top_estack.hsf 20 KB

  1. [Main]
  2. Name=top_estack
  3. Type=Variable
  4. Subtype=ROM Call
  5. Header Files=args.h, estack.h
  6. Definition=ESI top_estack;
  7. See Also=bottom_estack
  8. [ROM Call]
  9. Index=$109
  10. [Description]
  11. Points to the top of the expression stack.
  12. [Explanation]
  13. The global variable top_estack points to the top (i.e. the last byte) of the expression stack.
  14. Strictly speaking, in "nostub" mode it is not a real variable but smart macro, although it
  15. works like it is a variable. The expression stack is the place in the memory where TI keeps
  16. expressions during evaluation. All statements are tokenized before being executed
  17. (interpreted). Instructions are reduced to (byte sized) quanta and parsed into Reverse
  18. Polish Notation (RPN). This is a common technique in interpreted languages. Expressions,
  19. functions, etc. are all stored in RPN form, to allow for efficient operation of the expressions
  20. stack. See below for more details about organization of the expression stack.
  21. <BR><BR>
  22. The actual processing of all expressions is done via the expression stack. The position in the
  23. stack is given by top_estack. Pushing a value appends it to the expression stack and increments
  24. top_estack. When a expression is interpreted, expressions are reduced, and executed as far as
  25. possible. Whatever remains on the stack is the result, this may then be stored or processed
  26. later.
  27. <BR><BR>
  28. When a file is interpreted the end of the variable is found and it is processed as a separate
  29. expression stack. It is then processed recursively, producing a simplified version on the real
  30. expression stack. Expressions are therefore interpreted from the top (high memory) recursively.
  31. <BR><BR>
  32. As an artefact of expressions processing mechanism, the arguments of the called program are
  33. kept also on the expression stack. It grows upwards, and the last argument is stored first.
  34. After the assembly program is called, the image of the expression stack is as follows:
  35. <UL>
  36. <LI>The first byte (i.e. the byte with the lowest address) on the stack is <A HREF="$$LINK(Tags)">END_TAG</A> (0xE5).</LI>
  37. <LI>Then, a argument list follows, starting from the last argument up to the first
  38. argument. So, top_estack points to the last byte of the first argument.</LI>
  39. </UL>
  40. Each string entry on the expression stack is stored as follows (from lower to higher addresses):
  41. <UL>
  42. <LI>One zero byte (starting tag);</LI>
  43. <LI>Content of the string;</LI>
  44. <LI>Terminating zero byte;</LI>
  45. <LI>Byte <A HREF="$$LINK(Tags)">STR_TAG</A> (0x2D).</LI>
  46. </UL>
  47. Each integer entry is stored as follows:
  48. <UL>
  49. <LI>Bytes of the number in little endian format (i.e. the lowest byte is stored first);
  50. the number of bytes varies depending of the size of the number;</LI>
  51. <LI>A byte which represents the number of the bytes which made the number
  52. (note that zero has zero-byte length);</LI>
  53. <LI>Byte <A HREF="$$LINK(Tags)">POSINT_TAG</A> (0x1F) or <A HREF="$$LINK(Tags)">NEGINT_TAG</A> (0x20), depending whether the number is
  54. positive or negative (for negative numbers, previous bytes contain the absolute
  55. value).</LI>
  56. </UL>
  57. Each fraction entry is stored as follows:
  58. <UL>
  59. <LI>Bytes of the denominator in little endian format (i.e. the lowest byte is stored first);
  60. the number of bytes varies depending of the size of the number;</LI>
  61. <LI>A byte which represents the number of the bytes which made the denominator;</LI>
  62. <LI>Bytes of the numerator in little endian format;</LI>
  63. <LI>A byte which represents the number of the bytes which made the numerator;</LI>
  64. <LI>Byte <A HREF="$$LINK(Tags)">POSFRAC_TAG</A> (0x21) or <A HREF="$$LINK(Tags)">NEGFRAC_TAG</A> (0x22), depending whether the fraction is
  65. positive or negative (for negative fractions, previous bytes contain absolute
  66. values).</LI>
  67. </UL>
  68. Each floating point entry is stored as follows:
  69. <UL>
  70. <LI>Only first 9 bytes of the content of the floating point value
  71. are stored (instead of 10), because TIOS always rounds floating point values up to 14
  72. significant digits before pushing them on expression stack
  73. (see <A HREF="$$LINK(timath.h/bcd)">bcd</A> structure for more information about the internal
  74. organization of floating point values);</LI>
  75. <LI>The last byte is <A HREF="$$LINK(Tags)">FLOAT_TAG</A> (0x23).</LI>
  76. </UL>
  77. If the entry is complex number, real part is stored first (which can be integer, float,
  78. fraction, etc.), then imaginary part. <A HREF="$$LINK(Tags)">COMPLEX_TAG</A> (0x9D) is stored after them, so if the
  79. current argument type is complex, decrease the argument pointer by one, then first read
  80. imaginary part, then real part separately.
  81. <BR><BR>
  82. If the entry is composite (i.e. if it is a list or a matrix), the first byte is end_of_list marker
  83. (byte <A HREF="$$LINK(Tags)">END_TAG</A> or 0xE5), then follow each element of the list in reverse order (starting
  84. from the last element), and the last byte is <A HREF="$$LINK(Tags)">LIST_TAG</A> (0xD9).
  85. Now, you surely have an idea how you can pick up elements from the list. Note that a matrix is
  86. a "list of lists".
  87. <BR><BR>
  88. Signed zeros (<A HREF="$$LINK(timath.h/POSITIVE_ZERO)">POSITIVE_ZERO</A> and
  89. <A HREF="$$LINK(timath.h/NEGATIVE_ZERO)">NEGATIVE_ZERO</A>) are represented as
  90. fractions +0/1 and -0/1.
  91. <BR><BR>
  92. Variable names are stored exactly like strings without terminating <A HREF="$$LINK(Tags)">STR_TAG</A> (i.e. it is a
  93. sequence of letters bounded with two zero bytes), so "variable" tag is just a zero byte.
  94. There is an exception: one-letter variables have unique one-byte tags (see
  95. <A HREF="$$LINK(Tags)">Tags</A> for more info. Also, note that variable names are always
  96. stored with lowercase letters. Variables whose names ends with an underscore are assumed
  97. to be complex, and variables whose names starts with an underscore are assumed to
  98. represent physical units.
  99. <BR><BR>
  100. Expressions are stored in RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) form (also known as postfix form).
  101. So, function calls like <I>func</I>(<I>arg1</I>,<I>arg2</I>,...<I>argn</I>) are stored as sequence
  102. <BR><BR>
  103. <I>argn</I> ... <I>arg2</I> <I>arg1</I> <I>func_tag</I>
  104. <BR><BR>
  105. and terms like <I>arg1</I>&nbsp;<I>operator</I>&nbsp;<I>arg2</I> are stored as
  106. <I>arg1</I>&nbsp;<I>arg2</I>&nbsp;<I>operator_tag</I> or
  107. <I>arg2</I>&nbsp;<I>arg1</I>&nbsp;<I>operator_tag</I>, depending on the concrete operator.
  108. The situation is analogous for unary operators.
  109. Note that a "pointer to an expression" is a pointer to the <B>last byte</B> of the expression!
  110. When a function (or operator) has variable number of arguments, <A HREF="$$LINK(Tags)">END_TAG</A> is used to indicate "no more arguments".
  111. See <A HREF="$$LINK(Tags)">Tags</A> for complete list of various tags. This will be illustrated with
  112. some examples:
  113. <BR><BR>
  115. <TR><TD VALIGN="TOP">Algebraic form:</TD>
  116. <TD>integrate (e^(x^2), x, 1, 2)</TD></TR>
  117. <TR><TD VALIGN="TOP">RPN form:</TD>
  118. <TD>2 1 x 2 x ^ e ^ integrate</TD></TR>
  119. <TR><TD VALIGN="TOP">Sequence&nbsp;of&nbsp;bytes:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD>
  120. <TD>[02 01 1F] [01 01 1F] [08] [02 01 1F] [08] [93] [25] [93] [C4]
  121. </TD></TR></TABLE>
  122. <BR>
  124. <TR><TD VALIGN="TOP">Algebraic form:</TD>
  125. <TD>sum (sqrt (1 + x), x, 0, a) (where <I>sum</I> is actually the capital sigma)</TD></TR>
  126. <TR><TD VALIGN="TOP">RPN form:</TD>
  127. <TD>a 0 x x 1 + sqrt sum</TD></TR>
  128. <TR><TD VALIGN="TOP">Sequence&nbsp;of&nbsp;bytes:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD>
  129. <TD>[0B] [00 1F] [08] [08] [01 01 1F] [8B] [51] [BA]
  130. </TD></TR></TABLE>
  131. <BR>
  133. <TR><TD VALIGN="TOP">Algebraic form:</TD>
  134. <TD>a + b + a - b + (a + b) * (a - b) -&gt; a</TD></TR>
  135. <TR><TD VALIGN="TOP">RPN form:</TD>
  136. <TD>a b + a + b - a b + a b - * + a -&gt;</TD></TR>
  137. <TR><TD VALIGN="TOP">Sequence&nbsp;of&nbsp;bytes:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD>
  138. <TD>[0B] [0C] [8B] [0B] [8B] [0C] [8D] [0B] [0C] [8B] [0B] [0C] [8D] [8F] [8B] [0B] [80]
  139. </TD></TR></TABLE>
  140. <BR>
  142. <TR><TD VALIGN="TOP">Algebraic form:</TD>
  143. <TD>{{1, 2}, {3, 4}}</TD></TR>
  144. <TR><TD VALIGN="TOP">RPN form:</TD>
  146. <TR><TD VALIGN="TOP">Sequence&nbsp;of&nbsp;bytes:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD>
  147. <TD>[E5] [E5] [04 01 1F] [03 01 1F] [D9] [E5] [02 01 1F] [01 01 1F] [D9] [D9]
  148. </TD></TR></TABLE>
  149. <BR>
  151. <TR><TD VALIGN="TOP">Algebraic form:</TD>
  152. <TD>my_func (a, b, c)</TD></TR>
  153. <TR><TD VALIGN="TOP">RPN form:</TD>
  154. <TD>END_TAG c b a my_func USERFUNC_TAG</TD></TR>
  155. <TR><TD VALIGN="TOP">Sequence&nbsp;of&nbsp;bytes:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</TD>
  156. <TD>[E5] [0D] [0C] [0B] [00 6D 79 5F 66 75 6E 63 00] [DA]
  157. </TD></TR></TABLE>
  158. <BR>
  159. To perform some algebraic transformations on more unique way, expressions should be
  160. transformed into an equivalent form called "internal canonic form". In such form,
  161. for example, all constants are always in front of variables, e.g. <CODE>'x*3'</CODE> and
  162. <CODE>'x+3'</CODE> becomes <CODE>'3*x'</CODE> and <CODE>'3+x'</CODE> (although
  163. the second example will be printed as <CODE>'x+3'</CODE>). Also, expressions like <CODE>'x/y'</CODE> or
  164. <CODE>'x-y'</CODE> in internal canonic form do not contain subtractions and divisions.
  165. As the parameter list (when the program is called from TI-Basic) is always in internal
  166. canonic form, such expressions will never be observed as-is in parameter lists
  167. etc. because they will be converted before passing them to the program. A lot of functions
  168. for algebraic manipulations automatically convert the expression in the internal canonic form,
  169. but when this is not true, you can always force the conversion using explicit call to
  170. <A HREF="$$LINK(push_internal_simplify)">push_internal_simplify</A> function. Note that the reverse conversion
  171. (i.e. back from the canonic form into a regular form) is performed anytime when you try to
  172. print out the expression. Here is the list of the most common transformations which appears
  173. during the transformation into the internal canonic form:
  174. <BR><BR>
  176. <TR><TD>Expression</TD><TD>Standard canonic form</TD></TR>
  177. <TR><TD>-x</TD><TD>(-1)*x</TD></TR>
  178. <TR><TD>x-y</TD><TD>x+y*(-1)</TD></TR>
  179. <TR><TD>x/y</TD><TD>x*y^(-1)</TD></TR>
  180. <TR><TD VALIGN="TOP">e^x</TD><TD>exp(x)</TD></TR>
  181. <TR><TD VALIGN="TOP">x^y</TD><TD>exp(ln(x)*y)<BR>[ <I>except when "y" is an integer or a fraction</I> ]</TD></TR>
  182. <TR><TD VALIGN="TOP">e</TD><TD>exp(1)</TD></TR>
  183. <TR><TD>sqrt(x)</TD><TD>x^(1/2)</TD></TR>
  184. <TR><TD>log(x)</TD><TD>ln(x)*(ln(10)^(-1))</TD></TR>
  185. <TR><TD VALIGN="TOP">sin(x)</TD><TD>trig(x,0)<BR>[ <I>assuming "radian" mode; for "trig" function, see <A HREF="$$LINK(Tags)">SINCOS_TAG</A></I> ]</TD></TR>
  186. <TR><TD>cos(x)</TD><TD>trig(x,1)</TD></TR>
  187. <TR><TD>tan(x)</TD><TD>trig(x,0)*trig(x,1)^(-1)</TD></TR>
  188. <TR><TD>sinh(x)</TD><TD>exp(x)*(1/2)+exp(x)^(-1)*(-1/2)</TD></TR>
  189. <TR><TD>cosh(x)</TD><TD>exp(x)*(1/2)+exp(x)^(-1)*(1/2)</TD></TR>
  190. <TR><TD>tanh(x)</TD><TD>(exp(x)^2+1)^(-1)*(exp(x)^2+(-1))</TD></TR>
  191. <TR><TD>x xor y</TD><TD>(not x and y) or (x and not y)</TD></TR>
  192. </TABLE>
  193. <BR>
  194. Mode dependent calculations are performed by converting expressions to a specific format,
  195. i.e. for trigonometric functions all values are converted to radians before passing them to
  196. radian trigonometric functions.
  197. <BR><BR>
  198. A variable may consist of multiple expressions, these are separated by several
  199. special quanta: <A HREF="$$LINK(Tags)">NEXTEXPR_TAG</A> and <A HREF="$$LINK(Tags)">NEWLINE_TAG</A>.
  200. The last expression is marked with <A HREF="$$LINK(Tags)">ENDSTACK_TAG</A>.
  202. <BR><BR>
  203. If everything mentioned above is not so clear for you, compile and run the following example
  204. (called "Print EStack"):
  205. $$EXAMPLE(Print EStack.c)
  206. Run this program in VTI and pass to it parameters as you want. top_estack will be shown
  207. on the screen. During waiting for a keypress, enter the debugger and look at the addresses
  208. shown, to see how parameters are stored.
  209. [References]
  210. In=can_be_approxed, check_estack_size, compare_complex_magnitudes, delete_between, deleted_between, did_push_cnvrt_Float_to_integer, index_below_display_expression_aux, is_antisymmetric, is_symmetric, map_tail, map_tail_Int, next_expression_index, NG_graphESI, Parse2DExpr, Parse2DMultiExpr, push_between, push_expr_quantum, push_expr2_quantum, push_Float, push_Float_to_nonneg_int, push_Float_to_rat, push_internal_simplify, push_offset_array, push_parse_text, push_quantum, push_quantum_pair, push_round_Float, push_transpose_aux, push_ushort_to_integer, reset_estack_size, should_and_did_push_approx_arg2, TokenizeSymName, alloc.h/HeapAllocESTACK, args.h/ArgCount, args.h/EX_getArg, args.h/InitArgPtr, bascmd.h/cmd_blddata, bascmd.h/cmd_circle, bascmd.h/cmd_custom, bascmd.h/cmd_dialog, bascmd.h/cmd_disp, bascmd.h/cmd_drawfunc, bascmd.h/cmd_drawinv, bascmd.h/cmd_drawparm, bascmd.h/cmd_drawpol, bascmd.h/cmd_endfor, bascmd.h/cmd_endwhile, bascmd.h/cmd_fill, bascmd.h/cmd_for, bascmd.h/cmd_get, bascmd.h/cmd_if, bascmd.h/cmd_ifthen, bascmd.h/cmd_input, bascmd.h/cmd_inputstr, bascmd.h/cmd_linetan, bascmd.h/cmd_local, bascmd.h/cmd_newdata, bascmd.h/cmd_newplot, bascmd.h/cmd_output, bascmd.h/cmd_passerr, bascmd.h/cmd_pause, bascmd.h/cmd_popup, bascmd.h/cmd_prompt, bascmd.h/cmd_randseed, bascmd.h/cmd_request, bascmd.h/cmd_shade, bascmd.h/cmd_sinreg, bascmd.h/cmd_slpline, bascmd.h/cmd_sorta, bascmd.h/cmd_sortd, bascmd.h/cmd_toolbar, bascmd.h/cmd_try, bascmd.h/cmd_while, basfunc.h/did_push_anti_deriv, basfunc.h/did_push_series, basfunc.h/push_1st_derivative, basfunc.h/push_abs, basfunc.h/push_acos, basfunc.h/push_acosh, basfunc.h/push_asin, basfunc.h/push_asinh, basfunc.h/push_atan, basfunc.h/push_atanh, basfunc.h/push_ceiling, basfunc.h/push_coldim, basfunc.h/push_colnorm, basfunc.h/push_comb, basfunc.h/push_comdenom, basfunc.h/push_conj, basfunc.h/push_cosh, basfunc.h/push_cross_product, basfunc.h/push_csolve, basfunc.h/push_cumsum, basfunc.h/push_czeros, basfunc.h/push_def_int, basfunc.h/push_denominator, basfunc.h/push_desolve, basfunc.h/push_determinant, basfunc.h/push_diag, basfunc.h/push_dimension, basfunc.h/push_dotproduct, basfunc.h/push_eigvc, basfunc.h/push_eigvl, basfunc.h/push_exp, basfunc.h/push_expand, basfunc.h/push_extended_prod, basfunc.h/push_factor, basfunc.h/push_floor, basfunc.h/push_fractional_part, basfunc.h/push_gcd_numbers, basfunc.h/push_im, basfunc.h/push_integer_lcm, basfunc.h/push_integer_part, basfunc.h/push_integer_quotient, basfunc.h/push_integer_remainder, basfunc.h/push_is_prime, basfunc.h/push_left, basfunc.h/push_lim, basfunc.h/push_list_to_mat, basfunc.h/push_ln, basfunc.h/push_log10, basfunc.h/push_matnorm, basfunc.h/push_max, basfunc.h/push_max1, basfunc.h/push_max2, basfunc.h/push_mean, basfunc.h/push_median, basfunc.h/push_mid, basfunc.h/push_min, basfunc.h/push_min1, basfunc.h/push_min2, basfunc.h/push_mod, basfunc.h/push_mrowadd, basfunc.h/push_nint, basfunc.h/push_nsolve, basfunc.h/push_nth_derivative, basfunc.h/push_numerator, basfunc.h/push_part, basfunc.h/push_perm, basfunc.h/push_phase, basfunc.h/push_pttest, basfunc.h/push_pxltest, basfunc.h/push_r_cis, basfunc.h/push_rand, basfunc.h/push_randmat, basfunc.h/push_randnorm, basfunc.h/push_randpoly, basfunc.h/push_re, basfunc.h/push_rec_to_angle, basfunc.h/push_red_row_ech, basfunc.h/push_right, basfunc.h/push_rotate, basfunc.h/push_round, basfunc.h/push_row_echelon, basfunc.h/push_rowadd, basfunc.h/push_rowdim, basfunc.h/push_rownorm, basfunc.h/push_rowswap, basfunc.h/push_sequence, basfunc.h/push_shift, basfunc.h/push_sign, basfunc.h/push_simult, basfunc.h/push_sin2, basfunc.h/push_sinh, basfunc.h/push_solve, basfunc.h/push_stddev, basfunc.h/push_str_to_expr, basfunc.h/push_string, basfunc.h/push_submat, basfunc.h/push_summation, basfunc.h/push_switch, basfunc.h/push_tan, basfunc.h/push_tanh, basfunc.h/push_unitv, basfunc.h/push_variance, basfunc.h/push_when, basfunc.h/push_zeros, basop.h/did_push_to_polar, basop.h/push_and, basop.h/push_assignment, basop.h/push_degrees, basop.h/push_dot_exponentiate, basop.h/push_equals, basop.h/push_exponentiate, basop.h/push_factorial, basop.h/push_greater_than, basop.h/push_greater_than_or_equals, basop.h/push_indir_name, basop.h/push_less_than, basop.h/push_less_than_or_equals, basop.h/push_list_plus, basop.h/push_list_times, basop.h/push_matrix_product, basop.h/push_negate, basop.h/push_not, basop.h/push_not_equals, basop.h/push_or, basop.h/push_product, basop.h/push_radians, basop.h/push_ratio, basop.h/push_substitute_no_simplify, basop.h/push_substitute_simplify, basop.h/push_substitute_using_such_that, basop.h/push_sum, basop.h/push_to_cylin, basop.h/push_to_sphere, dialogs.h/VarNew, dialogs.h/VarOpen, dialogs.h/VarSaveAs, events.h/EV_defaultHandler, events.h/handleRclKey, events.h/handleVarLinkKey, gdraw.h/GR3_paint3d, gdraw.h/GR3_xyToWindow, homescr.h/HomeExecute, homescr.h/HomePushEStack, homescr.h/HS_popEStack, link.h/getcalc, link.h/OSLinkCmd, link.h/sendcalc, timath.h/atof, add_to_top, and_onto_top, unknown.h/are_units_consistent, unknown.h/compare_numbers, unknown.h/cpt_gr_fun, unknown.h/cpt_gr_param, unknown.h/cpt_gr_polar, unknown.h/de_initRes, unknown.h/de_loop, unknown.h/did_map_aggregate_arg, unknown.h/did_push_approx_inflection_point, unknown.h/did_push_divide_units, unknown.h/did_push_lincf, unknown.h/divide_top, unknown.h/dv_create_graph_titles, unknown.h/EQU_getNameInfo, unknown.h/ForceFloat, unknown.h/get_lb, unknown.h/get_list_indices, unknown.h/get_matrix_indices, unknown.h/get_ub, unknown.h/GetStatValue, unknown.h/GM_Derivative, unknown.h/GM_DistArc, unknown.h/GM_Inflection, unknown.h/GM_Integrate, unknown.h/GM_Intersect, unknown.h/GM_Math1, unknown.h/GM_TanLine, unknown.h/gr_ck_solvergraph, unknown.h/gr_execute_de, unknown.h/gr_execute_seq, unknown.h/GR_Pan, unknown.h/GR3_addContours, unknown.h/GraphOrTableCmd, unknown.h/GT_CalcDepVals, unknown.h/GT_PrintCursor, unknown.h/has_different_variable, unknown.h/index_if_pushed_binomial_info, unknown.h/index_if_pushed_qquad_info, unknown.h/InitDEMem, unknown.h/InitTimeSeq, unknown.h/is_equivalent_to, estack.h/is_negative, estack.h/is_never0, estack.h/is_nonnegative, estack.h/is_nonpositive, estack.h/is_positive, unknown.h/is_real, unknown.h/is_term_improper, unknown.h/or_onto_top, unknown.h/push_auto_units_conversion, unknown.h/push_but_factor, unknown.h/push_but_term, unknown.h/push_constant_factors, unknown.h/push_constant_terms, unknown.h/push_dependent_factors, unknown.h/push_dependent_terms, basfunc.h/push_div_dif_1c, basfunc.h/push_div_dif_1f, unknown.h/push_float_qr_fact, unknown.h/push_format, unknown.h/push_gcd_then_cofactors, unknown.h/push_independent_factors, unknown.h/push_independent_terms, unknown.h/push_lu_fact, unknown.h/push_make_proper, unknown.h/push_minus_recip_of_quantum, unknown.h/push_mrow_aux, unknown.h/push_negate_quantum_as_negint, unknown.h/push_nonconstant_factors, unknown.h/push_nonconstant_terms, unknown.h/push_nonnumeric_factors, unknown.h/push_parse_prgm_or_func_text, unknown.h/push_pi_on_quantum, unknown.h/push_poly_deg_in_var_or_kernel, unknown.h/push_poly_qr, unknown.h/push_quantum_as_nonnegative_int, unknown.h/push_quantum_pair_as_pos_frac, unknown.h/push_reciprocal, unknown.h/push_reciprocal_of_quantum, push_simplify, unknown.h/push_simplify_statements, unknown.h/push_sq_matrix_to_whole_number, unknown.h/push_standardize, unknown.h/push_symbolic_qr_fact, unknown.h/push_trig, unknown.h/push_user_func, unknown.h/push_var, unknown.h/push_zero_partial_column, unknown.h/raise_to_top, unknown.h/Regraph, unknown.h/replace_top_with_post_simplified, unknown.h/replace_top_with_reciprocal, unknown.h/replace_top2_with_and, unknown.h/replace_top2_with_imre, unknown.h/replace_top2_with_or, unknown.h/replace_top2_with_pow, unknown.h/replace_top2_with_prod, unknown.h/replace_top2_with_ratio, unknown.h/replace_top2_with_sum, unknown.h/run_one_seq, unknown.h/seqWebInit, unknown.h/setup_unit_system, unknown.h/SP_Define, unknown.h/spike_geo_titles, unknown.h/spike_in_editor, unknown.h/spike_optionD, unknown.h/spike_titles_in_editor, unknown.h/store_func_def, unknown.h/store_to_subscripted_element, subtract_from_top, unknown.h/time_loop, unknown.h/times_top, unknown.h/tokenize_if_TI_92_or_text, unknown.h/TokenizeName, unknown.h/VarStoreLink, vat.h/FolderDel, vat.h/FolderRename, vat.h/HSymDel, vat.h/SymFindFolderName, vat.h/VarRecall, unknown.h/_ROM_CALL_45B, unknown.h/_ROM_CALL_468, unknown.h/_ROM_CALL_46F, unknown.h/_ROM_CALL_47F, unknown.h/_ROM_CALL_480, unknown.h/_ROM_CALL_484, unknown.h/_ROM_CALL_485, unknown.h/_ROM_CALL_48D, unknown.h/_ROM_CALL_494, unknown.h/_ROM_CALL_495, unknown.h/_ROM_CALL_4C2, unknown.h/_ROM_CALL_4C6, unknown.h/_ROM_CALL_4C7, unknown.h/_ROM_CALL_4D1, unknown.h/_ROM_CALL_4E6, unknown.h/_ROM_CALL_4EC, unknown.h/_ROM_CALL_4ED, unknown.h/_ROM_CALL_4F2, unknown.h/_ROM_CALL_5F1, unknown.h/_ROM_CALL_606