unit ProcessUnit; interface uses HandleWaitThreadUnit, FileReadToBufferThreadUnit, Windows, Classes; type TRedirect = class; TProcessConsole = class(TObject) private FTitle: string; FProcessInfo: TProcessInformation; FStdOut: TRedirect; FStdErr: TRedirect; FWaitThread: THandleWaitThread; FPriorityClass: DWord; function GetLastOutText: string; function GetLastErrText: string; function GetRunning: Boolean; function GetLastErrSize: Integer; function GetLastOutSize: Integer; protected property StdOut: TRedirect read FStdOut; property StdErr: TRedirect read FStdErr; property ProcessInfo: TProcessInformation read FProcessInfo; property WaitThread: THandleWaitThread read FWaitThread; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure StartProcess(const ProgramFile, Parameters, HomeDir: string); procedure KillProcess; procedure KillProcessAndWait; procedure WaitForTermination; property Running: Boolean read GetRunning; property LastOutText: string read GetLastOutText; property LastErrText: string read GetLastErrText; property LastOutSize: Integer read GetLastOutSize; property LastErrSize: Integer read GetLastErrSize; published property Title: string read FTitle write FTitle; property PriorityClass: DWord read FPriorityClass write FPriorityClass; end; TRedirect = class(TObject) private FProgramOutputHandle: HFile; FPipe: HFile; FThread: TFileReadToBufferThread; FStream: TMemoryStream; FFinish: Boolean; function GetText: string; function GetOutputSize: Integer; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Clear; procedure Finish; property Stream: TMemoryStream read FStream; property Thread: TFileReadToBufferThread read FThread; property Pipe: HFile read FPipe; property ProgramOutputHandle: HFile read FProgramOutputHandle; property Text: string read GetText; property OutputSize: Integer read GetOutputSize; end; implementation uses SysUtils, UtilsWin; { TProcessConsole } constructor TProcessConsole.Create; begin inherited; FStdOut := TRedirect.Create; FStdErr := TRedirect.Create; Title := 'Console'; PriorityClass := HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS; end; destructor TProcessConsole.Destroy; begin KillProcessAndWait; FStdErr.Free; FStdOut.Free; inherited; end; function TProcessConsole.GetLastErrSize: Integer; begin Result := StdErr.OutputSize; end; function TProcessConsole.GetLastErrText: string; begin Result := StdErr.Text; end; function TProcessConsole.GetLastOutSize: Integer; begin Result := StdOut.OutputSize; end; function TProcessConsole.GetLastOutText: string; begin Result := StdOut.Text; end; function TProcessConsole.GetRunning: Boolean; var T: TThread; begin if Assigned (WaitThread) then begin Result := not WaitThread.HasTerminated; if not Result then begin T := FWaitThread; FWaitThread := nil; T.Free; with FProcessInfo do begin CloseHandle (hProcess); CloseHandle (hThread); hProcess := 0; hThread := 0; end; StdOut.Finish; StdErr.Finish; end; end else Result := False; end; procedure TProcessConsole.KillProcess; begin if Running then begin TerminateProcess (ProcessInfo.hProcess, 1); if Assigned (WaitThread) then WaitThread.Terminate; end; end; procedure TProcessConsole.KillProcessAndWait; begin KillProcess; WaitForTermination; end; procedure TProcessConsole.StartProcess(const ProgramFile, Parameters, HomeDir: string); var StartupInfo: TStartupInfo; CommandLine: string; HomeDirPC: PChar; begin if Running then raise EFOpenError.Create ('Another process is still running') else begin StdOut.Clear; StdErr.Clear; FillChar (StartupInfo, SizeOf (StartupInfo), 0); with StartupInfo do begin cb := SizeOf (StartupInfo); lpTitle := PChar (Title); wShowWindow := sw_Hide; hStdOutput := StdOut.ProgramOutputHandle; hStdError := StdErr.ProgramOutputHandle; dwFlags := StartF_UseShowWindow or StartF_UseStdHandles; end; if Length (ProgramFile) > 0 then CommandLine := '"' + ProgramFile + '" ' + Parameters else CommandLine := Parameters; if Length (HomeDir) > 0 then HomeDirPC := PChar (HomeDir) else HomeDirPC := nil; if CreateProcess (nil, PChar (CommandLine), nil, nil, True, PriorityClass, nil, HomeDirPC, StartupInfo, FProcessInfo) then begin FWaitThread := THandleWaitThread.Create (ProcessInfo.hProcess); end else raise EFOpenError.Create ('Could not start process'); end; end; procedure TProcessConsole.WaitForTermination; begin if Assigned (WaitThread) then WaitThread.WaitFor; end; { TRedirect } procedure TRedirect.Clear; begin FFinish := False; Thread.Lock.BeginWrite; Stream.Clear; Thread.Lock.EndWrite; end; constructor TRedirect.Create; var Attr: TSecurityAttributes; TempPipe: HFile; begin inherited; FillChar (Attr, SizeOf (Attr), 0); with Attr do begin nLength := SizeOf (Attr); lpSecurityDescriptor := nil; bInheritHandle := True; end; CreatePipe (TempPipe, FProgramOutputHandle, @Attr, 0); DuplicateHandle (GetCurrentProcess, TempPipe, GetCurrentProcess, @FPipe, 0, False, Duplicate_Close_Source or Duplicate_Same_Access); FStream := TMemoryStream.Create; FThread := TFileReadToBufferThread.Create (Pipe, Stream); end; destructor TRedirect.Destroy; begin if Assigned (Thread) then Thread.Terminate; Finish; CloseHandle (FProgramOutputHandle); if Assigned (Thread) then begin Thread.WaitFor; FThread.Free; end; if Assigned (Stream) then FStream.Free; CloseHandle (FPipe); inherited; end; procedure TRedirect.Finish; const B: Byte = 0; var BW: Cardinal; begin if not FFinish then begin FFinish := True; WriteFile (ProgramOutputHandle, B, 1, BW, nil); end; end; function TRedirect.GetOutputSize: Integer; begin Thread.Lock.BeginRead; Result := Stream.Size; Thread.Lock.EndRead; end; function TRedirect.GetText: string; var Finished: Boolean; begin if FFinish then begin repeat Thread.Lock.BeginRead; with Stream do Finished := (Size > 0) and (PChar(Memory) [Size - 1] = #0); Thread.Lock.EndRead; if not Finished then Sleep (100); until Finished; Result := AnsiString (PChar (Stream.Memory)); end else begin Thread.Lock.BeginWrite; with Stream do begin Size := Size + 1; PChar(Memory) [Size - 1] := #0; Result := AnsiString (PChar (Memory)); Size := Size - 1; end; Thread.Lock.EndWrite; end; end; end.