[Main] Title=Recompiling ld-tigcc and ar-tigcc [Top] Recompiling ld-tigcc and ar-tigcc (or the corresponding link DLL) from source may be useful if you want to make the linker as efficient as possible by disabling certain features. Recompilation requires GCC and GNU make. If you are using Linux, you may simply run make in the source code directory; the same is probably true for other Unix variants. If you are using Windows, you need to download MSYS or make some minor modifications to the makefile.

If you only want to disable some features, you can take a look at the definitions in the makefile (the file called Makefile). The DEFINES variable contains the general features to be included; EXE_DEFINES contains the features that should only be included in the executable files (not in the DLL). All available definitions are documented at the top of generic.h.

For example, if you want to disable support for the AmigaOS files generated by the A68k Assembler, you may simply remove the '-DAMIGAOS_SUPPORT' definition from the DEFINES variable. Note that some combinations are invalid; for example, if you disable support for all object file formats, you will get a "file format not recognized" error whenever you try to link some files.