[Main] Name=push_string Type=Function Subtype=ROM Call Header Files=basfunc.h Definition=void push_string (CESI expr); MinAMS=1.01 See Also=basfunc.h/push_str_to_expr, estack.h/push_zstr, estack.h/display_statements [ROM Call] Index=$326 [Description] Executes TI-Basic 'string' function. [Explanation] push_string converts the expression pointed to by expr to a string and pushes this string on the expression stack. For example, after executing the code
push_shortint (100);
push_quantum_pair (VAR_X_TAG, ADD_TAG);
push_string (top_estack);
the string "x+100" will be pushed on the expression stack. See top_estack and Tags for more info about this example.

Of course, expr may point to a string containing a variable name, but it must not point to an ordinary string. Otherwise the string is truncated at the first space (but not after the 8th character). If you only want to push a string (not an expression converted to a string), a method which always works would be:
push_expr_quantum (expr, STR_TAG);
[References] In=basfunc.h/push_median, basfunc.h/push_part, bascmd.h/cmd_sorta, bascmd.h/cmd_sortd, basfunc.h/push_format Out=alloc.h/HeapFree, estack.h/check_estack_size, estack.h/Parse1DExpr, estack.h/push_quantum, estack.h/push_quantum_pair, estack.h/top_estack, mem.h/memmove, string.h/strlen