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Adding tpr.h and tpr.cxx by committing too.

git-svn-id: file:///var/svn/tigccpp/trunk@351 9552661e-59e3-4036-b4f2-dbe53926924f
joeyadams hace 18 años
Se han modificado 2 ficheros con 517 adiciones y 0 borrados
  1. 412 0
  2. 105 0

+ 412 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <kcmdlineargs.h>
+#include <kaboutdata.h>
+#include <qtextcodec.h>
+#include "tpr.h"
+#define find_param(s_,t_) find_param_ex((s_),(t_),sizeof(t_)-1)
+char *find_param_ex(char *s, const char *t, size_t l)
+  if (!strncmp(s,t,l))
+    return s+l;
+  else
+    return NULL;
+char *find_numbered_param(char *s, const char*t, int *i)
+    char *p;
+    int endpos = 0;
+    int ret = 0;
+    char arglist[256];
+    strcpy(arglist, t);
+    strcat(arglist, "%n");
+    ret = sscanf(s, arglist, i, &endpos);
+    if(ret < 1 || !endpos) return NULL;
+    p = s + endpos;
+    return p;
+//doesn't really need to encapsulate anymore,
+//this just converts Windows paths to Unix paths if necessary.
+QString encapsulate_long_filename(const char *file)
+    QString s=file;
+#ifndef __WIN32__
+   {
+       char *p;
+       while ((p=strchr(s,'\\')))
+           *p='/';
+   }       
+    return s;
+char* strip(char *str)
+    int len = strlen(str);
+    if(len > 0)
+        if( (str[len-1] == '\r') || (str[len-1] == '\n') )
+            str[len-1] = '\0';
+    if(len > 1)
+        if( (str[len-2] == '\r') || (str[len-2] == '\n') )
+            str[len-2] = '\0';
+    return str;
+   Read a line from file and do a clean-up 
+int read_line(FILE *f, char *buffer, int *l)
+    strcpy(buffer, "");
+    if(feof(f)) return EOF;
+    fgets(buffer, 256, f);
+    strip(buffer);
+    (*l)++;
+    while( (buffer[0] == '\r') || (buffer[0] == '\n') || (buffer[0] == '\0') )
+    {
+        if(feof(f)) return EOF;
+        fgets(buffer, 256, f);
+        strip(buffer);
+        (*l)++;
+    }
+    return 0;
+//some items from the TSR might still be ignored or not shown here.
+//if you need one of them, add an entry to one of the
+//definition "tables".
+int parse_file(FILE *f,tprSettings &settings,
+    tprLibOpts &libopts,QStringList &h_files,QStringList &c_files,
+    QStringList &s_files,QStringList &asm_files,QStringList &o_files,
+    QStringList &a_files,QStringList &txt_files,QStringList &oth_files)
+  char buffer[256];
+  int l = 1;
+  SectionType stype = SECTION_NONE;
+  while(!feof(f)) 
+    {
+        char *p;
+        // Get a line from file
+        if(read_line(f, buffer, &l) == EOF) break;
+        // Search for sections
+        if( !strcmp(buffer, "[Settings]") )
+        {
+            stype = SECTION_SETTINGS;
+            continue;
+        }
+        if( !strcmp(buffer, "[Library Options]") )
+        {
+            stype = SECTION_LIBOPTS;
+            continue;
+        }
+        if( !strcmp(buffer, "[File Editing]") )
+        {
+            stype = SECTION_FILEEDIT;
+            continue;
+        }
+        if( !strcmp(buffer, "[Included Files]") )
+        {
+            stype = SECTION_FILES;
+            continue;
+        }
+        // Keywords in the [Settings] section
+        if(stype == SECTION_SETTINGS) {
+#define boolean_param(token,setting) \
+            if ( (p=find_param(buffer, token)) ) \
+            { \
+                if(!strcmp(p, "0")) settings.setting = FALSE; \
+                else if(!strcmp(p, "1")) settings.setting = TRUE; \
+                else return l; \
+                continue; \
+            } else
+#define string_param(token,setting) \
+            if ( (p=find_param(buffer, token)) ) \
+            { \
+                if (*p) settings.setting = p; \
+                continue; \
+            } else
+#define ignore_param(token) \
+            if( (p=find_param(buffer, token)) ) \
+            { \
+                continue; \
+            } else
+            boolean_param("Archive=",archive)
+            boolean_param("Pack=",pack)
+            string_param("Packed Variable=",pack_name)
+            string_param("Project Name=",prj_name)
+            string_param("GCC Switches=",cc_switches)
+            string_param("Assembler Switches=",a68k_switches)
+            ignore_param("Linker Switches=") // Obsolete. Ignore.
+            ignore_param("GNU Linker Switches=") // Obsolete. Ignore.
+            string_param("GNU Assembler Switches=",as_switches)
+            ignore_param("BSR Patch=") // Obsolete. Ignore.
+            boolean_param("Debug Info=",debug_info)
+            boolean_param("Standard Library=",std_lib)
+            string_param("Command Line=",cmd_line)
+            string_param("Post-Build Process=",post_build)
+            boolean_param("Use Data Variable=",use_data_var)
+            string_param("Data Variable=",data_var)
+            boolean_param("Copy Data Variable=",copy_data_var)
+            boolean_param("Copy Data Variable if Archived=",copy_data_var_arc)
+            boolean_param("Optimize NOPs=",optimize_nops)
+            boolean_param("Optimize Returns=",optimize_returns)
+            boolean_param("Optimize Branches=",optimize_branches)
+            boolean_param("Optimize Moves=",optimize_moves)
+            boolean_param("Optimize Tests=",optimize_tests)
+            boolean_param("Optimize Calculations=",optimize_calcs)
+            boolean_param("Remove Unused Sections=",remove_unused)
+            boolean_param("Binary Output=",outputbin)
+            boolean_param("Fargo=",fargo)
+            boolean_param("Flash OS=",flash_os)
+            boolean_param("Cut Unused Ranges=",cut_ranges)
+            boolean_param("Reorder Sections=",reorder_sections)
+            boolean_param("Merge Constants=",merge_constants)
+            boolean_param("Initialize BSS=",initialize_bss)
+            return l;
+#undef boolean_param
+#undef string_param
+#undef ignore_param
+        }
+        // Keywords in the [Library Options] section
+        if(stype == SECTION_LIBOPTS) {
+#define boolean_param(token,setting) \
+            if ( (p=find_param(buffer, token)) ) \
+            { \
+                if(!strcmp(p, "0")) libopts.setting = FALSE; \
+                else if(!strcmp(p, "1")) libopts.setting = TRUE; \
+                else return l; \
+                continue; \
+            } else
+#define reloc_param(token,setting) \
+            if ( (p=find_param(buffer, token)) ) \
+            { \
+                if (!strcmp(p,"None") || !strcmp(p,"AMS") \
+                    || !strcmp(p,"Direct")) \
+                    libopts.setting = RT_NONE; \
+                else if (!strcmp(p, "Precomputed")) \
+                    libopts.setting = RT_PRECOMP; \
+                else if (!strcmp(p, "Kernel")) \
+                    libopts.setting = RT_KERNEL; \
+                else if (!strcmp(p, "Compressed")) \
+                    libopts.setting = RT_COMPRESSED; \
+                else if (!strcmp(p, "F-Line")) \
+                    libopts.setting = RT_FLINE; \
+                else if (strcmp(p, "Unknown")) \
+                    return l; \
+                continue; \
+            } else
+            boolean_param("Use TI-89=",use_ti89)
+            boolean_param("Use TI-92 Plus=",use_ti92p)
+            boolean_param("Use V200=",use_v200)
+            boolean_param("Optimize Calc Consts=",opt_calc_consts)
+            boolean_param("Use Kernel=",use_kernel)
+            boolean_param("Use PreOS=",use_preos)
+            boolean_param("Minimum AMS Version Defined=",use_minams)
+            if ( (p=find_param(buffer, "Minimum AMS Version=")) )
+            {
+                int major, minor;
+                if ((strlen(p)==4) && (sscanf(p,"%1d.%2d",&major,&minor)==2))
+                    libopts.minams = major * 100 + minor;
+                else
+                    return l;
+                continue;
+            } else
+            boolean_param("Unofficial OS Support=",unofficial_os)
+            reloc_param("Reloc Format=",reloc_format)
+            reloc_param("ROM Call Format=",rom_call_format)
+            reloc_param("BSS Ref Format=",bss_ref_format)
+            reloc_param("Data Ref Format=",data_ref_format)
+            boolean_param("Use F-Line Jumps=",use_fline_jumps)
+            boolean_param("Use 4-Byte F-Line Jumps=",use_4b_fline_jumps)
+            boolean_param("Use Internal F-Line Emulator=",use_internal_fline_emu)
+            boolean_param("Use Return Value=",use_return_value)
+            boolean_param("Enable Error Return=",enable_error_return)
+            boolean_param("Save Screen=",save_screen)
+            boolean_param("Optimize ROM Calls=",opt_rom_calls)
+            return l;
+#undef boolean_param
+#undef reloc_param
+        }
+        // Ignore [File Editing] section, it is used only for editing.
+        // Keywords in the [Included Files] section
+        if(stype == SECTION_FILES)
+        {
+            int v;
+            if( (p=find_numbered_param(buffer, "C File %i=", &v)) )
+            {
+                QString s = encapsulate_long_filename(p);
+                c_files << s;
+                continue;
+            }
+            else if( (p=find_numbered_param(buffer, "C File %i Folder=", &v)) )
+            { // ignore folder specification for now
+                continue;
+            }
+            else if( (p=find_numbered_param(buffer, "GNU Assembler File %i=", &v)) )
+            {
+                QString s = encapsulate_long_filename(p);
+                s_files << s;
+                continue;
+            }
+            else if( (p=find_numbered_param(buffer, "GNU Assembler File %i Folder=", &v)) )
+            { // ignore folder specification for now
+                continue;
+            }
+            else if( (p=find_numbered_param(buffer, "Header File %i=", &v)) )
+            {
+                QString s = encapsulate_long_filename(p);
+                h_files << s;
+                continue;
+            }
+            else if( (p=find_numbered_param(buffer, "Header File %i Folder=", &v)) )
+            { // ignore folder specification for now
+                continue;
+            }
+            else if( (p=find_numbered_param(buffer, "Assembler File %i=", &v)) )
+            {
+                QString s = encapsulate_long_filename(p);
+                asm_files << s;
+                continue;
+            }
+            else if( (p=find_numbered_param(buffer, "Assembler File %i Folder=", &v)) )
+            { // ignore folder specification for now
+                continue;
+            }
+            else if( (p=find_numbered_param(buffer, "Archive File %i=", &v)) )
+            {
+                QString s = encapsulate_long_filename(p);
+                a_files << s;
+                continue;
+            }
+            else if( (p=find_numbered_param(buffer, "Archive File %i Folder=", &v)) )
+            { // ignore folder specification for now
+                continue;
+            }
+            else if( (p=find_numbered_param(buffer, "Text File %i=", &v)) )
+            {
+                QString s = encapsulate_long_filename(p);
+                txt_files << s;
+                continue;
+            }
+            else if( (p=find_numbered_param(buffer, "Text File %i Folder=", &v)) )
+            { // ignore folder specification for now
+                continue;
+            }
+            else if( (p=find_numbered_param(buffer, "Quill File %i=", &v)) )
+            { // Quill file: treat like C file and add -quill flag
+                QString s = encapsulate_long_filename(p);
+                o_files << s; //is a quill an object file?
+                settings.quill = TRUE; // -quill flag needed
+                continue;
+            }
+            else if( (p=find_numbered_param(buffer, "Quill File %i Folder=", &v)) )
+            { // ignore folder specification for now
+                continue;
+            }
+            else if( (p=find_numbered_param(buffer, "Other File %i=", &v)) )
+            {
+                QString s = encapsulate_long_filename(p);
+                oth_files << s;
+                continue;
+            }
+            else if( (p=find_numbered_param(buffer, "Other File %i Folder=", &v)) )
+            { // ignore folder specification for now
+                continue;
+            }
+            else return 1;
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
+//returns 0 on success
+short loadTPRIndirect(QString &fileName,TPRDataStruct *dest)
+  FILE *f;
+  short ret;
+  f = fopen(fileName, "rt");
+  if(f == NULL) {
+      //fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open this file: <%s>\n", filename); ***to be implemented the KDE way.
+      return -1;
+  }
+  ret=parse_file(f,dest->settings,dest->libopts,dest->h_files,
+    dest->c_files,dest->s_files,dest->asm_files,dest->o_files,
+    dest->a_files,dest->txt_files,dest->oth_files);
+  fclose(f);
+  return ret;
+TPRDataStruct TPRData;
+QString loadFileText(const char *fileName)
+  FILE *f;
+  char buffer[256];
+  short l;
+  QString ret;
+  f=fopen(fileName,"rt");
+  if (!f)
+    return "";
+  while (!feof(f))
+  {
+    l=fread(buffer,1,255,f);
+    buffer[l]=0;
+    ret+=buffer;
+  }
+  fclose(f);
+  return ret;

+ 105 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+/*Structure definitions from tprbuilder source; slightly modified
+    to work under C++
+typedef unsigned char Boolean;
+/* global enumerations */
+                    SECTION_FILEEDIT, SECTION_FILES };
+typedef enum SectionType_ SectionType;
+/* definitions */
+typedef struct tprsettings tprSettings;
+struct tprsettings
+    Boolean archive;         // we want to build an archive
+    Boolean quill;           // we want to build a Quill project
+    Boolean pack;            // we want to pack the executable
+    Boolean bsr_patch;       // use BSR patches
+    Boolean debug_info;      // pass -g option to tigcc
+    Boolean std_lib;         // link against tigcc.a
+    Boolean use_data_var;
+    Boolean copy_data_var;
+    Boolean copy_data_var_arc;
+    Boolean optimize_nops;
+    Boolean optimize_returns;
+    Boolean optimize_branches;
+    Boolean optimize_moves;
+    Boolean optimize_tests;
+    Boolean optimize_calcs;
+    Boolean remove_unused;
+    Boolean outputbin;
+    Boolean fargo;
+    Boolean flash_os;
+    Boolean cut_ranges;
+    Boolean reorder_sections;
+    Boolean merge_constants;
+    Boolean initialize_bss;
+    QString pack_name;
+    QString prj_name;
+    QString cc_switches;
+    QString as_switches;
+    QString a68k_switches;
+    QString cmd_line;
+    QString post_build;
+    QString data_var;
+enum tprreloctypes {
+  RT_NONE, // AMS (relocs) / Direct (ROM_CALLs) / None (BSS), not for DataVar
+  RT_PRECOMP, // ROM_CALLs only: Precomputed (Optimized)
+  RT_KERNEL, // Kernel
+  RT_COMPRESSED, // Compressed
+  RT_FLINE // ROM_CALLs only: F-Line
+typedef enum tprreloctypes tprRelocType;
+typedef struct tprlibopts tprLibOpts;
+struct tprlibopts
+    Boolean use_ti89;
+    Boolean use_ti92p;
+    Boolean use_v200;
+    Boolean opt_calc_consts;
+    Boolean use_kernel;
+    Boolean use_preos;
+    Boolean use_minams;
+    Boolean unofficial_os;
+    Boolean use_fline_jumps;
+    Boolean use_4b_fline_jumps;
+    Boolean use_internal_fline_emu;
+    Boolean use_return_value;
+    Boolean enable_error_return;
+    Boolean save_screen;
+    Boolean opt_rom_calls;
+    int minams;
+    tprRelocType reloc_format;
+    tprRelocType rom_call_format;
+    tprRelocType bss_ref_format;
+    tprRelocType data_ref_format;
+typedef struct
+  tprSettings settings;
+  tprLibOpts libopts;
+  QStringList h_files;
+  QStringList c_files;
+  QStringList s_files;
+  QStringList asm_files;
+  QStringList o_files;
+  QStringList a_files;
+  QStringList txt_files;
+  QStringList oth_files;
+} TPRDataStruct;
+#define loadTPR(fileName) (loadTPRIndirect(fileName,&TPRData))
+extern TPRDataStruct TPRData;
+short loadTPRIndirect(QString &fileName,TPRDataStruct *dest);
+QString loadFileText(const char *fileName);