unit SourceFileUnit; interface uses FolderUnit, Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, MemoComponentUnit, SourceEditUnit; type TSourceFile = class; TSourceFileType = (ftCFile, ftGNUAsmFile, ftA68kAsmFile, ftQuillFile, ftOther); TBugType = (btError, btWarning, btInfo); TErrorCallback = procedure(const Line: string; BugTp: TBugType; SourceF: string; ErrFunc: string; ErrMessage: string; SourceLn: Integer; Offset: Integer) of object; TSourceFileFunction = record Name: string; PrototypeLine, ImplementationLine: Integer; end; TSourceFileFunctions = array of TSourceFileFunction; PSourceFileFunctions = ^TSourceFileFunctions; TSourceFileClass = class of TSourceFile; TSourceFiles = class(TCollection) public constructor Create; function FindFile(const FN: string): TSourceFile; function FindFileWithoutExt(const FN: string): TSourceFile; function FindFileNameOnly(const FN: string): TSourceFile; function FindFileOfType(FileType: TSourceFileClass): TSourceFile; function FindFileOfTypeInProject(FileType: TSourceFileClass): TSourceFile; end; TSourceFile = class(TCollectionItem) private FFileName: string; FParentForm: TForm; FTreeItem: TTreeNode; FInvalidated: Boolean; FOnError: TErrorCallback; FErrorList: TListView; FModified: Boolean; FFolder: TFolder; function GetSourceName: string; procedure SetSourceName(const Value: string); function GetEditing: Boolean; function GetDynamicName: string; procedure SetEditing(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetCaption(const Value: TCaption); function GetCaption: TCaption; function GetLogicalFileName: string; function GetFolderPath: string; protected Modifying: Boolean; FLastChangeTime: Integer; class function GetCompilable: Boolean; virtual; class function GetPrintable: Boolean; virtual; function GetInProject: Boolean; virtual; procedure SetFileName(const Value: string); virtual; procedure SetModified(const Value: Boolean); virtual; function GetEditor: TWinControl; virtual; procedure ProcessErrors(const ErrText: string); virtual; procedure ProcessErrorLine(Line: string); dynamic; public class function GetClassFilter: string; virtual; class function GetClassItemName: string; virtual; class function GetClassTreeIndex: Integer; virtual; class function GetClassImageIndex: Integer; virtual; destructor Destroy; override; class function GetAppropriateClassFromName(ItemNm: string): TSourceFileClass; class function GetAppropriateClassFromExt(Ext: string): TSourceFileClass; class function GetAppropriateClassFromTreeIndex(Index: Integer): TSourceFileClass; procedure WriteToFile(const FN: string = ''; SetFN: Boolean = False); virtual; procedure LoadFromFile(const FN: string = ''; SetFN: Boolean = False); virtual; procedure Save; virtual; procedure SaveAs; virtual; class function CanSave: Boolean; virtual; procedure Compile; virtual; procedure Print(Copies: Integer; PrintRange: TPrintRange; FromPage, ToPage: Integer); virtual; function CountPages: Integer; virtual; procedure Modify; procedure WarnIfModified; procedure Invalidate; procedure Edit; virtual; procedure TestChange; virtual; procedure UpdateProgramOutput; virtual; property ClassFilter: string read GetClassFilter; property ClassItemName: string read GetClassItemName; property ClassTreeIndex: Integer read GetClassTreeIndex; property ClassImageIndex: Integer read GetClassImageIndex; property Compilable: Boolean read GetCompilable; property Printable: Boolean read GetPrintable; property InProject: Boolean read GetInProject; property Editor: TWinControl read GetEditor; property SourceName: string read GetSourceName write SetSourceName; property DynamicName: string read GetDynamicName; published property FileName: string read FFileName write SetFileName; property Editing: Boolean read GetEditing write SetEditing; property Modified: Boolean read FModified write SetModified; property Invalidated: Boolean read FInvalidated write FInvalidated; property TreeItem: TTreeNode read FTreeItem write FTreeItem; property ParentForm: TForm read FParentForm write FParentForm; property ErrorList: TListView read FErrorList write FErrorList; property Caption: TCaption read GetCaption write SetCaption; property OnError: TErrorCallback read FOnError write FOnError; property Folder: TFolder read FFolder write FFolder; property FolderPath: string read GetFolderPath; property LogicalFileName: string read GetLogicalFileName; end; TTextSourceFile = class(TSourceFile) private FModifyLevel: Integer; protected LineStartList: TIntegerList; FTempContent: string; class function GetPrintable: Boolean; override; function GetEditor: TWinControl; override; function GetTextEditor: TMemoComponent; virtual; abstract; function GetInternalTextEditor: TMemoComponent; virtual; abstract; function GetContent: string; virtual; procedure SetContent(const Value: string); virtual; procedure SetModified(const Value: Boolean); override; procedure Change(Sender: TObject); virtual; procedure ReplaceText(Sender: TObject; Pos, Change: Integer); virtual; procedure SetParentForm(const Value: TForm); virtual; property InternalTextEditor: TMemoComponent read GetInternalTextEditor; public destructor Destroy; override; procedure WriteToFile(const FN: string = ''; SetFN: Boolean = False); override; procedure LoadFromFile(const FN: string = ''; SetFN: Boolean = False); override; procedure Print(Copies: Integer; PrintRange: TPrintRange; FromPage, ToPage: Integer); override; function CountPages: Integer; override; procedure TestChange; override; procedure AskForReload; virtual; procedure UpdateEditor; virtual; function GetLineContents(StartLine, EndLine: Integer): string; function GetCompiledLineStart(Line: Integer): Integer; virtual; property TextEditor: TMemoComponent read GetTextEditor; property Content: string read GetContent write SetContent; end; TBinarySourceFile = class(TSourceFile) public class function CanSave: Boolean; override; procedure WriteToFile(const FN: string = ''; SetFN: Boolean = False); override; end; TNormalTextSourceFile = class(TTextSourceFile) private FEditor: TMemoComponent; protected function GetTextEditor: TMemoComponent; override; function GetInternalTextEditor: TMemoComponent; override; public class function GetClassFilter: string; override; class function GetClassItemName: string; override; class function GetClassTreeIndex: Integer; override; class function GetClassImageIndex: Integer; override; destructor Destroy; override; end; TSourceTextSourceFile = class(TTextSourceFile) private FEditor: TSourceEdit; function GetSourceEditor: TSourceEdit; protected function GetTextEditor: TMemoComponent; override; function GetInternalTextEditor: TMemoComponent; override; function GetContentType: TSourceFileType; virtual; property InternalSourceEditor: TSourceEdit read FEditor; public destructor Destroy; override; procedure UpdateSyntax; virtual; abstract; procedure UpdateEditor; override; procedure SplitAndWriteToFile(const FN: string); virtual; function GetFunctions: TSourceFileFunctions; virtual; property SourceEditor: TSourceEdit read GetSourceEditor; property ContentType: TSourceFileType read GetContentType; end; THeaderSourceFile = class(TSourceTextSourceFile) protected procedure SetContent(const Value: string); override; procedure SetModified(const Value: Boolean); override; function GetContentType: TSourceFileType; override; public class function GetClassFilter: string; override; class function GetClassItemName: string; override; class function GetClassTreeIndex: Integer; override; class function GetClassImageIndex: Integer; override; procedure UpdateSyntax; override; procedure UpdateEditor; override; procedure UpdateContentType(CT: TSourceFileType); virtual; end; TCSourceFile = class(TSourceTextSourceFile) private FSFileChangedLines: TIntegerList; FSFileLineChanges: TIntegerList; protected CurErrFunction: string; InAssemblingState: Boolean; SpecialSwitches: string; class function GetCompilable: Boolean; override; procedure SetModified(const Value: Boolean); override; function GetContentType: TSourceFileType; override; procedure SFileLineChange(StartLine, Change: Integer); procedure SFileMapLine(var Line: Integer); procedure SFileClear; procedure ProcessErrorLine(Line: string); override; procedure ProcessSFile(const SourceFile, DestFile: string); public destructor Destroy; override; class function GetClassFilter: string; override; class function GetClassItemName: string; override; class function GetClassTreeIndex: Integer; override; class function GetClassImageIndex: Integer; override; procedure Save; override; procedure Compile; override; procedure UpdateSyntax; override; procedure UpdateEditor; override; end; TGNUAsmSourceFile = class(TSourceTextSourceFile) protected class function GetCompilable: Boolean; override; procedure SetModified(const Value: Boolean); override; function GetContentType: TSourceFileType; override; procedure ProcessErrorLine(Line: string); override; public class function GetClassFilter: string; override; class function GetClassItemName: string; override; class function GetClassTreeIndex: Integer; override; class function GetClassImageIndex: Integer; override; procedure Save; override; procedure Compile; override; procedure UpdateSyntax; override; procedure UpdateEditor; override; end; TAsmSourceFile = class(TSourceTextSourceFile) protected class function GetCompilable: Boolean; override; procedure SetModified(const Value: Boolean); override; function GetContentType: TSourceFileType; override; public class function GetClassFilter: string; override; class function GetClassItemName: string; override; class function GetClassTreeIndex: Integer; override; class function GetClassImageIndex: Integer; override; procedure Save; override; procedure Compile; override; procedure UpdateSyntax; override; procedure UpdateEditor; override; end; TQuillSourceFile = class(TCSourceFile) protected function GetContentType: TSourceFileType; override; public class function GetClassFilter: string; override; class function GetClassItemName: string; override; class function GetClassTreeIndex: Integer; override; class function GetClassImageIndex: Integer; override; procedure Compile; override; procedure UpdateSyntax; override; end; TObjectSourceFile = class(TBinarySourceFile) public class function GetClassFilter: string; override; class function GetClassItemName: string; override; class function GetClassTreeIndex: Integer; override; class function GetClassImageIndex: Integer; override; end; TArchiveSourceFile = class(TBinarySourceFile) public class function GetClassFilter: string; override; class function GetClassItemName: string; override; class function GetClassTreeIndex: Integer; override; class function GetClassImageIndex: Integer; override; end; TOtherSourceFile = class(TBinarySourceFile) public class function GetClassFilter: string; override; class function GetClassItemName: string; override; class function GetClassTreeIndex: Integer; override; class function GetClassImageIndex: Integer; override; end; TFoundError = class(TObject) public WholeLine: string; BugType: TBugType; ErrFunction: string; ErrorMessage: string; SourceFile: TSourceFile; Range: TMCRange; destructor Destroy; override; procedure GoToPosition; end; var AppNode: TTreeNode; NoEditor: TWinControl; implementation uses Printers, MasterUnit, ParsingUnit, ProcessUnit, UtilsDos, UtilsWin, HandleWaitThreadUnit, FileReadToBufferThreadUnit; const CSingleSymbols: set of Char = [',', ';', '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}']; AdditionalLinesPerPage = 4; { TFoundError } destructor TFoundError.Destroy; begin if Assigned (Range) then begin Range.Free; Range := nil; end; inherited; end; procedure TFoundError.GoToPosition; begin if Assigned (SourceFile) then begin with SourceFile do begin if Assigned (Editor) then begin Edit; if SourceFile is TSourceTextSourceFile then with SourceFile as TSourceTextSourceFile do with SourceEditor do begin if Assigned (Range) then begin with Selection do begin Assign (Range); ScrollInView (5); end; SetFocus; end; end; end; end; end else AppNode.Selected := True; end; { TSourceFiles } constructor TSourceFiles.Create; begin inherited Create (TSourceFile); end; function TSourceFiles.FindFile(const FN: string): TSourceFile; var I: Integer; begin Result := nil; for I := 0 to Count - 1 do with Items [I] as TSourceFile do if UpperCase (FN) = UpperCase (FileName) then begin Result := Items [I] as TSourceFile; Break; end; end; function TSourceFiles.FindFileNameOnly(const FN: string): TSourceFile; var I: Integer; begin Result := nil; for I := 0 to Count - 1 do with Items [I] as TSourceFile do if UpperCase (FN) = UpperCase (ExtractFileName (FileName)) then begin Result := Items [I] as TSourceFile; Break; end; end; function TSourceFiles.FindFileOfType(FileType: TSourceFileClass): TSourceFile; var I: Integer; begin Result := nil; for I := 0 to Count - 1 do if Items [I] is FileType then begin Result := Items [I] as TSourceFile; Break; end; end; function TSourceFiles.FindFileOfTypeInProject(FileType: TSourceFileClass): TSourceFile; var I: Integer; begin Result := nil; for I := 0 to Count - 1 do if (Items [I] is FileType) and (Items [I] as TSourceFile).InProject then begin Result := Items [I] as TSourceFile; Break; end; end; function TSourceFiles.FindFileWithoutExt(const FN: string): TSourceFile; var I: Integer; begin Result := nil; for I := 0 to Count - 1 do with Items [I] as TSourceFile do if UpperCase (FN) = UpperCase (WithoutExt (FileName)) then begin Result := Items [I] as TSourceFile; Break; end; end; { TSourceFile } class function TSourceFile.CanSave: Boolean; begin Result := True; end; procedure TSourceFile.Compile; begin end; function TSourceFile.CountPages: Integer; begin Result := 0; end; destructor TSourceFile.Destroy; var I: Integer; F: TForm; N: TTreeNode; begin if Assigned (ErrorList) then with ErrorList.Items do begin BeginUpdate; for I := Count - 1 downto 0 do if Assigned (Item[I].Data) then with TFoundError (Item[I].Data) do if SourceFile = Self then begin Range := nil; Item[I].Delete; end; EndUpdate; end; if Assigned (OnError) then OnError ('', btWarning, FileName, '', '', 0, 0); if Assigned (ParentForm) then begin F := ParentForm; ParentForm := nil; F.Free; end; if Assigned (TreeItem) then begin N := TreeItem; TreeItem := nil; N.Data := nil; N.Free; end; inherited; end; procedure TSourceFile.Edit; begin if Assigned (TreeItem) then TreeItem.Selected := True else if Assigned (ParentForm) then begin ParentForm.Show; ParentForm.SetFocus; end; end; class function TSourceFile.GetAppropriateClassFromExt(Ext: string): TSourceFileClass; begin Ext := LowerCase (Ext); if (Length (Ext) > 0) and (Ext [1] <> '.') then Ext := '.' + Ext; if Ext = '.h' then Result := THeaderSourceFile else if Ext = '.c' then Result := TCSourceFile else if Ext = '.s' then Result := TGNUAsmSourceFile else if Ext = '.asm' then begin if ssA68k in SpecialSupport then Result := TAsmSourceFile else Result := TGNUAsmSourceFile; end else if (Ext = '.qll') and (ssQuill in SpecialSupport) then Result := TQuillSourceFile else if Ext = '.o' then Result := TObjectSourceFile else if Ext = '.a' then Result := TArchiveSourceFile else if Ext = '.txt' then Result := TNormalTextSourceFile else Result := TOtherSourceFile; end; class function TSourceFile.GetAppropriateClassFromName(ItemNm: string): TSourceFileClass; procedure CheckClass(AClass: TSourceFileClass); begin if (not Assigned (Result)) and (ItemNm = UpperCase (AClass.GetClassItemName)) then Result := AClass; end; begin ItemNm := UpperCase (ItemNm); Result := nil; CheckClass (THeaderSourceFile); CheckClass (TCSourceFile); CheckClass (TGNUAsmSourceFile); CheckClass (TAsmSourceFile); CheckClass (TQuillSourceFile); CheckClass (TObjectSourceFile); CheckClass (TArchiveSourceFile); CheckClass (TNormalTextSourceFile); CheckClass (TOtherSourceFile); if (Result = TAsmSourceFile) and (not (ssA68k in SpecialSupport)) then Result := TGNUAsmSourceFile else if (Result = TQuillSourceFile) and (not (ssQuill in SpecialSupport)) then Result := TQuillSourceFile; end; class function TSourceFile.GetAppropriateClassFromTreeIndex(Index: Integer): TSourceFileClass; procedure CheckClass(AClass: TSourceFileClass); begin if (not Assigned (Result)) and (Index = AClass.GetClassTreeIndex) then Result := AClass; end; begin Result := nil; CheckClass (THeaderSourceFile); CheckClass (TCSourceFile); CheckClass (TGNUAsmSourceFile); if ssA68k in SpecialSupport then CheckClass (TAsmSourceFile); if ssQuill in SpecialSupport then CheckClass (TQuillSourceFile); CheckClass (TObjectSourceFile); CheckClass (TArchiveSourceFile); CheckClass (TNormalTextSourceFile); CheckClass (TOtherSourceFile); end; function TSourceFile.GetCaption: TCaption; begin if Assigned (TreeItem) then Result := TreeItem.Text else if Assigned (ParentForm) then Result := ParentForm.Caption else Result := ''; end; class function TSourceFile.GetClassFilter: string; begin Result := 'Abstract Files (*.*)|*.*'; end; class function TSourceFile.GetClassImageIndex: Integer; begin Result := -1; end; class function TSourceFile.GetClassItemName: string; begin Result := 'Abstract File'; end; class function TSourceFile.GetClassTreeIndex: Integer; begin Result := -1; end; class function TSourceFile.GetCompilable: Boolean; begin Result := False; end; function TSourceFile.GetDynamicName: string; var S: string; begin S := ExtractFilePath (FileName); if StartsWith (ExtractFilePath (ProjectFileName), S) then Result := Copy (FileName, Length (ExtractFilePath (ProjectFileName)) + 1, Length (FileName)) else Result := FileName; end; function TSourceFile.GetEditing: Boolean; begin if Assigned (TreeItem) then Result := TreeItem.Selected else if Assigned (ParentForm) then Result := ParentForm.Visible else Result := False; end; function TSourceFile.GetEditor: TWinControl; begin if Assigned (TreeItem) then Result := NoEditor else Result := nil; end; function TSourceFile.GetFolderPath: string; begin if Assigned (Folder) then Result := Folder.Path else Result := ''; end; function TSourceFile.GetInProject: Boolean; begin Result := Assigned (TreeItem); end; function TSourceFile.GetLogicalFileName: string; var Path: string; begin Result := ExtractFileName (FileName); Path := FolderPath; if Length (Path) > 0 then Result := WithBackslash (Path) + Result; end; class function TSourceFile.GetPrintable: Boolean; begin Result := False; end; function TSourceFile.GetSourceName: string; begin Result := WithoutExt (ExtractFileName (FileName)); end; procedure TSourceFile.Invalidate; begin Invalidated := True; end; procedure TSourceFile.LoadFromFile(const FN: string; SetFN: Boolean); begin if SetFN and (Length (FN) > 0) then FFileName := FN; Modified := False; end; procedure TSourceFile.Modify; begin Modified := True; Invalidate; end; procedure TSourceFile.Print(Copies: Integer; PrintRange: TPrintRange; FromPage, ToPage: Integer); begin end; procedure TSourceFile.ProcessErrorLine(Line: string); begin end; procedure TSourceFile.ProcessErrors(const ErrText: string); var I: Integer; LL: TStringList; begin UpdateProgramOutput; if not OperationCancelled then begin LL := TStringList.Create; with LL do try Text := ErrText; if Count > 0 then begin if Assigned (ErrorList) then ErrorList.Items.BeginUpdate; try for I := 0 to Count - 1 do ProcessErrorLine (Strings [I]); finally if Assigned (ErrorList) then ErrorList.Items.EndUpdate; end; end; except end; LL.Free; CompUpdate; end; end; procedure TSourceFile.Save; begin if (ProjectFileName = '') and (ExtractFilePath (FileName) = 'C:\') then SaveAs else begin FLastChangeTime := 0; WriteToFile; Modified := False; end; end; procedure TSourceFile.SaveAs; var S: string; begin with TSaveDialog.Create (Application.MainForm) do try Title := 'Save Source File'; S := ClassFilter + '|All Files (*.*)|*.*'; if S [1] = '|' then Delete (S, 1, 1); Filter := S; FilterIndex := 0; DefaultExt := Copy (ExtractFileExt (Self.FileName), 2, Length (Self.FileName)); FileName := Self.FileName; Options := [ofOverwritePrompt, ofHideReadOnly, ofPathMustExist]; if Execute then WriteToFile (FileName, True) else Abort; finally Free; end; end; procedure TSourceFile.SetCaption(const Value: TCaption); begin if Value <> Caption then begin if Assigned (TreeItem) then TreeItem.Text := Value; if Assigned (ParentForm) then ParentForm.Caption := Value; end; end; procedure TSourceFile.SetEditing(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value then Edit else AppNode.Selected := True; end; procedure TSourceFile.SetFileName(const Value: string); begin if FFileName <> Value then begin if FileExists (Value) then raise EWriteError.Create ('The file "' + Value + '" already exists.') else if FileExists (FFileName) then begin RenameFile (FFileName, Value); if (LowerCase (ExtractFileExt (FFileName)) <> '.o') and FileExists (ChangeFileExt (FFileName, '.o')) then RenameFile (ChangeFileExt (FFileName, '.o'), ChangeFileExt (Value, '.o')); if (LowerCase (ExtractFileExt (FFileName)) <> '.s') and FileExists (ChangeFileExt (FFileName, '.s')) then RenameFile (ChangeFileExt (FFileName, '.s'), ChangeFileExt (Value, '.s')); end; FFileName := Value; end; end; procedure TSourceFile.SetModified(const Value: Boolean); begin FModified := Value; Invalidated := False; end; procedure TSourceFile.SetSourceName(const Value: string); begin FileName := WithBackslash (ExtractFilePath (FileName)) + Value + ExtractFileExt (FileName); end; procedure TSourceFile.TestChange; begin end; procedure TSourceFile.UpdateProgramOutput; begin if Assigned (CompUpdateProgramOutput) then CompUpdateProgramOutput; end; procedure TSourceFile.WarnIfModified; begin if Modified then case ShowDefaultMessageBox ('The file ''' + SourceName + ''' has been modified. Do you want to save the changes?', 'File Modified', mtQuestion, True) of idYes: Save; idNo: Modified := False; idCancel: Abort; end; end; procedure TSourceFile.WriteToFile(const FN: string; SetFN: Boolean); begin if SetFN and (Length (FN) > 0) then FFileName := FN; if SetFN or (Length (FN) <= 0) then begin FLastChangeTime := 0; Caption := SourceName; Modified := False; end; end; { TTextSourceFile } procedure TTextSourceFile.AskForReload; begin if ShowDefaultMessageBox ('The File "' + SourceName + '" has been changed by another program. Do you want to reload it?', 'File Changed', mtQuestion) = idYes then begin try LoadFromFile; except end; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TTextSourceFile.Change(Sender: TObject); begin if (FModifyLevel <= 0) and (not Modifying) then Modify; end; function TTextSourceFile.CountPages: Integer; var FontHeight, LinesPerPage: Integer; begin if Assigned (TextEditor) then begin Printer.Canvas.Font.Assign (TextEditor.Font); FontHeight := Printer.Canvas.TextHeight ('Gg'); LinesPerPage := Printer.PageHeight div FontHeight - AdditionalLinesPerPage; Result := TextEditor.LineCount div LinesPerPage + 1; end else Result := 0; end; destructor TTextSourceFile.Destroy; begin if Assigned (LineStartList) then begin LineStartList.Free; LineStartList := nil; end; inherited; end; function TTextSourceFile.GetCompiledLineStart(Line: Integer): Integer; begin if (Line > 0) and Assigned (TextEditor) then begin if Assigned (LineStartList) then with LineStartList do begin if Line >= Count then Result := TextEditor.TextLength + 1 else Result := Items [Line]; end else Result := TextEditor.CellToCharIdx (TextCell (Line, 1)); end else Result := 0; end; function TTextSourceFile.GetContent: string; begin if Assigned (InternalTextEditor) then Result := InternalTextEditor.Text else Result := FTempContent; end; function TTextSourceFile.GetEditor: TWinControl; begin Result := TextEditor; end; function TTextSourceFile.GetLineContents(StartLine, EndLine: Integer): string; var Start: Integer; begin if Assigned (TextEditor) then begin Start := GetCompiledLineStart (StartLine); Result := Copy (TextEditor.Text, Start, GetCompiledLineStart (EndLine + 1) - Start); end else Result := ''; end; class function TTextSourceFile.GetPrintable: Boolean; begin Result := True; end; procedure TTextSourceFile.LoadFromFile(const FN: string; SetFN: Boolean); begin if Assigned (InternalTextEditor) then InternalTextEditor.AllowUndo := False; Inc (FModifyLevel); try with TMemoryStream.Create do try if Length (FN) > 0 then LoadFromFile (FN) else LoadFromFile (FileName); Size := Size + 1; PChar (Memory) [Size - 1] := #0; Content := AnsiString (PChar (Memory)); finally Free; end; finally Dec (FModifyLevel); if Assigned (InternalTextEditor) then InternalTextEditor.AllowUndo := True; inherited; if Compilable then begin if FileExists (ChangeFileExt (FileName, '.o')) then Invalidated := FileAge (ChangeFileExt (FileName, '.o')) < FileAge (FileName) else Invalidated := True; end else Invalidated := False; end; end; procedure TTextSourceFile.Print(Copies: Integer; PrintRange: TPrintRange; FromPage, ToPage: Integer); var CurPage, CurPageLine, CurY, FontHeight, LinesPerPage: Integer; procedure StartPage; var PrevStyle: TFontStyles; PageStr: string; begin Inc (CurPage); if CurPage in [FromPage..ToPage] then with Printer.Canvas do begin PrevStyle := Font.Style; Font.Style := PrevStyle + [fsBold]; TextOut (0, FontHeight, ' ' + ExtractFileName (FileName)); PageStr := 'Page ' + IntToStr (CurPage) + ' '; TextOut (Printer.PageWidth - TextWidth (PageStr), FontHeight, PageStr); Font.Style := PrevStyle; end; CurY := FontHeight * 3; CurPageLine := 1; end; var Remaining, S: string; P, Ps, NextPs: Integer; begin if Assigned (TextEditor) then begin Printer.Title := 'TIGCC IDE - ' + ExtractFileName (FileName); Printer.Copies := Copies; Printer.BeginDoc; try Printer.Canvas.Font.Assign (TextEditor.Font); FontHeight := Printer.Canvas.TextHeight ('Gg'); LinesPerPage := Printer.PageHeight div FontHeight - AdditionalLinesPerPage; if PrintRange <> prPageNums then begin FromPage := 1; ToPage := High (ToPage); end; if PrintRange = prSelection then Remaining := TextEditor.Selection.Text else Remaining := Content; CurPage := 0; StartPage; while (Length (Remaining) > 0) and (CurPage <= ToPage) do begin P := Pos (#13#10, Remaining); if P <= 0 then P := Length (Remaining) + 1; S := Copy (Remaining, 1, P - 1); Delete (Remaining, 1, P + 1); Ps := 1; while Ps <= Length (S) do begin if S [Ps] = #9 then begin NextPs := ((Ps - 1) div TextEditor.TabSize + 1) * TextEditor.TabSize + 1; System.Delete (S, Ps, 1); System.Insert (StringOfChar (' ', NextPs - Ps), S, Ps); Ps := NextPs; end else Inc (Ps); end; if CurPage in [FromPage..ToPage] then Printer.Canvas.TextOut (0, CurY, ' ' + S); Inc (CurPageLine); if CurPageLine > LinesPerPage then begin if CurPage in [FromPage..(ToPage-1)] then Printer.NewPage; StartPage; end else Inc (CurY, FontHeight); end; finally Printer.EndDoc; end; end; end; procedure TTextSourceFile.ReplaceText(Sender: TObject; Pos, Change: Integer); var I, FirstChangeI, FirstChangePos: Integer; begin if Assigned (LineStartList) then with LineStartList do begin FirstChangeI := -1; FirstChangePos := -1; for I := 0 to Count - 1 do if Items [I] > Pos then begin FirstChangeI := I; FirstChangePos := Items [I]; Break; end; if FirstChangeI >= 0 then begin for I := FirstChangeI to Count - 1 do Items [I] := Items [I] + Change; for I := FirstChangeI to Count - 1 do begin if Items [I] >= FirstChangePos then Break; Items [I] := FirstChangePos; end; end; end; end; procedure TTextSourceFile.SetContent(const Value: string); begin if Assigned (InternalTextEditor) then begin with InternalTextEditor do Text := Value; end else FTempContent := Value; end; procedure TTextSourceFile.SetModified(const Value: Boolean); begin if not Modifying then begin Modifying := True; FModified := Value; Invalidated := False; Modifying := False; end; end; procedure TTextSourceFile.SetParentForm(const Value: TForm); begin inherited; if Assigned (TextEditor) then with TextEditor do begin Parent := Value; if Value <> nil then Show; end; end; procedure TTextSourceFile.TestChange; var NewTime: Integer; TimeChanged: Boolean; begin if (Length (FileName) > 0) and FileExists (FileName) then begin NewTime := FileAge (FileName); TimeChanged := (FLastChangeTime <> 0) and (FLastChangeTime <> NewTime); FLastChangeTime := NewTime; if TimeChanged then AskForReload; end; end; procedure TTextSourceFile.UpdateEditor; begin if Assigned (TextEditor) then with TextEditor do begin Color := EditorColor; Font.Assign (EditorFont); DragDropEditing := EditorDragDrop; RemoveTrailingSpaces := EditorRemoveTrSp; end; end; procedure TTextSourceFile.WriteToFile(const FN: string; SetFN: Boolean); var WriteFile: string; begin if Assigned (TextEditor) then try if Length (FN) > 0 then WriteFile := FN else WriteFile := FileName; CreatePathFor (WriteFile); with TFileStream.Create (WriteFile, fmCreate or fmShareExclusive) do try Write (PChar(TextEditor.Text)^, TextEditor.TextLength); finally Free; end; inherited; except ShowDefaultMessageBox ('Error saving source file.', 'Error', mtProgramError); end; end; { TBinarySourceFile } class function TBinarySourceFile.CanSave: Boolean; begin Result := False; end; procedure TBinarySourceFile.WriteToFile(const FN: string; SetFN: Boolean); begin if Length (FN) > 0 then CopyFile (PChar (FileName), PChar (FN), False); inherited; end; { THeaderSourceFile } class function THeaderSourceFile.GetClassFilter: string; begin Result := 'Header Files (*.h)|*.h'; end; class function THeaderSourceFile.GetClassImageIndex: Integer; begin Result := 3; end; class function THeaderSourceFile.GetClassItemName: string; begin Result := 'Header File'; end; class function THeaderSourceFile.GetClassTreeIndex: Integer; begin Result := 0; end; function THeaderSourceFile.GetContentType: TSourceFileType; begin Result := ftOther; if Content <> '' then begin if Content [1] = '/' then Result := ftCFile else if Content [1] = '|' then Result := ftGNUAsmFile else if Content [1] = ';' then Result := ftA68kAsmFile; end; if Result = ftOther then if Assigned (Collection) and (Collection is TSourceFiles) then with Collection as TSourceFiles do if Assigned (FindFileOfType (TCSourceFile)) then Result := ftCFile else if Assigned (FindFileOfType (TGNUAsmSourceFile)) then Result := ftGNUAsmFile else if Assigned (FindFileOfType (TAsmSourceFile)) then Result := ftA68kAsmFile else if Assigned (FindFileOfType (TQuillSourceFile)) then Result := ftQuillFile; end; procedure THeaderSourceFile.SetContent(const Value: string); begin if Length (Value) > 0 then begin if Value [1] = '/' then UpdateContentType (ftCFile) else if Value [1] = '|' then UpdateContentType (ftGNUAsmFile) else if Value [1] = ';' then UpdateContentType (ftA68kAsmFile); end; inherited; end; procedure THeaderSourceFile.SetModified(const Value: Boolean); begin if not Modifying then begin Modifying := True; FModified := Value; if Value then Invalidate; Modifying := False; end; end; procedure THeaderSourceFile.UpdateContentType(CT: TSourceFileType); begin if Assigned (InternalSourceEditor) then with InternalSourceEditor do begin if CT = ftGNUAsmFile then begin SyntaxColoring.Assign (SyntaxAsmGNU); TabSize := TabSizeAsm; end else if CT = ftA68kAsmFile then begin SyntaxColoring.Assign (SyntaxAsm); TabSize := TabSizeAsm; end else if CT = ftQuillFile then begin SyntaxColoring.Assign (SyntaxQuill); TabSize := TabSizeC; end else begin SyntaxColoring.Assign (SyntaxC); TabSize := TabSizeC; end; AutoIndentIncrease := AutoBlocks and (CT = ftCFile); end; end; procedure THeaderSourceFile.UpdateEditor; begin inherited; if Assigned (SourceEditor) then begin if ContentType = ftCFile then begin SourceEditor.TabSize := TabSizeC; SourceEditor.AutoIndentIncrease := AutoBlocks; end else if ContentType = ftCFile then SourceEditor.TabSize := TabSizeC else SourceEditor.TabSize := TabSizeAsm; end; end; procedure THeaderSourceFile.UpdateSyntax; begin UpdateContentType (ContentType); end; { TSourceTextSourceFile } destructor TSourceTextSourceFile.Destroy; var PrevEditor: TSourceEdit; begin if Assigned (FEditor) then begin PrevEditor := FEditor; FEditor := nil; PrevEditor.Free; end; inherited; end; function TSourceTextSourceFile.GetContentType: TSourceFileType; begin Result := ftOther; end; function TSourceTextSourceFile.GetFunctions: TSourceFileFunctions; var Editor: TSourceEdit; TextLength, I, J, CurPos, WordIndex: Integer; Text, LastWord, FirstWord: string; InFunc, InAsm, InCompSM, InSpace, LineDone: Boolean; begin SetLength (Result, 0); Editor := SourceEditor; if not Assigned (Editor) then Exit; Text := Content; TextLength := Length (Text); InFunc := False; InAsm := False; InCompSM := False; case ContentType of ftCFile: for I := 1 to Editor.LineCount do begin CurPos := Editor.CellToCharIdx (TextCell (I, 1)); if (CurPos <= TextLength) and (Text [CurPos] <> #13) and (Text [CurPos] <> '*') then begin if InCompSM and (CurPos - 3 >= 1) and (Text [CurPos - 3] <> '\') then InCompSM := False; if not InCompSM then begin if Text [CurPos] = '{' then InFunc := True; if InFunc then begin if Text [CurPos] = '}' then InFunc := False; end else begin if (Copy (Text, CurPos, 5) = 'asm("') or (Copy (Text, CurPos, 6) = 'asm ("') then InAsm := True; if InAsm then begin if Pos ('")', Copy (Text, CurPos, Editor.CellToCharIdx (TextCell (I + 1, 1)) - CurPos)) > 0 then InAsm := False; end else begin LineDone := False; LastWord := ''; WordIndex := 0; InSpace := True; while (CurPos <= TextLength) and (not LineDone) do begin case Text [CurPos] of 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '_', '$', ':': begin if InSpace and (Text [CurPos] = '_') and (Copy (Text, CurPos, Length ('__attribute__')) = '__attribute__') then begin Inc (CurPos, Length ('__attribute__')); while (CurPos <= TextLength) and (Text [CurPos] in [#32, #9]) do Inc (CurPos); if (CurPos <= TextLength) and (Text [CurPos] = '(') then begin Inc (CurPos); J := 1; while (CurPos <= TextLength) and (J > 0) do begin case Text [CurPos] of '(': Inc (J); ')': Dec (J); end; Inc (CurPos); end; end else Dec (CurPos); end else begin if InSpace then begin LastWord := ''; InSpace := False; Inc (WordIndex); end; LastWord := LastWord + Text [CurPos]; if WordIndex <= 1 then FirstWord := LastWord; end; end; #32, #9, #0, '*', '&': begin InSpace := True; if (Pos (':', LastWord) > 0) and (Pos ('::', LastWord) <= 0) then LineDone := True; end; '#': begin InCompSM := True; LineDone := True; end; else LineDone := True; end; Inc (CurPos); end; if (WordIndex >= 2) and (WordIndex <= 4) and (CurPos - 1 <= TextLength) and (Text [CurPos - 1] = '(') and (((FirstWord <> 'struct') and (FirstWord <> 'union') and (FirstWord <> 'enum')) or (WordIndex > 2)) then begin while (CurPos <= TextLength) and (Text [CurPos] <> ')') do Inc (CurPos); Inc (CurPos); if (CurPos <= TextLength) and (Text [CurPos] <> '(') then begin LineDone := (CurPos <= TextLength) and (Text [CurPos] = ';'); if not LineDone then begin J := CurPos; while (J <= TextLength) and (not (Text [J] in [';', '{', '=', #13, #10])) do Inc (J); if (J <= TextLength) and (Text [J] = ';') then LineDone := True; end; if LineDone then for J := Low (Result) to High (Result) do if Result[J].Name = LastWord then begin LineDone := False; Break; end; if LineDone then begin SetLength (Result, Length (Result) + 1); with Result [High (Result)] do begin Name := LastWord; PrototypeLine := I; ImplementationLine := 0; end; end else begin for J := Low (Result) to High (Result) do if Result[J].Name = LastWord then begin Result[J].ImplementationLine := I; InFunc := True; LineDone := True; Break; end; if not LineDone then begin while (CurPos <= TextLength) and (not (Text [CurPos] in ['{', ';', '='])) do Inc (CurPos); if (CurPos <= TextLength) and (Text [CurPos] <> '=') then begin SetLength (Result, Length (Result) + 1); with Result [High (Result)] do begin Name := LastWord; PrototypeLine := 0; ImplementationLine := I; InFunc := True; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; ftGNUAsmFile, ftA68kAsmFile: for I := 1 to Editor.LineCount do begin CurPos := Editor.CellToCharIdx (TextCell (I, 1)); LineDone := False; LastWord := ''; while (CurPos <= TextLength) and (not LineDone) do begin if Text [CurPos] in ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '_', '$'] then LastWord := LastWord + Text [CurPos] else LineDone := True; Inc (CurPos); end; if (CurPos - 1 <= TextLength) and (Text [CurPos - 1] = ':') then begin SetLength (Result, Length (Result) + 1); with Result [High (Result)] do begin Name := LastWord; PrototypeLine := 0; ImplementationLine := I; end; end; end; end; end; function TSourceTextSourceFile.GetInternalTextEditor: TMemoComponent; begin Result := FEditor; end; function TSourceTextSourceFile.GetSourceEditor: TSourceEdit; begin if not Assigned (FEditor) then begin FEditor := TSourceEdit.Create (Application.MainForm); with FEditor do begin AllowUndo := False; Text := FTempContent; end; UpdateEditor; UpdateSyntax; FTempContent := ''; with FEditor do begin OnChangePrivate := Change; OnReplaceText := ReplaceText; AllowUndo := True; end; end; Result := FEditor; end; function TSourceTextSourceFile.GetTextEditor: TMemoComponent; begin Result := SourceEditor; end; procedure TSourceTextSourceFile.SplitAndWriteToFile(const FN: string); type TCharMode = (cmNone, cmNormalText, cmNumber, cmMultiSymbol, cmString, cmChar, cmComment, cmUnchangeableLine, cmExtUnchangeableLine, cmExtUnchangeableLineString, cmTrigraph); var S: string; {$IFDEF CanSplit} C: Char; CurPos: Integer; CurMode: TCharMode; AtLineStart: Boolean; Stream: TStream; procedure InsertChar(Ch: Char); begin Stream.Write (Ch, SizeOf (Char)); end; procedure InsertString(const Str: string); begin Stream.Write (PChar(Str)^, Length (Str)); end; procedure AddLine(Offset: Integer = 0); begin LineStartList.Add (CurPos + Offset); AtLineStart := True; end; procedure NewLine; begin if (not (AtLineStart or (Copy (S, CurPos, 1) = #13))) or (Copy (S, CurPos, 1) = '#') then begin InsertString (#13#10); AddLine; end; CurMode := cmNone; end; procedure SetMultiCharMode(Mode: TCharMode); begin if CurMode <> Mode then begin NewLine; CurMode := Mode; end; end; var I: Integer; B, NoInsert: Boolean; {$ENDIF} begin try {$IFDEF CanSplit} if SplitFiles then begin case ContentType of ftCFile: begin if not Assigned (LineStartList) then LineStartList := TIntegerList.Create; LineStartList.Clear; LineStartList.Add (1); CurPos := 1; AddLine; AtLineStart := True; S := Content; CreatePathFor (FN); Stream := TFileStream.Create (FN, fmCreate or fmShareExclusive); try for CurPos := 1 to Length (S) do begin NoInsert := False; C := S [CurPos]; if C = #13 then AddLine (2); case CurMode of cmString: if (C = '"') then begin B := True; I := CurPos - 1; while (I >= 1) and ((S [I] = '\') or (Copy (S, I - 2, 3) = '??/')) do begin B := not B; if S [I] = '\' then Dec (I) else Dec (I, 3); end; if B then begin CurMode := cmNone; NoInsert := True; InsertString (C + #13#10); AtLineStart := True; AddLine (1); end; end; cmChar: if (C = '''') then begin B := True; I := CurPos - 1; while (I >= 1) and ((S [I] = '\') or (Copy (S, I - 2, 3) = '??/')) do begin B := not B; if S [I] = '\' then Dec (I) else Dec (I, 3); end; if B then CurMode := cmNone; end; cmComment: begin if (C = '/') and (S [CurPos - 1] = '*') then CurMode := cmNone; end; cmUnchangeableLine: if C = #13 then CurMode := cmNone; cmExtUnchangeableLine: if (C = #13) and (S [CurPos - 1] <> '\') then CurMode := cmNone else if C = '"' then CurMode := cmExtUnchangeableLineString; cmExtUnchangeableLineString: if (C = '"') then begin B := True; I := CurPos - 1; while (I >= 1) and ((S [I] = '\') or (Copy (S, I - 2, 3) = '??/')) do begin B := not B; if S [I] = '\' then Dec (I) else Dec (I, 3); end; if B then CurMode := cmExtUnchangeableLine; end; cmTrigraph: if (C <> '?') and ((CurPos + 1 > Length (S)) or (S [CurPos + 1] <> '?')) then CurMode := cmNone; else begin if Copy (S, CurPos, 2) = '//' then SetMultiCharMode (cmUnchangeableLine) else if Copy (S, CurPos, 2) = '/*' then SetMultiCharMode (cmComment) else if Copy (S, CurPos, 2) = '??=' then SetMultiCharMode (cmExtUnchangeableLine) else if (Copy (S, CurPos, 2) = '??') and (Length (S) >= CurPos + 2) and (S [CurPos + 2] in ['(', ')', '/', '''', '<', '>', '!', '-']) then SetMultiCharMode (cmTrigraph) else case C of #32, #9: if (CurPos > 1) and (not (S [CurPos - 1] in [#32, #9])) then NewLine; 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '_', '$': if not (CurMode in [cmNormalText, cmNumber]) then begin NewLine; if C in ['0'..'9'] then CurMode := cmNumber else CurMode := cmNormalText; end; '"': SetMultiCharMode (cmString); '''': SetMultiCharMode (cmChar); '#': if AtLineStart then SetMultiCharMode (cmExtUnchangeableLine) else SetMultiCharMode (cmMultiSymbol); '.': if CurMode <> cmNumber then begin if (Length (S) >= CurPos + 1) and (S [CurPos + 1] in ['0'..'9']) then begin NewLine; CurMode := cmNumber; end else SetMultiCharMode (cmMultiSymbol); end; '+', '-': if (CurMode <> cmNumber) or (CurPos - 1 <= 1) or (not (S [CurPos - 1] in ['e', 'E', 'p', 'P'])) then SetMultiCharMode (cmMultiSymbol); else if C in CSingleSymbols then begin if CurMode <> cmNone then begin NewLine; CurMode := cmNone; end; if (CurPos + 1 <= Length (S)) and (S [CurPos + 1] <> #13) then begin NoInsert := True; InsertString (C + #13#10); AddLine (1); end; end else SetMultiCharMode (cmMultiSymbol); end; end; end; if not NoInsert then begin InsertChar (C); if not (C in [#13, #10]) then AtLineStart := False; end; end; NewLine; finally Stream.Free; end; end; else WriteToFile (FN); end; end else {$ENDIF} begin S := Content; CreatePathFor (FN); with TFileStream.Create (FN, fmCreate or fmShareExclusive) do try Write (PChar(S)^, Length (S)); if ContentType = ftCFile then Write (PChar(#13#10)^, 2); finally Free; end; end; except ShowDefaultMessageBox ('Error writing temporary source file.', 'Error', mtProgramError); end; end; procedure TSourceTextSourceFile.UpdateEditor; begin inherited; if Assigned (SourceEditor) then with SourceEditor do SplitOnFly := EditorOnFly; end; { TCSourceFile } procedure TCSourceFile.Compile; var Folder, Switches: string; begin CompStartFile; OperationCancelled := False; OperationSuccessful := False; if FileExists (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + GCCLocation + 'GCC.exe') then begin CompSetMessage ('Compiling File ''' + SourceName + ''''); Folder := WithBackslash (Temp + FolderPath); CurErrFunction := ''; InAssemblingState := False; if FileExists (Folder + 'TEMPPROG.S') then DeleteFile (Folder + 'TEMPPROG.S'); if FileExists (Temp + 'TEMPPROG.O') then DeleteFile (Temp + 'TEMPPROG.O'); SplitAndWriteToFile (Folder + 'TEMPPROG.C'); MainConsole.Title := 'Compiler'; Switches := DefaultGCCSwitches + ' ' + GCCSwitches + ' ' + SpecialSwitches; if UseDataVar then Switches := Switches + ' -mno-merge-sections'; if AssumeUndefined then Switches := Switches + ' -Werror-implicit-function-declaration'; if DebugInfo then Switches := Switches + ' -gcoff -mcoff-abslines'; if ProjectTarget = ptFargo then Switches := Switches + ' -DFARGO' else if ProjectTarget = ptFlashOS then Switches := Switches + ' -DFLASH_OS' else if Assigned (PredefinedLibOptions) and (ProjectTarget = ptRegular) then Switches := Switches + ' ' + PredefinedLibOptions.GetSwitches; CompUpdate; try MainConsole.StartProcess (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + GCCLocation + 'GCC.exe', '-S -I ' + Folder + ' ' + Switches + ' "' + Folder + 'tempprog.c" -o "' + Folder + 'tempprog.s"', WithoutBackslash (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + GCCLocation)); WaitForMainConsole ('Compilation'); except ShowDefaultMessageBox ('Could not start compiler.', 'Error', mtProgramError); end; OperationSuccessful := True; ProcessErrors (MainConsole.LastErrText); if OperationSuccessful then begin OperationSuccessful := False; if not OperationCancelled then if FileExists (Folder + 'TEMPPROG.S') then begin OperationSuccessful := True; ProcessSFile (Folder + 'TEMPPROG.S', ChangeFileExt (FileName, '.s')); end; end; if OperationSuccessful then begin OperationSuccessful := False; CurErrFunction := ''; InAssemblingState := True; CompUpdate; Switches := DefaultAsSwitches + ' ' + AsSwitches; if CutUnusedRanges or (ProjectTarget = ptArchive) then Switches := Switches + ' --all-relocs'; if OptimizeReturns or (ProjectTarget = ptArchive) then Switches := Switches + ' --keep-locals'; try MainConsole.StartProcess (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + AsLocation + 'As.exe', '-I ' + Folder + ' ' + Switches + ' "' + Folder + 'tempprog.s" -o ' + Temp + 'tempprog.o', WithoutBackslash (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + AsLocation)); WaitForMainConsole ('Compilation'); except ShowDefaultMessageBox ('Could not start assembler.', 'Error', mtProgramError); end; if FileExists (Temp + 'TEMPPROG.O') then begin if not OperationCancelled then begin CopyFile (PChar (Temp + 'TEMPPROG.O'), PChar (ChangeFileExt (FileName, '.o')), False); OperationSuccessful := True; end; DeleteFile (Temp + 'TEMPPROG.O'); end; ProcessErrors (MainConsole.LastErrText); end; SFileClear; CompUpdate; try if FileExists (Folder + 'TEMPPROG.C') then DeleteFile (Folder + 'TEMPPROG.C'); if FileExists (Folder + 'TEMPPROG.S') then DeleteFile (Folder + 'TEMPPROG.S'); RemovePath (Folder, Temp); except end; CompUpdate; end else ShowDefaultMessageBox ('Cannot find compiler.', 'Error', mtProgramError); if OperationSuccessful and not OperationCancelled then Invalidated := False; end; destructor TCSourceFile.Destroy; begin SFileClear; inherited; end; class function TCSourceFile.GetClassFilter: string; begin Result := 'C Files (*.c)|*.c'; end; class function TCSourceFile.GetClassImageIndex: Integer; begin Result := 4; end; class function TCSourceFile.GetClassItemName: string; begin Result := 'C File'; end; class function TCSourceFile.GetClassTreeIndex: Integer; begin Result := 1; end; class function TCSourceFile.GetCompilable: Boolean; begin Result := True; end; function TCSourceFile.GetContentType: TSourceFileType; begin Result := ftCFile; end; procedure TCSourceFile.ProcessErrorLine(Line: string); var Whole: string; P, Ofs: Integer; S: string; FN: string; Tp: TBugType; CurErrFile: string; begin if not Assigned (OnError) then Exit; P := Pos (#10, Line); if P > 0 then begin ProcessErrorLine (Copy (Line, 1, P - 1)); ProcessErrorLine (Copy (Line, P + 1, Length (Line))); end else begin repeat P := Pos ('`', Line); if P > 0 then Line [P] := ''''; until P <= 0; repeat P := Pos ('´', Line); if P > 0 then Line [P] := ''''; until P <= 0; repeat P := Pos ('"', Line); if P > 0 then Line [P] := ''''; until P <= 0; Line := Trim (Line); if (Pos ('ASSEMBLER MESSAGES:', UpperCase (Line)) > 0) or StartsWith ('FROM ', Line) or (AssumeUndefined and ((Pos ('PREVIOUS IMPLICIT DECLARATION', UpperCase (Line)) > 0) or (Pos ('PREVIOUSLY IMPLICITLY DECLARED', UpperCase (Line)) > 0))) then Exit; Whole := Line; FN := ''; CurErrFile := ''; if StartsWith ('IN FILE', Line) then CurErrFunction := '' else begin P := Pos (':', Line); while (P > 0) and (Length (Line) > P) and (Line [P + 1] in ['\', '/']) do begin Ofs := Pos (':', Copy (Line, P + 1, Length (Line))); if Ofs > 0 then Inc (P, Ofs) else begin P := 0; Break; end; end; if P > 0 then FN := Copy (Line, 1, P - 1); if Length (FN) > 0 then begin Delete (Line, 1, Length (FN) + 1); repeat P := Pos ('/', FN); if P > 0 then FN [P] := '\'; until P <= 0; if InAssemblingState then begin if Pos ('TEMPPROG', UpperCase (FN)) > 0 then CurErrFile := ChangeFileExt (FileName, '.s') else CurErrFile := ExtractFileName (FN); end else begin if UpperCase (ExtractFileExt (FN)) = '.S' then begin FN := ''; CurErrFunction := ''; end else begin if Pos ('TEMPPROG', UpperCase (FN)) > 0 then CurErrFile := FileName else CurErrFile := ExtractFileName (FN); end; end; P := 0; Ofs := 0; if (Length (Line) > 0) and (Line [1] in ['0'..'9']) then begin try S := Copy (Line, 1, Pos (':', Line) - 1); P := StrToInt (S); if InAssemblingState then SFileMapLine (P); Delete (Line, 1, Length (S) + 1); if (Length (Line) > 0) and (Line [1] in ['0'..'9']) then try S := Copy (Line, 1, Pos (':', Line) - 1); Ofs := StrToInt (S) - 1; Delete (Line, 1, Length (S) + 1); except end; except end; Line := Trim (Line); if StartsWith ('WARNING:', Line, False, True) then Tp := btWarning else begin StartsWith ('ERROR:', Line, False, True); Tp := btError; OperationSuccessful := False; end; Line := Trim (Line); if StartsWith ('#WARNING ', Line, False, True) then Tp := btWarning; StartsWith ('#ERROR ', Line, False, True); if StartsWith ('PREVIOUS DECLARATION OF ', Line) or StartsWith ('POSSIBLE REAL START OF ', Line) or StartsWith ('UNUSED VARIABLE ', Line) or StartsWith ('UNUSED PARAMETER ', Line) or (Pos ('PREVIOUSLY DECLARED HERE', UpperCase (Line)) > 0) or (Pos ('LOCATION OF THE PREVIOUS DEFINITION', UpperCase (Line)) > 0) then Tp := btInfo; if AssumeUndefined and StartsWith ('Implicit declaration of ', Line, False, True) then begin Insert ('Undefined reference to ', Line, 1); Tp := btError; OperationSuccessful := False; end; if (Length (CurErrFile) <= 0) and (P > 0) and (Length (FN) > 0) then Line := UpperCase (ExtractFileName (FN)) + ' Line ' + IntToStr (P) + ' - ' + Line; Line := Trim (Line); if (Length (Line) > 0) and (Line [Length (Line)] <> '.') then Line := Line + '.'; OnError (Whole, Tp, CurErrFile, CurErrFunction, Line, P, Ofs); if Tp = btError then OperationSuccessful := False; end else begin if StartsWith (' IN FUNCTION ''', Line, False, True) then CurErrFunction := Copy (Line, 1, Pos ('''', Line) - 1) else if StartsWith (' AT TOP LEVEL', Line) then CurErrFunction := '' else OnError (Whole, btError, FileName, '', Line, 0, 0); end; end else begin Tp := btError; if StartsWith ('PLEASE FILL OUT ', Line) then Tp := btInfo; OnError (Whole, Tp, '', '', Whole, 0, 0); end; end; end; end; procedure TCSourceFile.ProcessSFile(const SourceFile, DestFile: string); var L: TStringList; begin L := TStringList.Create; with L do try LoadFromFile (SourceFile); if (Count > 0) and (Copy (LowerCase (Strings [0]), 1, Length (#9'.file')) = #9'.file') then Strings [0] := #9'.file'#9'"' + ExtractFileName (FileName) + '"'; try ParseSFile (L); except OperationSuccessful := False; end; SaveToFile (SourceFile); if DebugInfo then ParseDebugSFile (L, SFileLineChange, nil, GetLineContents); SaveToFile (DestFile); finally Free; end; end; procedure TCSourceFile.Save; var FH: THandle; begin inherited; if (not Invalidated) and FileExists (ChangeFileExt (FileName, '.o')) then begin FH := FileOpen (ChangeFileExt (FileName, '.o'), fmOpenReadWrite + fmShareExclusive); FileSetDate (FH, FileAge (FileName)); FileClose (FH); end; end; procedure TCSourceFile.SetModified(const Value: Boolean); begin if not Modifying then begin Modifying := True; FModified := Value; if Value then Invalidate; Modifying := False; end; end; procedure TCSourceFile.SFileClear; begin if Assigned (FSFileChangedLines) then FSFileChangedLines.Free; if Assigned (FSFileLineChanges) then FSFileLineChanges.Free; FSFileChangedLines := nil; FSFileLineChanges := nil; end; procedure TCSourceFile.SFileLineChange(StartLine, Change: Integer); begin if not Assigned (FSFileChangedLines) then FSFileChangedLines := TIntegerList.Create; if not Assigned (FSFileLineChanges) then FSFileLineChanges := TIntegerList.Create; FSFileChangedLines.Add (StartLine); FSFileLineChanges.Add (Change); end; procedure TCSourceFile.SFileMapLine(var Line: Integer); var I: Integer; begin if Assigned (FSFileChangedLines) and Assigned (FSFileLineChanges) then for I := 0 to FSFileChangedLines.Count - 1 do if Line > FSFileChangedLines.Items [I] then Inc (Line, FSFileLineChanges.Items [I]); end; procedure TCSourceFile.UpdateEditor; begin inherited; if Assigned (SourceEditor) then begin SourceEditor.TabSize := TabSizeC; SourceEditor.AutoIndentIncrease := AutoBlocks; end; end; procedure TCSourceFile.UpdateSyntax; begin if Assigned (SourceEditor) then with SourceEditor do SyntaxColoring.Assign (SyntaxC); end; { TGNUAsmSourceFile } procedure TGNUAsmSourceFile.Compile; var Folder, Switches: string; begin CompStartFile; OperationCancelled := False; OperationSuccessful := False; if FileExists (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + AsLocation + 'As.exe') then begin CompSetMessage ('Assembling File ''' + SourceName + ''''); Folder := WithBackslash (Temp + FolderPath); if FileExists (Temp + 'TEMPPROG.O') then DeleteFile (Temp + 'TEMPPROG.O'); SplitAndWriteToFile (Folder + 'TEMPPROG.S'); Switches := DefaultAsSwitches + ' ' + AsSwitches; if CutUnusedRanges or (ProjectTarget = ptArchive) then Switches := Switches + ' --all-relocs'; if OptimizeReturns or (ProjectTarget = ptArchive) then Switches := Switches + ' --keep-locals'; MainConsole.Title := 'Assembler'; try MainConsole.StartProcess (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + AsLocation + 'As.exe', '-I ' + Folder + ' ' + Switches + ' "' + Folder + 'tempprog.s" -o ' + Temp + 'tempprog.o', WithoutBackslash (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + AsLocation)); WaitForMainConsole ('Assembling'); except ShowDefaultMessageBox ('Could not start assembler.', 'Error', mtProgramError); end; if FileExists (Temp + 'TEMPPROG.O') then begin if not OperationCancelled then begin CopyFile (PChar (Temp + 'TEMPPROG.O'), PChar (ChangeFileExt (FileName, '.o')), False); OperationSuccessful := True; end; DeleteFile (Temp + 'TEMPPROG.O'); end; ProcessErrors (MainConsole.LastErrText); try if FileExists (Folder + 'TEMPPROG.S') then DeleteFile (Folder + 'TEMPPROG.S'); RemovePath (Folder, Temp); except end; CompUpdate; end else ShowDefaultMessageBox ('Cannot find assembler.', 'Error', mtProgramError); if OperationSuccessful and not OperationCancelled then Invalidated := False; end; class function TGNUAsmSourceFile.GetClassFilter: string; begin Result := 'GNU Assembly Files (*.s)|*.s'; end; class function TGNUAsmSourceFile.GetClassImageIndex: Integer; begin Result := 5; end; class function TGNUAsmSourceFile.GetClassItemName: string; begin Result := 'GNU Assembler File'; end; class function TGNUAsmSourceFile.GetClassTreeIndex: Integer; begin Result := 2; end; class function TGNUAsmSourceFile.GetCompilable: Boolean; begin Result := True; end; function TGNUAsmSourceFile.GetContentType: TSourceFileType; begin Result := ftGNUAsmFile; end; procedure TGNUAsmSourceFile.ProcessErrorLine(Line: string); var Whole: string; P, Ofs: Integer; S: string; FN: string; Tp: TBugType; CurErrFile: string; begin P := Pos (#10, Line); if P > 0 then begin ProcessErrorLine (Copy (Line, 1, P - 1)); ProcessErrorLine (Copy (Line, P + 1, Length (Line))); end else begin repeat P := Pos ('`', Line); if P > 0 then Line [P] := ''''; until P <= 0; repeat P := Pos ('´', Line); if P > 0 then Line [P] := ''''; until P <= 0; repeat P := Pos ('"', Line); if P > 0 then Line [P] := ''''; until P <= 0; if (Pos ('ASSEMBLER MESSAGES:', UpperCase (Line)) > 0) or (Pos ('IN FILE', UpperCase (Line)) > 0) then Exit; Whole := Line; FN := ''; CurErrFile := ''; P := Pos (':', Line); while (Length (Line) > P) and (Line [P + 1] in ['\', '/']) do Inc (P, Pos (':', Copy (Line, P + 1, Length (Line)))); FN := Copy (Line, 1, P - 1); if Length (FN) > 0 then begin Delete (Line, 1, Length (FN) + 1); repeat P := Pos ('/', FN); if P > 0 then FN [P] := '\'; until P <= 0; if (UpperCase (ExtractFileExt (FN)) = '.C') or (Pos ('TEMPPROG', UpperCase (FN)) > 0) then CurErrFile := FileName else CurErrFile := ExtractFileName (FN); P := 0; Ofs := 0; if (Length (Line) > 0) and (Line [1] in ['0'..'9']) then begin try S := Copy (Line, 1, Pos (':', Line) - 1); P := StrToInt (S); Delete (Line, 1, Length (S) + 1); if (Length (Line) > 0) and (Line [1] in ['0'..'9']) then try S := Copy (Line, 1, Pos (':', Line) - 1); Ofs := StrToInt (S) - 1; Delete (Line, 1, Length (S) + 1); except end; except end; Line := Trim (Line); if StartsWith ('WARNING:', Line, False, True) then Tp := btWarning else begin StartsWith ('ERROR:', Line, False, True); Tp := btError; OperationSuccessful := False; end; Line := Trim (Line); if (Length (CurErrFile) <= 0) and (P > 0) and (Length (FN) > 0) then Line := UpperCase (ExtractFileName (FN)) + ' Line ' + IntToStr (P) + ' - ' + Line; if Assigned (OnError) then OnError (Whole, Tp, CurErrFile, '', Line, P, Ofs); end else begin if Assigned (OnError) then OnError (Whole, btError, FileName, '', Line, 0, 0); end; end else if Assigned (OnError) then OnError (Whole, btError, '', '', Whole, 0, 0); end; end; procedure TGNUAsmSourceFile.Save; var FH: THandle; begin inherited; if (not Invalidated) and FileExists (ChangeFileExt (FileName, '.o')) then begin FH := FileOpen (ChangeFileExt (FileName, '.o'), fmOpenReadWrite + fmShareExclusive); FileSetDate (FH, FileAge (FileName)); FileClose (FH); end; end; procedure TGNUAsmSourceFile.SetModified(const Value: Boolean); begin if not Modifying then begin Modifying := True; FModified := Value; if Value then Invalidate; Modifying := False; end; end; procedure TGNUAsmSourceFile.UpdateEditor; begin inherited; if Assigned (SourceEditor) then begin SourceEditor.TabSize := TabSizeAsm; SourceEditor.AutoIndentIncrease := False; end; end; procedure TGNUAsmSourceFile.UpdateSyntax; begin if Assigned (SourceEditor) then with SourceEditor do begin SyntaxColoring.Assign (SyntaxAsmGNU); TabSize := TabSizeAsm; AutoIndentIncrease := False; end; end; { TAsmSourceFile } procedure TAsmSourceFile.Compile; var Folder, Switches: string; FPos: Integer; CurErrFile, S: string; CurErrLine, P: Integer; EmptyLn: Boolean; LL: TStringList; begin CompStartFile; OperationCancelled := False; OperationSuccessful := False; if FileExists (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + A68kLocation + 'A68k.exe') then begin CompSetMessage ('Assembling File ''' + SourceName + ''''); Folder := WithBackslash (Temp + FolderPath); if FileExists (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + GCCLocation + 'TEMPPROG.O') then DeleteFile (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + GCCLocation + 'TEMPPROG.O'); if FileExists (Temp + 'TEMPPROG.O') then DeleteFile (Temp + 'TEMPPROG.O'); SplitAndWriteToFile (Folder + 'TEMPPROG.ASM'); Switches := DefaultA68kSwitches + ' ' + AsmSwitches; if CutUnusedRanges or (ProjectTarget = ptArchive) then Switches := Switches + ' -a'; if OptimizeReturns or (ProjectTarget = ptArchive) then Switches := Switches + ' -d'; MainConsole.Title := 'Assembler'; try MainConsole.StartProcess (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + A68kLocation + 'A68k.exe', '"' + Folder + 'tempprog.asm" ' + Switches, WithoutBackslash (Temp)); WaitForMainConsole ('Assembling'); except ShowDefaultMessageBox ('Could not start assembler.', 'Error', mtProgramError); end; UpdateProgramOutput; if not OperationCancelled then begin if Assigned (ErrorList) then ErrorList.Items.BeginUpdate; try LL := TStringList.Create; try LL.Text := MainConsole.LastOutText; EmptyLn := False; FPos := 0; while FPos < LL.Count do begin S := LL [FPos]; Inc (FPos); CurErrLine := 0; if (Length (S) <= 0) or (Pos ('ASSEMBLING', UpperCase (S)) > 0) then EmptyLn := True else begin if EmptyLn then begin EmptyLn := False; while (FPos < LL.Count) and (Pos ('TEMPPROG.ASM LINE ', UpperCase (S)) <= 0) do begin if (Length (S) > 0) and (Pos ('(USER MACRO)', UpperCase (S)) <= 0) then begin if Length (CurErrFile) <= 0 then begin while Pos ('/', S) > 0 do S [Pos ('/', S)] := '\'; P := Pos ('LINE ', UpperCase (S)); if P > 0 then begin CurErrFile := ExtractFileName (Copy (S, 1, P - 2)); try CurErrLine := StrToInt (Copy (S, P + Length ('LINE '), Length (S))); except CurErrLine := 0; end; end; end; end; S := LL [FPos]; Inc (FPos); end; if FPos < LL.Count then begin if Length (CurErrFile) <= 0 then begin Delete (S, 1, Pos ('TEMPPROG.ASM LINE ', UpperCase (S)) + Length ('TEMPPROG.ASM LINE ') - 1); try CurErrLine := StrToInt (S); except CurErrLine := 0; end; end; Inc (FPos); if FPos < LL.Count then begin S := LL [FPos]; Inc (FPos); S := Copy (S, FirstNonWhiteSpace (S), Length (S)); StartsWith ('^ ', S, True, True); if S [Length (S)] = '.' then Delete (S, Length (S), 1); OperationSuccessful := False; if Length (CurErrFile) <= 0 then CurErrFile := FileName; if Assigned (OnError) then OnError (IntToStr (CurErrLine) + ': ' + S, btError, CurErrFile, '', S, CurErrLine, 0); CurErrFile := ''; end; end; end; end; end; except end; LL.Free; finally if Assigned (ErrorList) then ErrorList.Items.EndUpdate; end; end; CompUpdate; if FileExists (Temp + 'TEMPPROG.O') then begin if not OperationCancelled then begin CopyFile (PChar (Temp + 'TEMPPROG.O'), PChar (ChangeFileExt (FileName, '.o')), False); OperationSuccessful := True; end; DeleteFile (Temp + 'TEMPPROG.O'); end; try if FileExists (Folder + 'TEMPPROG.ASM') then DeleteFile (Folder + 'TEMPPROG.ASM'); RemovePath (Folder, Temp); except end; CompUpdate; end else ShowDefaultMessageBox ('Cannot find assembler.', 'Error', mtProgramError); if OperationSuccessful and not OperationCancelled then Invalidated := False; end; class function TAsmSourceFile.GetClassFilter: string; begin Result := 'A68k Assembly Files (*.asm)|*.asm'; end; class function TAsmSourceFile.GetClassImageIndex: Integer; begin Result := 5; end; class function TAsmSourceFile.GetClassItemName: string; begin Result := 'Assembler File'; end; class function TAsmSourceFile.GetClassTreeIndex: Integer; begin Result := 3; end; class function TAsmSourceFile.GetCompilable: Boolean; begin Result := True; end; function TAsmSourceFile.GetContentType: TSourceFileType; begin Result := ftA68kAsmFile; end; procedure TAsmSourceFile.Save; var FH: THandle; begin inherited; if (not Invalidated) and FileExists (ChangeFileExt (FileName, '.o')) then begin FH := FileOpen (ChangeFileExt (FileName, '.o'), fmOpenReadWrite + fmShareExclusive); FileSetDate (FH, FileAge (FileName)); FileClose (FH); end; end; procedure TAsmSourceFile.SetModified(const Value: Boolean); begin if not Modifying then begin Modifying := True; FModified := Value; if Value then Invalidate; Modifying := False; end; end; procedure TAsmSourceFile.UpdateEditor; begin inherited; if Assigned (SourceEditor) then begin SourceEditor.TabSize := TabSizeAsm; SourceEditor.AutoIndentIncrease := False; end; end; procedure TAsmSourceFile.UpdateSyntax; begin if Assigned (SourceEditor) then with SourceEditor do begin SyntaxColoring.Assign (SyntaxAsm); TabSize := TabSizeAsm; AutoIndentIncrease := False; end; end; { TQuillSourceFile } procedure TQuillSourceFile.Compile; var QuillDrv: string; begin QuillDrv := WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + QuillIncludeLocation + 'Quill.drv'; if not FileExists (QuillDrv) then begin QuillDrv := WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + CIncludeLocation + 'Quill.drv'; if not FileExists (QuillDrv) then begin QuillDrv := WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + GCCLocation + 'Quill.drv'; if not FileExists (QuillDrv) then QuillDrv := 'Quill.drv'; end; end; SpecialSwitches := SpecialQuillGCCSwitches + ' -include "' + QuillDrv + '"'; inherited; end; class function TQuillSourceFile.GetClassFilter: string; begin Result := 'Quill Files (*.qll)|*.qll'; end; class function TQuillSourceFile.GetClassImageIndex: Integer; begin Result := 4; end; class function TQuillSourceFile.GetClassItemName: string; begin Result := 'Quill File'; end; class function TQuillSourceFile.GetClassTreeIndex: Integer; begin Result := 3; if ssA68k in SpecialSupport then Inc (Result); end; function TQuillSourceFile.GetContentType: TSourceFileType; begin Result := ftQuillFile; end; procedure TQuillSourceFile.UpdateSyntax; begin if Assigned (SourceEditor) then with SourceEditor do SyntaxColoring.Assign (SyntaxQuill); end; { TObjectSourceFile } class function TObjectSourceFile.GetClassFilter: string; begin Result := 'Object Files (*.o)|*.o'; end; class function TObjectSourceFile.GetClassImageIndex: Integer; begin Result := 6; end; class function TObjectSourceFile.GetClassItemName: string; begin Result := 'Object File'; end; class function TObjectSourceFile.GetClassTreeIndex: Integer; begin Result := 3; if ssA68k in SpecialSupport then Inc (Result); if ssQuill in SpecialSupport then Inc (Result); end; { TArchiveSourceFile } class function TArchiveSourceFile.GetClassFilter: string; begin Result := 'Archive Files (*.a)|*.a'; end; class function TArchiveSourceFile.GetClassImageIndex: Integer; begin Result := 6; end; class function TArchiveSourceFile.GetClassItemName: string; begin Result := 'Archive File'; end; class function TArchiveSourceFile.GetClassTreeIndex: Integer; begin Result := 4; if ssA68k in SpecialSupport then Inc (Result); if ssQuill in SpecialSupport then Inc (Result); end; { TNormalTextSourceFile } destructor TNormalTextSourceFile.Destroy; var PrevEditor: TMemoComponent; begin if Assigned (FEditor) then begin PrevEditor := FEditor; FEditor := nil; PrevEditor.Free; end; inherited; end; class function TNormalTextSourceFile.GetClassFilter: string; begin Result := 'Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt'; end; class function TNormalTextSourceFile.GetClassImageIndex: Integer; begin Result := 7; end; class function TNormalTextSourceFile.GetClassItemName: string; begin Result := 'Text File'; end; class function TNormalTextSourceFile.GetClassTreeIndex: Integer; begin Result := 5; if ssA68k in SpecialSupport then Inc (Result); if ssQuill in SpecialSupport then Inc (Result); end; function TNormalTextSourceFile.GetInternalTextEditor: TMemoComponent; begin Result := FEditor; end; function TNormalTextSourceFile.GetTextEditor: TMemoComponent; begin if not Assigned (FEditor) then begin FEditor := TMemoComponent.Create (Application.MainForm); with FEditor do begin AllowUndo := False; TabSize := 8; Text := FTempContent; end; UpdateEditor; FTempContent := ''; with FEditor do begin OnChangePrivate := Change; OnReplaceText := ReplaceText; AllowUndo := True; end; end; Result := FEditor; end; { TOtherSourceFile } class function TOtherSourceFile.GetClassFilter: string; begin Result := ''; end; class function TOtherSourceFile.GetClassImageIndex: Integer; begin Result := 8; end; class function TOtherSourceFile.GetClassItemName: string; begin Result := 'Other File'; end; class function TOtherSourceFile.GetClassTreeIndex: Integer; begin Result := 6; if ssA68k in SpecialSupport then Inc (Result); if ssQuill in SpecialSupport then Inc (Result); end; end.