[Main] Name=init_list_indices Type=Function Subtype=ROM Call Header Files=estack.h Definition=ESI *init_list_indices (ESI *indices, CESI expr); MinAMS=1.01 [ROM Call] Index=$2BA [Description] Computes and stores the indices of the elements of a list. [Explanation] init_list_indices stores the index of the first element to indices, then it repeatedly calls next_expression_index and stores the result to indices until END_TAG is reached.
expr is assumed to point to a LIST_TAG. init_list_indices returns indices.

Here is an example (called "List elements") which displays the list elements as returned by init_list_indices: $$EXAMPLE(List elements.c) [References] In=unknown.h/get_list_indices, unknown.h/push_symbolic_qr_fact, basfunc.h/push_median Out=estack.h/next_expression_index