unit CodeCompletion; interface uses SysUtils, SourceFileUnit, Dialogs, Classes, MainUnit; const DefautDesc = ''; CCFVersion: Byte = 2; // Zero: Cardinal = 0; type TOnNeedFile = procedure(const FileName: string; out CCFData: string) of object; TCompletionItem = class(TObject) public Left, Right: string; Description: string; Line: Cardinal; // Not Saved SourceFileName: string; procedure ReadFromStream(F: TStream); procedure WriteToStream(F: TStream); end; TCompletionList = class(TStringList) protected FIncluded: TStringList; FOnNeed: TOnNeedFile; function aGetObject(Index: Integer): TCompletionItem; procedure aSetObject(Index: Integer; const Value: TCompletionItem); public constructor Create; reintroduce; destructor Destroy; override; function AddObject(const Symbol: string; Info: TCompletionItem): Integer; reintroduce; procedure Clear; override; property Completion[Index: Integer]: TCompletionItem read aGetObject write aSetObject; procedure AddCompletion(CCFData: TStream); overload; procedure AddCompletion(const CCFData: string); overload; // Completion state property IncludedFiles: TStringList read FIncluded; // When a file is needed property OnNeedFile: TOnNeedFile read FOnNeed write FOnNeed; end; function ReadString(F: TStream; var S: string): Boolean; function WriteString(F: TStream; const S: string): Boolean; function FileToString(const FileName: string): string; // Remove comments from a C Source function GetIdent(const S: string; var aPos: Integer): string; procedure FilterComment(Src, Dst: TStrings); // Parse a C Source function MakeCCF_C(const UnitName: string; Src: TSourceTextSourceFile): string; // Parse an Header Source function MakeCCF_H(const UnitName: string; Lines: TStrings; FilterTo: TStrings = nil): string; implementation uses StrUtils, UtilsDos; // Routines function GetIdent(const S: string; var aPos: Integer): string; var i, l: Integer; begin i := aPos; l := Length(S); while (i <= l) and (S[i] = ' ') do Inc(i); while (i <= l) and (S[i] in ['a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', '_', '#']) do Inc(i); Result := Copy(S, aPos, i - aPos); aPos := i; end; function ReadString(F: TStream; var S: string): Boolean; var B: Byte; begin if F.Read(B, 1) = 1 then begin Setlength(S, B); Result := F.Read(S[1], B) = B; end else begin Result := False; S := ''; end; end; function WriteString(F: TStream; const S: string): Boolean; var B: Byte; begin B := Length(S); Result := False; if F.Write(B, 1) = 1 then Result := F.Write(S[1], B) = B; end; function FileToString(const FileName: string): string; var F: TFileStream; c1, c2: Integer; begin Result := ''; try F := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead); try c1 := F.Size; SetLength(Result, c1); c2 := F.Read(Result[1], c1); if c1 <> c2 then SetLength(Result, c2); finally F.Free; end; except end; end; procedure FilterComment(Src, Dst: TStrings); var S, S2: string; i, p: Integer; InComment: Boolean; begin InComment := False; for i := 0 to Src.Count - 1 do begin S := Trim(Src[i]); // Check end of comment if InComment then begin p := Pos('*/', S); if p = 0 then begin Dst.Add(''); Continue; end else begin InComment := False; S := Copy(S, p + 2, MaxInt); end; end; // Check line comment p := Pos('//', S); if p = 1 then begin Dst.Add(''); Continue; end else if p <> 0 then S := Copy(S, 1, p - 1); // Check start of comment p := Pos('/*', S); if p <> 0 then begin S2 := S; S := Copy(S, 1, p - 1); p := PosEx('*/', S2, p + 2); InComment := p = 0; if not InComment then begin InComment := False; S := S + Copy(S2, p + 2, MaxInt); end; end; // Add result Dst.Add(S); end; end; procedure ParseIncludes(Src, Dst: TStrings); var i, p: Integer; Line: string; begin // find line which starts with '#include' for i := 0 to Src.Count - 1 do begin Line := Trim(Src[i]); if AnsiStartsText('#include', Line) then begin p := Pos('"', Line); if P <> 0 then begin Line := Copy(Line, p + 1, MaxInt); Line := Copy(Line, 1, Pos('"', Line) - 1); Dst.Add(Trim(Line)); end else begin p := Pos('<', Line); if P <> 0 then begin Line := Copy(Line, p + 1, MaxInt); Line := Copy(Line, 1, Pos('>', Line) - 1); Dst.Add(Trim(Line)); end; end; end; end; end; function MakeCCF_C(const UnitName: string; Src: TSourceTextSourceFile): string; var Dst: TMemoryStream; // Parse files included in the Source unit procedure ParseInc; var Included: TStringList; w: Word; i: Integer; Source: TStrings; begin Source := TStringList.Create; FilterComment(Src.SourceEditor.Lines, Source); Included := TStringList.Create; Included.Sorted := True; Included.Duplicates := dupIgnore; ParseIncludes(Source, Included); w := Included.Count; // write result to stream Dst.Write(w, 2); for i := 0 to Included.Count - 1 do WriteString(Dst, Included[i]); Included.Free; Source.Free; end; // Parse Functions procedure ParseFuncs; var Funcs: TSourceFileFunctions; Func: TSourceFileFunction; i, p, c, l: Integer; S: string; Source: TStrings; begin Source := Src.SourceEditor.Lines; Funcs := Src.GetFunctions; c := Source.Count; for i := 0 to Length(Funcs) - 1 do begin Func := Funcs[i]; if Func.Name <> '' then begin if (Func.ImplementationLine > 0) and (Func.ImplementationLine <= c) then l := Func.ImplementationLine - 1 else if (Func.PrototypeLine > 0) and (Func.PrototypeLine <= c) then l := Func.PrototypeLine - 1 else l := -1; if l > -1 then S := Source[l]; if S <> '' then begin p := Pos(Func.Name, S); WriteString(Dst, Func.Name); Dst.Write(l, 4); WriteString(Dst, 'func ' + Trim(Copy(S, 1, p - 1))); WriteString(Dst, Trim(Copy(S, p + Length(Func.Name), MaxInt))); WriteString(Dst, DefautDesc); end; end; end; end; begin Dst := TMemoryStream.Create; Dst.Write(CCFVersion, SizeOf(CCFVersion)); WriteString(Dst, UnitName); ParseInc; ParseFuncs; SetString(Result, PChar(Dst.Memory), Dst.Size); Dst.Free; end; function MakeCCF_H(const UnitName: string; Lines: TStrings; FilterTo: TStrings = nil): string; var Dst: TMemoryStream; Source: TStrings; // Parse files included in the Source unit procedure ParseInc; var Included: TStringList; w: Word; i: Integer; begin Included := TStringList.Create; Included.Sorted := True; Included.Duplicates := dupIgnore; ParseIncludes(Source, Included); w := Included.Count; // write result to stream Dst.Write(w, 2); for i := 0 to Included.Count - 1 do WriteString(Dst, Included[i]); Included.Free; end; procedure ParseHeader; var i, p, c: Integer; S, S2, Ident: string; begin c := Source.Count; i := 0; while i < c do begin S := Source[i]; if AnsiStartsText('#define', S) then begin p := 9; Ident := GetIdent(S, p); S2 := Trim(Copy(S, p, MaxInt)); if S2 <> '' then begin WriteString(Dst, Ident); Dst.Write(i, 4); WriteString(Dst, 'macro'); WriteString(Dst, S2); WriteString(Dst, ''); end end else begin // terminer cette partie du code :) end; Inc(i); end; end; begin Dst := TMemoryStream.Create; Dst.Write(CCFVersion, SizeOf(CCFVersion)); if Assigned(FilterTo) then Source := FilterTo else Source := TStringList.Create; Source.Clear; FilterComment(Lines, Source); WriteString(Dst, UnitName); ParseInc; ParseHeader; SetString(Result, PChar(Dst.Memory), Dst.Size); if FilterTo = nil then Source.Free; Dst.Free; end; { TCompletionList } constructor TCompletionList.Create; begin inherited; CaseSensitive := True; Sorted := True; Duplicates := dupAccept; FIncluded := TStringList.Create; FIncluded.Sorted := True; FIncluded.Duplicates := dupIgnore; end; destructor TCompletionList.Destroy; begin Clear; inherited; end; function TCompletionList.AddObject(const Symbol: string; Info: TCompletionItem): Integer; begin Result := inherited AddObject(Symbol, Info); end; procedure TCompletionList.Clear; var i: Integer; begin IncludedFiles.Clear; for i := 0 to Count - 1 do Objects[i].Free; inherited; end; function TCompletionList.aGetObject(Index: Integer): TCompletionItem; begin Result := TCompletionItem(Objects[Index]); end; procedure TCompletionList.aSetObject(Index: Integer; const Value: TCompletionItem); begin Objects[Index] := Value; end; procedure TCompletionList.AddCompletion(CCFData: TStream); var aStream: TStream; UnitName, S1, S2: string; i, w: Word; C: TCompletionItem; B: Byte; begin if (CCFData.Read(B, 1) <> 1) or (B <> CCFVersion) then Exit; // Wrong Version if ReadString(CCFData, UnitName) and (IncludedFiles.IndexOf(UnitName) = -1) and (CCFData.Read(w, 2) = 2) then begin IncludedFiles.Add(UnitName); // Check for included files for i := 1 to w do begin if ReadString(CCFData, S1) then begin if (IncludedFiles.IndexOf(S1) = -1) and Assigned(OnNeedFile) then begin OnNeedFile(S1, S2); if S2 <> '' then begin aStream := TStringStream.Create(S2); AddCompletion(aStream); aStream.Free; end; end; end else Exit; end; // Add completion info while ReadString(CCFData, S1) do begin C := TCompletionItem.Create; C.ReadFromStream(CCFData); C.SourceFileName := UnitName; if S1 <> '' then AddObject(S1, C) else C.Free; end; end; end; procedure TCompletionList.AddCompletion(const CCFData: string); var S: TStringStream; begin S := TStringStream.Create(CCFData); AddCompletion(S); S.Free; end; { TCompletionItem } procedure TCompletionItem.ReadFromStream(F: TStream); begin F.Read(Line, SizeOf(Line)); ReadString(F, Left); ReadString(F, Right); ReadString(F, Description); end; procedure TCompletionItem.WriteToStream(F: TStream); begin F.Write(Line, SizeOf(Line)); WriteString(F, Left); WriteString(F, Right); WriteString(F, Description); end; end.