call buildone.bat %%a
  23. @echo on