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Add dialog examples by Sébastien Leurent (based in part on work by Wazabbe).

git-svn-id: file:///var/svn/tigccpp/trunk@32 9552661e-59e3-4036-b4f2-dbe53926924f
kevinkofler 19 lat temu

+ 245 - 0
tigcc/examples/Dialog Items AMS1.c

@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+// Dialog items example for all AMS versions
+// Example contributed by Wazabbe and Sébastien Leurent
+#define USE_TI89              // Compile for TI-89
+#define USE_TI92PLUS          // Compile for TI-92 Plus
+#define USE_V200              // Compile for V200
+// #define OPTIMIZE_ROM_CALLS // Use ROM Call Optimization
+#define MIN_AMS 100           // Compile for AMS 1.00 or higher
+#define SAVE_SCREEN           // Save/Restore LCD Contents
+#include <tigcclib.h>         // Include All Header Files
+static HANDLE FirstPopup,SecondPopup, ThirdPopup;
+static char EditBuffer[20], *SecondEditBuffer;
+static HANDLE BufferHandle;
+static unsigned short Options[5];
+		extern void MenuWindow;
+		asm("
+.align 2
+			dc.w MenuWindowFirstString-MenuWindow,2,5,18+100*0x100,3,0,0,0,-1,-1
+			dc.w	MT_TEXT+1,MW_1-MenuWindowFirstString
+			dc.w	MT_TEXT+2,MW_2-MenuWindowFirstString
+			dc.w	MT_TEXT+3+MT_CASCADE,MW_3-MenuWindowFirstString,MW_sub-MenuWindow
+			dc.l	-1
+MW_sub: dc.w	MT_TEXT+4,MW_4-MenuWindowFirstString
+			dc.w	MT_TEXT+5,MW_5-MenuWindowFirstString
+			dc.l	-1
+MW_1:	.asciz \"MENU1\"
+MW_2:	.asciz \"MENU2\"
+MW_3:	.asciz \"SUBITEMS\"
+MW_4:	.asciz \"MENU SUBITEM 1\"
+MW_5:	.asciz \"MENU SUBITEM 2\"
+		");
+HANDLE GetPopup( unsigned short dlgId )  /* This function is called by DialogAddDynamicPulldown whenever it is needed */
+   if(dlgId == 5)
+   {
+      return FirstPopup;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      return ThirdPopup;
+   }
+long CallBack( short dlgId, long Value )   /* This function is given as a pointer to DialogNew and can be called whenever it is needed */
+   unsigned short HitKey;
+   HANDLE MenuHandle = H_NULL;
+   switch( dlgId )
+   {
+      case 0:
+            return TRUE;
+      case 1:
+            return TRUE;
+      case 2:
+            MenuHandle = HI_WORD(Value);
+            HitKey = LO_WORD(Value);
+            int   result = -2;
+            switch( HitKey )
+            {
+               case KEY_F1:
+               return 0;
+               case KEY_F2:
+               return 3;
+               case KEY_F3:
+                  while (result == -2)
+                  {
+                     result = MenuKey (MenuHandle, HitKey);
+                  }
+                  switch(result)
+                  {
+                      case 4:
+                         return 0;
+                      case 5:
+                         return 3;
+                      default:
+                         return 0;
+                  }
+               default:
+                  return 1;
+            }
+            break;
+      case 3:
+            if (Options[1] == 20)
+            {
+                  return DB_EXIT;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               return DB_REDRAW_AND_CONTINUE;
+            }
+            break;
+      case 4:
+            if (0 == strcmp("EXIT", EditBuffer))
+                  return DB_EXIT;
+            break;
+      case 5:
+            if (Options[2] == 20)
+                  return DB_EXIT;
+            break;
+      case 6:
+            SecondEditBuffer =  HeapDeref(BufferHandle);
+            if (0 == strcmp("EXIT", SecondEditBuffer))
+                  return DB_EXIT;
+            break;
+      case 7:
+            if (Options[3] == 30)
+            {
+                  return DB_EXIT;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               return DB_REDRAW_AND_CONTINUE;
+            }
+            break;
+      case 8:
+               return DB_REDRAW_AND_CONTINUE;
+            break;
+      case 9:
+            if (Options[1] == 20)
+            {
+                  return DB_EXIT;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               return DB_REDRAW_AND_CONTINUE;
+            }
+            break;
+      case DB_QACTIVE:
+            return TRUE;
+            break;
+      case DB_GET_EDIT_HANDLE:
+            return BufferHandle;
+            break;
+      default :
+            return TRUE;
+            break;
+   }
+   return TRUE;
+void _main(void)
+   static WORD Key;
+   BufferHandle = HeapAlloc (20 * sizeof(char));
+   SecondEditBuffer =  HeapDeref(BufferHandle);
+   strcpy( SecondEditBuffer, "DYNAMIC" );
+// On AMS 1.xx, Menus made with MenuNew and MenuAddText can't have submenus
+//the help of MenuPoup explains this (pseudo-)structure
+   if ((FirstPopup = PopupNew(NULL,0))) 
+   {
+      PopupAddText( FirstPopup, -1, "ENTRY 1", 10 );
+      PopupAddText( FirstPopup, -1, "EXIT DIALOG", 20 );
+      PopupAddText( FirstPopup, -1, "ENTRY 2", 30 );
+   }
+   else return;
+      if ((SecondPopup = PopupNew(NULL,0)))
+   {
+      PopupAddText( SecondPopup, -1, "ENTRY 1", 10 );
+      PopupAddText( SecondPopup, -1, "ENTRY 2", 20 );
+   }
+   else return;
+   if ((ThirdPopup = PopupNew(NULL,0))) 
+   {
+      PopupAddText( ThirdPopup, -1, "ENTRY 1", 10);
+      PopupAddText( ThirdPopup, -1, "ENTRY 2", 20);
+      PopupAddText( ThirdPopup, -1, "EXIT", 30);
+   }
+   else return;
+  #define ItemsNum 11
+  #define Strings "Dialog Test\0Hpopup1\0Edit\0DPopup\0DEdit\0DPopup 2\0HPopup 2\0HPopup 1.2\0Static Text\0Exit"
+  static SIZED_DIALOG(ItemsNum,sizeof(Strings)) DialogWindow={offsetof(SIZED_DIALOG(ItemsNum,0),String), ItemsNum,150, 93,(DialogNew_t) CallBack,
+  {
+  {//Scroll
+  	D_SCROLL_REGION,DF_SKIP | DF_CLR_ON_REDRAW,8,31,{.dScrollR={140,71,3,9,4,7,10}}
+  },
+  {//TiltleEx
+  	D_HEADER,DF_SKIP,0,0,{.dHeader={0,BT_OK,BT_CANCEL}}
+  },
+  {//Menu
+  	D_MENU,DF_SKIP,20,12,{.dMenu={&MenuWindow,0}}
+  },
+  {//PulldownEx
+  	D_HPOPUP,DF_SCROLLABLE, 8, 33,{.dHPopUp={12,0/*FirstPopup*/,0,1}}
+  },
+  {//RequestEx
+  	D_EDIT_FIELD,DF_SCROLLABLE, 8, 43,{.dEdit={20,0,10,10}}
+  },
+  {//DynamicPulldown
+  	D_DYNPOPUP,DF_SCROLLABLE, 8, 53,{.dDynPopUp={25,&GetPopup,2}}
+  },
+  {//DynamicRequest
+  	D_HEDIT,DF_SCROLLABLE, 8, 63,{.dEdit={32,0,0,10}}
+  },
+  {//DynamicPulldown
+  	D_DYNPOPUP,DF_SCROLLABLE, 8, 73,{.dDynPopUp={38,&GetPopup,3}}
+  },
+  {//PulldownEx
+  	D_HPOPUP,DF_SCROLLABLE, 8, 83,{.dHPopUp={47,0/*SecondPopup*/,0,4}}
+  },
+  {//PulldownEx
+  	D_HPOPUP,DF_SCROLLABLE, 8, 93,{.dHPopUp={56,0/* FirstPopup*/,0,1}}
+  },
+  {//Text
+  	D_TEXT,DF_SKIP, 98, 73,{.dText={67}}
+  },
+	{//End , verry important
+  	.f={}
+  }
+  },
+  Strings
+  //It is static so that it can include pointers (such as Callback) but no Var.
+  // Therefore fields with vars must be initialized separately:
+  DialogWindow.Fields[3].f.dHPopUp.hPopUp=FirstPopup;
+  DialogWindow.Fields[8].f.dHPopUp.hPopUp=SecondPopup;
+  DialogWindow.Fields[9].f.dHPopUp.hPopUp=FirstPopup;
+   Options[0] = 10;
+   Options[1] = 10;
+   Options[2] = 10;
+   Options[3] = 20;
+   strcpy( EditBuffer, "TEST" );
+   do
+   {
+		Dialog((DIALOG *) &DialogWindow,-1, -1, &EditBuffer[0], &Options[0] );
+    Key = DlgMessage("Exit ?", "exit : ESC ; else : ENTER", BT_OK, BT_CANCEL );
+   } while (KEY_ESC != Key);
+   HeapFree( FirstPopup );
+   HeapFree( SecondPopup );
+   HeapFree( ThirdPopup );

+ 61 - 0
tigcc/examples/Dialog Items AMS1.tpr

@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+Packed Variable=
+Project Name=DialogIt
+GCC Switches=-Os -Wall -W -Wwrite-strings
+GNU Assembler Switches=
+Assembler Switches=-g -t
+GNU Linker Switches=
+Linker Switches=
+Debug Info=0
+Standard Library=1
+Command Line=
+Post-Build Process=
+Flash OS=0
+Use Data Variable=0
+Data Variable=
+Copy Data Variable=1
+Copy Data Variable if Archived=1
+Initialize BSS=1
+Optimize NOPs=1
+Optimize Returns=1
+Optimize Branches=1
+Optimize Moves=1
+Optimize Tests=1
+Optimize Calculations=1
+Remove Unused Sections=1
+Cut Unused Ranges=1
+Reorder Sections=1
+Merge Constants=1
+Binary Output=0
+[Library Options]
+Use TI-89=0
+Use TI-92 Plus=0
+Use V200=0
+Optimize Calc Consts=0
+Use Kernel=0
+Use PreOS=0
+Minimum AMS Version Defined=0
+Minimum AMS Version=1.00
+Unofficial OS Support=0
+Reloc Format=Unknown
+ROM Call Format=Unknown
+BSS Ref Format=Unknown
+Data Ref Format=Unknown
+Use F-Line Jumps=0
+Use 4-Byte F-Line Jumps=0
+Optimize ROM Calls=0
+Use Internal F-Line Emulator=0
+Use Return Value=0
+Enable Error Return=0
+Save Screen=0
+[File Editing]
+Open File=E:\TI-89\tigcccvs\examples\Dialog Items AMS1.c
+[Included Files]
+C File 1=Dialog Items AMS1.c

+ 364 - 0
tigcc/examples/Dialog Items.c

@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+// Dialog items example for AMS 2.00 or higher
+// Example contributed by Wazabbe and Sébastien Leurent
+#define USE_TI89              // Compile for TI-89
+#define USE_TI92PLUS          // Compile for TI-92 Plus
+#define USE_V200              // Compile for V200
+#define MIN_AMS 200           // Compile for AMS 2.00 or higher
+#define SAVE_SCREEN           // Save/Restore LCD Contents
+#include <tigcclib.h>         // Include All Header Files
+static HANDLE FirstPopup, SecondPopup, ThirdPopup,BeginPopup,ExitPopup,EmptyPopup;
+static HANDLE MenuWindow;
+static char EditBuffer[20], *SecondEditBuffer;
+static HANDLE BufferHandle;
+static unsigned short Options[6];
+static BITMAP unselected=
+	8,9,
+	{
+		0b11111111,0b10000000,
+		0b10000000,0b10000000,
+		0b10000000,0b10000000,
+		0b10000000,0b10000000,
+		0b10000000,0b10000000,
+		0b10000000,0b10000000,
+		0b10000000,0b10000000,
+		0b11111111,0b10000000,
+	}
+static BITMAP selected=
+	8,9,
+	{
+		0b11111111,0b10000000,
+		0b10000000,0b10000000,
+		0b10000010,0b10000000,
+		0b10000100,0b10000000,
+		0b10101000,0b10000000,
+		0b10010000,0b10000000,
+		0b10000000,0b10000000,
+		0b11111111,0b10000000,
+	}
+enum Items {Scroll_ID,Title_ID,Toolbar_ID,HPopup1_ID,Edit_ID,DPopup1_ID,DEdit_ID,DPopup2_ID,HPopup2_ID,Radio_ID,Exit_ID,OwnerDrawn_ID,Text_ID,XFlags_ID};
+#define ItemHeight 10
+#define FirstScrollableItemID 3
+#define FirstScrollableItemY 33
+#define ScrollableItemY(ID) (FirstScrollableItemY+ItemHeight*(ID-FirstScrollableItemID))
+HANDLE GetPopup( unsigned short dlgId )  /* This function is called by DialogAddDynamicPulldown whenever it is needed */
+   if(dlgId == DPopup1_ID)
+   {
+      return FirstPopup;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      return ThirdPopup;
+   }
+unsigned short Scroll;
+short CallBack( short dlgId, long Value )   /* This function is given as a pointer to DialogNew and can be called whenever it is needed */
+   unsigned short HitKey;
+   HANDLE MenuHandle = H_NULL;
+   DIALOG_ITEMS *DlogItems;
+   WINDOW *WindowStruct;
+   switch( dlgId )
+   {
+      case DB_QACTIVE:
+      			/*When the dialog is scrolled, DB_QACTIVE is sent to all visible items.
+      			It enables to know wich Items are visible, and to change scrolling acording to this.*/
+            if(Value>=3 && Value<=10)//scrollable Item (other ones are always visible
+            {
+            	#define ItemY ((Value-FirstScrollableItemID)*ItemHeight)
+            	#define YMaxScrolled (Scroll+ItemHeight*3/*since four Items are disped at a time*/)
+            	//Item Y is the ordinate of this Item, Scroll must be the ordinate of the first visible Item
+            	//and YMaxScrolled is the Ordinate of the last visible Item
+            	//These ordinates are relative to the top of the scroll region
+             	if(ItemY<Scroll) Scroll-=ItemHeight;
+            	//If with the current value of scroll, this item is not visible (too high up),
+            	//It means that it has been scrolled and the value of Scroll must be changed, by substracting ItemHeight
+            	if(ItemY>YMaxScrolled) Scroll+=ItemHeight;
+            	//If with the current value of scroll, this item is not visible (too high down),
+            	//It means that it has been scrolled and the value of Scroll must be changed, by adding ItemHeight
+            	#undef ItemY
+            	#undef YMaxScrolled
+            }
+      			break;
+      case Scroll_ID:
+            return TRUE;
+      case Title_ID:
+            return TRUE;
+      case Toolbar_ID:
+            MenuHandle = HI_WORD(Value);
+            HitKey = LO_WORD(Value);
+            int   result = -2;
+            switch( HitKey )
+            {
+               case KEY_F1:
+               Scroll=0;
+               return 0;
+               case KEY_F2:
+               Scroll=4*ItemHeight;
+               return 4;
+               case KEY_F3:
+                  while (result == -2)
+                  {
+                     result = MenuKey (MenuHandle, HitKey);
+                  }
+                  switch(result)
+                  {
+                      case 4:
+                         Scroll=0;return 0;
+                      case 5:
+                         Scroll=4*ItemHeight;return 4;
+                      case 6:
+                         return DB_EXIT;
+                      default:
+                         Scroll=0;
+                         return 0;
+                  }
+               default:
+                  return 1;
+            }
+            break;
+      case HPopup1_ID:
+            if (Options[1] == 20)
+            {
+                  return DB_EXIT;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               return DB_REDRAW_AND_CONTINUE;
+            }
+            break;
+      case Edit_ID:
+            if (0 == strcmp("EXIT", EditBuffer))
+                  return DB_EXIT;
+            break;
+      case DPopup1_ID:
+            if (Options[2] == 20)
+                  return DB_EXIT;
+            break;
+      case DEdit_ID:
+            SecondEditBuffer =  HeapDeref(BufferHandle);
+            if (0 == strcmp("EXIT", SecondEditBuffer))
+                  return DB_EXIT;
+            break;
+      case DPopup2_ID:
+            if (Options[3] == 30)
+            {
+                  return DB_EXIT;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               return DB_REDRAW_AND_CONTINUE;
+            }
+            break;
+      case HPopup2_ID:
+            return DB_REDRAW_AND_CONTINUE;
+            break;
+      case Radio_ID:
+            return DB_REDRAW_AND_CONTINUE;
+      case Exit_ID:
+      			return DB_EXIT;
+      case OwnerDrawn_ID:
+            DlogItems = (DIALOG_ITEMS *)(((OWNER_DRAW_STRUCT *)Value)->Item);
+            WindowStruct = (WINDOW *)(((OWNER_DRAW_STRUCT *)Value)->pW);
+            char Buffer[sizeof("Scroll : xx")];
+            sprintf(Buffer,"Scroll : %d",Scroll);
+            WinStrXY( (WindowStruct), 8, 73, Buffer);
+            WinAttr( (WindowStruct), A_XOR);
+             // If it is visible, disp my RadioButton
+            if(Scroll>=30)
+            {
+	            WinStrXY( (WindowStruct), 8, 93-Scroll, "Show Msg");
+	            WinBitmapPut (WindowStruct, CALCULATOR?63:42, (CALCULATOR?92:91)-Scroll, (Options[5]==1)?&selected:&unselected,A_REPLACE);
+            }
+            break;
+     case DB_GET_EDIT_HANDLE:
+            return BufferHandle;
+            break;
+      default :
+            return TRUE;
+            break;
+   }
+   return TRUE;
+void _main(void)
+   static HANDLE DialogWindow;
+   static WORD Key;
+   BufferHandle = HeapAlloc (20 * sizeof(char));
+   SecondEditBuffer =  HeapDeref(BufferHandle);
+   strcpy( SecondEditBuffer, "DYNAMIC" );
+   if ((MenuWindow = MenuNew(0,0,0)))
+   {
+      MenuAddText( MenuWindow, 0, "MENU1", 1, DMF_TOP );
+      MenuAddText( MenuWindow, 0, "MENU2", 2, DMF_TOP );
+      MenuAddText( MenuWindow, 0, "SUBITEMS", 3, DMF_TOP_SUB );
+      MenuAddText( MenuWindow, 3, "MENU SUBITEM 1", 4, DMF_CHILD_SUB );
+      MenuAddText( MenuWindow, 3, "MENU SUBITEM 2", 5, DMF_CHILD_SUB );
+      MenuAddText( MenuWindow, 3, "EXIT", 6, DMF_CHILD_SUB );
+   }
+   else return;
+   if ((FirstPopup = PopupNew(NULL,0))) 
+   {
+      PopupAddText( FirstPopup, -1, "ENTRY 1", 10 );
+      PopupAddText( FirstPopup, -1, "EXIT DIALOG", 20 );
+      PopupAddText( FirstPopup, -1, "ENTRY 2", 30 );
+   }
+   else return;
+   if ((SecondPopup = PopupNew(NULL,0)))
+   {
+      PopupAddText( SecondPopup, -1, "ENTRY 1", 1 );
+      PopupAddText( SecondPopup, -1, "ENTRY 2", 2 );
+   }
+   else return;
+   if ((ThirdPopup = PopupNew(NULL,0)))
+   {
+      PopupAddText( ThirdPopup, -1, "ENTRY 1", 10);
+      PopupAddText( ThirdPopup, -1, "ENTRY 2", 20);
+      PopupAddText( ThirdPopup, -1, "EXIT", 30);
+   }
+   if ((BeginPopup = PopupNew(NULL,0)))
+   {
+      PopupAddText( BeginPopup, -1, "Use DIALOG_STRUCT", 10);
+      PopupAddText( BeginPopup, -1, "Use DialogNew", 20);
+   }
+   else return;
+   if((ExitPopup=PopupNew(NULL,0)))
+   {
+   		PopupAddText( ExitPopup, -1, "Right arrow to exit",1);
+   }
+   else return;
+     if ((EmptyPopup = PopupNew(NULL,0)))
+   {
+      PopupAddText( EmptyPopup, -1, "Toggle", 1);
+      PopupAddText( EmptyPopup, -1, "Toggle", 2);
+   }
+   else return;
+   if ((DialogWindow = DialogNew( 0,0, (DialogNew_t) CallBack)))
+   {
+      DialogAddScrollRegion( DialogWindow, DF_CLR_ON_REDRAW, 8, 31,140, 71,FirstScrollableItemID,10,4,8,ItemHeight );
+      DialogAddTitleEx( DialogWindow, 0, "Dialog Test", BT_OK, BT_CANCEL);
+      DialogAddMenu( DialogWindow, 0, 0, 12, HLock(MenuWindow), 60 );
+      DialogAddPulldownEx( DialogWindow, DF_TAB_ELLIPSES | DF_SCROLLABLE, 8, ScrollableItemY(HPopup1_ID), "HPopup 1", FirstPopup, 1);
+      DialogAddRequestEx( DialogWindow, DF_TAB_ELLIPSES | DF_SCROLLABLE, 8,ScrollableItemY(Edit_ID), "Edit", 0, 10, 10);
+      DialogAddDynamicPulldown( DialogWindow, DF_TAB_ELLIPSES | DF_SCROLLABLE, 8, ScrollableItemY(DPopup1_ID), "DPopup", &GetPopup, 2 );
+      DialogAddDynamicRequest( DialogWindow, DF_TAB_ELLIPSES | DF_SCROLLABLE, 8, ScrollableItemY(DEdit_ID), "DEdit", 10);
+      DialogAddDynamicPulldown( DialogWindow, DF_TAB_ELLIPSES | DF_SCROLLABLE, 8,ScrollableItemY(DPopup2_ID), "DPopup 2", &GetPopup, 3 );
+      DialogAddPulldownEx( DialogWindow, DF_TAB_ELLIPSES | DF_SCROLLABLE | DF_POPUP_RADIO, 8,ScrollableItemY(HPopup2_ID), "HPopup 2", SecondPopup, 4);
+      DialogAddPulldownEx( DialogWindow, DF_SCROLLABLE | DF_POPUP_RADIO,(CALCULATOR?75:53),ScrollableItemY(Radio_ID), "", EmptyPopup, 5);
+      DialogAddPulldownEx( DialogWindow, DF_POPUP_RADIO | DF_TAB_ELLIPSES | DF_SCROLLABLE, 8, ScrollableItemY(Exit_ID), "Exit", ExitPopup,0);
+      DialogAddTextEx( DialogWindow, DF_OWNER_DRAW, 0, 0, "");
+      DialogAddTextEx( DialogWindow, 0, 98, 73, "Static Text");
+      DialogAddXFlags( DialogWindow, 0, XF_VARLINK_SELECT_ONLY,0, 0, 0);
+   }
+   else return;
+  #define ItemsNum 14
+  #define Strings "Dialog Test\0Hpopup1\0Edit\0DPopup\0DEdit\0DPopup 2\0HPopup 2\0Exit\0Static Text"
+  static SIZED_DIALOG(ItemsNum,sizeof(Strings)) DialogWindowB={offsetof(SIZED_DIALOG(ItemsNum,0),String), ItemsNum,0, 0,(DialogNew_t) CallBack,
+  {
+  {//Scroll
+  	D_SCROLL_REGION,DF_SKIP | DF_CLR_ON_REDRAW,8,31,{.dScrollR={140,71,FirstScrollableItemID,10,4,8,ItemHeight}}
+  },
+  {//TiltleEx
+  	D_HEADER,DF_SKIP,0,0,{.dHeader={0,BT_OK,BT_CANCEL}}
+  },
+  {//Menu
+  	D_MENU,DF_SKIP,0,12,{.dMenu={0/*will be replaced by HLock(MenuWindow) later*/,60}}
+  },
+  {//PulldownEx
+  	D_HPOPUP,DF_TAB_ELLIPSES | DF_SCROLLABLE, 8, ScrollableItemY(HPopup1_ID),{.dHPopUp={12,0/*FirstPopup*/,0,1}}
+  },
+  {//RequestEx
+  	D_EDIT_FIELD,DF_TAB_ELLIPSES | DF_SCROLLABLE, 8, ScrollableItemY(Edit_ID),{.dEdit={20,0,10,10}}
+  },
+  {//DynamicPulldown
+  	D_DYNPOPUP,DF_TAB_ELLIPSES | DF_SCROLLABLE, 8, ScrollableItemY(DPopup1_ID),{.dDynPopUp={25,&GetPopup,2}}
+  },
+  {//DynamicRequest
+  	D_HEDIT,DF_TAB_ELLIPSES | DF_SCROLLABLE, 8, ScrollableItemY(DEdit_ID),{.dEdit={32,0,0,10}}
+  },
+  {//DynamicPulldown
+  	D_DYNPOPUP,DF_TAB_ELLIPSES | DF_SCROLLABLE, 8, ScrollableItemY(DPopup2_ID),{.dDynPopUp={38,&GetPopup,3}}
+  },
+  {//PulldownEx
+  	D_HPOPUP,DF_TAB_ELLIPSES | DF_SCROLLABLE | DF_POPUP_RADIO, 8, ScrollableItemY(HPopup2_ID),{.dHPopUp={47,0/* SecondPopup*/,0,4}}
+  },
+  {//PulldownEx
+  	D_HPOPUP, DF_SCROLLABLE | DF_POPUP_RADIO, 0/*to be changed*/, ScrollableItemY(Radio_ID),{.dHPopUp={11,0/* EmptyPopup*/,0,5}}
+  },
+   {//PulldownEx
+  	D_HPOPUP,DF_POPUP_RADIO | DF_TAB_ELLIPSES | DF_SCROLLABLE, 8, ScrollableItemY(Exit_ID),{.dHPopUp={56,0/* ExitPopup*/,0,0}}
+  },
+  {//TextEx
+  	D_TEXT,DF_OWNER_DRAW | DF_SKIP, 0, 0,{.dText={11}}
+  },
+  {//Text, again
+  	D_TEXT,DF_SKIP, 98, 73,{.dText={61}}
+  },
+  {//Xflags
+  	D_XFLAGS,DF_SKIP,0,0,{.dFlags={{XF_VARLINK_SELECT_ONLY,0, 0, 0}}}
+  },
+  {//End , verry important
+  	.f={}
+  }
+  },
+  Strings
+  //It is static so that it can include pointers (such as Callback) but no Var.
+  // Therefore fields with vars must be initialized separately:
+  DialogWindowB.Fields[2].f.dMenu.Menu=HLock(MenuWindow);
+  DialogWindowB.Fields[3].f.dHPopUp.hPopUp=FirstPopup;
+  DialogWindowB.Fields[8].f.dHPopUp.hPopUp=SecondPopup;
+  DialogWindowB.Fields[9].f.dHPopUp.hPopUp=EmptyPopup;
+  DialogWindowB.Fields[9].x0=CALCULATOR?75:53;
+  DialogWindowB.Fields[10].f.dHPopUp.hPopUp=ExitPopup;
+  Scroll=0;
+   Options[0] = 10;
+   Options[1] = 10;
+   Options[2] = 10;
+   Options[3] = 20;
+   Options[4] = 1;
+   Options[5] = 1;
+   strcpy( EditBuffer, "TEST" );
+   do
+   {
+    Scroll=0;
+    if(PopupDo (BeginPopup, CENTER, CENTER, 10)==10)
+		Dialog((DIALOG *) &DialogWindowB,-1, -1, &EditBuffer[0], &Options[0] );
+		else
+    DialogDo( DialogWindow, -1, -1, &EditBuffer[0], &Options[0] );
+    if(Options[5]==1) Key = DlgMessage("Exit ?", "If you wish to completely exit press ESC, else press ENTER", BT_OK, BT_CANCEL );
+   } while (Options[5]==1 && KEY_ESC != Key);
+   HeapFree(EmptyPopup);
+   HeapFree( ExitPopup);
+   HeapFree( DialogWindow );
+   HeapFree( FirstPopup );
+   HeapFree( SecondPopup );
+   HeapFree( ThirdPopup );
+   HeapFree( BeginPopup );
+   HeapUnlock( MenuWindow );
+   HeapFree( MenuWindow );

+ 61 - 0
tigcc/examples/Dialog Items.tpr

@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+Packed Variable=
+Project Name=DialogIt
+GCC Switches=-Os -Wall -W -Wwrite-strings
+GNU Assembler Switches=
+Assembler Switches=-g -t
+GNU Linker Switches=
+Linker Switches=
+Debug Info=0
+Standard Library=1
+Command Line=
+Post-Build Process=
+Flash OS=0
+Use Data Variable=0
+Data Variable=
+Copy Data Variable=1
+Copy Data Variable if Archived=1
+Initialize BSS=1
+Optimize NOPs=1
+Optimize Returns=1
+Optimize Branches=1
+Optimize Moves=1
+Optimize Tests=1
+Optimize Calculations=1
+Remove Unused Sections=1
+Cut Unused Ranges=1
+Reorder Sections=1
+Merge Constants=1
+Binary Output=0
+[Library Options]
+Use TI-89=0
+Use TI-92 Plus=0
+Use V200=0
+Optimize Calc Consts=0
+Use Kernel=0
+Use PreOS=0
+Minimum AMS Version Defined=0
+Minimum AMS Version=1.00
+Unofficial OS Support=0
+Reloc Format=Unknown
+ROM Call Format=Unknown
+BSS Ref Format=Unknown
+Data Ref Format=Unknown
+Use F-Line Jumps=0
+Use 4-Byte F-Line Jumps=0
+Optimize ROM Calls=0
+Use Internal F-Line Emulator=0
+Use Return Value=0
+Enable Error Return=0
+Save Screen=0
+[File Editing]
+Open File=E:\TI-89\tigcccvs\examples\Dialog Items.c
+[Included Files]
+C File 1=Dialog Items.c

+ 45 - 0
tigcc/examples/Dialog Struct.c

@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// Dialog structure example
+// Example contributed by Sébastien Leurent
+#define USE_TI89              // Compile for TI-89
+#define USE_TI92PLUS          // Compile for TI-92 Plus
+#define USE_V200              // Compile for V200
+#define OPTIMIZE_ROM_CALLS    // Use ROM Call Optimization
+#define SET_FILE_IN_USE_BIT   // Needed to prevent crashes
+#define MIN_AMS 100           // Compile for AMS 1.00 or higher
+#include <tigcclib.h>         // Include All Header Files
+// Main Function
+void _main(void)
+  char TxtBuffer[27] = "Hello ";
+    // 6 bytes "Hello ", max. 20 bytes name, 1 zero byte
+  #define ItemsNum 3
+  #define MyStrings "EXAMPLE\0EnterYourName (max. 20 chars)\0Your name"
+  static SIZED_DIALOG(ItemsNum,offsetof(SIZED_DIALOG(ItemsNum,0),String)) DialogWindow={offsetof(SIZED_DIALOG(ItemsNum,0),String), ItemsNum,130, 50,NoCallBack,
+  {
+  {//Title
+  	D_HEADER,DF_SKIP,0,0,{.dHeader={0,BT_OK,BT_CANCEL}}
+  },
+  {
+  	D_TEXT,DF_SKIP,3,20,{.dText={sizeof("EXAMPLE")}}
+  },
+  {
+  	D_EDIT_FIELD,0, 3, 30,{.dEdit={sizeof("EXAMPLE\0EnterYourName&Age (max. 20 chars)"),6,20,14}}
+  },
+	{//End : nothing
+		.f={}
+	}
+  },
+  MyStrings
+    if (Dialog ((DIALOG *) &DialogWindow, CENTER, CENTER, TxtBuffer, NULL) == KEY_ENTER)
+    DlgMessage ("GREETINGS", TxtBuffer, BT_OK, BT_NONE);

+ 61 - 0
tigcc/examples/Dialog Struct.tpr

@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+Packed Variable=
+Project Name=DlgStru
+GCC Switches=-Os -Wall -W -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-braces
+GNU Assembler Switches=
+Assembler Switches=-g -t
+GNU Linker Switches=
+Linker Switches=
+Debug Info=0
+Standard Library=1
+Command Line=
+Post-Build Process=
+Flash OS=0
+Use Data Variable=0
+Data Variable=
+Copy Data Variable=1
+Copy Data Variable if Archived=1
+Initialize BSS=1
+Optimize NOPs=1
+Optimize Returns=1
+Optimize Branches=1
+Optimize Moves=1
+Optimize Tests=1
+Optimize Calculations=1
+Remove Unused Sections=1
+Cut Unused Ranges=1
+Reorder Sections=1
+Merge Constants=1
+Binary Output=0
+[Library Options]
+Use TI-89=0
+Use TI-92 Plus=0
+Use V200=0
+Optimize Calc Consts=0
+Use Kernel=0
+Use PreOS=0
+Minimum AMS Version Defined=0
+Minimum AMS Version=1.00
+Unofficial OS Support=0
+Reloc Format=Unknown
+ROM Call Format=Unknown
+BSS Ref Format=Unknown
+Data Ref Format=Unknown
+Use F-Line Jumps=0
+Use 4-Byte F-Line Jumps=0
+Optimize ROM Calls=0
+Use Internal F-Line Emulator=0
+Use Return Value=0
+Enable Error Return=0
+Save Screen=0
+[File Editing]
+Open File=E:\TI-89\Compilers\tigcc\contrib\Sebastien\DialogsDoc\examples\Dialog Struct.c
+[Included Files]
+C File 1=Dialog Struct.c