{ TIGCC IDE Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Sebastian Reichelt Copyright (C) 2005 Fréderic Bour Copyright (C) 2005 Kevin Kofler This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. } unit MainUnit; interface uses MasterUnit, SourceFileUnit, FolderUnit, ToolsListUnit, LinkDLLUnit, Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Menus, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ImgList, ComCtrls, Buttons, ActnList, ToolWin, Printers, SourceEditUnit, HTMLHelpUnit, MemoComponentUnit, ScktComp; type TPanel = class(ExtCtrls.TPanel) protected procedure Paint; override; end; TMainForm = class(TForm) ProjectTree: TTreeView; LittleIcons: TImageList; TreeEditorSplitter: TSplitter; MainMenu: TMainMenu; MainMenuFile: TMenuItem; MenuFileNew: TMenuItem; Project1: TMenuItem; AssemblerSource1: TMenuItem; Open1: TMenuItem; Save1: TMenuItem; SaveAs1: TMenuItem; N1: TMenuItem; Exit1: TMenuItem; CSourceFile1: TMenuItem; MainMenuEdit: TMenuItem; Undo1: TMenuItem; N2: TMenuItem; Delete1: TMenuItem; Cut1: TMenuItem; Copy1: TMenuItem; Paste1: TMenuItem; AddFiles1: TMenuItem; MenuCompileLine: TMenuItem; MainMenuProject: TMenuItem; Compile1: TMenuItem; Link1: TMenuItem; N4: TMenuItem; Options1: TMenuItem; AddFileDlg: TOpenDialog; N5: TMenuItem; Preferences1: TMenuItem; N6: TMenuItem; HeaderFile1: TMenuItem; SourceFilePopup: TPopupMenu; Compile2: TMenuItem; N7: TMenuItem; Remove1: TMenuItem; Delete2: TMenuItem; Splitter2: TSplitter; ErrWinPanel: TPanel; ErrorList: TListView; Save2: TMenuItem; SaveAs2: TMenuItem; N8: TMenuItem; MainMenuHelp: TMenuItem; Build1: TMenuItem; N9: TMenuItem; SelectAll1: TMenuItem; OpenProjectDlg: TOpenDialog; SaveProjectDlg: TSaveDialog; N10: TMenuItem; About1: TMenuItem; StatusBar: TStatusBar; ToolBarImages: TImageList; FileNewPopup: TPopupMenu; HeaderFile2: TMenuItem; Actions: TActionList; ActionFileNewProject: TAction; ActionFileNewCHeaderFile: TAction; ActionFileNewGNUAsmHeaderFile: TAction; ActionFileNewA68kAsmHeaderFile: TAction; ActionFileNewCFile: TAction; ActionFileNewGNUAsmFile: TAction; ActionFileNewA68kAsmFile: TAction; ActionFileOpen: TAction; ActionFileSave: TAction; ActionFileSaveAs: TAction; ActionFilePreferences: TAction; ActionFileExit: TAction; ActionEditUndo: TAction; ActionEditDelete: TAction; ActionEditCut: TAction; ActionEditCopy: TAction; ActionEditPaste: TAction; ActionEditSelectAll: TAction; ActionProjectAddFiles: TAction; ActionProjectCompile: TAction; ActionProjectMake: TAction; ActionProjectBuild: TAction; ActionProjectOptions: TAction; ActionHelpDocumentation: TAction; ActionHelpAbout: TAction; ActionTreeItemSave: TAction; ActionTreeItemSaveAs: TAction; ActionTreeItemCompile: TAction; ActionTreeItemRemove: TAction; ActionTreeItemDelete: TAction; CSourceFile2: TMenuItem; AssemblerSourceFile1: TMenuItem; Project3: TMenuItem; N11: TMenuItem; ActionProjectShowErrors: TAction; ErrorsandWarnings1: TMenuItem; N12: TMenuItem; MainMenuFind: TMenuItem; ActionFindFind: TAction; ActionFindReplace: TAction; ActionFindOpenFile: TAction; Find2: TMenuItem; Replace1: TMenuItem; OpenFileAtCursor1: TMenuItem; N13: TMenuItem; FindDlg: TFindDialog; ReplaceDlg: TReplaceDialog; ToolBarImagesDisabled: TImageList; PrintDlg: TPrintDialog; ActionFilePrint: TAction; Print1: TMenuItem; N14: TMenuItem; ActionFilePrintQuickly: TAction; ErrorListIcons: TImageList; DocFile: THTMLHelp; ActionHelpContents: TAction; ActionHelpIndex: TAction; ActionHelpSearch: TAction; ActionTreeItemRename: TAction; N19: TMenuItem; Rename1: TMenuItem; Contents1: TMenuItem; Index1: TMenuItem; Search1: TMenuItem; EditorPopup: TPopupMenu; Undo2: TMenuItem; N16: TMenuItem; Clear1: TMenuItem; Cut2: TMenuItem; Copy2: TMenuItem; Paste2: TMenuItem; N17: TMenuItem; SelectAll2: TMenuItem; MainToolBar: TToolBar; ToolBarNewButton: TToolButton; ToolButton2: TToolButton; ToolButton3: TToolButton; ToolButton4: TToolButton; ToolButton23: TToolButton; ToolButton24: TToolButton; ToolButton6: TToolButton; ToolButton7: TToolButton; ToolButton8: TToolButton; ToolButton9: TToolButton; ToolButton10: TToolButton; ToolButton5: TToolButton; ToolButton11: TToolButton; ToolButton20: TToolButton; ToolButton21: TToolButton; ToolBarCompileLine1: TToolButton; ToolBarCompileButton: TToolButton; ToolButton15: TToolButton; ToolBarCompileLine2: TToolButton; ToolButton18: TToolButton; ToolButton19: TToolButton; ActionEditRedo: TAction; Redo1: TMenuItem; Redo2: TMenuItem; EditorPanel: TPanel; NoEditor: TPanel; FunctionPopup: TPopupMenu; ActionFindFunctions: TAction; N15: TMenuItem; Functions1: TMenuItem; ToolButton25: TToolButton; NoFunctionsItem: TMenuItem; ActionFileNewTextFile: TAction; TextFile1: TMenuItem; TextFile2: TMenuItem; ActionEditIncreaseIndent: TAction; ActionEditDecreaseIndent: TAction; N18: TMenuItem; IncreaseIndent1: TMenuItem; DecreaseIndent1: TMenuItem; N20: TMenuItem; IncreaseIndent2: TMenuItem; DecreaseIndent2: TMenuItem; N21: TMenuItem; OpenFileatCursor2: TMenuItem; GNUAssemblySourceFile1: TMenuItem; GNUAssemblySourceFile2: TMenuItem; ActionFileNewQuillFile: TAction; QuillSourceFile1: TMenuItem; QuillSourceFile2: TMenuItem; ActionProjectStopCompilation: TAction; ActionProjectForceQuitCompiler: TAction; ToolButton16: TToolButton; ToolButton17: TToolButton; StopCompilation1: TMenuItem; ForceQuitCompiler1: TMenuItem; ActionHelpNews: TAction; N3: TMenuItem; News1: TMenuItem; ActionDebugRun: TAction; ActionDebugPause: TAction; ActionDebugReset: TAction; MainMenuDebug: TMenuItem; Run1: TMenuItem; N22: TMenuItem; Pause1: TMenuItem; Reset1: TMenuItem; ToolBarRunButton: TToolButton; ToolBarDebugLine: TToolButton; ToolBarPauseButton: TToolButton; ToolButton12: TToolButton; ToolButton13: TToolButton; ChangeNotificationTimer: TTimer; ToolBarBevel: TBevel; ToolBarEndLine: TToolButton; RecentFilesLine: TMenuItem; RecentFilesPopup: TPopupMenu; NoFilesItem: TMenuItem; ActionToolsConfigure: TAction; MainMenuTools: TMenuItem; Configure1: TMenuItem; ToolsLine: TMenuItem; ActionProjectShowProgramOutput: TAction; ProgramOutput1: TMenuItem; ActionFileNewFolder: TAction; N23: TMenuItem; Folder1: TMenuItem; N24: TMenuItem; Folder2: TMenuItem; FolderPopup: TPopupMenu; MenuItem6: TMenuItem; MenuItem9: TMenuItem; CategoryPopup: TPopupMenu; ActionFileNewFile: TAction; File1: TMenuItem; Folder3: TMenuItem; N25: TMenuItem; Folder4: TMenuItem; File2: TMenuItem; ActionTreeItemNewFolder: TAction; ActionTreeItemNewFile: TAction; GNUAssemblyHeaderFile1: TMenuItem; GNUAssemblyHeaderFile2: TMenuItem; A68kAssemblyHeaderFile1: TMenuItem; A68kAssemblyHeaderFile2: TMenuItem; ErrorPanel: TPanel; CloseErrorsButton: TSpeedButton; Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; ErrorsLabel: TLabel; WarningsLabel: TLabel; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure AppException(Sender: TObject; E: Exception); procedure ProjectTreeEditing(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode; var AllowEdit: Boolean); procedure ProjectAddFiles(Sender: TObject); procedure ProjectTreeChange(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode); procedure FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean); procedure ProjectTreeDeletion(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode); procedure FileExit(Sender: TObject); procedure FileNewProject(Sender: TObject); procedure TreeItemRemove(Sender: TObject); procedure TreeItemDelete(Sender: TObject); procedure TreeItemCompile(Sender: TObject); procedure CloseErrorsButtonClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ErrorListDeletion(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem); procedure TreeItemSave(Sender: TObject); procedure HelpDocumentation(Sender: TObject); procedure EditorEnter(Sender: TObject); procedure EditorExit(Sender: TObject); procedure EditUndo(Sender: TObject); procedure EditRedo(Sender: TObject); procedure EditClear(Sender: TObject); procedure EditCut(Sender: TObject); procedure EditCopy(Sender: TObject); procedure EditPaste(Sender: TObject); procedure EditSelectAll(Sender: TObject); procedure ProjectCompile(Sender: TObject); procedure ProjectMake(Sender: TObject); procedure FileOpenProject(Sender: TObject); procedure FileSaveAll(Sender: TObject); procedure FileSaveProjectAs(Sender: TObject); procedure EditorKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); procedure ProjectBuild(Sender: TObject); procedure ProjectTreeKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); procedure ProjectTreeMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure ProjectTreeEdited(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode; var S: String); procedure ProjectOptions(Sender: TObject); procedure FilePreferences(Sender: TObject); procedure FileNewHeaderFile(Sender: TObject); procedure FileNewCSourceFile(Sender: TObject); procedure FileNewGNUAssemblerSourceFile(Sender: TObject); procedure FileNewAssemblerSourceFile(Sender: TObject); procedure FileNewQuillSourceFile(Sender: TObject); procedure FileNewTextFile(Sender: TObject); procedure TreeItemSaveAs(Sender: TObject); procedure HelpAbout(Sender: TObject); procedure DisplayHint(Sender: TObject); procedure ShowHideErrors(Sender: TObject); procedure FindString(Sender: TObject; AllFiles: Boolean); procedure ReplaceDlgReplace(Sender: TObject); procedure FindText(Sender: TObject); procedure ReplaceText(Sender: TObject); procedure FindOpenFile(Sender: TObject); procedure FindDlgFind(Sender: TObject); procedure ActionsExecute(Action: TBasicAction; var Handled: Boolean); procedure ProjectTreeEnter(Sender: TObject); procedure ProjectTreeExit(Sender: TObject); procedure ProjectTreeChanging(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode; var AllowChange: Boolean); procedure EditorChange(Sender: TObject); procedure FilePrint(Sender: TObject); procedure FilePrintQuickly(Sender: TObject); procedure TreeItemRename(Sender: TObject); procedure HelpContents(Sender: TObject); procedure HelpIndex(Sender: TObject); procedure HelpSearch(Sender: TObject); procedure SplitterMoved(Sender: TObject); procedure ProjectTreeMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure ToolBarManagerBandMove(Sender: TObject; Control: TControl; var ARect: TRect); procedure ProjectTreeDragOver(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer; State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean); procedure ProjectTreeDragDrop(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer); procedure ErrorListClick(Sender: TObject); procedure DeleteError(Sender: TObject); procedure FunctionPopupPopup(Sender: TObject); procedure FindFunctions(Sender: TObject); procedure FindFunctionFromPopup(Sender: TObject); procedure IncreaseIndent(Sender: TObject); procedure DecreaseIndent(Sender: TObject); procedure ProjectStopCompilation(Sender: TObject); procedure ProjectForceQuitCompiler(Sender: TObject); procedure HelpNews(Sender: TObject); procedure DebugRun(Sender: TObject); procedure DebugPause(Sender: TObject); procedure DebugReset(Sender: TObject); procedure FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); procedure ChangeNotificationTick(Sender: TObject); procedure RecentFileClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ToolsConfigure(Sender: TObject); procedure ToolClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ProjectTreeStartDrag(Sender: TObject; var DragObject: TDragObject); procedure ShowProgramOutput(Sender: TObject); procedure FileNewFolder(Sender: TObject); procedure FileNewFile(Sender: TObject); procedure ErrorListKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); private EditorToHide: TWinControl; TempLockHandle: THandle; FModified: Boolean; FInvalidated: Boolean; FProjectFile: string; InChangeNotification: Boolean; procedure WMDropFiles(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_DROPFILES; procedure SetProjectFile(const Value: string); procedure SetModified(const Value: Boolean); function GetCurrentEditor: TMemoComponent; function GetInvalidated: Boolean; public TopNode: TTreeNode; OriginalCaption: string; LinkLibHandle: HModule; LinkLibGetInterfaceVersion: TLinkLibGetInterfaceVersion; LinkLibLinkFiles: TLinkLibLinkFiles; LinkLibCreateArchive: TLinkLibCreateArchive; SourceFiles: TSourceFiles; JumpToError, OpenFolderMessage, AutoSave, DeleteErrors, StartingAppNow, OpeningProjectNow, NoHideEditor: Boolean; PreviousNode: TTreeNode; SyntaxCBackup: TSyntaxColoring; SyntaxAsmGNUBackup: TSyntaxColoring; SyntaxAsmBackup: TSyntaxColoring; SyntaxQuillBackup: TSyntaxColoring; Closing: Boolean; ProgSize: Integer; OptimizeInfo: TLinkLibOptimizeInfo; Funcs: TSourceFileFunctions; CurrentStrings: TMemoryStream; CurVTIType: TCurVTIType; RecentFiles: TStringList; ToolsList: TToolsList; property ProjectFile: string read FProjectFile write SetProjectFile; property Modified: Boolean read FModified write SetModified; property Invalidated: Boolean read GetInvalidated write FInvalidated; property CurrentEditor: TMemoComponent read GetCurrentEditor; procedure Modify; procedure WarnIfModified; procedure FileNew; procedure FileClear; procedure FileLoad; procedure FileOpen(const FN: string); procedure FileSave; procedure FileSaveAs(const FN: string); procedure ResetProjectSettings; procedure AppCompStartFile; procedure AppCompStop; procedure AppCompSetMessage(const Msg: string); procedure AppCompUpdate; procedure UpdateProgramOutput; procedure CopyHeaders; procedure DeleteHeaders; procedure ClearErrors; procedure HideErrors; procedure ShowErrors; procedure UpdateErrorWindow; procedure AddError(const Line: string; BugTp: TBugType; SourceF: string; ErrFunc: string; ErrMessage: string; SourceLn: Integer; Offset: Integer); procedure CompileProject; procedure MakeFileWrapped; procedure MakeFile; function AddSourceFile(const FN: string; OpenOnly: Boolean = False; SourceFileClass: TSourceFileClass = nil; Folder: TFolder = nil): TSourceFile; function GetNewFileName(const FolderPath, Ext: string): string; procedure LoadPreferences; procedure SavePreferences; procedure BeginCompilation; procedure EndCompilation; procedure RecompileFiles; procedure UpdateEditButtons; procedure UpdateStatusBar; procedure UpdateFuncs; procedure UpdateDebugSettings; procedure SortFiles; procedure DisplayFolderMessage; procedure ClearDebugInfo; function GetVTIWindow: HWnd; procedure SendFiles(FNList: array of string); procedure ExecuteCommandLine(const Line: string); procedure SelectNode(Node: TTreeNode); procedure AddToRecent(const FileName: string); procedure UpdateRecent; procedure AddTool(const Title, CommandLine, WorkingDir: string; WindowState: TWindowState); function GetSourceTypeFolder(Node: TTreeNode): TTreeNode; function FindFileInsertionPoint(ParentNode: TTreeNode): TTreeNode; function CreateFileNode(ParentNode: TTreeNode; SourceFile: TSourceFile): TTreeNode; function GetSelectedFolder(SourceClass: TSourceFileClass): TFolder; {$IFDEF CODINGEXT} procedure InitCodingExt; procedure ActionFindSymbolExecute(Sender: TObject); {$ENDIF} end; var MainForm: TMainForm; type TRecentFileMenuItem = class(TObject) FileMenuItem: TMenuItem; PopupMenuItem: TMenuItem; public destructor Destroy; override; end; const MaxRecentFiles = 4; type TNoImageDragObject = class(TDragControlObject) public function GetDragImages: TDragImageList; override; procedure HideDragImage; override; procedure ShowDragImage; override; end; procedure LinkLibError(FileName, Text: PChar; MessageType: LongInt); cdecl; function LinkLibGetOutputFile(var DestFile: TLinkLibDestFile; FileSize, DestCalc, FileRole, FileFormat, FileType: LongInt; Extension: PChar; Executable: WordBool; var EffectiveSize: LongInt): WordBool; cdecl; implementation {$R *.DFM} {$R WindowsXP.res} uses CalcUnit, ParsingUnit, ProcessUnit, StartupScreenUnit, PreferencesUnit, ProjectOptionsUnit, AboutUnit, SourceFileWinUnit, FunctionsWinUnit, OpenFileStatusUnit, NewsUnit, SendProgressUnit, ToolsUnit, ProgramOutputUnit, VTIStartUnit, LinkUnit, UtilsDos, UtilsWin, HandleWaitThreadUnit, FileReadToBufferThreadUnit, ShellAPI, ShlObj, IniFiles, Registry, WinSpool, ClipBrd{$IFDEF CODINGEXT}, CompletionForm{$ENDIF}, ProgramOptionsUnit; const RegKey = '\Software\SeReSoft\TI-GCC IDE'; type TFileRole = (frMain, frData); TLinkOutputFile = record Data: TMemoryStream; Tag: Byte; VarExt: string; ExeFile, OSUpgrade: Boolean; end; var ProcID: Cardinal; SendWin: HWnd; LinkOutputFiles: array [TCalcDest, TFileRole] of TLinkOutputFile; LinkDebugFile: TLinkOutputFile; function EnumWindowsFunc(Win: HWnd; Param: Integer): Bool; stdcall; var Name: array [0..32] of Char; NewProcID: DWord; begin Result := True; GetWindowThreadProcessID (Win, @NewProcID); if NewProcID = ProcID then begin GetClassName (Win, Name, 32); if Name = '#32770' then begin Result := False; SendWin := Win; end; end; end; procedure ErrorMessage(const Msg: string); begin if UpperCase (Copy (Msg, 1, Length ('ERROR:'))) = 'ERROR:' then MainForm.AddError (Msg, btError, '', '', Trim (Copy (Msg, Length ('ERROR:') + 1, Length (Msg))), 0, 0) else if UpperCase (Copy (Msg, 1, Length ('WARNING:'))) = 'WARNING:' then MainForm.AddError (Msg, btWarning, '', '', Trim (Copy (Msg, Length ('WARNING:') + 1, Length (Msg))), 0, 0); end; procedure LinkLibError(FileName, Text: PChar; MessageType: LongInt); cdecl; var BugTp: TBugType; ErrorLine: string; begin if MessageType = llmtError then BugTp := btError else BugTp := btWarning; ErrorLine := StringReplace (StrPas (Text), '`', '''', [rfReplaceAll]); MainForm.AddError (ErrorLine, BugTp, FileName, '', ErrorLine, 0, 0); end; function LinkLibGetOutputFile(var DestFile: TLinkLibDestFile; FileSize, DestCalc, FileRole, FileFormat, FileType: LongInt; Extension: PChar; Executable: WordBool; var EffectiveSize: LongInt): WordBool; cdecl; var CalcDest: TCalcDest; CalcFileRole: TFileRole; begin Result := False; case FileFormat of llffTIOS: EffectiveSize := 2 + FileSize + 1; llffTIOSUpgrade: EffectiveSize := FileSize + SizeOf (TCalcOSFooter); llffGDBCOFF: begin EffectiveSize := FileSize; with LinkDebugFile do begin if not Assigned (Data) then Data := TMemoryStream.Create; Data.Size := FileSize; DestFile.Data := Data.Memory; end; Result := True; Exit; end; else Exit; end; case DestCalc of llcdTI89: CalcDest := cdTI89; llcdTI89 or llcdFlagTitanium: CalcDest := cdTI89Titanium; llcdTI92Plus: CalcDest := cdTI92Plus; llcdV200: CalcDest := cdV200; llcdTI92: CalcDest := cdTI92; else Exit; end; case FileRole of llfrMain: CalcFileRole := frMain; llfrData: CalcFileRole := frData; else Exit; end; with LinkOutputFiles [CalcDest, CalcFileRole] do begin if not Assigned (Data) then Data := TMemoryStream.Create; Data.Size := FileSize; DestFile.Data := Data.Memory; Tag := FileType; if Assigned (Extension) then begin VarExt := Extension; Inc (EffectiveSize, Length (VarExt) + 2); end else VarExt := ''; ExeFile := Executable; OSUpgrade := (FileFormat = llffTIOSUpgrade); end; Result := True; end; { Fix for TPanel & XP Theme } procedure TPanel.Paint; begin Canvas.Pen.Style := psClear; Canvas.Brush.Color := Color; Canvas.FillRect(GetClientRect); inherited; end; { TRecentFileMenuItem } destructor TRecentFileMenuItem.Destroy; begin FileMenuItem.Free; PopupMenuItem.Free; inherited; end; { TNoImageDragObject } function TNoImageDragObject.GetDragImages: TDragImageList; begin Result := nil; end; procedure TNoImageDragObject.HideDragImage; begin end; procedure TNoImageDragObject.ShowDragImage; begin end; { TMainForm } procedure TMainForm.Modify; begin Modified := True; end; procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var TempDir: array [0..255] of Char; S: string; TempLockData: TWin32FindData; begin StartingAppNow := True; try if Assigned (StartupScreenForm) then StartupScreenForm.DisplayText := 'Setting Up Environment...'; Application.OnException := AppException; WindowState := wsMaximized; RecentFiles := TStringList.Create; ToolsList := TToolsList.Create (Self, TToolsListItem); TIGCCFolder := ExtractFilePath (ParamStr (0)); Delete (TIGCCFolder, Pos (UpperCase (IDELocation), UpperCase (TIGCCFolder)), Length (TIGCCFolder)); with TRegistry.Create do try RootKey := HKey_Local_Machine; if OpenKeyReadOnly ('\Software\TIGCC Team\TIGCC') then try if ValueExists ('Program Folder') then TIGCCFolder := ReadString ('Program Folder'); except end; finally Free; end; try if FileExists (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + A68kLocation + 'A68k.exe') then Include (SpecialSupport, ssA68k); except end; try if FileExists (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + QuillIncludeLocation + 'Quill.drv') or FileExists (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + CIncludeLocation + 'Quill.drv') or FileExists (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + GCCLocation + 'Quill.drv') then Include (SpecialSupport, ssQuill); except end; try if FileExists (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + PackLocation + 'Pack.exe') then Include (SpecialSupport, ssPack); except end; try if FileExists (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + StdLibLocation + 'flashos.a') then Include (SpecialSupport, ssFlashOS); except end; try if FileExists (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + StdLibLocation + 'fargo.a') then Include (SpecialSupport, ssFargo); except end; CompStartFile := AppCompStartFile; CompStop := AppCompStop; CompSetMessage := AppCompSetMessage; CompUpdate := AppCompUpdate; CompUpdateProgramOutput := UpdateProgramOutput; LinkLibHandle := LoadLibrary (PChar (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + LinkLibLocation + 'Link.dll')); if LinkLibHandle <> 0 then begin LinkLibGetInterfaceVersion := GetProcAddress (LinkLibHandle, 'GetInterfaceVersion'); if Assigned (LinkLibGetInterfaceVersion) and (LinkLibGetInterfaceVersion = LinkLibCurInterfaceVersion) then begin LinkLibLinkFiles := GetProcAddress (LinkLibHandle, 'LinkFiles'); LinkLibCreateArchive := GetProcAddress (LinkLibHandle, 'CreateArchive'); end; end; SourceFiles := TSourceFiles.Create; SyntaxCBackup := TSyntaxColoring.Create (nil); SyntaxCBackup.Assign (SyntaxC); SyntaxAsmGNUBackup := TSyntaxColoring.Create (nil); SyntaxAsmGNUBackup.Assign (SyntaxAsmGNU); SyntaxAsmBackup := TSyntaxColoring.Create (nil); if ssA68k in SpecialSupport then SyntaxAsmBackup.Assign (SyntaxAsm); SyntaxQuillBackup := TSyntaxColoring.Create (nil); if ssQuill in SpecialSupport then SyntaxQuillBackup.Assign (SyntaxQuill); TopNode := ProjectTree.Items.Item [0]; SourceFileUnit.AppNode := TopNode; SourceFileUnit.NoEditor := NoEditor; OriginalCaption := Caption; Application.OnHint := DisplayHint; if ssA68k in SpecialSupport then begin ActionFileNewA68kAsmHeaderFile.Visible := True; ActionFileNewA68kAsmFile.Visible := True; with ProjectTree.Items.Insert (TopNode.Item [TAsmSourceFile.GetClassTreeIndex], 'A68k Assembly Files') do begin ImageIndex := TopNode.Item[0].ImageIndex; SelectedIndex := TopNode.Item[0].SelectedIndex; end; end; if ssQuill in SpecialSupport then begin ActionFileNewQuillFile.Visible := True; S := OpenProjectDlg.Filter; Insert (TQuillSourceFile.GetClassFilter + '|', S, Pos (TNormalTextSourceFile.GetClassFilter, S)); while Pos ('*.asm;*.txt', S) > 0 do Insert (';*.qll', S, Pos ('*.asm;*.txt', S) + Length ('*.asm')); OpenProjectDlg.Filter := S; OpenProjectDlg.FilterIndex := OpenProjectDlg.FilterIndex + 1; S := AddFileDlg.Filter; Insert (TQuillSourceFile.GetClassFilter + '|', S, Pos (TObjectSourceFile.GetClassFilter, S)); while Pos ('*.asm;*.o', S) > 0 do Insert (';*.qll', S, Pos ('*.asm;*.o', S) + Length ('*.asm')); AddFileDlg.Filter := S; AddFileDlg.FilterIndex := AddFileDlg.FilterIndex + 1; with ProjectTree.Items.Insert (TopNode.Item [TQuillSourceFile.GetClassTreeIndex], 'Quill Files') do begin ImageIndex := TopNode.Item[0].ImageIndex; SelectedIndex := TopNode.Item[0].SelectedIndex; end; end; ProjectTree.FullExpand; ResetProjectSettings; AssumeUndefined := False; AutoSave := True; AutoNews := False; LastNewsDate := 0; GetTempPath (SizeOf (TempDir), TempDir); Temp := AnsiString (TempDir); if (Length (Temp) <= 0) or (not DirExists (Temp)) then begin GetEnvironmentVariable ('TMP', TempDir, SizeOf (TempDir)); Temp := AnsiString (TempDir); end; if (Length (Temp) <= 0) or (not DirExists (Temp)) then begin GetEnvironmentVariable ('TEMP', TempDir, SizeOf (TempDir)); Temp := AnsiString (TempDir); end; if (Length (Temp) <= 0) or (Length (Temp) > 30) or (Pos (' ', Temp) > 0) or (Pos ('TEMP', UpperCase (Temp)) <= 0) then begin GetWindowsDirectory (TempDir, SizeOf (TempDir)); Temp := WithBackslash (AnsiString (TempDir)) + 'TEMP\'; if not DirExists (Temp) then try MkDir (Temp); except end; end; if (Length (Temp) <= 0) or (Length (Temp) > 30) or (Pos (' ', Temp) > 0) then begin Temp := 'C:\TEMP\'; if not DirExists (Temp) then try MkDir (Temp); except end; end; Temp := WithBackslash (Temp) + IntToHex (GetCurrentProcessID, 8) + '\'; if not DirExists (Temp) then try MkDir (Temp); except end; TempLockHandle := Windows.FindFirstFile (PChar (Temp + '*.*'), TempLockData); StopOnErrors := False; JumpToError := True; OpenFolderMessage := True; DeleteAssemblyFiles := True; DeleteObjectFiles := False; {$IFDEF CanSplit} SplitFiles := True; {$ENDIF} DeleteErrors := True; TransferTarget := ttVTI; LinkPort.PortType := lpCOM; LinkPort.PortNumber := 1; LinkCable := lcBlack; TabSizeAsm := 8; TabSizeC := 2; AutoBlocks := True; EditorOnFly := True; EditorDragDrop := True; if Assigned (StartupScreenForm) then StartupScreenForm.DisplayText := 'Loading Preferences...'; try LoadPreferences; except ShowDefaultMessageBox ('An error occured while loading the preferences. Some parts of the program may not be configured correctly.', 'Error', mtProgramError); end; DocFile.FileName := WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + DocLocation + 'TIGCC.chm'; if DirExists (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + ProjectsLocation) then OpenProjectDlg.InitialDir := WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + ProjectsLocation else OpenProjectDlg.InitialDir := TIGCCFolder; SaveProjectDlg.InitialDir := OpenProjectDlg.InitialDir; AddFileDlg.InitialDir := OpenProjectDlg.InitialDir; DragAcceptFiles (Handle, True); ParsingUnit.ErrorMessageProc := ErrorMessage; S := ''; if ParamCount > 0 then begin if LowerCase (ExtractFileExt (ParamStr (1))) = LowerCase (ProjectFileExt) then ProjectFile := ExpandFileName (ParamStr (1)) else S := ExpandFileName (ParamStr (1)); end; if Length (ProjectFile) > 0 then begin if Assigned (StartupScreenForm) then StartupScreenForm.DisplayText := 'Opening Project...'; FileLoad; end; if Length (S) > 0 then AddSourceFile (S, True); if AutoNews then begin if Assigned (StartupScreenForm) then StartupScreenForm.DisplayText := 'Downloading Headlines...'; with TNewsForm.Create (Self) do begin SilentConnect := True; Connect; end; end; except ShowDefaultMessageBox ('An error occured while setting up the application. Some parts of the program may not be configured correctly.', 'Error', mtProgramError); end; StartingAppNow := False; {$IFDEF CODINGEXT} InitCodingExt; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TMainForm.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; begin Closing := True; ClearDebugInfo; ErrorList.Items.Clear; SourceFiles.Free; SyntaxQuillBackup.Free; SyntaxAsmBackup.Free; SyntaxAsmGNUBackup.Free; SyntaxCBackup.Free; if LinkLibHandle <> 0 then FreeLibrary (LinkLibHandle); if TempLockHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then Windows.FindClose (TempLockHandle); try RmDir (Temp); except end; ToolsList.Free; with RecentFiles do begin for I := Count - 1 downto 0 do Objects[I].Free; Free; end; end; procedure TMainForm.AppException(Sender: TObject; E: Exception); begin if not (E is ESocketError) then ShowDefaultMessageBox ('Internal Error: Exception ' + E.ClassName + ', Message "' + E.Message + '"'#13#10#13#10'Please fill out a bug report form at http://tigcc.ticalc.org/.', 'Internal Error', mtProgramError); end; procedure TMainForm.ProjectTreeEditing(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode; var AllowEdit: Boolean); begin AllowEdit := Assigned (Node.Data) or not Assigned (Node.Parent); end; procedure TMainForm.ProjectAddFiles(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; F: TSourceFile; begin if AddFileDlg.Execute then begin for I := AddFileDlg.Files.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin F := AddSourceFile(ExpandFileName(AddFileDlg.Files[I])); if (I = 0) and Assigned (F) and Assigned (F.TreeItem) then SelectNode (F.TreeItem); end; Modify; end else Abort; end; procedure TMainForm.ProjectTreeChange(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode); var NewSelection: TTreeNode; NewEditor: TWinControl; IsMemo, DataItem, BinaryType: Boolean; begin NewSelection := ProjectTree.Selected; PreviousNode := NewSelection; if not Closing then begin if Assigned (NewSelection) and Assigned (NewSelection.Data) and (TObject (NewSelection.Data) is TSourceFile) then NewEditor := TSourceFile(NewSelection.Data).Editor else NewEditor := NoEditor; if Assigned (EditorToHide) and (EditorToHide <> NewEditor) then EditorToHide.Align := alNone; if NewEditor.Parent <> EditorPanel then NewEditor.Parent := EditorPanel; if NewEditor.Align <> alClient then NewEditor.Align := alClient; IsMemo := NewEditor is TMemoComponent; if IsMemo then begin with TMemoComponent (NewEditor) do begin DrawingSuspended := True; OnEnter := EditorEnter; OnExit := EditorExit; OnKeyDown := EditorKeyDown; OnChange := EditorChange; OnSelectionChange := EditorChange; PopupMenu := EditorPopup; end; end; NewEditor.Show; Update; if IsMemo then with TMemoComponent (NewEditor) do begin DrawingSuspended := False; Repaint; end; if Assigned (EditorToHide) and (EditorToHide <> NewEditor) then EditorToHide.Hide; EditorToHide := nil; DataItem := Assigned (NewSelection) and Assigned (NewSelection.Data); Node := GetSourceTypeFolder (NewSelection); BinaryType := Assigned (Node) and ((Node.Index = TObjectSourceFile.GetClassTreeIndex) or (Node.Index = TArchiveSourceFile.GetClassTreeIndex) or (Node.Index = TOtherSourceFile.GetClassTreeIndex)); ActionFileNewFolder.Enabled := Assigned (NewSelection) and Assigned (NewSelection.Parent); ActionTreeItemNewFolder.Enabled := ActionFileNewFolder.Enabled; ActionFileNewFile.Enabled := ActionFileNewFolder.Enabled and (not BinaryType); ActionTreeItemNewFile.Enabled := ActionFileNewFile.Enabled; if ActiveControl = ProjectTree then ActionEditDelete.Enabled := DataItem; ActionFilePrint.Enabled := DataItem and (TObject (NewSelection.Data) is TSourceFile) and TSourceFile(NewSelection.Data).Printable and (Printer.Printers.Count > 0); ActionFilePrintQuickly.Enabled := ActionFilePrint.Enabled; ActionFindFunctions.Enabled := DataItem and (TObject (NewSelection.Data) is TSourceTextSourceFile); UpdateStatusBar; end; end; procedure TMainForm.FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean); begin if Compiling then CanClose := False else try WarnIfModified; SavePreferences; except CanClose := False; end; end; procedure TMainForm.WarnIfModified; var I: Integer; begin if Modified then case ShowDefaultMessageBox ('The current project has been modified. Do you want to save the changes?', 'Project Modified', mtQuestion, True) of idYes: FileSave; idCancel: Abort; end; with SourceFiles do for I := 0 to Count - 1 do with Items [I] as TSourceFile do WarnIfModified; end; procedure TMainForm.FileLoad; function StringToRelocFormat(const S: string): TRelocFormat; begin if S = 'None' then Result := rfNone else if S = 'Direct' then Result := rfDirect else if S = 'AMS' then Result := rfAMS else if S = 'Kernel' then Result := rfKernel else if S = 'Compressed' then Result := rfCompressed else if S = 'MLink' then Result := rfMLink else if S = 'F-Line' then Result := rfFLine else Result := rfUnknown; end; var F: TOpenFileStatusForm; I, J, Ps: Integer; S, P: string; SL: TStringList; Folder: TFolder; Node, SubNode: TTreeNode; CurrentFile: TSourceFile; begin if not Compiling then begin WarnIfModified; Modified := False; OpeningProjectNow := True; Update; F := nil; ProjectTree.Items.BeginUpdate; S := ProjectFile; try FileClear; if (Length (S) > 0) and FileExists (S) then begin if not StartingAppNow then begin try F := TOpenFileStatusForm.Create (Self); except F := nil; end; if Assigned (F) then begin P := ExtractFileName (S); F.FileNameLabel.Caption := 'Opening Project ''' + Copy (P, 1, LastPos ('.', P) - 1) + '''...'; F.Show; F.Update; end; end; SHAddToRecentDocs(SHARD_PATH, PChar (S)); with TIniFile.Create (S) do try TopNode.Text := ReadString ('Settings', 'Project Name', 'Project1'); ProjectFile := S; if ReadBool ('Settings', 'Archive', False) then ProjectTarget := ptArchive else if ReadBool ('Settings', 'Flash OS', False) then ProjectTarget := ptFlashOS else if ReadBool ('Settings', 'Fargo', False) then ProjectTarget := ptFargo; UseDataVar := ReadBool ('Settings', 'Use Data Variable', False); DataVar := ReadString ('Settings', 'Data Variable', ''); DataVarCopy := ReadBool ('Settings', 'Copy Data Variable', True); DataVarCopyIfArchived := ReadBool ('Settings', 'Copy Data Variable if Archived', True); Pack := ReadBool ('Settings', 'Pack', False); PackVar := ReadString ('Settings', 'Packed Variable', ''); GCCSwitches := ReadString ('Settings', 'GCC Switches', ''); AsSwitches := ReadString ('Settings', 'GNU Assembler Switches', ''); AsmSwitches := ReadString ('Settings', 'Assembler Switches', ''); DebugInfo := ReadBool ('Settings', 'Debug Info', False); StdLib := ReadBool ('Settings', 'Standard Library', True); InitBSS := ReadBool ('Settings', 'Initialize BSS', True); OptimizeNOPs := ReadBool ('Settings', 'Optimize NOPs', True); OptimizeReturns := ReadBool ('Settings', 'Optimize Returns', True); OptimizeBranches := ReadBool ('Settings', 'Optimize Branches', True); OptimizeMoves := ReadBool ('Settings', 'Optimize Moves', True); OptimizeTests := ReadBool ('Settings', 'Optimize Tests', True); OptimizeCalculations := ReadBool ('Settings', 'Optimize Calculations', True); RemoveUnusedSections := ReadBool ('Settings', 'Remove Unused Sections', True); CutUnusedRanges := ReadBool ('Settings', 'Cut Unused Ranges', True); ReorderSections := ReadBool ('Settings', 'Reorder Sections', True); MergeConstants := ReadBool ('Settings', 'Merge Constants', True); OutputBin := ReadBool ('Settings', 'Binary Output', False); CommandLine := ReadString ('Settings', 'Command Line', ''); PostBuildProcessFile := ReadString ('Settings', 'Post-Build Process', ''); while Pos ('`', PostBuildProcessFile) > 0 do PostBuildProcessFile [Pos ('`', PostBuildProcessFile)] := '"'; if Assigned (PredefinedLibOptions) then with PredefinedLibOptions do begin CalcDests := []; if ReadBool ('Library Options', 'Use TI-89', False) then Include (CalcDests, cdTI89); if ReadBool ('Library Options', 'Use TI-92 Plus', False) then Include (CalcDests, cdTI92Plus); if ReadBool ('Library Options', 'Use V200', False) then Include (CalcDests, cdV200); OptimizeCalcConsts := ReadBool ('Library Options', 'Optimize Calc Consts', False); if ReadBool ('Library Options', 'Use PreOS', False) then KernelFormat := kfCompressedTables else if ReadBool ('Library Options', 'Use Kernel', False) then KernelFormat := kfStandard else KernelFormat := kfNone; UseMinAMS := ReadBool ('Library Options', 'Minimum AMS Version Defined', False); MinAMS := ReadString ('Library Options', 'Minimum AMS Version', '1.00'); UnofficialOSSupport := ReadBool ('Library Options', 'Unofficial OS Support', False); RelocFormat := StringToRelocFormat (ReadString ('Library Options', 'Reloc Format', '')); ROMCallFormat := StringToRelocFormat (ReadString ('Library Options', 'ROM Call Format', '')); BSSRefFormat := StringToRelocFormat (ReadString ('Library Options', 'BSS Ref Format', '')); DataRefFormat := StringToRelocFormat (ReadString ('Library Options', 'Data Ref Format', '')); UseFLineJumps := ReadBool ('Library Options', 'Use F-Line Jumps', False); Use4ByteFLineJumps := ReadBool ('Library Options', 'Use 4-Byte F-Line Jumps', False); OptimizeROMCalls := ReadBool ('Library Options', 'Optimize ROM Calls', False); UseInternalFLineEmulator := ReadBool ('Library Options', 'Use Internal F-Line Emulator', False); UseReturnValue := ReadBool ('Library Options', 'Use Return Value', False); EnableErrorReturn := ReadBool ('Library Options', 'Enable Error Return', False); SaveScreen := ReadBool ('Library Options', 'Save Screen', False); end; SL := TStringList.Create; try ReadSection ('Included Files', SL); for I := 0 to SL.Count - 1 do begin P := SL.Strings [I]; S := ReadString ('Included Files', P, ''); if Length (S) > 0 then begin if Copy (P, Length (P) - Length (' Folder') + 1, Length (P)) = ' Folder' then begin Delete (P, Length (P) - Length (' Folder') + 1, Length (P)); J := SL.IndexOf (P); if J >= 0 then begin Node := TopNode.Item [TSourceFile.GetAppropriateClassFromName (Copy (P, 1, LastPos (' ', P) - 1)).GetClassTreeIndex]; repeat Ps := Pos ('\', S); if Ps > 0 then P := Copy (S, 1, Ps - 1) else P := S; SubNode := Node.GetFirstChild; while Assigned (SubNode) and ((not Assigned (SubNode.Data)) or (not (TObject (SubNode.Data) is TFolder)) or (SubNode.Text <> P)) do SubNode := SubNode.GetNextSibling; if Assigned (SubNode) then Node := SubNode else begin Folder := TFolder.Create; Node := ProjectTree.Items.AddChildObject (Node, P, Folder); Folder.TreeItem := Node; with Node do begin ImageIndex := 0; SelectedIndex := 1; end; end; Delete (S, 1, Length (P) + 1); until Length (S) <= 0; SL.Objects [J] := Node.Data; end; end; end; end; for I := 0 to SL.Count - 1 do begin P := SL.Strings [I]; S := ReadString ('Included Files', P, ''); if Length (S) > 0 then begin if Copy (P, Length (P) - Length (' Folder') + 1, Length (P)) <> ' Folder' then begin if Pos (':', S) <= 0 then S := ExtractFilePath (ProjectFile) + S; if FileExists (S) then AddSourceFile (S, False, TSourceFile.GetAppropriateClassFromName (Copy (P, 1, LastPos (' ', P) - 1)), TFolder (SL.Objects [I])) else ShowDefaultMessageBox ('File not found:'#13#10#13#10 + S, 'Error', mtProgramError); end; end; end; finally SL.Free; end; S := ReadString ('File Editing', 'Open File', ''); if Length (S) > 0 then begin CurrentFile := SourceFiles.FindFile (S); if Assigned (CurrentFile) then CurrentFile.Edit; end; finally Free; end; ProjectTree.FullExpand; NoEditor.Show; UpdateDebugSettings; AddToRecent (ProjectFile); end; SortFiles; finally ProjectTree.Items.EndUpdate; OpeningProjectNow := False; if Assigned (F) then F.Free; end; Modified := False; end; end; procedure TMainForm.FileNew; begin if not Compiling then begin WarnIfModified; Modified := False; ProjectFile := ''; FileClear; end; end; procedure TMainForm.FileClear; procedure TryDeleteNode(Node: TTreeNode); var I: Integer; begin with Node do begin for I := Count - 1 downto 0 do TryDeleteNode (Item [I]); if Assigned (Data) then Delete; end; end; begin if not Compiling then begin WarnIfModified; Modified := False; Invalidated := True; ActiveControl := ProjectTree; ErrorList.Items.BeginUpdate; ErrorList.Items.Clear; ErrorList.Items.EndUpdate; ProjectTree.Items.BeginUpdate; ClearDebugInfo; TopNode.Text := 'Project1'; SelectNode (TopNode); TryDeleteNode (TopNode); ProjectTree.FullExpand; ProjectTree.Items.EndUpdate; ResetProjectSettings; NoEditor.Show; UpdateDebugSettings; Update; Modified := False; end; end; procedure TMainForm.FileOpen(const FN: string); begin if not Compiling then begin WarnIfModified; Modified := False; ProjectTree.Items.BeginUpdate; ProjectFile := FN; FileLoad; ProjectTree.Items.EndUpdate; end; end; procedure TMainForm.FileSave; function RelocFormatToString(RelocFormat: TRelocFormat): string; begin case RelocFormat of rfNone: Result := 'None'; rfDirect: Result := 'Direct'; rfAMS: Result := 'AMS'; rfKernel: Result := 'Kernel'; rfCompressed: Result := 'Compressed'; rfMLink: Result := 'MLink'; rfFLine: Result := 'F-Line'; else Result := 'Unknown'; end; end; var I, ClassCount: Integer; S: string; SL: TStringList; begin if ProjectFile = '' then FileSaveProjectAs (Self) else begin try with SourceFiles do for I := 0 to Count - 1 do with Items [I] as TSourceFile do begin if UpperCase (ExtractFilePath (FileName)) = 'C:\' then FileName := ExtractFilePath (ProjectFile) + LogicalFileName; if Modified or not FileExists (FileName) then Save; end; with TIniFile.Create (ProjectFile) do try WriteBool ('Settings', 'Archive', ProjectTarget = ptArchive); WriteBool ('Settings', 'Flash OS', ProjectTarget = ptFlashOS); WriteBool ('Settings', 'Fargo', ProjectTarget = ptFargo); WriteBool ('Settings', 'Use Data Variable', UseDataVar); WriteString ('Settings', 'Data Variable', DataVar); WriteBool ('Settings', 'Copy Data Variable', DataVarCopy); WriteBool ('Settings', 'Copy Data Variable if Archived', DataVarCopyIfArchived); WriteBool ('Settings', 'Pack', Pack); WriteString ('Settings', 'Packed Variable', PackVar); WriteString ('Settings', 'Project Name', TopNode.Text); WriteString ('Settings', 'GCC Switches', GCCSwitches); WriteString ('Settings', 'GNU Assembler Switches', AsSwitches); WriteString ('Settings', 'Assembler Switches', AsmSwitches); WriteBool ('Settings', 'Debug Info', DebugInfo); WriteBool ('Settings', 'Standard Library', StdLib); WriteBool ('Settings', 'Initialize BSS', InitBSS); WriteBool ('Settings', 'Optimize NOPs', OptimizeNOPs); WriteBool ('Settings', 'Optimize Returns', OptimizeReturns); WriteBool ('Settings', 'Optimize Branches', OptimizeBranches); WriteBool ('Settings', 'Optimize Moves', OptimizeMoves); WriteBool ('Settings', 'Optimize Tests', OptimizeTests); WriteBool ('Settings', 'Optimize Calculations', OptimizeCalculations); WriteBool ('Settings', 'Remove Unused Sections', RemoveUnusedSections); WriteBool ('Settings', 'Cut Unused Ranges', CutUnusedRanges); WriteBool ('Settings', 'Reorder Sections', ReorderSections); WriteBool ('Settings', 'Merge Constants', MergeConstants); WriteBool ('Settings', 'Binary Output', OutputBin); WriteString ('Settings', 'Command Line', CommandLine); S := PostBuildProcessFile; while Pos ('"', S) > 0 do S [Pos ('"', S)] := '`'; WriteString ('Settings', 'Post-Build Process', S); if Assigned (PredefinedLibOptions) then with PredefinedLibOptions do begin WriteBool ('Library Options', 'Use TI-89', cdTI89 in CalcDests); WriteBool ('Library Options', 'Use TI-92 Plus', cdTI92Plus in CalcDests); WriteBool ('Library Options', 'Use V200', cdV200 in CalcDests); WriteBool ('Library Options', 'Optimize Calc Consts', OptimizeCalcConsts); WriteBool ('Library Options', 'Use Kernel', KernelFormat <> kfNone); WriteBool ('Library Options', 'Use PreOS', KernelFormat = kfCompressedTables); WriteBool ('Library Options', 'Minimum AMS Version Defined', UseMinAMS); WriteString ('Library Options', 'Minimum AMS Version', MinAMS); WriteBool ('Library Options', 'Unofficial OS Support', UnofficialOSSupport); WriteString ('Library Options', 'Reloc Format', RelocFormatToString (RelocFormat)); WriteString ('Library Options', 'ROM Call Format', RelocFormatToString (ROMCallFormat)); WriteString ('Library Options', 'BSS Ref Format', RelocFormatToString (BSSRefFormat)); WriteString ('Library Options', 'Data Ref Format', RelocFormatToString (DataRefFormat)); WriteBool ('Library Options', 'Use F-Line Jumps', UseFLineJumps); WriteBool ('Library Options', 'Use 4-Byte F-Line Jumps', Use4ByteFLineJumps); WriteBool ('Library Options', 'Optimize ROM Calls', OptimizeROMCalls); WriteBool ('Library Options', 'Use Internal F-Line Emulator', UseInternalFLineEmulator); WriteBool ('Library Options', 'Use Return Value', UseReturnValue); WriteBool ('Library Options', 'Enable Error Return', EnableErrorReturn); WriteBool ('Library Options', 'Save Screen', SaveScreen); end; EraseSection ('Included Files'); SL := TStringList.Create; try with SourceFiles do for I := 0 to Count - 1 do with Items [I] as TSourceFile do if InProject then begin S := SL.Values [ClassItemName]; if Length (S) > 0 then ClassCount := StrToInt (S) + 1 else ClassCount := 1; SL.Values [ClassItemName] := IntToStr (ClassCount); WriteString ('Included Files', ClassItemName + ' ' + IntToStr (ClassCount), DynamicName); S := FolderPath; if Length (S) > 0 then WriteString ('Included Files', ClassItemName + ' ' + IntToStr (ClassCount) + ' Folder', S); end; finally SL.Free; end; S := ''; if Assigned (ProjectTree.Selected) and Assigned (ProjectTree.Selected.Data) and (TObject (ProjectTree.Selected.Data) is TSourceFile) then S := TSourceFile(ProjectTree.Selected.Data).FileName; WriteString ('File Editing', 'Open File', S); UpdateFile; finally Free; end; Modified := False; except ShowDefaultMessageBox ('Error saving project file.', 'Error', mtProgramError); end; AddToRecent (ProjectFile); end; end; procedure TMainForm.FileSaveAs(const FN: string); var I: Integer; begin with SourceFiles do for I := 0 to Count - 1 do with Items [I] as TSourceFile do if Pos ('\', DynamicName) <= 0 then WriteToFile (ExtractFilePath (FN) + DynamicName, True); ProjectFile := FN; FileSave; end; procedure TMainForm.ProjectTreeDeletion(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode); begin PreviousNode := nil; EditorToHide := nil; if Assigned (Node.Data) then if TObject (Node.Data) is TSourceFile then begin with TSourceFile (Node.Data) do begin TreeItem := nil; Free; end; end else with TObject (Node.Data) do Free; ProjectTree.Invalidate; end; procedure TMainForm.FileExit(Sender: TObject); begin Close; end; procedure TMainForm.FileNewProject(Sender: TObject); begin WarnIfModified; Modified := False; FileNew; end; procedure TMainForm.TreeItemRemove(Sender: TObject); var Node, CurNode: TTreeNode; begin Node := ProjectTree.Selected; if (not Compiling) and Assigned (Node) and Assigned (Node.Data) then begin CurNode := Node; while Assigned (CurNode) and (CurNode <> Node.GetNextSibling) do begin if Assigned (CurNode.Data) and (TObject (CurNode.Data) is TSourceFile) then TSourceFile(CurNode.Data).WarnIfModified; CurNode := CurNode.GetNext; if Node.GetNextSibling = nil then break; end; Node.Delete; Modify; end; end; procedure TMainForm.TreeItemDelete(Sender: TObject); var Node: TTreeNode; begin Node := ProjectTree.Selected; if (not Compiling) and Assigned (Node) and Assigned (Node.Data) and (TObject (Node.Data) is TSourceFile) then begin if ShowDefaultMessageBox ('Are you sure you want to delete this source file? You cannot undo this operation.', 'Confirm Deletion', mtQuestion) = idYes then begin with TSourceFile (Node.Data) do if (FileName <> '') and FileExists (FileName) then DeleteFile (FileName); Node.Delete; Modify; end; end; end; procedure TMainForm.CopyHeaders; var I, J: Integer; HasA68kFiles: Boolean; begin HasA68kFiles := False; with SourceFiles do begin for I := 0 to Count - 1 do if Items [I] is TAsmSourceFile then begin HasA68kFiles := True; Break; end; if HasA68kFiles then with TFileReferences.Create do try SearchForFiles (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + ASMIncludeLocation + '*.*', atAll); for J := 0 to Count - 1 do CopyFile (PChar (Items[J].FullName), PChar (Temp + ExtractFileName (Items[J].FullName)), False); finally Free; end; for I := 0 to Count - 1 do begin if Items [I] is THeaderSourceFile then begin with Items [I] as THeaderSourceFile do begin if Invalidated then RecompileFiles; if InProject then SplitAndWriteToFile (Temp + LogicalFileName); end; end else if Items [I] is TOtherSourceFile then with Items [I] as TSourceFile do if InProject then WriteToFile (Temp + LogicalFileName); end; end; end; procedure TMainForm.DeleteHeaders; var I: Integer; FN: string; begin with TFileReferences.Create do try SearchForFiles (Temp + '*.h', atAll); for I := 0 to Count - 1 do try DeleteFile (Items[I].FullName); except end; finally Free; end; with SourceFiles do for I := 0 to Count - 1 do if (Items [I] is THeaderSourceFile) or (Items [I] is TOtherSourceFile) then with Items [I] as TSourceFile do begin FN := Temp + LogicalFileName; if FileExists (FN) then try DeleteFile (FN); except end; RemovePathFor (FN, Temp); end; end; procedure TMainForm.TreeItemCompile(Sender: TObject); var Node: TTreeNode; begin Node := ProjectTree.Selected; if (not Compiling) and Assigned (Node) and Assigned (Node.Data) and (TObject (Node.Data) is TSourceFile) and (TSourceFile(Node.Data).Compilable) then begin BeginCompilation; CopyHeaders; TSourceFile(Node.Data).Compile; DeleteHeaders; EndCompilation; end; end; procedure TMainForm.CloseErrorsButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin HideErrors; end; procedure TMainForm.AddError(const Line: string; BugTp: TBugType; SourceF: string; ErrFunc: string; ErrMessage: string; SourceLn: Integer; Offset: Integer); var I, J: Integer; O: TFoundError; Ignore: Boolean; Token: string; begin ErrMessage := Trim (ErrMessage); if ErrMessage <> '' then begin Ignore := False; if BugTp in [btWarning, btInfo] then begin if ((ErrFunc = '') and (UpperCase (ErrMessage) = '''STATIC'' IS NOT AT BEGINNING OF DECLARATION')) or (Pos ('__DUMMY__', UpperCase (ErrMessage)) > 0) or (Pos ('''__R''', UpperCase (ErrMessage)) > 0) or (Pos ('MULTI-LINE STRING LITERALS ARE DEPRECATED', UpperCase (ErrMessage)) > 0) then Ignore := True; end else begin if (Pos ('(EACH UNDECLARED IDENTIFIER IS REPORTED ONLY ONCE', UpperCase (ErrMessage)) > 0) or (Pos ('FOR EACH FUNCTION IT APPEARS IN.)', UpperCase (ErrMessage)) > 0) then Ignore := True; end; if not Ignore then begin if ErrFunc = '__main' then ErrFunc := '_main'; if ErrFunc = '__exit' then ErrFunc := '_exit'; ErrorList.Items.BeginUpdate; try ErrMessage [1] := UpCase (ErrMessage [1]); O := TFoundError.Create; with O do begin SourceFile := nil; if (Length (SourceF) > 0) and (LowerCase (ExtractFileExt (SourceF)) <> '.exe') and (LowerCase (ExtractFileExt (SourceF)) <> '.a') then try if Pos ('\', SourceF) > 0 then begin SourceFile := SourceFiles.FindFile (SourceF); if (not Assigned (SourceFile)) and (LowerCase (ExtractFileExt (SourceF)) = '.o') then begin SourceFile := SourceFiles.FindFile (ChangeFileExt (SourceF, '.c')); if not Assigned (SourceFile) then SourceFile := SourceFiles.FindFile (ChangeFileExt (SourceF, '.s')); if not Assigned (SourceFile) then SourceFile := SourceFiles.FindFile (ChangeFileExt (SourceF, '.asm')); end; end else begin SourceFile := SourceFiles.FindFileNameOnly (SourceF); if (not Assigned (SourceFile)) and (LowerCase (ExtractFileExt (SourceF)) = '.o') then begin SourceFile := SourceFiles.FindFileNameOnly (ChangeFileExt (SourceF, '.c')); if not Assigned (SourceFile) then SourceFile := SourceFiles.FindFileNameOnly (ChangeFileExt (SourceF, '.s')); if not Assigned (SourceFile) then SourceFile := SourceFiles.FindFileNameOnly (ChangeFileExt (SourceF, '.asm')); end; end; if not Assigned (SourceFile) then begin if (Pos ('\', SourceF) > 0) and FileExists (SourceF) then SourceFile := AddSourceFile (SourceF, True) else if FileExists (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + CIncludeLocation + ExtractFileName (SourceF)) then SourceFile := AddSourceFile (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + CIncludeLocation + ExtractFileName (SourceF), True) else if FileExists (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + AsmIncludeLocation + ExtractFileName (SourceF)) then SourceFile := AddSourceFile (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + AsmIncludeLocation + ExtractFileName (SourceF), True); end; except end; BugType := BugTp; WholeLine := Line; ErrorMessage := ErrMessage; ErrFunction := ErrFunc; if Assigned (SourceFile) and (SourceFile is TTextSourceFile) then with SourceFile as TTextSourceFile do if Assigned (TextEditor) then begin I := GetCompiledLineStart (SourceLn) + Offset; if I > 0 then begin if Pos ('''', ErrorMessage) > 0 then begin Token := Copy (ErrorMessage, Pos ('''', ErrorMessage) + 1, Length (ErrorMessage)); Delete (Token, Pos ('''', Token), Length (Token)); if Length (Token) > 0 then begin J := I; while (J <= TextEditor.TextLength) and (TextEditor.Text [J] in [#9, #10, #13, #32]) and (Copy (TextEditor.Text, J, Length (Token)) <> Token) do Inc (J); if Copy (TextEditor.Text, J, Length (Token)) = Token then I := J; end; end; O.Range := TMCRange.Create (TextEditor.TrackedRanges); O.Range.RStart := I; O.Range.OnOverwrite := DeleteError; end else O.Range := nil; end; end; with ErrorList.Items.Add do begin Data := Pointer (O); ImageIndex := Integer (BugTp); Caption := ErrMessage; if Assigned (O.SourceFile) then SubItems.Add (O.SourceFile.SourceName) else SubItems.Add (''); SubItems.Add (ErrFunc); ShowErrors; if JumpToError and (BugTp = btError) and (not Assigned (ErrorList.Selected)) then begin Selected := True; ErrorListClick (Self); end; end; except end; ErrorList.Items.EndUpdate; end; end; UpdateErrorWindow; end; procedure TMainForm.ClearErrors; begin HideErrors; with ErrorList.Items do begin BeginUpdate; Clear; EndUpdate; end; ActionProjectShowErrors.Enabled := False; end; procedure TMainForm.HideErrors; begin Splitter2.Hide; ErrWinPanel.Hide; ActionProjectShowErrors.Checked := False; end; procedure TMainForm.ShowErrors; begin if ErrorList.Items.Count > 0 then begin ErrWinPanel.Show; Splitter2.Show; Splitter2.Top := ErrWinPanel.Top - Splitter2.Height; ActionProjectShowErrors.Checked := True; ErrorList.Refresh; end; end; procedure TMainForm.ErrorListDeletion(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem); var O: TObject; begin if Assigned (Item.Data) then begin O := TObject(Item.Data); Item.Data := nil; O.Free; end; end; procedure TMainForm.UpdateErrorWindow; var I: Integer; EC, WC: Integer; begin with ErrorList, Items do begin EC := 0; WC := 0; for I := 0 to Count - 1 do with TFoundError (Item[I].Data) do case BugType of btWarning: Inc (WC); btError: Inc (EC); end; ErrorsLabel.Caption := IntToStr (EC); WarningsLabel.Caption := IntToStr (WC); if Count <= 0 then HideErrors; end; ActionProjectShowErrors.Enabled := ErrorList.Items.Count > 0; if not ActionProjectShowErrors.Enabled then ActionProjectShowErrors.Checked := False; end; procedure TMainForm.TreeItemSave(Sender: TObject); var Node: TTreeNode; begin Node := ProjectTree.Selected; if Assigned (Node) and Assigned (Node.Data) and (TObject (Node.Data) is TSourceFile) then TSourceFile(Node.Data).Save; end; procedure TMainForm.HelpDocumentation(Sender: TObject); begin try DocFile.Display; except ShowDefaultMessageBox ('Error opening documentation.', 'Error', mtProgramError); end; end; procedure TMainForm.EditorEnter(Sender: TObject); begin ActionEditPaste.Enabled := True; ActionEditSelectAll.Enabled := True; ActionEditIncreaseIndent.Enabled := True; ActionEditDecreaseIndent.Enabled := True; ActionFindOpenFile.Enabled := True; UpdateEditButtons; end; procedure TMainForm.EditorExit(Sender: TObject); begin ActionEditDelete.Enabled := False; ActionEditCut.Enabled := False; ActionEditCopy.Enabled := False; ActionEditPaste.Enabled := False; ActionEditSelectAll.Enabled := False; ActionEditIncreaseIndent.Enabled := False; ActionEditDecreaseIndent.Enabled := False; ActionFindOpenFile.Enabled := False; ActionEditUndo.Enabled := False; ActionEditRedo.Enabled := False; end; procedure TMainForm.EditUndo(Sender: TObject); begin if Assigned (CurrentEditor) then CurrentEditor.Undo; end; procedure TMainForm.EditRedo(Sender: TObject); begin if Assigned (CurrentEditor) then CurrentEditor.Redo; end; procedure TMainForm.EditClear(Sender: TObject); var Editor: TMemoComponent; begin Editor := CurrentEditor; if Assigned (Editor) and (ActiveControl = Editor) then Editor.ClearSelection else if ActiveControl = ProjectTree then TreeItemRemove (Sender); end; procedure TMainForm.EditCut(Sender: TObject); var Editor: TMemoComponent; begin Editor := CurrentEditor; if Assigned (Editor) and (ActiveControl = Editor) then Editor.CutToClipboard; end; procedure TMainForm.EditCopy(Sender: TObject); var Editor: TMemoComponent; begin Editor := CurrentEditor; if Assigned (Editor) and (ActiveControl = Editor) then Editor.CopyToClipboard; end; procedure TMainForm.EditPaste(Sender: TObject); var Editor: TMemoComponent; begin Editor := CurrentEditor; if Assigned (Editor) and (ActiveControl = Editor) then Editor.PasteFromClipboard; end; procedure TMainForm.EditSelectAll(Sender: TObject); var Editor: TMemoComponent; begin Editor := CurrentEditor; if Assigned (Editor) and (ActiveControl = Editor) then Editor.SelectAll; end; procedure TMainForm.ProjectCompile(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; begin if not Compiling then begin if AutoSave then FileSave else with SourceFiles do for I := 0 to Count - 1 do with Items [I] as TSourceFile do if not InProject then Save; BeginCompilation; CompileProject; EndCompilation; end; end; procedure TMainForm.ProjectMake(Sender: TObject); begin MakeFileWrapped; DisplayFolderMessage; end; procedure TMainForm.MakeFileWrapped; var I: Integer; begin if not Compiling then begin if AutoSave then FileSave else with SourceFiles do for I := 0 to Count - 1 do with Items [I] as TSourceFile do if not InProject then Save; OperationSuccessful := False; if ProjectFile = '' then ShowDefaultMessageBox ('You need to save your project before you can create executable files.', 'Project not Saved', mtProgramError) else begin BeginCompilation; CompileProject; Application.ProcessMessages; if OperationSuccessful and not OperationCancelled then MakeFile; EndCompilation; end; end; end; procedure TMainForm.MakeFile; procedure FileNotCompiled(const FileName: string); begin ShowDefaultMessageBox ('The file ''' + FileName + ''' has not been compiled. You have to compile it first before you can link it to your project.', 'No Object File', mtProgramError); end; var MainFiles: array [TCalcDest] of string; procedure HandleContents(const ProjectFile, FolderName, VarName, DataFolderName, DataVarName: string; Pack: Boolean; const PackVar: string; CalcDest: TCalcDest); var InputStream, OutputStream: TMemoryStream; OutputSize: LongWord; FileSize: Integer; F: file; B: Byte; begin CompUpdate; OperationSuccessful := False; with LinkOutputFiles [CalcDest, frMain] do if Assigned (Data) then begin OutputStream := TMemoryStream.Create; try if OSUpgrade then begin OutputSize := GetOSUpgradeFileSize (Data.Size, OutputBin); OutputStream.Size := OutputSize; ProduceOSUpgradeFile (OutputStream.Memory, Data.Memory, Data.Size, OutputBin); MainFiles [CalcDest] := ChangeFileExt (ProjectFile, GetOSUpgradeFileExt (CalcDest, OutputBin)); OutputStream.SaveToFile (MainFiles [CalcDest]); if LongWord (ProgSize) < OutputSize then ProgSize := OutputSize; OperationSuccessful := True; end else begin FileSize := 2 + Data.Size + 1; if Pack then begin AssignFile (F, Temp + 'tempprog.bin'); Rewrite (F, 1); B := (FileSize - 2) shr 8; BlockWrite (F, B, 1); B := (FileSize - 2); BlockWrite (F, B, 1); BlockWrite (F, Data.Memory^, Data.Size); B := Tag; BlockWrite (F, B, 1); CloseFile (F); MainConsole.Title := 'Compressor'; CompUpdate; try MainConsole.StartProcess (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + PackLocation + 'Pack.exe', 'tempprog.bin tempprog.pck', WithoutBackslash (Temp)); WaitForMainConsole ('Compression'); except ShowDefaultMessageBox ('Could not start compressor.', 'Error', mtProgramError); end; CompUpdate; if not OperationCancelled then begin if FileExists (Temp + 'tempprog.pck') then begin InputStream := TMemoryStream.Create; with InputStream do try LoadFromFile (Temp + 'tempprog.pck'); OutputSize := GetTransferFileSize (Size, 'ppg', OutputBin); if OutputSize > 0 then begin OutputStream.Size := OutputSize; ProduceTransferFile (OutputStream.Memory, Memory, Size, CalcDest, FolderName, PackVar, $F8, 'ppg', OutputBin); MainFiles [CalcDest] := ChangeFileExt (ProjectFile, GetTransferFileExt (CalcDest, $F8, OutputBin)); OutputStream.SaveToFile (MainFiles [CalcDest]); if LongWord (ProgSize) < OutputSize then ProgSize := OutputSize; OperationSuccessful := True; end else ShowDefaultMessageBox ('Compressed size of ' + IntToStr (Size) + ' bytes is too large, unexpectedly.', 'Error', mtProgramError); finally Free; end; end else ShowDefaultMessageBox ('Compression failed. Please check the program size.', 'Error', mtProgramError); end; if FileExists (Temp + 'tempprog.bin') then DeleteFile (Temp + 'tempprog.bin'); if FileExists (Temp + 'tempprog.pck') then DeleteFile (Temp + 'tempprog.pck'); end else begin OutputSize := GetTransferFileSize (Data.Size, VarExt, OutputBin); if OutputSize > 0 then begin OutputStream.Size := OutputSize; ProduceTransferFile (OutputStream.Memory, Data.Memory, Data.Size, CalcDest, FolderName, VarName, Tag, VarExt, OutputBin); MainFiles [CalcDest] := ChangeFileExt (ProjectFile, GetTransferFileExt (CalcDest, Tag, OutputBin)); OutputStream.SaveToFile (MainFiles [CalcDest]); if LongWord (ProgSize) < OutputSize then ProgSize := OutputSize; OperationSuccessful := True; end else ShowDefaultMessageBox ('Variable size of ' + IntToStr (FileSize) + ' bytes is too large, unexpectedly.', 'Error', mtProgramError); end; end; finally OutputStream.Free; end; CompUpdate; end else ShowDefaultMessageBox ('Unexpected destination calculator mismatch.', 'Error', mtProgramError); with LinkOutputFiles [CalcDest, frData] do if Assigned (Data) and (not OSUpgrade) then begin FileSize := 2 + Data.Size + 1; OutputStream := TMemoryStream.Create; try OutputSize := GetTransferFileSize (Data.Size, VarExt, OutputBin); if OutputSize > 0 then begin OutputStream.Size := OutputSize; ProduceTransferFile (OutputStream.Memory, Data.Memory, Data.Size, CalcDest, DataFolderName, DataVarName, Tag, VarExt, OutputBin); OutputStream.SaveToFile (ChangeFileExt (ChangeFileExt (ProjectFile, '') + '-data', GetTransferFileExt (CalcDest, Tag, OutputBin))); OperationSuccessful := True; end else ShowDefaultMessageBox ('Data variable size of ' + IntToStr (FileSize) + ' bytes is too large, unexpectedly.', 'Error', mtProgramError); finally OutputStream.Free; end; CompUpdate; end; end; procedure HandleDebugContents(const ProjectFile: string); begin with LinkDebugFile do if Assigned (Data) then Data.SaveToFile (ChangeFileExt (ProjectFile, '.dbg')); end; procedure CreatePackStarter(const ProjectFile, StarterFileName, FolderName, VarName, PackVar: string; CalcDests: TCalcDests); var CurCalcDest: TCalcDest; CustomStarterObject: string; ObjectFileNames: array [0..1] of PChar; DataVarInfo: TLinkLibDataVarInfo; OptimizeInfo: TLinkLibOptimizeInfo; begin CompUpdate; OperationSuccessful := False; for CurCalcDest := FirstCalcDest to LastCalcDest do begin LinkOutputFiles[CurCalcDest,frMain].Data := nil; LinkOutputFiles[CurCalcDest,frData].Data := nil; end; try CustomStarterObject := Temp + StarterFileName; if FileExists (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + PStarterLocation + StarterFileName) then try ParsePStarter (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + PStarterLocation + StarterFileName, CustomStarterObject, PackVar); except ShowDefaultMessageBox ('Error processing starter object file.', 'Error', mtProgramError); Exit; end else begin ShowDefaultMessageBox ('Cannot find starter object file.', 'Error', mtProgramError); Exit; end; if not OperationCancelled then begin ObjectFileNames [0] := PChar (CustomStarterObject); ObjectFileNames [1] := nil; FillChar (DataVarInfo, SizeOf (DataVarInfo), 0); FillChar (OptimizeInfo, SizeOf (OptimizeInfo), 0); if Assigned (LinkLibLinkFiles) then OperationSuccessful := LinkLibLinkFiles (@ObjectFileNames, nil, LinkLibError, LinkLibGetOutputFile, nil, False, False, False, DataVarInfo, OptimizeInfo, False) = 0 else ShowDefaultMessageBox ('Linker not loaded.', 'Error', mtProgramError); end; for CurCalcDest := cdTI89 to cdV200 do if OperationSuccessful and (not OperationCancelled) and (CurCalcDest in CalcDests) then HandleContents (ProjectFile, FolderName, VarName, '', '', False, '', CurCalcDest); finally for CurCalcDest := FirstCalcDest to LastCalcDest do begin if Assigned (LinkOutputFiles[CurCalcDest,frMain].Data) then LinkOutputFiles[CurCalcDest,frMain].Data.Free; if Assigned (LinkOutputFiles[CurCalcDest,frData].Data) then LinkOutputFiles[CurCalcDest,frData].Data.Free; LinkOutputFiles[CurCalcDest,frMain].Data := nil; LinkOutputFiles[CurCalcDest,frData].Data := nil; end; if FileExists (CustomStarterObject) then DeleteFile (CustomStarterObject); end; end; var FolderName, VarName, DataFolderName, DataVarName: array [0..MaxNameLength] of Char; I, P: Integer; S1, DestFile: string; Node: TTreeNode; SourceFile: TSourceFile; FileNameList: TStringList; ObjectFileNames, ArchiveFileNames: PPChar; ObjectFileCount, ArchiveFileCount: Integer; DataVarInfo: TLinkLibDataVarInfo; CalcDests: TCalcDests; CurCalcDest: TCalcDest; SR: TSearchRec; begin UpdateErrorWindow; OperationCancelled := False; OperationSuccessful := False; ProgSize := 0; CalcDests := []; OperationSuccessful := True; with TopNode do begin I := Pos ('\', Text); if I > 0 then begin StrPLCopy (VarName, LowerCase (Copy (Text, I + 1, MaxNameLength)), MaxNameLength); StrPLCopy (FolderName, LowerCase (Copy (Text, 1, I - 1)), MaxNameLength); CharLower (FolderName); end else begin StrPLCopy (VarName, LowerCase (Text), MaxNameLength); FolderName := 'main'; end; CharLower (VarName); end; with SourceFiles do for I := 0 to Count - 1 do with TSourceFile (Items [I]) do if InProject and Compilable and (not FileExists (ChangeFileExt (FileName, '.o'))) then begin OperationSuccessful := False; FileNotCompiled (SourceName); end; I := Pos ('\', DataVar); if I > 0 then begin StrPLCopy (DataVarName, LowerCase (Copy (DataVar, I + 1, MaxNameLength)), MaxNameLength); StrPLCopy (DataFolderName, LowerCase (Copy (DataVar, 1, I - 1)), MaxNameLength); CharLower (DataFolderName); end else begin StrPLCopy (DataVarName, LowerCase (DataVar), MaxNameLength); DataFolderName := FolderName; end; CharLower (DataVarName); if OperationSuccessful then begin OperationSuccessful := False; if Assigned (LinkLibLinkFiles) and Assigned (LinkLibCreateArchive) then begin CompStartFile; CompSetMessage ('Linking Project ''' + WithoutExt (ExtractFileName (ProjectFile)) + ''''); if FileExists (ChangeFileExt (ProjectFile, '-titanium.89z')) then DeleteFile (ChangeFileExt (ProjectFile, '-titanium.89z')); ObjectFileCount := 0; ObjectFileNames := nil; ArchiveFileCount := 0; ArchiveFileNames := nil; FileNameList := TStringList.Create; try Node := TopNode; while Assigned (Node) do begin if Assigned (Node.Data) and (TObject (Node.Data) is TSourceFile) then begin SourceFile := Node.Data; if Assigned (SourceFile) then with SourceFile do if InProject then begin if SourceFile is TArchiveSourceFile then begin Inc (ArchiveFileCount); ReallocMem (ArchiveFileNames, SizeOf (PChar) * (ArchiveFileCount + 1)); ArchiveFileNames [ArchiveFileCount - 1] := PChar (FileNameList.Strings [FileNameList.Add (FileName)]); ArchiveFileNames [ArchiveFileCount - 0] := nil; end else if Compilable or (SourceFile is TObjectSourceFile) then begin Inc (ObjectFileCount); ReallocMem (ObjectFileNames, SizeOf (PChar) * (ObjectFileCount + 1)); ObjectFileNames [ObjectFileCount - 1] := PChar (FileNameList.Strings [FileNameList.Add (ChangeFileExt (FileName, '.o'))]); ObjectFileNames [ObjectFileCount] := nil; end; end; end; Node := Node.GetNext; end; if StdLib then begin if ProjectTarget = ptFlashOS then S1 := WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + StdLibLocation + 'flashos.a' else if ProjectTarget = ptFargo then S1 := WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + StdLibLocation + 'fargo.a' else S1 := WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + StdLibLocation + 'tigcc.a'; if FileExists (S1) then begin Inc (ArchiveFileCount); ReallocMem (ArchiveFileNames, SizeOf (PChar) * (ArchiveFileCount + 1)); ArchiveFileNames [ArchiveFileCount - 1] := PChar (FileNameList.Strings [FileNameList.Add (S1)]); ArchiveFileNames [ArchiveFileCount] := nil; end; end; if ProjectTarget = ptArchive then begin DestFile := ChangeFileExt (ProjectFile, '.a'); OperationSuccessful := LinkLibCreateArchive (PChar (DestFile), ObjectFileNames, LinkLibError, True) = 0; if OperationSuccessful then begin if FindFirst (DestFile, faAnyFile, SR) = 0 then ProgSize := SR.Size; FindClose (SR); end; end else begin for CurCalcDest := FirstCalcDest to LastCalcDest do begin LinkOutputFiles[CurCalcDest,frMain].Data := nil; LinkOutputFiles[CurCalcDest,frData].Data := nil; end; LinkDebugFile.Data := nil; try FillChar (DataVarInfo, SizeOf (DataVarInfo), 0); FillChar (OptimizeInfo, SizeOf (OptimizeInfo), 0); if UseDataVar then with DataVarInfo do begin VarName := PChar (LowerCase (MasterUnit.DataVar)); CreateCopy := MasterUnit.DataVarCopy; CopyOnlyIfArchived := MasterUnit.DataVarCopyIfArchived; end; with OptimizeInfo do begin RemoveUnused := MasterUnit.RemoveUnusedSections; OptimizeNOPs := MasterUnit.OptimizeNOPs; OptimizeReturns := MasterUnit.OptimizeReturns; OptimizeBranches := MasterUnit.OptimizeBranches; OptimizeMoves := MasterUnit.OptimizeMoves; OptimizeTests := MasterUnit.OptimizeTests; OptimizeCalcs := MasterUnit.OptimizeCalculations; CutRanges := MasterUnit.CutUnusedRanges; ReorderSections := MasterUnit.ReorderSections; MergeConstants := MasterUnit.MergeConstants; end; OperationSuccessful := LinkLibLinkFiles (ObjectFileNames, ArchiveFileNames, LinkLibError, LinkLibGetOutputFile, nil, False, ProjectTarget = ptFlashOS, ProjectTarget = ptFargo, DataVarInfo, OptimizeInfo, not InitBSS) = 0; if OperationSuccessful and (not OperationCancelled) then begin if Pack and (ssPack in SpecialSupport) then begin CompStartFile; CompSetMessage ('Compressing'); end; for CurCalcDest := FirstCalcDest to LastCalcDest do if Assigned (LinkOutputFiles[CurCalcDest,frMain].Data) then if OperationSuccessful and (not OperationCancelled) then begin Include (CalcDests, CurCalcDest); HandleContents (ProjectFile, FolderName, VarName, DataFolderName, DataVarName, Pack and (ssPack in SpecialSupport) and (CurCalcDest <> cdTI92), PackVar, CurCalcDest); end; if Assigned (LinkDebugFile.Data) then begin if OperationSuccessful and (not OperationCancelled) then begin HandleDebugContents (ProjectFile); end; end; end; finally for CurCalcDest := FirstCalcDest to LastCalcDest do begin if Assigned (LinkOutputFiles[CurCalcDest,frMain].Data) then LinkOutputFiles[CurCalcDest,frMain].Data.Free; if Assigned (LinkOutputFiles[CurCalcDest,frData].Data) then LinkOutputFiles[CurCalcDest,frData].Data.Free; LinkOutputFiles[CurCalcDest,frMain].Data := nil; LinkOutputFiles[CurCalcDest,frData].Data := nil; if Assigned (LinkDebugFile.Data) then LinkDebugFile.Data.Free; LinkDebugFile.Data := nil; end; end; end; except if Assigned (ArchiveFileNames) then FreeMem (ArchiveFileNames); if Assigned (ObjectFileNames) then FreeMem (ObjectFileNames); FileNameList.Free; end; if OperationSuccessful and (not OperationCancelled) and Pack and (ssPack in SpecialSupport) then CreatePackStarter (ProjectFile, 'PStarter.o', FolderName, VarName, PackVar, CalcDests - [cdTI92]); if OperationSuccessful and (not OperationCancelled) and (Length (PostBuildProcessFile) > 0) then begin CompStartFile; CompSetMessage ('Calling User-Defined Program'); MainConsole.Title := 'User-Defined Program'; S1 := PostBuildProcessFile; P := Pos ('($TI89FILE)', UpperCase (S1)); if P > 0 then begin Delete (S1, P, Length ('($TI89FILE)')); if cdTI89 in CalcDests then Insert (MainFiles [cdTI89], S1, P); end; P := Pos ('($TI92PLUSFILE)', UpperCase (S1)); if P > 0 then begin Delete (S1, P, Length ('($TI92PLUSFILE)')); if cdTI92Plus in CalcDests then Insert (MainFiles [cdTI92Plus], S1, P); end; P := Pos ('($V200FILE)', UpperCase (S1)); if P > 0 then begin Delete (S1, P, Length ('($V200FILE)')); if cdV200 in CalcDests then Insert (MainFiles [cdV200], S1, P); end; P := Pos ('($TI92FILE)', UpperCase (S1)); if P > 0 then begin Delete (S1, P, Length ('($TI92FILE)')); if cdTI92 in CalcDests then Insert (MainFiles [cdTI92], S1, P); end; try MainConsole.StartProcess ('', S1, ''); WaitForMainConsole ('User-Defined'); except ShowDefaultMessageBox ('Could not start the user-defined program.', 'Error', mtProgramError); OperationSuccessful := False; end; UpdateProgramOutput; end; if not OperationSuccessful then ProgSize := 0; CompUpdate; try if FileExists (Temp + 'TEMPPROG.PCK') then DeleteFile (Temp + 'TEMPPROG.PCK'); if OperationSuccessful and (not OperationCancelled) and DeleteAssemblyFiles then with SourceFiles do for I := 0 to Count - 1 do with TSourceFile (Items [I]) do if InProject and (Items [I] is TCSourceFile) then if FileExists (ChangeFileExt (FileName, '.s')) then DeleteFile (ChangeFileExt (FileName, '.s')); if OperationSuccessful and (not OperationCancelled) and DeleteObjectFiles then with SourceFiles do for I := 0 to Count - 1 do with TSourceFile (Items [I]) do if InProject and Compilable then begin Invalidate; if FileExists (ChangeFileExt (FileName, '.o')) then DeleteFile (ChangeFileExt (FileName, '.o')); end; except end; UpdateErrorWindow; ShowErrors; CompUpdate; if OperationSuccessful and (not OperationCancelled) then begin Invalidated := False; CompUpdate; end; end else ShowDefaultMessageBox ('Linker not loaded.', 'Error', mtProgramError); end; end; procedure TMainForm.FileOpenProject(Sender: TObject); begin if OpenProjectDlg.Execute then begin if LowerCase (ExtractFileExt (OpenProjectDlg.FileName)) = LowerCase (ProjectFileExt) then FileOpen (ExpandFileName (OpenProjectDlg.FileName)) else AddSourceFile (OpenProjectDlg.FileName, True); end else Abort; end; procedure TMainForm.FileSaveAll(Sender: TObject); begin FileSave; end; procedure TMainForm.FileSaveProjectAs(Sender: TObject); begin SaveProjectDlg.FileName := ProjectFile; if SaveProjectDlg.Execute then FileSaveAs (ExpandFileName (SaveProjectDlg.FileName)) else Abort; end; procedure TMainForm.EditorKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); var I: Integer; S: string; begin if Key = vk_F1 then if Sender is TMemoComponent then with Sender as TMemoComponent do begin S := ''; for I := Selection.RStart - 1 downto 1 do begin if Text [I] in ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '_', '$', '#'] then S := Text [I] + S else Break; end; for I := Selection.RStart to TextLength do begin if Text [I] in ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '_', '$', '#'] then S := S + Text [I] else Break; end; if S <> '' then begin with SourceFiles do for I := 0 to Count - 1 do with Items [I] as TSourceFile do if Assigned (ParentForm) then ParentForm.WindowState := wsMinimized; Application.ProcessMessages; DocFile.KeywordLookup (S); end; end; end; procedure TMainForm.ProjectBuild(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; begin if not Compiling then begin if AutoSave then FileSave else with SourceFiles do for I := 0 to Count - 1 do with Items [I] as TSourceFile do if not InProject then Save; OperationSuccessful := False; if ProjectFile = '' then ShowDefaultMessageBox ('You need to save your project before you can create executable files.', 'Project not Saved', mtProgramError) else begin BeginCompilation; RecompileFiles; CompileProject; Application.ProcessMessages; if OperationSuccessful and not OperationCancelled then MakeFile; EndCompilation; DisplayFolderMessage; end; end; end; procedure TMainForm.ProjectTreeKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin if (Key = vk_Delete) and not ProjectTree.IsEditing then TreeItemRemove (Sender); end; procedure TMainForm.ProjectTreeMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin if Button = mbRight then with ProjectTree do if Assigned (Selected) then begin if Assigned (Selected.Data) then begin if TObject (Selected.Data) is TSourceFile then begin with TSourceFile (Selected.Data) do begin ActionTreeItemSave.Enabled := TSourceFile (Selected.Data) is TTextSourceFile; ActionTreeItemSaveAs.Enabled := True; ActionTreeItemCompile.Enabled := Compilable; end; with Mouse.CursorPos do SourceFilePopup.Popup (X, Y); end else if TObject (Selected.Data) is TFolder then begin with Mouse.CursorPos do FolderPopup.Popup (X, Y); end; end else if Assigned (Selected.Parent) then begin with Mouse.CursorPos do CategoryPopup.Popup (X, Y); end; end; end; procedure TMainForm.ProjectTreeEdited(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode; var S: String); var I: Integer; HasFolder, NameConflict: Boolean; begin if Node = TopNode then begin if Length (S) <= 0 then S := 'Project1' else begin HasFolder := False; for I := Length (S) downto 1 do begin if S [I] = '\' then begin if HasFolder then Delete (S, I, 1) else HasFolder := True; end else if (not (IsCharAlphaNumeric (S [I]) or (S [I] in ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9']))) then Delete (S, I, 1); end; if Length (S) <= 0 then S := 'Project1' else if not (IsCharAlpha (S [1]) or (S [1] in ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '\'])) then S := 'X' + S; I := Pos ('\', S); if I > 0 then begin while I - 1 > MaxNameLength do begin Delete (S, I - 1, 1); Dec (I); end; while Length (S) - I > MaxNameLength do Delete (S, Length (S), 1); if I + 1 > Length (S) then S := S + 'Project1' else if I = 1 then Delete (S, 1, 1) else if not (IsCharAlpha (S [I + 1]) or (S [I + 1] in ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z'])) then Insert ('X', S, I + 1); end else S := Copy (S, 1, MaxNameLength); end; Modify; end else begin if Assigned (Node.Data) then begin if (TObject (Node.Data) is TSourceFile) then begin if S = '' then S := 'File1'; NameConflict := False; if TSourceFile(Node.Data).Compilable then with SourceFiles do for I := 0 to Count - 1 do if Items [I] <> Node.Data then with Items [I] as TSourceFile do if Compilable and (LowerCase (SourceName) = LowerCase (S)) and (WithoutBackslash (FolderPath) = WithoutBackslash (TSourceFile(Node.Data).FolderPath)) then begin NameConflict := True; Break; end; if not NameConflict then try if Assigned (Node.Data) then TSourceFile(Node.Data).SourceName := S; Modify; Exit; except end; S := Node.Text; ShowDefaultMessageBox ('The name you chose conflicts with that of another file.', 'Error', mtProgramError) end else begin S := StringReplace (S, ' ', '', [rfReplaceAll]); if Length (S) <= 0 then S := Node.Text; RecompileFiles; end; end; end; end; procedure TMainForm.SetProjectFile(const Value: string); var S: string; B: Boolean; begin FProjectFile := Value; MasterUnit.ProjectFileName := Value; if Value = '' then Caption := OriginalCaption else Caption := OriginalCaption + ' - ' + WithoutExt (ExtractFileName (Value)); Application.Title := Caption; if TopNode.Text = 'Project1' then begin B := Modified; S := WithoutExt (ExtractFileName (Value)); ProjectTreeEdited (ProjectTree, TopNode, S); TopNode.Text := S; Modified := B; end; S := ExtractFilePath (Value); OpenProjectDlg.InitialDir := WithoutBackslash (S); OpenProjectDlg.FileName := Value; SaveProjectDlg.InitialDir := WithoutBackslash (S); SaveProjectDlg.FileName := Value; AddFileDlg.InitialDir := S; end; function TMainForm.AddSourceFile(const FN: string; OpenOnly: Boolean = False; SourceFileClass: TSourceFileClass = nil; Folder: TFolder = nil): TSourceFile; var F: TForm; S: string; O: TOpenFileStatusForm; begin if Compiling and (not OpenOnly) then Result := nil else begin Result := SourceFiles.FindFile (FN); if Assigned (Result) and Result.InProject then begin Result := nil; ShowDefaultMessageBox ('The file ''' + ExtractFileName (FN) + ''' is already included in the project.', 'File Already Included', mtProgramError); end else if OpenOnly and Assigned (Result) then begin Result := nil; ShowDefaultMessageBox ('The file ''' + ExtractFileName (FN) + ''' has already been opened.', 'File Already Opened', mtProgramError); end else if (not OpenOnly) and (LowerCase (ExtractFileExt (FN)) = '.qll') and (Assigned (SourceFiles.FindFileOfTypeInProject (TQuillSourceFile))) then begin Result := nil; ShowDefaultMessageBox ('There may be only one Quill source file in each project.', 'Quill Error', mtProgramError); end else begin if not Assigned (Result) then begin O := nil; try if not OpeningProjectNow then begin O := TOpenFileStatusForm.Create (Self); S := ExtractFileName (FN); O.FileNameLabel.Caption := 'Opening File ''' + Copy (S, 1, LastPos ('.', S) - 1) + '''...'; O.Show; O.Update; end; if not Assigned (SourceFileClass) then SourceFileClass := TSourceFile.GetAppropriateClassFromExt (ExtractFileExt (FN)); Result := SourceFileClass.Create (SourceFiles); Result.Folder := Folder; Result.LoadFromFile (FN, True); Result.OnError := AddError; finally if Assigned (O) then O.Free; end; if OpenOnly and (not Assigned (Result.Editor)) then begin Result.Free; Result := nil; ShowDefaultMessageBox ('The file ''' + ExtractFileName (FN) + ''' is not a valid file for opening.', 'Invalid File', mtProgramError); end; end; if Assigned (Result) then with Result do begin ErrorList := Self.ErrorList; if OpenOnly then begin if not Assigned (ParentForm) then begin ParentForm := TSourceFileForm.Create (nil); with ParentForm as TSourceFileForm do begin Enabled := False; SourceFile := Result; Show; end; if Assigned (Editor) then with Editor do begin Parent := ParentForm; Align := alClient; Show; if Enabled then SetFocus; end; end; end else begin if Assigned (ParentForm) then begin F := ParentForm; ParentForm := nil; F.Free; end; TreeItem := CreateFileNode (TopNode.Item [ClassTreeIndex], Result); with TreeItem do begin ImageIndex := ClassImageIndex; SelectedIndex := ImageIndex; end; end; end; end; if not OpeningProjectNow then SortFiles; end; end; procedure TMainForm.ProjectOptions(Sender: TObject); begin with TProjectOptionsForm.Create (Self) do try FlashOSRadioButton.Visible := ssFlashOS in SpecialSupport; FargoRadioButton.Visible := ssFargo in SpecialSupport; if ProjectTarget = ptArchive then ArchiveRadioButton.Checked := True else if (ProjectTarget = ptFlashOS) and (FlashOSRadioButton.Visible) then FlashOSRadioButton.Checked := True else if (ProjectTarget = ptFargo) and (FargoRadioButton.Visible) then FargoRadioButton.Checked := True else ExecutableRadioButton.Checked := True; DataVarCheckBox.Checked := UseDataVar; DataVarEdit.Text := DataVar; if DataVarCopy then begin if DataVarCopyIfArchived then DataVarCopyIfArchivedRadioButton.Checked := True else DataVarCopyAlwaysRadioButton.Checked := True; end else DataVarCopyNeverRadioButton.Checked := True; PackCheckBox.Checked := Pack and (ssPack in SpecialSupport); PackVarEdit.Text := PackVar; GCCSwitchesEdit.Text := GCCSwitches; AsSwitchesEdit.Text := AsSwitches; AsmSwitchesEdit.Text := AsmSwitches; DebugInfoCheckBox.Checked := DebugInfo; OptimizeNOPsCheckBox.Checked := OptimizeNOPs; OptimizeReturnsCheckBox.Checked := OptimizeReturns; OptimizeBranchesCheckBox.Checked := OptimizeBranches; OptimizeMovesCheckBox.Checked := OptimizeMoves; OptimizeTestsCheckBox.Checked := OptimizeTests; OptimizeCalculationsCheckBox.Checked := OptimizeCalculations; RemoveUnusedSectionsCheckBox.Checked := RemoveUnusedSections; CutUnusedRangesCheckBox.Checked := CutUnusedRanges; ReorderSectionsCheckBox.Checked := ReorderSections; MergeConstantsCheckBox.Checked := MergeConstants; StdLibCheckBox.Checked := StdLib; InitBSSCheckBox.Checked := InitBSS; OutputBinCheckBox.Checked := OutputBin; CommandLineEdit.Text := CommandLine; ProcessFileEdit.Text := PostBuildProcessFile; InitialLibOptions := PredefinedLibOptions; if ShowModal = mrOK then begin if ArchiveRadioButton.Checked then ProjectTarget := ptArchive else if FlashOSRadioButton.Checked then ProjectTarget := ptFlashOS else if FargoRadioButton.Checked then ProjectTarget := ptFargo else ProjectTarget := ptRegular; Pack := PackCheckBox.Checked; PackVar := PackVarEdit.Text; UseDataVar := DataVarCheckBox.Checked; DataVar := DataVarEdit.Text; DataVarCopy := False; DataVarCopyIfArchived := False; if DataVarCopyAlwaysRadioButton.Checked then DataVarCopy := True else if DataVarCopyIfArchivedRadioButton.Checked then begin DataVarCopy := True; DataVarCopyIfArchived := True; end; GCCSwitches := GCCSwitchesEdit.Text; AsSwitches := AsSwitchesEdit.Text; AsmSwitches := AsmSwitchesEdit.Text; DebugInfo := DebugInfoCheckBox.Checked; OptimizeNOPs := OptimizeNOPsCheckBox.Checked; OptimizeReturns := OptimizeReturnsCheckBox.Checked; OptimizeBranches := OptimizeBranchesCheckBox.Checked; OptimizeMoves := OptimizeMovesCheckBox.Checked; OptimizeTests := OptimizeTestsCheckBox.Checked; OptimizeCalculations := OptimizeCalculationsCheckBox.Checked; RemoveUnusedSections := RemoveUnusedSectionsCheckBox.Checked; CutUnusedRanges := CutUnusedRangesCheckBox.Checked; ReorderSections := ReorderSectionsCheckBox.Checked; MergeConstants := MergeConstantsCheckBox.Checked; StdLib := StdLibCheckBox.Checked; InitBSS := InitBSSCheckBox.Checked; OutputBin := OutputBinCheckBox.Checked; CommandLine := CommandLineEdit.Text; PostBuildProcessFile := ProcessFileEdit.Text; if Assigned (ProgramOptionsForm) and Assigned (PredefinedLibOptions) then with ProgramOptionsForm, PredefinedLibOptions do begin CalcDests := []; if TI89CheckBox.Checked then Include (CalcDests, cdTI89); if TI92PlusCheckBox.Checked then Include (CalcDests, cdTI92Plus); if V200CheckBox.Checked then Include (CalcDests, cdV200); OptimizeCalcConsts := OptimizeCalcConstsCheckBox.Checked; if PreOsRadioButton.Checked then KernelFormat := kfCompressedTables else if DoorsRadioButton.Checked then KernelFormat := kfStandard else KernelFormat := kfNone; UseMinAMS := MinAMSCheckBox.Checked; if Length (MinAMSEdit.Text) > 0 then MinAMS := MinAMSEdit.Text; UnofficialOSSupport := UnofficialOSSupportCheckBox.Checked; if RelocKernelRadioButton.Checked then RelocFormat := rfKernel else if RelocCompressedRadioButton.Checked then RelocFormat := rfCompressed else if RelocMlinkRadioButton.Checked then RelocFormat := rfMlink else RelocFormat := rfAMS; if ROMCallKernelRadioButton.Checked then ROMCallFormat := rfKernel else if ROMCallCompressedRadioButton.Checked then ROMCallFormat := rfCompressed else if ROMCallMlinkRadioButton.Checked then ROMCallFormat := rfMlink else if ROMCallFLineRadioButton.Checked then ROMCallFormat := rfFLine else ROMCallFormat := rfDirect; if BSSKernelRadioButton.Checked then BSSRefFormat := rfKernel else if BSSCompressedRadioButton.Checked then BSSRefFormat := rfCompressed else if BSSMlinkRadioButton.Checked then BSSRefFormat := rfMlink else BSSRefFormat := rfNone; if DataVarKernelRadioButton.Checked then DataRefFormat := rfKernel else if DataVarCompressedRadioButton.Checked then DataRefFormat := rfCompressed else if DataVarMlinkRadioButton.Checked then DataRefFormat := rfMlink else DataRefFormat := rfNone; UseFLineJumps := RelocFLineJumpsCheckBox.Checked; Use4ByteFLineJumps := RelocFLineJumps4ByteCheckBox.Checked; OptimizeROMCalls := ROMCallOptimizedCheckBox.Checked; UseInternalFLineEmulator := InternalFLineEmulatorCheckBox.Checked; UseReturnValue := ReturnValueRadioButton.Checked; EnableErrorReturn := EnableErrorReturnCheckBox.Checked; SaveScreen := LCDSaveCheckBox.Checked; end; RecompileFiles; if not DebugInfo then ClearDebugInfo; UpdateDebugSettings; Modify; end; finally Free; end; end; procedure TMainForm.FilePreferences(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; begin with TPreferencesForm.Create (Self) do try StopCompilationBox.Checked := StopOnErrors; JumpToErrorBox.Checked := JumpToError; OpenFolderBox.Checked := OpenFolderMessage; DeleteAssemblyFilesBox.Checked := DeleteAssemblyFiles; DeleteObjectFilesBox.Checked := DeleteObjectFiles; {$IFDEF CanSplit} SplitFilesCheckBox.Checked := SplitFiles; {$ENDIF} AutoSaveCheckBox.Checked := AutoSave; AutoNewsCheckBox.Checked := AutoNews; DeleteErrorsCheckBox.Checked := DeleteErrors; AllowImplicitCheckBox.Checked := not AssumeUndefined; FlatButtonsCheckBox.Checked := MainToolbar.Flat; MenuBitmapsCheckBox.Checked := Assigned (MainMenu.Images); case TransferTarget of ttVTI: VTIBox.Checked := True; ttCalc: RealCalcBox.Checked := True; else NoneBox.Checked := True; end; VTIPathEdit.Text := VTIPath; case LinkPort.PortType of lpCOM: begin case LinkPort.PortNumber of 1: PortCOM1Box.Checked := True; 2: PortCOM2Box.Checked := True; 3: PortCOM3Box.Checked := True; 4: PortCOM4Box.Checked := True; end; end; end; case LinkCable of lcBlack: CableBlackBox.Checked := True; lcGray: CableGrayBox.Checked := True; end; AsmTabSizeEdit.Text := IntToStr (TabSizeAsm); CTabSizeEdit.Text := IntToStr (TabSizeC); BackColor := EditorColor; ColorCheckBox.Checked := BackColor <> clWindow; EditorFont.Assign (MasterUnit.EditorFont); OnFlyCheckBox.Checked := EditorOnFly; DragDropEditCheckBox.Checked := EditorDragDrop; RemoveTrailingSpcCheckBox.Checked := EditorRemoveTrSp; AutoBlockCheckBox.Checked := AutoBlocks; SyntaxC.Assign (MasterUnit.SyntaxC); SyntaxAsmGNU.Assign (MasterUnit.SyntaxAsmGNU); if ssA68k in SpecialSupport then SyntaxAsm.Assign (MasterUnit.SyntaxAsm); if ssQuill in SpecialSupport then SyntaxQuill.Assign (MasterUnit.SyntaxQuill); if ShowModal = mrOK then begin Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; StopOnErrors := StopCompilationBox.Checked; JumpToError := JumpToErrorBox.Checked; OpenFolderMessage := OpenFolderBox.Checked; DeleteAssemblyFiles := DeleteAssemblyFilesBox.Checked; DeleteObjectFiles := DeleteObjectFilesBox.Checked; {$IFDEF CanSplit} SplitFiles := SplitFilesCheckBox.Checked; {$ENDIF} AutoSave := AutoSaveCheckBox.Checked; AutoNews := AutoNewsCheckBox.Checked; DeleteErrors := DeleteErrorsCheckBox.Checked; AssumeUndefined := not AllowImplicitCheckBox.Checked; MainToolbar.Flat := FlatButtonsCheckBox.Checked; if MainToolbar.Flat then MainToolbar.Height := MainToolbar.ButtonHeight + 1 else MainToolbar.Height := MainToolbar.ButtonHeight + 3; if MenuBitmapsCheckBox.Checked then MainMenu.Images := ToolbarImages else MainMenu.Images := nil; if VTIBox.Checked then TransferTarget := ttVTI else if RealCalcBox.Checked then TransferTarget := ttCalc else TransferTarget := ttNone; VTIPath := VTIPathEdit.Text; LinkPort.PortType := lpCOM; if PortCOM1Box.Checked then LinkPort.PortNumber := 1 else if PortCOM2Box.Checked then LinkPort.PortNumber := 2 else if PortCOM3Box.Checked then LinkPort.PortNumber := 3 else if PortCOM4Box.Checked then LinkPort.PortNumber := 4; if CableBlackBox.Checked then LinkCable := lcBlack else if CableGrayBox.Checked then LinkCable := lcGray; try TabSizeC := StrToInt (CTabSizeEdit.Text); except TabSizeC := 2; end; try TabSizeAsm := StrToInt (AsmTabSizeEdit.Text); except TabSizeAsm := 2; end; if ColorCheckBox.Checked then EditorColor := BackColor else EditorColor := clWindow; MasterUnit.EditorFont.Assign (EditorFont); EditorOnFly := OnFlyCheckBox.Checked; EditorDragDrop := DragDropEditCheckBox.Checked; EditorRemoveTrSp := RemoveTrailingSpcCheckBox.Checked; AutoBlocks := AutoBlockCheckBox.Checked; with SourceFiles do for I := 0 to Count - 1 do if Items [I] is TTextSourceFile then (Items [I] as TTextSourceFile).UpdateEditor; if SyntaxTabClicked then begin MasterUnit.SyntaxC.Assign (SyntaxC); MasterUnit.SyntaxAsmGNU.Assign (SyntaxAsmGNU); MasterUnit.SyntaxAsm.Assign (SyntaxAsm); MasterUnit.SyntaxQuill.Assign (SyntaxQuill); with SourceFiles do for I := 0 to Count - 1 do if Items [I] is TSourceTextSourceFile then (Items [I] as TSourceTextSourceFile).UpdateSyntax; end; SavePreferences; UpdateDebugSettings; Screen.Cursor := crDefault; end; finally Free; end; end; procedure TMainForm.LoadPreferences; function LookBackForComponent(Stream: TMemoryStream): Integer; var I: Integer; P: PChar; begin Result := 0; with Stream do begin P := Memory; for I := Size - 3 downto 1 do if (P [I] = 'T') and (P [I + 1] = 'P') and (P [I + 2] = 'F') then begin Result := I; Break; end; end; end; var I, Tmp: Integer; L: TStringList; Strm: TMemoryStream; SyntaxCopy: TSyntaxColoringCopy; begin with TRegistry.Create do try if OpenKeyReadOnly (RegKey) then try if ValueExists ('Open File') then ProjectFile := ReadString ('Open File'); if ValueExists ('Recent Files') then begin L := TStringList.Create; try L.CommaText := ReadString ('Recent Files'); for I := L.Count - 1 downto 0 do AddToRecent (L.Strings [I]); finally L.Free; end; end; if ValueExists ('Stop on Errors') then StopOnErrors := ReadBool ('Stop on Errors'); if ValueExists ('Jump To First Error') then JumpToError := ReadBool ('Jump To First Error'); if ValueExists ('Open Folder Message') then OpenFolderMessage := ReadBool ('Open Folder Message'); if ValueExists ('Delete Assembly Files') then DeleteAssemblyFiles := ReadBool ('Delete Assembly Files'); if ValueExists ('Delete Object Files') then DeleteObjectFiles := ReadBool ('Delete Object Files'); {$IFDEF CanSplit} if ValueExists ('Split Files') then SplitFiles := ReadBool ('Split Files'); {$ENDIF} if ValueExists ('AutoSave') then AutoSave := ReadBool ('AutoSave'); if ValueExists ('AutoNews') then AutoNews := ReadBool ('AutoNews'); if ValueExists ('Delete Errors') then DeleteErrors := ReadBool ('Delete Errors'); if ValueExists ('Assume Undefined References') then AssumeUndefined := ReadBool ('Assume Undefined References'); if ValueExists ('Flat Buttons') then MainToolbar.Flat := ReadBool ('Flat Buttons'); if MainToolbar.Flat then MainToolbar.Height := MainToolbar.ButtonHeight + 1 else MainToolbar.Height := MainToolbar.ButtonHeight + 3; if ValueExists ('Menu Bitmaps') then begin if ReadBool ('Menu Bitmaps') then MainMenu.Images := ToolbarImages else MainMenu.Images := nil; end; if ValueExists ('Transfer Target') then TransferTarget := TTransferTarget (ReadInteger ('Transfer Target') + 1); if ValueExists ('VTI Path') then VTIPath := ReadString ('VTI Path'); if ValueExists ('Link Port') then LinkPort.PortNumber := ReadInteger ('Link Port') and $FF; if ValueExists ('Link Cable') then begin if ReadInteger ('Link Cable') = 2 then LinkCable := lcGray else LinkCable := lcBlack; end; if ValueExists ('ASM Tab Size') then TabSizeAsm := ReadInteger ('ASM Tab Size'); if ValueExists ('C Tab Size') then TabSizeC := ReadInteger ('C Tab Size'); if ValueExists ('Editor Background Color') then EditorColor := ReadInteger ('Editor Background Color'); if ValueExists ('Editor Font') then EditorFont.Name := ReadString ('Editor Font'); if ValueExists ('Editor Font Style Bold') then begin EditorFont.Style := []; if ReadBool ('Editor Font Style Bold') then EditorFont.Style := EditorFont.Style + [fsBold]; if ReadBool ('Editor Font Style Italic') then EditorFont.Style := EditorFont.Style + [fsItalic]; if ReadBool ('Editor Font Style Underline') then EditorFont.Style := EditorFont.Style + [fsUnderline]; if ReadBool ('Editor Font Style StrikeOut') then EditorFont.Style := EditorFont.Style + [fsStrikeOut]; end; if ValueExists ('Editor Font Size') then EditorFont.Size := ReadInteger ('Editor Font Size'); if ValueExists ('Editor Font Color') then EditorFont.Color := ReadInteger ('Editor Font Color'); if ValueExists ('Editor Font Pitch') then EditorFont.Pitch := TFontPitch (ReadInteger ('Editor Font Pitch')); if ValueExists ('Editor Split On Fly') then EditorOnFly := ReadBool ('Editor Split On Fly'); if ValueExists ('Editor Drag and Drop') then EditorDragDrop := ReadBool ('Editor Drag and Drop'); if ValueExists ('Editor Remove Trailing Spaces') then EditorRemoveTrSp := ReadBool ('Editor Remove Trailing Spaces'); if ValueExists ('AutoBlocks') then AutoBlocks := ReadBool ('AutoBlocks'); if ValueExists ('Tree Width') then ProjectTree.Width := ReadInteger ('Tree Width'); if ValueExists ('Error Window Height') then ErrWinPanel.Height := ReadInteger ('Error Window Height'); if ValueExists ('Error List Message') then ErrorList.Columns[0].Width := ReadInteger ('Error List Message'); if ValueExists ('Error List File') then ErrorList.Columns[1].Width := ReadInteger ('Error List File'); if ValueExists ('Error List Function') then ErrorList.Columns[2].Width := ReadInteger ('Error List Function'); if ValueExists ('Last News Update') then LastNewsDate := ReadInteger ('Last News Update'); if ValueExists ('Proxy Name') then ProxyName := ReadString ('Proxy Name'); if ValueExists ('Proxy Port') then ProxyPort := ReadInteger ('Proxy Port'); Strm := TMemoryStream.Create; if ValueExists ('Editor C Syntax Coloring') then try SyntaxCopy := TSyntaxColoringCopy.Create (nil); try SyntaxCopy.Assign (SyntaxC); Strm.SetSize (GetDataSize ('Editor C Syntax Coloring')); if Strm.Size > 0 then begin ReadBinaryData ('Editor C Syntax Coloring', Strm.Memory^, Strm.Size); Strm.Position := LookBackForComponent (Strm); Strm.ReadComponent (SyntaxCopy); SyntaxC.Assign (SyntaxCopy); end; finally SyntaxCopy.Free; end; except end; if ValueExists ('Editor GNU ASM Syntax Coloring') then try SyntaxCopy := TSyntaxColoringCopy.Create (nil); try SyntaxCopy.Assign (SyntaxAsmGNU); Strm.SetSize (GetDataSize ('Editor GNU ASM Syntax Coloring')); if Strm.Size > 0 then begin ReadBinaryData ('Editor GNU ASM Syntax Coloring', Strm.Memory^, Strm.Size); Strm.Position := LookBackForComponent (Strm); Strm.ReadComponent (SyntaxCopy); SyntaxAsmGNU.Assign (SyntaxCopy); end; finally SyntaxCopy.Free; end; except end; if (ssA68k in SpecialSupport) and ValueExists ('Editor ASM Syntax Coloring') then try SyntaxCopy := TSyntaxColoringCopy.Create (nil); try SyntaxCopy.Assign (SyntaxAsm); Strm.SetSize (GetDataSize ('Editor ASM Syntax Coloring')); if Strm.Size > 0 then begin ReadBinaryData ('Editor ASM Syntax Coloring', Strm.Memory^, Strm.Size); Strm.Position := LookBackForComponent (Strm); Strm.ReadComponent (SyntaxCopy); SyntaxAsm.Assign (SyntaxCopy); end; finally SyntaxCopy.Free; end; except end; if (ssQuill in SpecialSupport) and ValueExists ('Editor Quill Syntax Coloring') then try SyntaxCopy := TSyntaxColoringCopy.Create (nil); try SyntaxCopy.Assign (SyntaxQuill); Strm.SetSize (GetDataSize ('Editor Quill Syntax Coloring')); if Strm.Size > 0 then begin ReadBinaryData ('Editor Quill Syntax Coloring', Strm.Memory^, Strm.Size); Strm.Position := LookBackForComponent (Strm); Strm.ReadComponent (SyntaxCopy); SyntaxQuill.Assign (SyntaxCopy); end; finally SyntaxCopy.Free; end; except end; Strm.Free; if ValueExists ('Tools Count') then begin Tmp := ReadInteger ('Tools Count'); ToolsList.Clear; for I := 1 to Tmp do if OpenKeyReadOnly (RegKey + '\Tool ' + IntToStr (I)) then try ToolsLine.Visible := True; AddTool (ReadString ('Title'), ReadString ('Command Line'), ReadString ('Working Directory'), TWindowState (ReadInteger ('Window State'))); except end; end; except end; finally Free; SplitterMoved (Self); end; with SourceFiles do for I := 0 to Count - 1 do begin if Items [I] is TTextSourceFile then (Items [I] as TTextSourceFile).UpdateEditor; if Items [I] is TSourceTextSourceFile then (Items [I] as TSourceTextSourceFile).UpdateSyntax; end; UpdateDebugSettings; end; procedure TMainForm.SavePreferences; var I: Integer; Strm: TMemoryStream; SyntaxCopy: TSyntaxColoringCopy; begin with TRegistry.Create do try if OpenKey (RegKey, True) then try WriteString ('Open File', ProjectFile); WriteString ('Recent Files', RecentFiles.CommaText); WriteBool ('Stop on Errors', StopOnErrors); WriteBool ('Jump To First Error', JumpToError); WriteBool ('Open Folder Message', OpenFolderMessage); WriteBool ('Delete Assembly Files', DeleteAssemblyFiles); WriteBool ('Delete Object Files', DeleteObjectFiles); {$IFDEF CanSplit} WriteBool ('Split Files', SplitFiles); {$ENDIF} WriteBool ('AutoSave', AutoSave); WriteBool ('AutoNews', AutoNews); WriteBool ('Delete Errors', DeleteErrors); WriteBool ('Assume Undefined References', AssumeUndefined); WriteBool ('Flat Buttons', MainToolbar.Flat); WriteBool ('Menu Bitmaps', Assigned (MainMenu.Images)); WriteInteger ('Transfer Target', Integer (TransferTarget) - 1); WriteString ('VTI Path', VTIPath); WriteInteger ('Link Port', LinkPort.PortNumber); case LinkCable of lcBlack: WriteInteger ('Link Cable', 1); lcGray: WriteInteger ('Link Cable', 2); end; WriteInteger ('ASM Tab Size', TabSizeAsm); WriteInteger ('C Tab Size', TabSizeC); WriteInteger ('Editor Background Color', EditorColor); WriteString ('Editor Font', EditorFont.Name); WriteBool ('Editor Font Style Bold', fsBold in EditorFont.Style); WriteBool ('Editor Font Style Italic', fsItalic in EditorFont.Style); WriteBool ('Editor Font Style Underline', fsUnderline in EditorFont.Style); WriteBool ('Editor Font Style StrikeOut', fsStrikeOut in EditorFont.Style); WriteInteger ('Editor Font Size', EditorFont.Size); WriteInteger ('Editor Font Color', EditorFont.Color); WriteInteger ('Editor Font Pitch', Integer (EditorFont.Pitch)); WriteBool ('Editor Split On Fly', EditorOnFly); WriteBool ('Editor Drag and Drop', EditorDragDrop); WriteBool ('Editor Remove Trailing Spaces', EditorRemoveTrSp); WriteBool ('AutoBlocks', AutoBlocks); WriteInteger ('Tree Width', ProjectTree.Width); WriteInteger ('Error Window Height', ErrWinPanel.Height); WriteInteger ('Error List Message', ErrorList.Columns[0].Width); WriteInteger ('Error List File', ErrorList.Columns[1].Width); WriteInteger ('Error List Function', ErrorList.Columns[2].Width); WriteInteger ('Last News Update', LastNewsDate); WriteString ('Proxy Name', ProxyName); WriteInteger ('Proxy Port', ProxyPort); Strm := TMemoryStream.Create; try SyntaxCopy := TSyntaxColoringCopy.Create (nil); try SyntaxCopy.Assign (SyntaxC); Strm.WriteComponent (SyntaxCopy); WriteBinaryData ('Editor C Syntax Coloring', Strm.Memory^, Strm.Size); finally SyntaxCopy.Free; end; Strm.Clear; SyntaxCopy := TSyntaxColoringCopy.Create (nil); try SyntaxCopy.Assign (SyntaxAsmGNU); Strm.WriteComponent (SyntaxCopy); WriteBinaryData ('Editor GNU ASM Syntax Coloring', Strm.Memory^, Strm.Size); finally SyntaxCopy.Free; end; if ssA68k in SpecialSupport then begin Strm.Clear; SyntaxCopy := TSyntaxColoringCopy.Create (nil); try SyntaxCopy.Assign (SyntaxAsm); Strm.WriteComponent (SyntaxCopy); WriteBinaryData ('Editor ASM Syntax Coloring', Strm.Memory^, Strm.Size); finally SyntaxCopy.Free; end; end; if ssQuill in SpecialSupport then begin Strm.Clear; SyntaxCopy := TSyntaxColoringCopy.Create (nil); try SyntaxCopy.Assign (SyntaxQuill); Strm.WriteComponent (SyntaxCopy); WriteBinaryData ('Editor Quill Syntax Coloring', Strm.Memory^, Strm.Size); finally SyntaxCopy.Free; end; end; finally Strm.Free; end; WriteInteger ('Tools Count', ToolsList.Count); with ToolsList do for I := 0 to Count - 1 do with TToolsListItem (Items [I]) do if OpenKey (RegKey + '\Tool ' + IntToStr (I + 1), True) then try WriteString ('Title', Title); WriteString ('Command Line', CommandLine); WriteString ('Working Directory', WorkingDir); WriteInteger ('Window State', Integer (WindowState)); except end; except end; finally Free; end; end; procedure TMainForm.CompileProject; var I: Integer; StopIt: Boolean; begin OperationSuccessful := False; OperationCancelled := False; StopIt := True; with SourceFiles do for I := 0 to Count - 1 do with Items [I] as TSourceFile do if Compilable or (Items [I] is TObjectSourceFile) then begin StopIt := False; Break; end; if not StopIt then begin OperationSuccessful := True; CopyHeaders; with SourceFiles do for I := 0 to Count - 1 do if (OperationSuccessful or not StopOnErrors) and not OperationCancelled then with Items [I] as TSourceFile do if Compilable and Invalidated then begin Compile; if not OperationSuccessful then StopIt := True; Application.ProcessMessages; end; DeleteHeaders; if StopIt then OperationSuccessful := False; end else ShowDefaultMessageBox ('There are no files to compile in the current project.', 'Error', mtProgramError); end; function TMainForm.GetNewFileName(const FolderPath, Ext: string): string; var I: Integer; begin if ProjectFile = '' then Result := 'C:\New File' else Result := WithBackslash (ExtractFilePath (ProjectFile) + FolderPath) + 'New File'; if FileExists (Result + Ext) or Assigned (SourceFiles.FindFileWithoutExt (Result)) then begin I := 2; while FileExists (Result + ' ' + IntToStr (I) + Ext) or Assigned (SourceFiles.FindFileWithoutExt (Result + ' ' + IntToStr (I))) do Inc (I); Result := Result + ' ' + IntToStr (I); end; Result := Result + Ext; end; procedure TMainForm.FileNewHeaderFile(Sender: TObject); var O: THeaderSourceFile; begin if not Compiling then begin O := THeaderSourceFile.Create (SourceFiles); with O do begin Folder := GetSelectedFolder (THeaderSourceFile); FileName := GetNewFileName (FolderPath, '.h'); OnError := AddError; TreeItem := CreateFileNode (TopNode.Item [ClassTreeIndex], O); with TreeItem do begin ImageIndex := ClassImageIndex; SelectedIndex := ImageIndex; end; ErrorList := Self.ErrorList; if Assigned (TextEditor) then with TextEditor do begin Hide; Parent := EditorPanel; Align := alClient; OnEnter := EditorEnter; OnExit := EditorExit; OnKeyDown := EditorKeyDown; OnChange := EditorChange; OnSelectionChange := EditorChange; PopupMenu := EditorPopup; end; if (Sender = ActionFileNewGNUAsmHeaderFile) or ((Sender is TMenuItem) and (TMenuItem(Sender).Action = ActionFileNewGNUAsmHeaderFile)) then Content := '| Header File'#13#10'| Created ' + DateToStr (Now) + '; ' + TimeToStr (Now) + #13#10 else if (Sender = ActionFileNewA68kAsmHeaderFile) or ((Sender is TMenuItem) and (TMenuItem(Sender).Action = ActionFileNewA68kAsmHeaderFile)) then Content := '; Header File'#13#10'; Created ' + DateToStr (Now) + '; ' + TimeToStr (Now) + #13#10 else Content := '// Header File'#13#10'// Created ' + DateToStr (Now) + '; ' + TimeToStr (Now) + #13#10; UpdateSyntax; if Assigned (TextEditor) then TextEditor.ClearUndo; Modified := False; Invalidate; SelectNode (TreeItem); TreeItem.EditText; end; end; end; procedure TMainForm.FileNewCSourceFile(Sender: TObject); const CodeStr = '// Place your code here.'; var O: TCSourceFile; I, P: Integer; NewContent: string; FirstFile: Boolean; begin if not Compiling then begin FirstFile := not Assigned (SourceFiles.FindFileOfTypeInProject (TCSourceFile)); O := TCSourceFile.Create (SourceFiles); with O do begin Folder := GetSelectedFolder (TCSourceFile); FileName := GetNewFileName (FolderPath, '.c'); OnError := AddError; TreeItem := CreateFileNode (TopNode.Item [ClassTreeIndex], O); with TreeItem do begin ImageIndex := ClassImageIndex; SelectedIndex := ImageIndex; end; ErrorList := Self.ErrorList; if Assigned (TextEditor) then with TextEditor do begin Hide; Parent := EditorPanel; Align := alClient; OnEnter := EditorEnter; OnExit := EditorExit; OnKeyDown := EditorKeyDown; OnChange := EditorChange; OnSelectionChange := EditorChange; PopupMenu := EditorPopup; end; NewContent := '// C Source File'#13#10'// Created ' + DateToStr (Now) + '; ' + TimeToStr (Now) + #13#10; case ProjectTarget of ptRegular: begin if FirstFile then begin NewContent := NewContent + #13#10 + '// Delete or comment out the items you do not need.'#13#10 + '#define COMMENT_STRING "Place your comment here."'#13#10 + '#define COMMENT_PROGRAM_NAME "Place your program name here."'#13#10 + '#define COMMENT_VERSION_STRING "Place your version string here."'#13#10 + '#define COMMENT_VERSION_NUMBER 0,0,0,0 /* major, minor, revision, subrevision */'#13#10 + '#define COMMENT_AUTHORS "Place your author name(s) here."'#13#10 + '#define COMMENT_BW_ICON \'#13#10 + #9'{0b0000000000000000, \'#13#10; for I := 1 to 14 do NewContent := NewContent + #9' 0b0000000000000000, \'#13#10; NewContent := NewContent + #9' 0b0000000000000000}'#13#10 + '#define COMMENT_GRAY_ICON \'#13#10 + #9'{0b0000000000000000, \'#13#10; for I := 1 to 14 do NewContent := NewContent + #9' 0b0000000000000000, \'#13#10; NewContent := NewContent + #9' 0b0000000000000000}, \'#13#10 + #9'{0b0000000000000000, \'#13#10; for I := 1 to 14 do NewContent := NewContent + #9' 0b0000000000000000, \'#13#10; NewContent := NewContent + #9' 0b0000000000000000}'#13#10; end; NewContent := NewContent + #13#10'#include '#13#10; end; ptArchive: NewContent := NewContent + #13#10'#define _GENERIC_ARCHIVE'#13#10'#include '#13#10; end; if FirstFile and (not (ProjectTarget in [ptFlashOS, ptArchive])) then NewContent := NewContent + #13#10'// Main Function'#13#10'void _main(void)'#13#10 + '{'#13#10 + #9 + CodeStr + #13#10 + '}'#13#10; if Assigned (TextEditor) then TextEditor.AllowUndo := False; Content := NewContent; if Assigned (TextEditor) then begin TextEditor.AllowUndo := True; P := Pos (CodeStr, TextEditor.Text); if P > 0 then with TextEditor.Selection do begin RStart := P; RLength := Length (CodeStr); end; end; Modified := False; Invalidate; SelectNode (TreeItem); TreeItem.EditText; end; end; end; procedure TMainForm.FileNewGNUAssemblerSourceFile(Sender: TObject); var O: TGNUAsmSourceFile; begin if not Compiling then begin O := TGNUAsmSourceFile.Create (SourceFiles); with O do begin Folder := GetSelectedFolder (TGNUAsmSourceFile); FileName := GetNewFileName (FolderPath, '.s'); OnError := AddError; TreeItem := CreateFileNode (TopNode.Item [ClassTreeIndex], O); with TreeItem do begin ImageIndex := ClassImageIndex; SelectedIndex := ImageIndex; end; ErrorList := Self.ErrorList; if Assigned (TextEditor) then with TextEditor do begin Hide; Parent := EditorPanel; Align := alClient; OnEnter := EditorEnter; OnExit := EditorExit; OnKeyDown := EditorKeyDown; OnChange := EditorChange; OnSelectionChange := EditorChange; PopupMenu := EditorPopup; end; Content := '| Assembly Source File'#13#10'| Created ' + DateToStr (Now) + '; ' + TimeToStr (Now) + #13#10; if Assigned (TextEditor) then TextEditor.ClearUndo; Modified := False; Invalidate; SelectNode (TreeItem); TreeItem.EditText; end; end; end; procedure TMainForm.FileNewAssemblerSourceFile(Sender: TObject); var O: TAsmSourceFile; begin if not Compiling then begin O := TAsmSourceFile.Create (SourceFiles); with O do begin Folder := GetSelectedFolder (TAsmSourceFile); FileName := GetNewFileName (FolderPath, '.asm'); OnError := AddError; TreeItem := CreateFileNode (TopNode.Item [ClassTreeIndex], O); with TreeItem do begin ImageIndex := ClassImageIndex; SelectedIndex := ImageIndex; end; ErrorList := Self.ErrorList; if Assigned (TextEditor) then with TextEditor do begin Hide; Parent := EditorPanel; Align := alClient; OnEnter := EditorEnter; OnExit := EditorExit; OnKeyDown := EditorKeyDown; OnChange := EditorChange; OnSelectionChange := EditorChange; PopupMenu := EditorPopup; end; Content := '; Assembly Source File'#13#10'; Created ' + DateToStr (Now) + ', ' + TimeToStr (Now) + #13#10; if Assigned (TextEditor) then TextEditor.ClearUndo; Modified := False; Invalidate; SelectNode (TreeItem); TreeItem.EditText; end; end; end; procedure TMainForm.FileNewQuillSourceFile(Sender: TObject); var O: TQuillSourceFile; begin if not Compiling then begin if Assigned (SourceFiles.FindFileOfTypeInProject (TQuillSourceFile)) then ShowDefaultMessageBox ('There may be only one Quill source file in each project.', 'Quill Error', mtProgramError) else begin O := TQuillSourceFile.Create (SourceFiles); with O do begin Folder := GetSelectedFolder (TQuillSourceFile); FileName := GetNewFileName (FolderPath, '.qll'); OnError := AddError; TreeItem := CreateFileNode (TopNode.Item [ClassTreeIndex], O); with TreeItem do begin ImageIndex := ClassImageIndex; SelectedIndex := ImageIndex; end; ErrorList := Self.ErrorList; if Assigned (TextEditor) then with TextEditor do begin Hide; Parent := EditorPanel; Align := alClient; OnEnter := EditorEnter; OnExit := EditorExit; OnKeyDown := EditorKeyDown; OnChange := EditorChange; OnSelectionChange := EditorChange; PopupMenu := EditorPopup; end; if FileExists (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + QuillIncludeLocation + 'Template.qll') then LoadFromFile (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + QuillIncludeLocation + 'Template.qll') else if FileExists (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + CIncludeLocation + 'Template.qll') then LoadFromFile (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + CIncludeLocation + 'Template.qll') else if FileExists (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + GCCLocation + 'Template.qll') then LoadFromFile (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + GCCLocation + 'Template.qll'); Content := '// Quill Source File'#13#10'// Created ' + DateToStr (Now) + '; ' + TimeToStr (Now) + #13#10#13#10 + Content; if Assigned (TextEditor) then TextEditor.ClearUndo; Modified := False; Invalidate; SelectNode (TreeItem); TreeItem.EditText; end; end; end; end; procedure TMainForm.FileNewTextFile(Sender: TObject); var O: TNormalTextSourceFile; begin O := TNormalTextSourceFile.Create (SourceFiles); with O do begin Folder := GetSelectedFolder (TTextSourceFile); FileName := GetNewFileName (FolderPath, '.txt'); OnError := AddError; TreeItem := CreateFileNode (TopNode.Item [ClassTreeIndex], O); with TreeItem do begin ImageIndex := ClassImageIndex; SelectedIndex := ImageIndex; end; ErrorList := Self.ErrorList; if Assigned (TextEditor) then with TextEditor do begin Hide; Parent := EditorPanel; Align := alClient; OnEnter := EditorEnter; OnExit := EditorExit; OnKeyDown := EditorKeyDown; OnChange := EditorChange; OnSelectionChange := EditorChange; PopupMenu := EditorPopup; end; if Assigned (TextEditor) then TextEditor.ClearUndo; Modified := False; SelectNode (TreeItem); TreeItem.EditText; end; end; procedure TMainForm.TreeItemSaveAs(Sender: TObject); var Node: TTreeNode; begin Node := ProjectTree.Selected; if Assigned (Node) and Assigned (Node.Data) and (TObject (Node.Data) is TSourceFile) then begin TSourceFile(Node.Data).SaveAs; Modify; UpdateStatusBar; end; end; procedure TMainForm.BeginCompilation; var I: Integer; begin ClearErrors; with SourceFiles do for I := 0 to Count - 1 do with Items [I] as TSourceFile do if not InProject then begin RecompileFiles; Break; end; OperationCancelled := False; OperationSuccessful := False; end; procedure TMainForm.EndCompilation; begin CompStop; Application.Restore; UpdateErrorWindow; ShowErrors; end; procedure TMainForm.HelpAbout(Sender: TObject); begin with TAboutForm.Create (Self) do try ShowModal; finally Free; end; end; procedure TMainForm.DisplayHint(Sender: TObject); begin with StatusBar.Panels do begin BeginUpdate; with Items [0] do begin if Application.Hint = '' then Width := 0 else Width := 1000000; Text := Application.Hint; end; EndUpdate; end; end; procedure TMainForm.ShowHideErrors(Sender: TObject); begin with ActionProjectShowErrors do begin if Checked then HideErrors else ShowErrors; end; end; procedure TMainForm.UpdateEditButtons; var TextSel: Boolean; Editor: TMemoComponent; begin Editor := CurrentEditor; if Assigned (Editor) then begin TextSel := (Editor.SelLength > 0) and (ActiveControl = Editor); ActionEditDelete.Enabled := TextSel; ActionEditCut.Enabled := TextSel; ActionEditCopy.Enabled := TextSel; ActionEditUndo.Enabled := (ActiveControl = Editor) and Editor.CanUndo; ActionEditRedo.Enabled := (ActiveControl = Editor) and Editor.CanRedo; end; end; procedure TMainForm.RecompileFiles; var I: Integer; begin with SourceFiles do for I := 0 to Count - 1 do with Items [I] as TSourceFile do if Items [I] is THeaderSourceFile then Invalidated := False else if Compilable then Invalidate; end; procedure TMainForm.FindString(Sender: TObject; AllFiles: Boolean); var P: Integer; S, T: string; Valid: Boolean; FPos: Integer; Editor: TMemoComponent; NewSelection: TTreeNode; FirstFile: Boolean; begin NewSelection := ProjectTree.Selected; if not Assigned (NewSelection) then NewSelection := TopNode; Valid := False; FirstFile := True; repeat if Assigned (NewSelection.Data) and (TObject (NewSelection.Data) is TSourceFile) then if TSourceFile (NewSelection.Data) is TTextSourceFile then begin Editor := TTextSourceFile(NewSelection.Data).TextEditor; if Assigned (Editor) then begin with Sender as TFindDialog do begin if (frFindNext in Options) and FirstFile then P := Editor.Selection.REnd else if frDown in Options then P := 0 else P := Length (Editor.Text); repeat if frDown in Options then T := Copy (Editor.Text, P + 1, Length (Editor.Text)) else T := Copy (Editor.Text, 1, P - 1); if frMatchCase in Options then S := FindText else begin S := UpperCase (FindText); T := UpperCase (T); end; if frDown in Options then FPos := Pos (S, T) else FPos := LastPos (S, T); if FPos > 0 then begin Valid := True; if frWholeWord in Options then begin if ((FPos > 1) and (T <> '') and (T [FPos - 1] in ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '_', '$'])) then Valid := False; if ((FPos + Length (S) < Length (T)) and (T <> '') and (T [FPos + Length (S)] in ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '_', '$'])) then Valid := False; end; if not (frDown in Options) then P := 0; if not Valid then Inc (P, FPos); end; until Valid or (FPos <= 0); if Valid then begin SelectNode (NewSelection); with Editor do begin with Selection do begin DoChanging; RStart := P + FPos; RLength := Length (S); DoChange; ScrollInView (2); end; end; end; end; end; end; if AllFiles and (not Valid) then begin if frDown in (Sender as TFindDialog).Options then begin NewSelection := NewSelection.GetNext; if not Assigned (NewSelection) then NewSelection := TopNode; end else begin NewSelection := NewSelection.GetPrev; if not Assigned (NewSelection) then begin NewSelection := TopNode; while NewSelection.Count > 0 do NewSelection := NewSelection.Item [NewSelection.Count - 1]; end; end; FirstFile := False; end; until (not AllFiles) or Valid or (NewSelection = ProjectTree.Selected); if not Valid then Abort; end; procedure TMainForm.ReplaceDlgReplace(Sender: TObject); var Editor: TMemoComponent; begin Editor := CurrentEditor; if Assigned (Editor) then with Sender as TReplaceDialog do if (frReplace in Options) or (frReplaceAll in Options) then repeat if UpperCase (Editor.Selection.Text) = UpperCase (FindText) then Editor.Selection.Text := ReplaceText; Options := Options + [frFindNext]; FindString (Sender, False); until not (frReplaceAll in Options); end; procedure TMainForm.FindText(Sender: TObject); begin try if Assigned (CurrentEditor) then if CurrentEditor.Selection.RLength > 0 then FindDlg.FindText := CurrentEditor.Selection.Text; FindDlg.Execute; except end; end; procedure TMainForm.ReplaceText(Sender: TObject); begin try if Assigned (CurrentEditor) then if CurrentEditor.Selection.RLength > 0 then begin ReplaceDlg.FindText := CurrentEditor.Selection.Text; ReplaceDlg.ReplaceText := ReplaceDlg.FindText; end; ReplaceDlg.Execute; except end; end; procedure TMainForm.FindOpenFile(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; S: string; QuotesInLine: Boolean; SelectedNode: TTreeNode; SourceFile: TSourceFile; Editor: TMemoComponent; begin Editor := CurrentEditor; if Assigned (Editor) then begin QuotesInLine := Pos ('"', Editor.Lines [Editor.Selection.StartRowCol.Row - 1]) > 0; S := ''; for I := Editor.Selection.RStart - 1 downto 1 do begin if (not QuotesInLine) and (Editor.Text [I] = ' ') then Break; if Editor.Text [I] in [' ', 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '_', '-', '.', '\', ':'] then S := Editor.Text [I] + S else Break; end; for I := Editor.Selection.RStart to Length (Editor.Text) do begin if (not QuotesInLine) and (Editor.Text [I] = ' ') then Break; if Editor.Text [I] in [' ', 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '_', '-', '.', '\', ':'] then S := S + Editor.Text [I] else Break; end; S := Trim (S); if Length (S) > 0 then begin SourceFile := SourceFiles.FindFileNameOnly (S); if Assigned (SourceFile) then SourceFile.Edit else begin SelectedNode := ProjectTree.Selected; if Assigned (SelectedNode) and (TObject (SelectedNode.Data) is TSourceFile) then SourceFile := TSourceFile (SelectedNode.Data); if FileExists (ExpandFileName (S)) then AddSourceFile (ExpandFileName (S), True) else if Assigned (SourceFile) and (SourceFile is TGNUAsmSourceFile) and FileExists (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + GASIncludeLocation + S) then AddSourceFile (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + GASIncludeLocation + S, True) else if Assigned (SourceFile) and (SourceFile is TAsmSourceFile) and FileExists (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + ASMIncludeLocation + S) then AddSourceFile (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + ASMIncludeLocation + S, True) else if FileExists (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + CIncludeLocation + S) then AddSourceFile (WithBackslash (TIGCCFolder) + CIncludeLocation + S, True) else ShowDefaultMessageBox ('File ''' + S + ''' not found.', 'Search Failed', mtProgramError); end; end; end; end; procedure TMainForm.FindDlgFind(Sender: TObject); begin try FindString (Sender, True); except ShowDefaultMessageBox ('Text ''' + (Sender as TFindDialog).FindText + ''' not found.', 'Search Failed', mtProgramError); end; end; procedure TMainForm.ActionsExecute(Action: TBasicAction; var Handled: Boolean); begin Application.ProcessMessages; Handled := False; end; procedure TMainForm.ProjectTreeEnter(Sender: TObject); begin ActionEditDelete.Enabled := Assigned (ProjectTree.Selected) and Assigned (ProjectTree.Selected.Data); end; procedure TMainForm.ProjectTreeExit(Sender: TObject); begin ActionEditDelete.Enabled := False; end; procedure TMainForm.ProjectTreeChanging(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode; var AllowChange: Boolean); begin if not NoHideEditor then begin if Assigned (EditorToHide) then EditorToHide.Hide; if (not Closing) and Assigned (PreviousNode) and Assigned (PreviousNode.Data) and (TObject (PreviousNode.Data) is TSourceFile) then EditorToHide := TSourceFile(PreviousNode.Data).Editor else EditorToHide := NoEditor; end; end; procedure TMainForm.EditorChange(Sender: TObject); begin if ActiveControl = Sender then UpdateEditButtons; UpdateStatusBar; end; procedure TMainForm.FilePrint(Sender: TObject); var Node: TTreeNode; Cp: Integer; begin Node := ProjectTree.Selected; if Assigned (Node) and Assigned (Node.Data) and (TObject (Node.Data) is TSourceFile) and (Printer.Printers.Count > 0) then try PrintDlg.PrintRange := prAllPages; PrintDlg.MaxPage := TSourceFile(Node.Data).CountPages; PrintDlg.ToPage := PrintDlg.MaxPage; if Assigned (CurrentEditor) then begin if CurrentEditor.Selection.RLength > 0 then PrintDlg.Options := PrintDlg.Options + [poSelection] else PrintDlg.Options := PrintDlg.Options - [poSelection]; end; if Assigned (Sender) then begin if not PrintDlg.Execute then Abort; Cp := PrintDlg.Copies; if Cp < 1 then Cp := 1; end else Cp := 1; TSourceFile(Node.Data).Print (Cp, PrintDlg.PrintRange, PrintDlg.FromPage, PrintDlg.ToPage); except Abort; end; end; procedure TMainForm.FilePrintQuickly(Sender: TObject); begin FilePrint (nil); end; procedure TMainForm.TreeItemRename(Sender: TObject); begin if Assigned (ProjectTree.Selected) then ProjectTree.Selected.EditText; end; procedure TMainForm.HelpContents(Sender: TObject); begin try DocFile.DisplayContentsTab; except ShowDefaultMessageBox ('Error opening documentation.', 'Error', mtProgramError); end; end; procedure TMainForm.HelpIndex(Sender: TObject); begin try DocFile.DisplayIndexTab; except ShowDefaultMessageBox ('Error opening documentation.', 'Error', mtProgramError); end; end; procedure TMainForm.HelpSearch(Sender: TObject); begin try DocFile.DisplaySearchTab; except ShowDefaultMessageBox ('Error opening documentation.', 'Error', mtProgramError); end; end; procedure TMainForm.SplitterMoved(Sender: TObject); begin StatusBar.Panels[1].Width := ProjectTree.Width; Update; end; procedure TMainForm.UpdateStatusBar; var S: string; I: Integer; Total: Integer; Cell: TTextCell; Node, ClassNode: TTreeNode; begin with StatusBar.Panels do begin Total := 0; Node := TopNode; while Assigned (Node) do begin if Assigned (Node.Data) and (TObject (Node.Data) is TSourceFile) then Inc (Total); Node := Node.GetNext; end; S := IntToStr (Total) + ' File'; if Total <> 1 then S := S + 's'; S := S + ' Total'; if Assigned (ProjectTree.Selected) then begin ClassNode := GetSourceTypeFolder (ProjectTree.Selected); if Assigned (ClassNode) then begin Total := 0; Node := ClassNode; while Assigned (Node) and (Node <> ClassNode.GetNextSibling) do begin if Assigned (Node.Data) and (TObject (Node.Data) is TSourceFile) then Inc (Total); Node := Node.GetNext; end; S := S + ', ' + IntToStr (Total) + ' in Category'; end; end; if Items[1].Text <> S then Items[1].Text := S; if Assigned (CurrentEditor) then begin with CurrentEditor do begin if Enabled then begin if Selection.RLength > 0 then begin I := Selection.RLength + Selection.StartRowCol.Row - Selection.EndRowCol.Row; if Selection.EndRowCol.Col > LineLength [Selection.EndRowCol.Row] then Dec (I); S := IntToStr (I); if Items[3].Text <> S then Items[3].Text := S; if Items[4].Text <> '' then Items[4].Text := ''; if Items[3].Width <> 60 then Items[3].Width := 60; if Items[4].Width <> 0 then Items[4].Width := 0; end else begin Cell := Selection.StartRowCol; S := IntToStr (Cell.Row); if Items[3].Text <> S then Items[3].Text := S; S := IntToStr (Cell.Col); if Items[4].Text <> S then Items[4].Text := S; if Items[3].Width <> 30 then Items[3].Width := 30; if Items[4].Width <> 30 then Items[4].Width := 30; end; I := TextLength - LineCount + 1; S := IntToStr (I) + ' Character'; if I <> 1 then S := S + 's'; if Items[11].Text <> S then Items[11].Text := S; if Items[10].Width <> 1 then Items[10].Width := 1; if Items[11].Width <> 93 then Items[11].Width := 93; if Items[12].Width <> 1 then Items[12].Width := 1; end; end; end else begin if Items[3].Text <> '' then Items[3].Text := ''; if Items[4].Text <> '' then Items[4].Text := ''; if Items[11].Text <> '' then Items[11].Text := ''; if Items[3].Width <> 0 then Items[3].Width := 0; if Items[4].Width <> 0 then Items[4].Width := 0; if Items[10].Width <> 0 then Items[10].Width := 0; if Items[11].Width <> 0 then Items[11].Width := 0; if Items[12].Width <> 0 then Items[12].Width := 0; end; Node := ProjectTree.Selected; S := ''; if Assigned (Node) then begin if Assigned (Node.Data) and (TObject (Node.Data) is TSourceFile) then begin with TSourceFile (Node.Data) do if (ProjectFile = '') and (ExtractFilePath (FileName) = 'C:\') then S := LogicalFileName else S := FileName; end else if Node = TopNode then S := ProjectFile; end; if Items[13].Text <> S then Items[13].Text := S; end; Update; end; procedure TMainForm.ProjectTreeMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin if Button = mbRight then SelectNode (ProjectTree.GetNodeAt (X, Y)); end; procedure TMainForm.SetModified(const Value: Boolean); begin FModified := Value; UpdateStatusBar; if Value then Invalidated := True; end; procedure TMainForm.ToolBarManagerBandMove(Sender: TObject; Control: TControl; var ARect: TRect); begin Update; end; procedure TMainForm.ProjectTreeDragOver(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer; State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean); var S, D: TTreeNode; SameType, FolderDest: Boolean; begin Accept := False; with ProjectTree do begin S := Selected; if Assigned (S) and Assigned (S.Data) then begin D := GetNodeAt (X, Y); if Assigned (D) and (D <> TopNode) and (D <> S) and (D <> S.Parent) then begin SameType := (GetSourceTypeFolder (S) = GetSourceTypeFolder (D)); FolderDest := (not Assigned (D.Data)) or (TObject (D.Data) is TFolder); if TObject (S.Data) is TSourceFile then Accept := SameType or FolderDest else Accept := SameType and FolderDest; end; end; end; end; procedure TMainForm.ProjectTreeDragDrop(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer); var S, D: TTreeNode; FN: string; F: TSourceFile; Folder: TFolder; begin with ProjectTree do begin S := Selected; if Assigned (S) and Assigned (S.Data) then begin D := GetNodeAt (X, Y); if Assigned (D) and (D <> TopNode) then begin // Handle moving within one type. if GetSourceTypeFolder (S) = GetSourceTypeFolder (D) then begin // Handle moving to a different folder. if (not Assigned (D.Data)) or (TObject (D.Data) is TFolder) then begin S.MoveTo (D, naAddChild); if TObject (S.Data) is TSourceFile then with TSourceFile (S.Data) do begin Folder := D.Data; Invalidate; end; // Handle moving within one folder. end else begin if (S <> D) and (S.Parent = D.Parent) then begin if D.Index > S.Index then begin if D.GetNextSibling <> nil then S.MoveTo (D.GetNextSibling, naInsert) else S.MoveTo (D, naAdd); end else S.MoveTo (D, naInsert); end; end; Modify; // Handle moving to a different type. end else begin if S.Parent <> D then begin if TObject (S.Data) is TSourceFile then begin with TSourceFile (S.Data) do begin if FileExists (FileName) then WarnIfModified else Save; FN := FileName; end; S.Delete; Folder := nil; if Assigned (D.Data) and (TObject (D.Data) is TFolder) then Folder := D.Data; D := GetSourceTypeFolder (D); if Assigned (D) then begin F := AddSourceFile (FN, False, TSourceFile.GetAppropriateClassFromTreeIndex (D.Index), Folder); if Assigned (F) and Assigned (F.TreeItem) then SelectNode (F.TreeItem); end; RecompileFiles; Modify; end; end; end; end; if Assigned (CurrentEditor) then CurrentEditor.Refresh; SortFiles; end; end; end; procedure TMainForm.ErrorListClick(Sender: TObject); begin if Enabled and Assigned (ErrorList.Selected) and (ErrorList.SelCount = 1) then TFoundError(ErrorList.Selected.Data).GoToPosition; end; function TMainForm.GetCurrentEditor: TMemoComponent; var Node: TTreeNode; begin Node := ProjectTree.Selected; if Assigned (Node) and Assigned (Node.Data) and (TObject (Node.Data) is TTextSourceFile) then Result := TTextSourceFile(Node.Data).TextEditor else Result := nil; end; procedure TMainForm.DeleteError(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; begin if DeleteErrors then begin with ErrorList.Items do for I := Count - 1 downto 0 do if Assigned (Item[I].Data) then with TFoundError (Item[I].Data) do if Range = Sender then Item[I].Delete; UpdateErrorWindow; end; end; procedure TMainForm.UpdateFuncs; var Node: TTreeNode; begin Node := ProjectTree.Selected; if Assigned (Node) and Assigned (Node.Data) and (TObject (Node.Data) is TSourceTextSourceFile) then with TSourceTextSourceFile (Node.Data) do Funcs := GetFunctions else SetLength (Funcs, 0); end; procedure TMainForm.FunctionPopupPopup(Sender: TObject); var I, P: Integer; M: TMenuItem; begin with (Sender as TPopupMenu).Items do begin for I := Count - 1 downto 0 do Remove (Items [I]); UpdateFuncs; for I := Low (Funcs) to High (Funcs) do begin M := TMenuItem.Create (Self); with M do begin Tag := I; Caption := Funcs[I].Name; OnClick := FindFunctionFromPopup; end; P := Pos ('main', Funcs[I].Name); if (P <> 0) and (P = Length (Funcs[I].Name) - Length ('main') + 1) then Insert (0, M) else Add (M); end; if Count <= 0 then Add (NoFunctionsItem); end; end; procedure TMainForm.FindFunctions(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; Editor: TMemoComponent; begin UpdateFuncs; with TFunctionsForm.Create (Self) do try Funcs := @Self.Funcs; with FuncList.Items do begin BeginUpdate; Clear; for I := Low (Self.Funcs) to High (Self.Funcs) do AddObject (Self.Funcs[I].Name, TObject (I)); EndUpdate; end; FuncListClick (FuncList); case ShowModal of mrYes: begin Editor := CurrentEditor; if Assigned (Editor) then begin Editor.Selection.NoSelAtPos (Editor.CellToCharIdx (TextCell (Self.Funcs[Integer(FuncList.Items.Objects[FuncList.ItemIndex])].PrototypeLine, 1))); Editor.Selection.ScrollInView (5); end; end; mrNo: begin Editor := CurrentEditor; if Assigned (Editor) then begin Editor.Selection.NoSelAtPos (Editor.CellToCharIdx (TextCell (Self.Funcs[Integer(FuncList.Items.Objects[FuncList.ItemIndex])].ImplementationLine, 1))); Editor.Selection.ScrollInView (5); end; end; end; with FuncList.Items do begin BeginUpdate; for I := Count - 1 downto 0 do begin Objects [I] := nil; Delete (I); end; EndUpdate; end; finally Free; end; end; procedure TMainForm.FindFunctionFromPopup(Sender: TObject); var L: Integer; Editor: TMemoComponent; begin if Sender is TMenuItem then with Sender as TMenuItem do begin if Funcs[Tag].ImplementationLine > 0 then L := Funcs[Tag].ImplementationLine else L := Funcs[Tag].PrototypeLine; if L > 0 then begin Editor := CurrentEditor; if Assigned (Editor) then begin Editor.Selection.NoSelAtPos (Editor.CellToCharIdx (TextCell (L, 1))); Editor.Selection.ScrollInView (5); if Editor.Visible and Editor.Enabled then ActiveControl := Editor; end; end; end; end; procedure TMainForm.IncreaseIndent(Sender: TObject); var Editor: TMemoComponent; begin Editor := CurrentEditor; if Assigned (Editor) then Editor.ChangeIndent (1); end; procedure TMainForm.DecreaseIndent(Sender: TObject); var Editor: TMemoComponent; begin Editor := CurrentEditor; if Assigned (Editor) then Editor.ChangeIndent (-1); end; procedure TMainForm.SortFiles; var CurFileIndex: Integer; procedure DoSortFiles(Node: TTreeNode); var I: Integer; begin with Node do begin if Assigned (Data) and (TObject (Data) is TSourceFile) then begin with TSourceFile (Data) do if Index > CurFileIndex then Index := CurFileIndex; Inc (CurFileIndex); end; for I := 0 to Count - 1 do DoSortFiles (Item [I]); end; end; var I: Integer; begin CurFileIndex := 0; { This is supposed to be: DoSortFiles (TopNode); However, header files are dependent on the other files and therefore have to be put after all the others. } with TopNode do begin for I := 0 to Count - 1 do if I <> THeaderSourceFile.GetClassTreeIndex then DoSortFiles (Item [I]); if Count > THeaderSourceFile.GetClassTreeIndex then DoSortFiles (Item [THeaderSourceFile.GetClassTreeIndex]); end; end; procedure TMainForm.AppCompSetMessage(const Msg: string); begin with StatusBar do Panels.Items[6].Text := Msg + '...'; if not Compiling then begin Compiling := True; CompUpdate; UpdateDebugSettings; with StatusBar.Panels do begin Items[5].Width := 5; Items[6].Width := 180; Items[7].Width := 100; Items[8].Width := 100; Items[9].Width := 1000000; end; end; end; procedure TMainForm.AppCompStartFile; var I: Integer; begin Application.Hint := ''; CompFinishAndStop := False; CompStopNow := False; CompFileStartTime := Now; CompLastTime := 0; if not Compiling then begin CompStartTime := CompFileStartTime; ToolBarNewButton.Enabled := False; MenuFileNew.Enabled := False; ActionFileOpen.Enabled := False; ActionFileExit.Enabled := False; ActionProjectAddFiles.Enabled := False; ActionProjectCompile.Visible := False; ActionProjectMake.Visible := False; ActionProjectBuild.Visible := False; ActionProjectStopCompilation.Enabled := True; ActionProjectForceQuitCompiler.Enabled := True; ActionProjectStopCompilation.Visible := True; ActionProjectForceQuitCompiler.Visible := True; with RecentFiles do for I := 0 to Count - 1 do with TRecentFileMenuItem (Objects [I]) do begin FileMenuItem.Enabled := False; PopupMenuItem.Enabled := False; end; end; end; procedure TMainForm.AppCompStop; var I: Integer; begin if Compiling then begin Compiling := False; ActionProjectStopCompilation.Visible := False; ActionProjectForceQuitCompiler.Visible := False; ToolBarNewButton.Enabled := True; MenuFileNew.Enabled := True; ActionFileOpen.Enabled := True; ActionFileExit.Enabled := True; ActionProjectAddFiles.Enabled := True; ActionProjectCompile.Visible := True; ActionProjectMake.Visible := True; ActionProjectBuild.Visible := True; with RecentFiles do for I := 0 to Count - 1 do with TRecentFileMenuItem (Objects [I]) do begin FileMenuItem.Enabled := True; PopupMenuItem.Enabled := True; end; UpdateDebugSettings; with StatusBar.Panels do begin Items[5].Width := 0; Items[6].Width := 0; Items[7].Width := 0; Items[8].Width := 0; Items[9].Width := 0; end; end; end; procedure TMainForm.AppCompUpdate; const SecondsPerDay = 24 * 60 * 60; function CustomTimeToStr(ConvTime: TDateTime): string; var Seconds: Integer; MinStr, SecStr: string; begin Seconds := Trunc (ConvTime * SecondsPerDay); MinStr := IntToStr (Seconds div 60); SecStr := IntToStr (Seconds mod 60); while Length (SecStr) < 2 do SecStr := '0' + SecStr; Result := MinStr + ':' + SecStr; end; var CurTime: TDateTime; begin CurTime := Now; if Trunc (CompLastTime * SecondsPerDay) <> Trunc (CurTime * SecondsPerDay) then begin CompLastTime := CurTime; with StatusBar, Panels do begin Items[7].Text := 'File Time: ' + CustomTimeToStr (CurTime - CompFileStartTime); Items[8].Text := 'Total Time: ' + CustomTimeToStr (CurTime - CompStartTime); Update; end; end; end; procedure TMainForm.DisplayFolderMessage; var S: string; begin if OperationSuccessful and (not OperationCancelled) and OpenFolderMessage then begin if ProjectTarget = ptArchive then S := 'The project has been compiled successfully.'#13#10#13#10'Archive Size: ' + IntToStr (ProgSize) + ' Bytes'#13#10#13#10'Do you want to open the project folder?' else with OptimizeInfo do begin S := 'The project has been compiled successfully.'#13#10#13#10'Program Variable Size: ' + IntToStr (ProgramSize) + ' Bytes'#13#10; if DataSize > 0 then S := S + 'Data Variable Size: ' + IntToStr (DataSize) + ' Bytes'#13#10; if BSSSize > 0 then S := S + 'BSS Size: ' + IntToStr (BSSSize) + ' Bytes'#13#10; S := S + 'Absolute Relocs: ' + IntToStr (RelocCount) + #13#10'Natively Emitted Relocs: ' + IntToStr (NativeRelocCount) + #13#10; if OptimizeBranchesResult > 0 then begin if OptimizeBranches then S := S + 'Relocs Saved' else S := S + 'Relocs Savable'; S := S + ' by Branch Optimization: ' + IntToStr (OptimizeBranchesResult) + #13#10; end; if OptimizeMovesResult > 0 then begin if OptimizeMoves then S := S + 'Relocs Saved' else S := S + 'Relocs Savable'; S := S + ' by Move Optimization: ' + IntToStr (OptimizeMovesResult) + #13#10; end; if OptimizeTestsResult > 0 then begin if OptimizeTests then S := S + 'Relocs Saved' else S := S + 'Relocs Savable'; S := S + ' by Test Optimization: ' + IntToStr (OptimizeTestsResult) + #13#10; end; if OptimizeCalcsResult > 0 then begin if OptimizeCalcs then S := S + 'Relocs Saved' else S := S + 'Relocs Savable'; S := S + ' by Calculation Optimization: ' + IntToStr (OptimizeCalcsResult) + #13#10; end; if UseFLineJumpsResult > 0 then begin if UseFLineJumps or Use4ByteFLineJumps then S := S + 'Relocs Saved' else S := S + 'Relocs Savable'; S := S + ' by F-Line Jumps: ' + IntToStr (UseFLineJumpsResult) + #13#10; end; if CutRangesResult > 0 then begin if CutRanges then S := S + 'Space Saved' else S := S + 'Space Savable'; S := S + ' by Range-Cutting: ' + IntToStr (CutRangesResult) + ' Bytes'#13#10; end; if NearAssemblyResult > 0 then S := S + 'Space Savable by Using GNU Assembler ''-l'' Switch: ' + IntToStr (NearAssemblyResult) + ' Bytes'#13#10; S := S + #13#10'Do you want to open the project folder?'; end; if ShowDefaultMessageBox (S, 'Compilation Successful', mtQuestion) = idYes then ShellExecute (0, nil, PChar (ExtractFilePath (ProjectFile)), nil, nil, sw_ShowNormal); end; end; procedure TMainForm.ProjectStopCompilation(Sender: TObject); begin CompFinishAndStop := True; ActionProjectStopCompilation.Enabled := False; end; procedure TMainForm.ProjectForceQuitCompiler(Sender: TObject); begin CompStopNow := True; end; procedure TMainForm.WMDropFiles(var Msg: TMessage); var DropHandle: THandle; I, FileCount: Integer; CurFile: array [0..512] of Char; begin DropHandle := Msg.WParam; FileCount := DragQueryFile (DropHandle, High (Cardinal), nil, 0); for I := 0 to FileCount - 1 do begin DragQueryFile (DropHandle, I, CurFile, SizeOf (CurFile) - 1); if LowerCase (ExtractFileExt (AnsiString (CurFile))) = LowerCase (ProjectFileExt) then FileOpen (AnsiString (CurFile)) else AddSourceFile (AnsiString (CurFile), True); end; DragFinish (DropHandle); end; procedure TMainForm.HelpNews(Sender: TObject); begin with TNewsForm.Create (Self) do try Execute; finally Free; end; end; function TMainForm.GetVTIWindow: HWnd; begin CurVTIType := cvNone; Result := FindWindow ('TEmuWnd', 'Virtual TI-89'); if Result = 0 then begin Result := FindWindow ('TEmuWnd', 'Virtual TI-92+'); if Result = 0 then begin Result := FindWindow ('TEmuWnd', 'Virtual TI-92'); if Result <> 0 then CurVTIType := cvTI92; end else CurVTIType := cvTI92Plus; end else CurVTIType := cvTI89; if Result = 0 then begin if Length (VTIPath) > 0 then begin with TVTIStartForm.Create (Self) do try if ShowModal = mrOK then begin Result := VTIWindow; CurVTIType := VTIType; end else Abort; finally Free; end; end else begin ShowDefaultMessageBox ('Virtual TI is not running.', 'Error', mtProgramError); Abort; end; end; end; procedure TMainForm.SendFiles(FNList: array of string); var Win: HWnd; procedure SendKey(Key: Byte); begin PostMessage (Win, WM_KEYDOWN, Key, 0); PostMessage (Win, WM_KEYUP, Key, 0); end; var I: Integer; EditWin, ButtonWin: HWnd; StartTime: Cardinal; FileString: string; Name: array [0..32] of Char; Connection: TLinkConnection; Size: Word; Total: Cardinal; Progress: DWord; ProgressForm: TSendProgressForm; begin OperationSuccessful := False; OperationCancelled := False; if Length (FNList) > 0 then begin if TransferTarget = ttVTI then begin Win := GetVTIWindow; GetWindowThreadProcessID (Win, @ProcID); SendKey (VK_SCROLL); SendKey (VK_ESCAPE); if CurVTIType = cvTI89 then SendKey (VK_HOME); SendKey (VK_F10); StartTime := GetTickCount; SendWin := 0; repeat EnumWindows (@EnumWindowsFunc, 0); until (SendWin <> 0) or (GetTickCount - StartTime >= 10000); if SendWin = 0 then begin ShowDefaultMessageBox ('Error displaying send dialog.', 'Error', mtProgramError); Abort; end else begin SetForegroundWindow (SendWin); repeat EditWin := GetWindow (SendWin, GW_CHILD); GetClassName (EditWin, Name, 32); while (EditWin <> 0) and (UpperCase (AnsiString (Name)) <> 'EDIT') do begin EditWin := GetWindow (EditWin, GW_HWNDNEXT); if EditWin <> 0 then GetClassName (EditWin, Name, 32); end; if EditWin <> 0 then begin StartTime := GetTickCount; while (SendMessage (EditWin, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0) <= 0) and (GetTickCount - StartTime < 5000) do; FileString := ''; for I := Low (FNList) to High (FNList) do begin if CurVTIType = cvTI92Plus then FNList [I] := StringReplace (FNList [I], '.89', '.9x', []); if not FileExists (FNList [I]) then begin ShowDefaultMessageBox ('The file "' + FNList [I] + '" could not be found.', 'Error', mtProgramError); Abort; end; Insert ('"' + FNList [I] + '" ', FileString, Length (FileString) + 1); end; Delete (FileString, Length (FileString), 1); SendMessage (EditWin, WM_SETTEXT, 0, Integer (PChar (FileString))); end; ButtonWin := GetWindow (SendWin, GW_CHILD); GetClassName (ButtonWin, Name, 32); while (ButtonWin <> 0) and ((UpperCase (AnsiString (Name)) <> 'BUTTON') or ((GetWindowLong (ButtonWin, GWL_STYLE) and BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) = 0) or ((GetWindowLong (ButtonWin, GWL_STYLE) and BS_CHECKBOX) <> 0)) do begin ButtonWin := GetWindow (ButtonWin, GW_HWNDNEXT); if ButtonWin <> 0 then GetClassName (ButtonWin, Name, 32); end; until SendMessage (EditWin, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0) >= Length (FNList [Low (FNList)]); if ButtonWin <> 0 then begin SendMessage (ButtonWin, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0, 0); SendMessage (ButtonWin, WM_LBUTTONUP, 0, 0); end; end; ShowWindow (Win, SW_SHOWNORMAL); SetForegroundWindow (Win); end else if TransferTarget = ttCalc then begin FillChar (Connection, SizeOf (Connection), 0); Connection.Port := LinkPort; Connection.CableType := LinkCable; if CreateConnection (Connection) then try if OpenConnection (Connection) and GetCalcType (Connection) then begin Total := 0; for I := Low (FNList) to High (FNList) do begin case Connection.CalcType of cdTI92Plus: FNList [I] := StringReplace (FNList [I], '.89', '.9x', []); cdV200: FNList [I] := StringReplace (FNList [I], '.89', '.v2', []); cdTI92: FNList [I] := StringReplace (FNList [I], '.89', '.92', []); end; if not FileExists (FNList [I]) then begin ShowDefaultMessageBox ('The file "' + FNList [I] + '" could not be found.', 'Error', mtProgramError); Abort; end; if not CheckFileFormat (Connection, PChar (FNList [I]), nil, nil, @Size) then begin ShowDefaultMessageBox ('Error sending file.', 'Error', mtProgramError); Abort; end; Inc (Total, Size); end; Enabled := False; try ProgressForm := TSendProgressForm.Create (Self); with ProgressForm do try ProgressBar.Max := Total; Show; Update; Progress := 0; for I := Low (FNList) to High (FNList) do begin FileNameLabel.Caption := ExtractFileName (FNList [I]); if not SendFile (Connection, nil, nil, PChar (FNList [I]), @Progress, ProgressProg, ProgressForm) then begin if Cancelled then OperationCancelled := True else ShowDefaultMessageBox ('Error sending file. Please check whether your calculator is on the home screen.', 'Error', mtProgramError); Abort; end; end; finally CloseNow := True; Free; end; finally Enabled := True; end; end else begin ShowDefaultMessageBox ('Error linking to calculator.', 'Error', mtProgramError); Abort; end; finally CloseConnection (Connection); end else begin ShowDefaultMessageBox ('Error opening link port.', 'Error', mtProgramError); Abort; end; end; OperationSuccessful := True; end; end; procedure TMainForm.ExecuteCommandLine(const Line: string); var Win: HWnd; procedure SendKey(Key: Byte); begin SendMessage (Win, WM_KEYDOWN, Key, 0); SendMessage (Win, WM_KEYUP, Key, 0); Sleep (20); end; var I: Integer; Connection: TLinkConnection; begin if TransferTarget = ttVTI then begin Win := GetVTIWindow; SendKey (VK_SCROLL); SendKey (VK_ESCAPE); SendKey (VK_ESCAPE); if CurVTIType = cvTI89 then SendKey (VK_HOME); SendKey (VK_DELETE); SendKey (VK_DELETE); for I := 1 to Length (Line) do if Line [I] in ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9'] then SendKey (Byte (UpCase (Line [I]))) else if Line [I] = '(' then SendKey ($DB) else if Line [I] = ')' then SendKey ($DD) else if Line [I] = ',' then SendKey ($BC) else if Line [I] = '.' then SendKey (VK_DECIMAL) else if Line [I] = '+' then SendKey (VK_ADD) else if Line [I] = '-' then SendKey (VK_SUBTRACT) else if Line [I] = '*' then SendKey (VK_MULTIPLY) else if Line [I] = '/' then SendKey (VK_DIVIDE) else if Line [I] = '\' then begin SendKey (VK_MENU); SendKey (Byte ('2')); end; SendKey (VK_RETURN); end else if TransferTarget = ttCalc then begin FillChar (Connection, SizeOf (Connection), 0); Connection.Port := LinkPort; Connection.CableType := LinkCable; if CreateConnection (Connection) then try if OpenConnection (Connection) then ExecuteHomeLine (Connection, Line) else begin ShowDefaultMessageBox ('Error linking to calculator.', 'Error', mtProgramError); Abort; end; finally CloseConnection (Connection); end else begin ShowDefaultMessageBox ('Error opening link port.', 'Error', mtProgramError); Abort; end; end; end; procedure TMainForm.DebugRun(Sender: TObject); var Files: array of string; begin OperationSuccessful := True; OperationCancelled := False; if Invalidated then MakeFileWrapped; if OperationSuccessful and (not OperationCancelled) and (FileExists (ChangeFileExt (ProjectFile, '.89z')) or FileExists (ChangeFileExt (ProjectFile, '.9xz')) or FileExists (ChangeFileExt (ProjectFile, '.v2z')) or FileExists (ChangeFileExt (ProjectFile, '.92p'))) then begin if Runnable then begin SetLength (Files, 0); case ProjectTarget of ptRegular: begin SetLength (Files, 1); Files [High (Files)] := ChangeFileExt (ProjectFile, '.89z'); if Pack and (ssPack in SpecialSupport) then begin SetLength (Files, Length (Files) + 1); Files [High (Files)] := ChangeFileExt (ProjectFile, '.89y'); end; if UseDataVar then begin SetLength (Files, Length (Files) + 1); Files [High (Files)] := ChangeFileExt (ProjectFile, '-data.89y'); end; end; ptFargo: begin SetLength (Files, 1); Files [High (Files)] := ChangeFileExt (ProjectFile, '.92p'); end; end; if Length (Files) > 0 then begin SendFiles (Files); if OperationSuccessful then ExecuteCommandLine (TopNode.Text + '(' + CommandLine + ')'); end; end else DisplayFolderMessage; end; end; procedure TMainForm.DebugPause(Sender: TObject); var Win: HWnd; procedure SendKey(Key: Byte); begin PostMessage (Win, WM_KEYDOWN, Key, 0); PostMessage (Win, WM_KEYUP, Key, 0); end; begin Win := GetVTIWindow; SendKey (VK_F11); ShowWindow (Win, SW_SHOWNORMAL); SetForegroundWindow (Win); end; procedure TMainForm.DebugReset(Sender: TObject); var Win: HWnd; procedure SendKey(Key: Byte); begin PostMessage (Win, WM_KEYDOWN, Key, 0); PostMessage (Win, WM_KEYUP, Key, 0); end; begin Win := GetVTIWindow; SendKey (VK_APPS); SendKey (Byte ('T')); ShowWindow (Win, SW_SHOWNORMAL); SetForegroundWindow (Win); end; function TMainForm.GetInvalidated: Boolean; var I: Integer; begin Result := FInvalidated; if not Result then with SourceFiles do for I := 0 to Count - 1 do with Items [I] as TSourceFile do if (Compilable or (Items [I] is THeaderSourceFile)) and Invalidated then begin Result := True; Break; end; end; procedure TMainForm.UpdateDebugSettings; var CanRun: Boolean; begin CanRun := Runnable; ActionDebugRun.Enabled := not Compiling; ActionDebugPause.Enabled := (not Compiling) and (TransferTarget = ttVTI); ActionDebugReset.Enabled := (not Compiling) and (TransferTarget = ttVTI); MainMenuDebug.Visible := CanRun; if not CanRun then ToolBarDebugLine.Parent := nil; ToolBarRunButton.Visible := CanRun; ToolBarPauseButton.Visible := CanRun; ToolBarDebugLine.Visible := CanRun; if CanRun then begin ToolBarDebugLine.Parent := MainToolBar; ToolBarDebugLine.Left := ToolBarPauseButton.Left + ToolBarPauseButton.Width; end; end; procedure TMainForm.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); var NewSelection: TTreeNode; begin if (Key = vk_F9) and (Shift = [ssShift, ssCtrl, ssAlt]) then begin if TransferTarget = ttVTI then TransferTarget := ttCalc else TransferTarget := ttVTI; SavePreferences; UpdateDebugSettings; end else if (Key = vk_Tab) and (Shift = [ssCtrl]) then begin NewSelection := ProjectTree.Selected; if Assigned (NewSelection) then begin repeat NewSelection := NewSelection.GetNext; if not Assigned (NewSelection) then NewSelection := TopNode; until (NewSelection.IsVisible and Assigned (NewSelection.Data)) or (NewSelection = ProjectTree.Selected); if Assigned (NewSelection.Data) then SelectNode (NewSelection); if Assigned (CurrentEditor) and CurrentEditor.Enabled then try CurrentEditor.SetFocus; except end; end; end; end; procedure TMainForm.SelectNode(Node: TTreeNode); var Allow: Boolean; begin if PreviousNode <> Node then begin Allow := True; ProjectTreeChanging (ProjectTree, Node, Allow); if Allow then begin NoHideEditor := True; ProjectTree.Selected := Node; NoHideEditor := False; end; end; end; procedure TMainForm.ChangeNotificationTick(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; begin if not InChangeNotification then begin InChangeNotification := True; with SourceFiles do for I := 0 to Count - 1 do with TSourceFile (Items [I]) do TestChange; InChangeNotification := False; end; end; procedure TMainForm.ResetProjectSettings; begin ProjectTarget := ptRegular; UseDataVar := False; DataVar := ''; DataVarCopy := True; DataVarCopyIfArchived := True; Pack := False; PackVar := ''; GCCSwitches := '-Os -Wall -W -Wwrite-strings -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections'; AsSwitches := ''; AsmSwitches := '-g -t'; DebugInfo := False; StdLib := True; InitBSS := True; OptimizeNOPs := True; OptimizeReturns := True; OptimizeBranches := True; OptimizeMoves := True; OptimizeTests := True; OptimizeCalculations := True; RemoveUnusedSections := True; CutUnusedRanges := True; ReorderSections := True; MergeConstants := True; OutputBin := False; CommandLine := ''; PostBuildProcessFile := ''; if Assigned (PredefinedLibOptions) then with PredefinedLibOptions do begin CalcDests := [cdTI89, cdTI92Plus, cdV200]; OptimizeCalcConsts := False; KernelFormat := kfNone; UseMinAMS := True; MinAMS := '1.00'; RelocFormat := rfAMS; ROMCallFormat := rfDirect; BSSRefFormat := rfKernel; DataRefFormat := rfKernel; UseFLineJumps := False; UseInternalFLineEmulator := False; UseReturnValue := False; EnableErrorReturn := False; SaveScreen := True; end; end; procedure TMainForm.AddToRecent(const FileName: string); var I: Integer; O: TRecentFileMenuItem; begin with RecentFiles do begin for I := 0 to Count - 1 do if (I >= MaxRecentFiles - 1) or (UpperCase (Strings [I]) = UpperCase (FileName)) then begin if I = 0 then Exit else begin Objects[I].Free; Delete (I); Break; end; end; RecentFilesLine.Visible := True; O := TRecentFileMenuItem.Create; with O do begin FileMenuItem := TMenuItem.Create (Self); with FileMenuItem do begin Caption := WithoutExt (ExtractFileName (FileName)); Hint := FileName; OnClick := RecentFileClick; end; MainMenuFile.Insert (RecentFilesLine.MenuIndex + 1, FileMenuItem); PopupMenuItem := TMenuItem.Create (Self); with PopupMenuItem do begin Caption := FileName; Hint := FileName; OnClick := RecentFileClick; end; RecentFilesPopup.Items.Insert (0, PopupMenuItem); end; InsertObject (0, FileName, O); end; UpdateRecent; end; procedure TMainForm.UpdateRecent; begin RecentFilesLine.Visible := RecentFiles.Count > 0; NoFilesItem.Visible := RecentFiles.Count <= 0; end; procedure TMainForm.RecentFileClick(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; FileName: string; begin FileName := (Sender as TMenuItem).Hint; if FileExists (FileName) then FileOpen (FileName) else begin with RecentFiles do for I := 0 to Count - 1 do if UpperCase (Strings [I]) = UpperCase (FileName) then begin Objects[I].Free; Delete (I); Break; end; UpdateRecent; ShowDefaultMessageBox ('File ''' + WithoutExt (ExtractFileName (FileName)) + ''' not found.', 'Error', mtProgramError); end; end; procedure TMainForm.ToolsConfigure(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; begin with TToolsForm.Create (Self) do try with Self.ToolsList do for I := 0 to Count - 1 do with ToolsList.Items.Add, TToolsListItem (Items [I]) do begin Caption := Title; SubItems.Add (CommandLine); SubItems.Add (WorkingDir); SubItems.Add (WindowStateToString (WindowState)); end; if ShowModal = mrOK then begin Self.ToolsList.Clear; with ToolsList.Items do begin ToolsLine.Visible := Count > 0; for I := 0 to Count - 1 do with Item [I] do AddTool (Caption, SubItems [0], SubItems [1], StringToWindowState (SubItems [2])); end; SavePreferences; end; finally Free; end; end; procedure TMainForm.ToolClick(Sender: TObject); var WorkDir: PChar; StartupInfo: TStartupInfo; ProcessInfo: TProcessInformation; begin with TToolsListItem ((Sender as TMenuItem).Tag) do begin FillChar (StartupInfo, SizeOf (StartupInfo), 0); StartupInfo.cb := SizeOf (StartupInfo); if Length (WorkingDir) > 0 then WorkDir := PChar (WorkingDir) else WorkDir := nil; StartupInfo.dwFlags := StartF_UseShowWindow; case WindowState of wsMaximized: StartupInfo.wShowWindow := SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED; wsMinimized: StartupInfo.wShowWindow := SW_SHOWMINIMIZED; else StartupInfo.dwFlags := 0; end; if CreateProcess (nil, PChar (CommandLine), nil, nil, False, CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP or DETACHED_PROCESS, nil, WorkDir, StartupInfo, ProcessInfo) then begin CloseHandle (ProcessInfo.hProcess); CloseHandle (ProcessInfo.hThread); end else ShowDefaultMessageBox ('An error occurred while trying to start the application.', 'Error', mtProgramError); end; end; procedure TMainForm.AddTool(const Title, CommandLine, WorkingDir: string; WindowState: TWindowState); var O: TToolsListItem; begin O := TToolsListItem (Self.ToolsList.Add); O.Title := Title; O.CommandLine := CommandLine; O.WorkingDir := WorkingDir; O.WindowState := WindowState; O.MenuItem := TMenuItem.Create (Self); with O.MenuItem do begin Tag := Integer (O); Caption := Title; Hint := CommandLine; OnClick := ToolClick; end; MainMenuTools.Insert (MainMenuTools.Count, O.MenuItem); end; procedure TMainForm.ProjectTreeStartDrag(Sender: TObject; var DragObject: TDragObject); begin DragObject := TNoImageDragObject.Create (Sender as TControl); end; procedure TMainForm.UpdateProgramOutput; begin ActionProjectShowProgramOutput.Enabled := (MainConsole.LastOutSize > 2) or (MainConsole.LastErrSize > 2); end; procedure TMainForm.ShowProgramOutput(Sender: TObject); begin with TProgramOutputForm.Create (Self) do try OutputMemo.Text := MainConsole.LastOutText; ErrorMemo.Text := MainConsole.LastErrText; ShowModal; finally Free; end; end; procedure TMainForm.ClearDebugInfo; begin end; procedure TMainForm.FileNewFolder(Sender: TObject); var ParentNode, Node: TTreeNode; Folder: TFolder; begin ParentNode := ProjectTree.Selected; while Assigned (ParentNode) and Assigned (ParentNode.Data) and (not (TObject (ParentNode.Data) is TFolder)) do ParentNode := ParentNode.Parent; if Assigned (ParentNode) and Assigned (ParentNode.Parent) then begin Folder := TFolder.Create; Node := ProjectTree.Items.AddChildObject (ParentNode, 'New Folder', Folder); Folder.TreeItem := Node; with Node do begin ImageIndex := 0; SelectedIndex := 1; Selected := True; EditText; end; end; end; function TMainForm.GetSourceTypeFolder(Node: TTreeNode): TTreeNode; begin if Assigned (Node) and Assigned (Node.Parent) then begin Result := Node; while Assigned (Result) and Assigned (Result.Data) do Result := Result.Parent; end else Result := nil; end; function TMainForm.FindFileInsertionPoint(ParentNode: TTreeNode): TTreeNode; begin if Assigned (ParentNode) then begin Result := ParentNode.GetFirstChild; while Assigned (Result) and Assigned (Result.Data) and (TObject (Result.Data) is TSourceFile) do Result := Result.GetNextSibling; end else Result := nil; end; function TMainForm.CreateFileNode(ParentNode: TTreeNode; SourceFile: TSourceFile): TTreeNode; begin if Assigned (SourceFile.Folder) then ParentNode := SourceFile.Folder.TreeItem; if Assigned (ParentNode) then begin Result := FindFileInsertionPoint (ParentNode); if Assigned (Result) then Result := ProjectTree.Items.InsertObject (Result, SourceFile.SourceName, SourceFile) else Result := ProjectTree.Items.AddChildObject (ParentNode, SourceFile.SourceName, SourceFile); end else Result := nil; end; procedure TMainForm.FileNewFile(Sender: TObject); var Node: TTreeNode; begin if Assigned (ProjectTree.Selected) then begin Node := GetSourceTypeFolder (ProjectTree.Selected); if Assigned (Node) then if Node.Index = THeaderSourceFile.GetClassTreeIndex then FileNewHeaderFile (Sender) else if Node.Index = TCSourceFile.GetClassTreeIndex then FileNewCSourceFile (Sender) else if Node.Index = TGNUAsmSourceFile.GetClassTreeIndex then FileNewGNUAssemblerSourceFile (Sender) else if (ssA68k in SpecialSupport) and (Node.Index = TAsmSourceFile.GetClassTreeIndex) then FileNewAssemblerSourceFile (Sender) else if (ssQuill in SpecialSupport) and (Node.Index = TQuillSourceFile.GetClassTreeIndex) then FileNewQuillSourceFile (Sender) else if Node.Index = TNormalTextSourceFile.GetClassTreeIndex then FileNewTextFile (Sender); end; end; function TMainForm.GetSelectedFolder(SourceClass: TSourceFileClass): TFolder; var Node: TTreeNode; begin Result := nil; Node := ProjectTree.Selected; while Assigned (Node) and (Node <> TopNode.Item [SourceClass.GetClassTreeIndex]) do begin if (not Assigned (Result)) and Assigned (Node.Data) and (TObject (Node.Data) is TFolder) then Result := Node.Data; Node := Node.Parent; end; if not Assigned (Node) then Result := nil; end; procedure TMainForm.ErrorListKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); var S: string; Item: TListItem; begin if ((Key = VK_INSERT) or (Key = Ord('C'))) and (Shift = [ssCtrl]) then with ErrorList do begin S := ''; Item := Selected; while Assigned (Item) do begin S := S + Item.Caption + #13#10; Item := GetNextItem (Item, sdAll, [isSelected]); end; Clipboard.AsText := S; end; end; {$IFDEF CODINGEXT} procedure TMainForm.InitCodingExt; var ActionFindSymbol: TAction; begin // Find Symbol declaration tool ActionFindSymbol := TAction.Create(Self); with ActionFindSymbol do begin ActionList := Actions; Caption := 'Find Symbol Declaration'; Category := 'Extension'; OnExecute := ActionFindSymbolExecute; end; InsertsAction(Self, [OpenFileAtCursor1, OpenFileatCursor2], ActionFindSymbol); end; procedure TMainForm.ActionFindSymbolExecute(Sender: TObject); begin CompForm.FindSymbolDecl; end; {$ENDIF} end.