[Main] Name=Sprite16 Type=Function Subtype=tigcc.a Header Files=sprites.h Definition=void Sprite16 (short x, short y, short height, const unsigned short *sprite, void *vm_addr, short mode); Real Definition=extern void Sprite16(short asm("d0"),short asm("d1"),short asm("d2"),__cpushort asm("a0"),void* asm("a1"),short asm("d3"))__ATTR_LIB_ASM__; See Also=sprites.h/ClipSprite16 [Library Call] Asm=1 [Registers] x=d0 y=d1 height=d2 sprite=a0 vm_addr=a1 mode=d3 [Description] Draws a sprite with a width of 16 pixels or less on the screen. [Explanation] Sprite16 works exactly like Sprite8, but it takes sprites with a width of 16 pixels. sprite is now a pointer to the array of unsigned short integers which defines the sprite. So, to define a sprite (or sprite mask), use something like
static const unsigned short sprite[] = {...};
See Sprite8 for more info about sprites, and ClipSprite16 for a version that handles out-of-screen sprites gracefully.