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Create a new folder for testcases more complex than the TIGCCLIB examples, add a benchmark for the sorting routines.
Add to the qsort and bsearch documentation a mention of inlining the comparison function and element copy/swap code.

git-svn-id: file:///var/svn/tigccpp/trunk@1358 9552661e-59e3-4036-b4f2-dbe53926924f

debrouxl 15 years ago

+ 4 - 0

@@ -29,3 +29,7 @@ The comparison function compares each of the pointed-to items (*<I>elem1</I> and
 Here is a complete example of usage (called "Binary Search"):
 $$EXAMPLE(Binary Search.c)
+<B>Note: if speed matters, create a bsearch() routine in your program, and inline the comparison
+function and element copy/swap codes. Your routine will be significantly faster and smaller that way.</B>

+ 3 - 0

@@ -31,6 +31,9 @@ The ANSI standard proposes that the comparison function has to return a long int
 However, <A HREF="$$LINK(string.h/strcmp)">strcmp</A>, which is frequently
 used as a comparison function, returns a short integer.
+<B>Note: if speed matters, create a qsort() routine in your program, and inline the comparison
+function and element copy/swap codes. Your routine will be significantly faster and smaller that way.</B>
 Here is a complete example of usage (called "Sort Integers"):
 $$EXAMPLE(Sort Integers.c)
 Note that the function <A HREF="$$LINK(string.h/strcmp)">strcmp</A> is ideal for string comparisons.

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+tigcc -Wall -W -Wwrite-strings -O2 -mregparm=5 -fomit-frame-pointer -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fmerge-all-constants --optimize-code --cut-ranges --reorder-sections --merge-constants -fmerge-all-constants -Wa,--all-relocs -o sorts sorts.c

+ 388 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+#define USE_TI89
+#define USE_TI92P
+#define USE_V200
+#define SAVE_SCREEN
+#define MIN_AMS 100
+#include <tigcclib.h>
+//! Number of main loop iterations.
+#define ITERATIONS (1)
+//! Enable this define to test a variable sorted item count (for benchmarking with non-power of two sizes).
+//#define SCALE
+//! Parametrable item type, so as to make the program more generic
+#define item_type uint16_t
+//! Number of bits used for the LFSR.
+#define NR_BITS (14)
+//! Number of items
+#define ITEM_COUNT (1U << NR_BITS)
+//#define ITEM_COUNT ((1U << NR_BITS) + (1U << (NR_BITS - 1)))
+//#define ITEM_COUNT ((1U << NR_BITS) + (1U << (NR_BITS - 1)) + (1U << (NR_BITS - 2)))
+//#define ITEM_COUNT ((1U << NR_BITS) + (1U << (NR_BITS - 1)) + (1U << (NR_BITS - 2)) + (1U << (NR_BITS - 3)) + (1U << (NR_BITS - 4)))
+static item_type items[ITEM_COUNT] = {0};
+//! Number of items that get sorted.
+static unsigned short sorted_item_count;
+//#define SORTED_ITEM_COUNT ((1U << NR_BITS) - (1U << (NR_BITS - 2)))
+//! LFSR generator patterns for 1 -> 15-bit LFSRs.
+#if NR_BITS==1
+#define XOR_MASK (0x0001)
+#elif NR_BITS==2
+#define XOR_MASK (0x0003)
+#elif NR_BITS==3
+#define XOR_MASK (0x0006)
+#elif NR_BITS==4
+#define XOR_MASK (0x000C)
+#elif NR_BITS==5
+#define XOR_MASK (0x0014)
+#elif NR_BITS==6
+#define XOR_MASK (0x0030)
+#elif NR_BITS==7
+#define XOR_MASK (0x0060)
+#elif NR_BITS==8
+#define XOR_MASK (0x00B8)
+#elif NR_BITS==9
+#define XOR_MASK (0x0110)
+#elif NR_BITS==10
+#define XOR_MASK (0x0240)
+#elif NR_BITS==11
+#define XOR_MASK (0x0500)
+#elif NR_BITS==12
+#define XOR_MASK (0x0CA0)
+#elif NR_BITS==13
+#define XOR_MASK (0x1B00)
+#elif NR_BITS==14
+#define XOR_MASK (0x3500)
+#elif NR_BITS==15
+#define XOR_MASK (0x6000)
+#error Incorrect number of bits.
+//! Mask for the LFSR seed.
+#define SEED_MASK ((1U << NR_BITS) - 1)
+//! AUTO_INT_5 ticks
+volatile unsigned long count = 0;
+//! AUTO_INT_5 handler
+    asm volatile("addq.l #1,%0" : "=g"(count));
+//! Comparison function
+CALLBACK short cmp (const void *p1, const void *p2) {
+  return (*(item_type*)p1) - (*(item_type*)p2);
+//! A shell sort with Shell's original gap sequence.
+static __ATTR_LIB_C__ void old_qsort(void *list, short num_items, short size, compare_t cmp_func)
+  unsigned short gap,byte_gap,i,j;                
+  char *p,*a,*b,temp;                       
+  for (gap=((unsigned short)num_items)>>1; gap>0; gap>>=1)    // Yes, this is not a quicksort,
+    {                                                         // but works fast enough...    
+      byte_gap=gap*(unsigned short)size;
+      for(i=byte_gap; i<((unsigned short)num_items)*(unsigned short)size; i+=size)
+        for(p=(char*)list+i-byte_gap; p>=(char*)list; p-= byte_gap)
+          {
+            a=p; b=p+byte_gap;
+            if(cmp_func(a,b)<=0) break;
+            for(j=size;j;j--)
+              temp=*a, *a++=*b, *b++=temp;
+          }
+    }
+//! A shell sort using the best known sequence of gaps.
+__ATTR_LIB_C__ void ciura_qsort(void *list, short num_items, short size, compare_t cmp_func);
+    // Best known gap sequence for shell sort, found by Marcin Ciura, and an additional term for larger arrays.
+    static const unsigned short step[10] = {1, 4, 10, 23, 57, 132, 301, 701, 1750, 4000};
+    unsigned short byte_gap,i,j;
+    short k;
+    char *p,*a,temp;
+    for (k = 9; k >= 0; k--) {
+        byte_gap=step[k]*(unsigned short)size;
+        for(i=byte_gap; i<((unsigned short)num_items)*(unsigned short)size; i+=size) {
+            for(p=(char*)list+i-byte_gap; p>=(char*)list; p-= byte_gap) {
+                a=p;
+                if(cmp_func(a,a+byte_gap)<=0) break;
+                for(j=size;j;j--) {
+                    temp=*a, *a=*(a+byte_gap), *(a+byte_gap)=temp; a++;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+| d3 <- p
+| d4 <- a+byte_gap
+| d5 <- k, index in table
+| d6 <- i
+| d7 <- size
+| a2 <- cmp_func
+| a3 <- byte_gap
+| a4 <- list
+| a6 <- num_items * size
+	.text
+	.even
+	.globl ciura_qsort
+	movem.l %d3-%d7/%a2-%a4/%a6,-(%sp)
+	move.l %a0,%a4	;# list, list
+	move.w %d1,%d7	;# size, size
+	move.l %a1,%a2	;# cmp_func, cmp_func
+	moveq #20,%d5
+	swap %d5
+	move.w .Lsteplast(%pc),%d5	;#, k
+	cmp.w #16,%d0	;#, num_items
+	bhi.s 4f	;#
+	moveq #2,%d5
+	swap %d5
+	addq.w #1,%d5	;#, k
+	mulu.w %d7,%d0	;# size, num_items
+	move.w %d0,%a6	;# num_items, num_items.61
+	bra.s 5f	;#
+	move.w %d5,%d6	;# k, i
+	mulu.w %d7,%d6	;# size, i
+	move.l %d6,%d0	;# i, byte_gap
+	neg.l %d0
+	move.l %d0,%a3
+	bra.s 7f	;#
+	moveq #0,%d0	;# i
+	move.w %d6,%d0	;# i, i
+	move.l %a4,%d3	;# list, p
+	add.l %d0,%d3	;# i, p
+	add.l %a3,%d3	;# D.1283, p
+	move.l %d3,%d4	;# p, ivtmp.60
+	sub.l %a3,%d4	;# D.1283, ivtmp.60
+	bra.s 9f	;#
+	move.l %d4,-(%sp)	;# ivtmp.60,
+	move.l %d3,-(%sp)	;# p,
+	jsr (%a2)	;#
+	addq.l #8,%sp	;#,
+	tst.w %d0	;#
+	ble.s 11f	;#
+	move.l %d4,%a1	;# ivtmp.60, ivtmp.47
+	move.w %d7,%d1	;# size, j
+	move.l %d3,%a0	;# p, a
+	subq.w #1,%d1	;#
+	move.b (%a0),%d0	;#* a, temp
+	move.b (%a1),(%a0)+	;#* ivtmp.47,
+	move.b %d0,(%a1)+	;# temp,
+	dbf %d1,14b	;#, j
+	add.l %a3,%d3	;# D.1283, p
+	add.l %a3,%d4	;# ivtmp.53, ivtmp.60
+	cmp.l %d3,%a4	;# p, list
+	bls.s 10b	;#
+	add.w %d7,%d6	;# size, i
+	cmp.w %a6,%d6	;# num_items.61, i
+	bcs.s 8b	;#
+	swap %d5
+	subq.w #2,%d5
+	move.w .Lstep(%pc, %d5.w),%d0
+	swap %d5
+	move.w %d0,%d5
+	tst.w %d5	;# k
+	bne.s 6b	;#
+	movm.l (%sp)+,%d3-%d7/%a2-%a4/%a6
+	rts
+	.even
+	.word	0
+	.word	1
+	.word	4
+	.word	10
+	.word	23
+	.word	57
+	.word	132
+	.word	301
+	.word	701
+	.word	1750
+	.word	4000
+//! A shell sort with inlined comparison function and hard-coded size.
+// NOTE: it would be even faster if rewritten in ASM, using the TIGCCLIB qsort() as
+// a starting point, but that would lose the genericity over "item_type".
+// But even without the rewrite, it still fulfills the purpose of showing that
+// if performance is what matters, than the comparison function and the element
+// swap SHOULD be inlined !
+static __ATTR_LIB_C__ void inline_shellsort(void *list, short num_items, short ignored1, compare_t ignored2)
+    unsigned short gap,i;
+    item_type *p,*a,temp;
+    for (gap = 4096; gap > 0; gap = (gap>>1) - (gap>>4)) {
+        for(i=gap; i<((unsigned short)num_items); i++) {
+            for(p=(item_type*)list+i-gap; p>=(item_type*)list; p -= gap) {
+                a=p;
+                if(*a <= *(a+gap)) break;
+                temp=*a, *a=*(a+gap), *(a+gap)=temp;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+//! Fill up the array we're going to sort, using a (NR_BITS)-bit LFSR.
+static void fill_items(unsigned short seed) {
+    unsigned short seq, mask;
+    item_type *ptr;
+    seq = seed;
+    mask = XOR_MASK;
+    ptr = items;
+    do {
+        // ASM block is optimized version of:
+        // if (seq & 1) seq = (seq>>1) ^ XOR_MASK;
+        // else         seq = seq>>1;
+        //
+        // Indeed, we can always shift, and get the rightmost bit in cc
+        // after shifting.
+        asm volatile("lsr.w #1,%0; bcc.s 0f; eor.w %1,%0; 0: " : "=d"(seq) : "d"(mask) : "cc");
+        *ptr++ = (item_type)seq;
+    }
+    while (ptr < (items + sorted_item_count - 1));
+    *ptr++ = 0; // Don't forget the zero.
+//! Check that the arrays are filled with monotonically increasing values.
+static unsigned short check_items(void) {
+    item_type seq, old_seq;
+    item_type *ptr;
+    seq = 0;
+    old_seq = 0;
+    ptr = items;
+    while (ptr < (items + sorted_item_count)) {
+        seq = *ptr++;
+        if (seq < old_seq) {
+            return seq;
+        }
+        old_seq = seq;
+    }
+    return 0xFFFF;
+//! Sub-routine for launching one of the sort routines.
+static unsigned long run_sort(unsigned short seed, void (* __ATTR_LIB_C__ sort)(void *, short, short, compare_t)) {
+#if ITERATIONS == 1
+    void *p1 = (void *)0x123456, *p2 = p1, *p3 = p1;
+    static const item_type allones = -1;
+    static const item_type zero = 0;
+    static const item_type onehundredandtwentythree = 123;
+    unsigned short check;
+    unsigned short iter;
+    unsigned long prev_count, returnedcount;
+    prev_count = count;
+    while (prev_count == count);
+    count = 0;
+    for (iter = 0; iter < ITERATIONS; iter++) {
+        fill_items(seed);
+        sort (items, sorted_item_count, sizeof (items[0]), cmp);
+    }
+    returnedcount = count;
+    check = check_items();
+    if(check == 0xFFFF) {
+#if ITERATIONS == 1
+        p1 = bsearch (&allones, items, sorted_item_count, sizeof (items[0]), cmp);
+        p2 = bsearch (&zero, items, sorted_item_count, sizeof (items[0]), cmp);
+        p3 = bsearch (&onehundredandtwentythree, items, sorted_item_count, sizeof (items[0]), cmp);
+        printf("%lu %lp %lp %lp\n", returnedcount, p1, p2, p3);
+    }
+    else {
+        printf("FAILED %hu %hu %lu\n", sorted_item_count, check, (unsigned long)(items[check]));
+    }
+    return returnedcount;
+//! It's a main...
+void _main(void) {
+    short rate, start;
+    unsigned short seed;
+    unsigned long count_old = 0, count_new = 0, count_ciura = 0, count_inlineshell = 0;
+    //INT_HANDLER ai1;
+    INT_HANDLER ai5;
+    // Save the programmable timer settings, set up our interrupt handlers and timer settings.
+    rate = PRG_getRate();
+    start = PRG_getStart();
+    //ai1=GetIntVec(AUTO_INT_1);
+    ai5=GetIntVec(AUTO_INT_5);
+    SetIntVec(AUTO_INT_5,CountTicks);
+    OSSetSR(0x0200);
+    // If AMS 1.xx and not PedroM, use a poor seed; otherwise, use FiftyMsecTick.
+    if (AMS_1xx && *((unsigned short *)0x32) != 0x524F) {
+        seed = (unsigned short)(255-peekIO(0x600017));
+    }
+    else {
+        seed = *((volatile unsigned long*)(_rom_call_addr(4FC))) & SEED_MASK;
+    }
+    sorted_item_count = SORTED_ITEM_COUNT;
+#ifdef SCALE
+    for (; sorted_item_count > 3; sorted_item_count -= (sorted_item_count >> 2))
+    {
+#if ITERATIONS == 1
+        printf("0x%lp %hu\n", items, sorted_item_count);
+        PRG_setRate(0);
+        PRG_setStart(0xFF);
+        count_old = run_sort(seed, old_qsort);
+        if (_keytest(RR_ESC)) goto end;
+        count_new = run_sort(seed, qsort);
+        if (_keytest(RR_ESC)) goto end;
+        count_ciura = run_sort(seed, ciura_qsort);
+        if (_keytest(RR_ESC)) goto end;
+        count_inlineshell = run_sort(seed, inline_shellsort);
+        if (_keytest(RR_ESC)) goto end;
+        PRG_setRate(rate);
+        PRG_setStart(start);
+    }
+    printf("%lu\n%lu\n%lu\n%lu\n", count_old, count_new, count_ciura, count_inlineshell);
+    // Restore the programmable timer settings and the interrupt handlers.
+    SetIntVec(AUTO_INT_5,ai5);
+    //SetIntVec(AUTO_INT_1,ai1);
+    asm("move.l #0x27FFF,%%d0; 0: subq.l #1,%%d0; bpl.s 0b" : : : "d0","cc");
+    GKeyFlush();
+    OSSetSR(0x0000);
+    GKeyIn(NULL, 0);