DARWIN / MAC OS X PLATFORM SPECIFIC NOTES FOR TIGCC: ==================================================== Purpose of this document ------------------------ This document gives installation instructions specific to the Darwin / Mac OS X platform. This is necessary because, while compiling TIGCC is easy on most Unix- style operating systems, and while TIGCC can also be compiled on Darwin / OS X, installation on Darwin / OS X is unfortunately not an easy task. Please make sure you: 1. read README, README.linux (which also applies to other Unix-style operating systems than Linux, such as Darwin / OS X) and INSTALL 2. read this document carefully 3. start the installation only AFTER having read all these documents at least once 4. follow each of the steps given here 5. report any problems you encounter to me. I do not have a Macintosh to test TIGCC on (the only platforms I can test on are Windows/x86 and Linux/x86), so I have to rely on user reports for other platforms. Credits ------- Before I start, I have to mention the following people who helped me provide those instructions (as I said, I cannot test on OS X myself): - James Longstreet (generationxyu): He was the first to get TIGCC to compile on OS X (with my help), and most of the instructions below result from that compilation session. - The GCC developers: Most of the tips about how to get GCC to compile with Apple's patched GCC shipped with OS X are in their platform-specific build notes. (Some of the needed flags are hidden in a comment in their target-specific settings for STAGE1_CFLAGS though - unfortunately, there is no "stage 1" when building a cross-compiler like TIGCC, so the flags have to be specified manually.) - Christian Walther: He reminded me that I should mention gcc-core should be used (not the full gcc compiler collection), and reported trouble with using '-s' in $CFLAGS. He also provided up-to-date information for OS X 10.2 and 10.3. - James Longstreet, Christian Walther and Alfredo Aldundo for providing small source code patches to fix compiling problems on Darwin / OS X. - Schlum for testing TIGCC 0.95 Beta 1 r1 on OS X. Instructions ------------ These are the instructions provided by the people listed above. Please report any errors in those instructions to me. Note that those are for OS X, running Apple's patched GCC. If you are running unpatched FSF GCC and/or other GNU utilities on Darwin, some steps might turn out not to be necessary. WARNING: XCode 2.2 and 2.2.1 are NOT supported, the GCC versions which come with them (Apple GCC 4.0.1 builds 5247 and 5250) WILL NOT COMPILE ld-tigcc. If you're using one of those versions, please upgrade to XCode 2.3 (Apple GCC 4.0.1 build 5341). 1. Use the full GCC-core (gcc-core ONLY, NOT full gcc with all the programming language frontends - TIGCC only supports C at the moment) and Binutils sources from a GNU mirror. Our local copy at tigcc.ticalc.org only supports the platforms for which we are distributing binaries (for space reasons, and because that's enough to comply with the GPL). I might add the necessary host headers for OS X to our local copy at a later time though. 2. Use the tar utility to unpack the GCC and Binutils tarballs (follow the build instructions in README.linux). Stuffit Expander apparently does some strange things when untarring (such as not extracting GCC to a gcc-3.2 subdirectory as it should). 3. For the shell, any shell should work. I got success reports for the old default tcsh (Christian Walther), sh (James Longstreet) and the current default bash (Schlum, Christian Walther). However, sh/bash is a more standard shell and less likely to cause problems than tcsh. (Note that Apple changed their default shell from tcsh to bash in OS X 10.3, probably for that very reason.) 4. Under older OS X versions (10.2 and older), you need to increase the stack limit. Under csh/tcsh, you can do it with the following command: limit stack 800 Under sh/bash, you can do it with the following command: ulimit -s 800 The default stack limit on those versions of OS X was too low to compile GCC. This is reportedly fixed since OS X 10.3 at least (the default stack limit is now set to 8192, which is even more than enough), so you can skip this step if you are running OS X 10.3 or higher. You now have 2 options. Either use the source installation wizard (Install), which does the rest for you, or follow the remaining instructions below: 5. When using Apple's GCC, set CC to 'cc -no-cpp-precomp'. The Apple preprocessor has bugs which keep huge projects like GCC and Binutils from getting compiled correctly. 6. Add the -DHAVE_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZERS=0 flag to $CC or $CFLAGS (needed when building GCC with Apple's GCC, and it won't hurt when building the rest of TIGCC, since only GCC tests for that #define). 7. Don't forget to set $TIGCC, $PATH and $CFLAGS as explained in INSTALL. Also note that the '-s' flag was not supported in older versions of the OS X toolchain (OS X 10.1 or older). If you have that problem, use only CFLAGS=-Os and run the 'strip' utility on the executables in $TIGCC/bin afterwards, the result is the same. But this has reportedly been fixed in OS X 10.2. 8. Only when done with all this, run the install script (Install_All). Kevin Kofler, maintainer of TIGCC for Linux, Unix and OS X