Explorar el Código

Remove Joey's old skeleton for an XML syntax file generator, it was really broken beyond repair.
Start XML syntax file generator. The resulting files are not usable yet.

git-svn-id: file:///var/svn/tigccpp/trunk@778 9552661e-59e3-4036-b4f2-dbe53926924f

kevinkofler hace 18 años
Se han modificado 2 ficheros con 203 adiciones y 91 borrados
  1. 1 3
  2. 202 88

+ 1 - 3

@@ -200,9 +200,7 @@ void clear_temp_dir(void)
 void force_qt_assistant_page(int n)
-  char *home=getenv("HOME");
-  char fname[strlen(home)+20];
-  sprintf(fname,"%s/.qt/qt_assistantrc",home);
+  QString fname=QDir::homeDirPath()+"/.qt/qt_assistantrc";
   FILE *f=fopen(fname,"r+b");
   if (!f) f=fopen(fname,"w+b");
   if (!f) exit(1);

+ 202 - 88

@@ -30,6 +30,9 @@
 #include <qtextcodec.h>
 #include <qcolor.h>
 #include <qfont.h>
+#include <qdom.h> 
+#include <qcstring.h> 
+#include <qdir.h> 
 #include <kconfig.h>
 #include "ktigcc.h"
 #include "preferences.h"
@@ -38,105 +41,217 @@
 TIGCCPrefs preferences;
-//these macros return 0 on success.
-#define syn_XMLStart(f) (fputs( \
-    "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" \
-    "<!DOCTYPE language SYSTEM \"language.dtd\">\n" \
-    "<!-- Syntax highlighting information autogenerated by KTIGCC. -->\n" \
-    "<language version=\"1.11\" kateversion=\"2.4\" name=\"Scheme\" section=\"Scripts\" extensions=\"*.scm;*.ss;*.scheme;*.guile\" mimetype=\"text/x-scheme\" author=\"KTIGCC\" license=\"LGPL\">\n" \
-#define syn_XMLEnd(f) (fputs("</language>\n",(f))==EOF)
-void stringReplaceItems(QString &dest,const QString &oldStr,const QString &newStr,unsigned long start,unsigned long maxoccurances)
+static void genAllCaseVariants(QString keyword, unsigned pos,
+                               QStringList &stringList)
-    unsigned long o;
-    unsigned long len=oldStr.length();
-    o=0;
-    while ((start=dest.find(oldStr,start))!=0xFFFFFFFF&&(--maxoccurances))
-    {
-        dest.replace(start,len,newStr);
-        start+=len;
+  // WARNING: Exponential complexity in the keyword length. Yuck!
+  // Blame Kate's lack of flexibility.
+  // Also note that this just LOOKS like a functional recursion, there ARE side
+  // effects.
+  QChar c=keyword[pos];
+  if (c.isNull())
+    stringList.append(keyword);
+  else {
+    QChar upper=c.upper();
+    QChar lower=c.lower();
+    if (lower==upper)
+      genAllCaseVariants(keyword,pos+1,stringList);
+    else {
+      keyword[pos]=upper;
+      genAllCaseVariants(keyword,pos+1,stringList);
+      keyword[pos]=lower;
+      genAllCaseVariants(keyword,pos+1,stringList);
+      keyword[pos]=c;
+  }
-QString syn_encodeString(const QString &str)
+static void writeSyntaxXML(const Syn_SettingsForDoc &synprefs,
+                           const QString &name, const QString &internalName)
-    QString ret=str;
-    stringReplaceItems(ret,"&","&#38;",0,0xFFFFFFFF);
-    stringReplaceItems(ret,"\n","&#10;",0,0xFFFFFFFF);
-    stringReplaceItems(ret,"\r","&#13;",0,0xFFFFFFFF);
-    stringReplaceItems(ret,"<","&#60;",0,0xFFFFFFFF);
-    stringReplaceItems(ret,">","&#62;",0,0xFFFFFFFF);
-    return ret;
+  // Create XML document.
+  QDomDocument doc("language");
+  QDomElement root=doc.createElement("language");
+  doc.appendChild(root);
-//returns 0 on success
-int syn_XMLStrList(FILE *f,const QString &name,const QStringList &clist)
-    unsigned long i,e;
-    if (fprintf(f,"<list name=\"%s\">\n",smartAscii(syn_encodeString(name)))==EOF)
-      return 1;
-    e=clist.count();
-    for (i=0;i<e;i++)
-    {
-        if (fprintf(f,"<item> %s </item>\n",smartAscii(syn_encodeString(clist[i])))==EOF)
-            return 1;
+  // Work around bad interfaces...
+  #define ADD_ATTR(node,aname,aval) do { \
+    QDomAttr newattr=doc.createAttribute((aname)); \
+    newattr.setValue((aval)); \
+    (node).setAttributeNode(newattr); \
+  } while(0)
+  #define ADD_TEXT(node,text) do { \
+    QDomText newtext=doc.createTextNode((text)); \
+    (node).appendChild(newtext); \
+  } while(0)
+  #define CHILD_NODE(child,node,chname) \
+    QDomElement child=doc.createElement((chname));\
+    (node).appendChild(child)
+  bool allWordListsCaseInsensitive=TRUE;
+  for (QValueList<Syn_WordList>::ConstIterator it=synprefs.wordLists.begin();
+       it!=synprefs.wordLists.end(); ++it) {
+    const Syn_WordList &wordList=*it;
+    if (wordList.caseSensitive) allWordListsCaseInsensitive=FALSE;
+  }
+  ADD_ATTR(root,"name",name);
+  ADD_ATTR(root,"section","KTIGCC");
+  ADD_ATTR(root,"extensions","");
+  ADD_ATTR(root,"version","1.00");
+  ADD_ATTR(root,"kateversion","2.4");
+  ADD_ATTR(root,"author","KTIGCC (autogenerated)");
+  ADD_ATTR(root,"license","GPL");
+  CHILD_NODE(highlighting,root,"highlighting");
+  CHILD_NODE(general,root,"general");
+  for (QValueList<Syn_WordList>::ConstIterator it=synprefs.wordLists.begin();
+       it!=synprefs.wordLists.end(); ++it) {
+    const Syn_WordList &wordList=*it;
+    CHILD_NODE(list,highlighting,"list");
+    ADD_ATTR(list,"name",wordList.name);
+    QStringList stringList;
+    if (wordList.caseSensitive || allWordListsCaseInsensitive)
+      stringList=wordList.list;
+    else {
+      // This is really ugly. Why can't Kate allow me to specify
+      // case-sensitivity per word list?
+      for (QStringList::ConstIterator it=wordList.list.begin();
+           it!=wordList.list.end(); ++it) {
+        const QString &keyword=*it;
+        // This is bad, but I need to cap time, memory and disk space
+        // requirements somewhere.
+        if (keyword.length()<=10)
+          genAllCaseVariants(keyword,0,stringList);
+        else
+          stringList.append(keyword);
+      }
-    if (fputs("</list>\n",f)==EOF)
-      return 1;
-    return 0;
+    for (QStringList::ConstIterator it=stringList.begin(); it!=stringList.end();
+         ++it) {
+      const QString &keyword=*it;
+      CHILD_NODE(item,list,"item");
+      ADD_TEXT(item,keyword);
+    }
+  }
-//returns 0 on success,-1 on file couldn't be created, and 1 if file couldn't be written to correctly.
-int SynToXML(Syn_SettingsForDoc &syn __attribute__((unused)),const QString &destFileName)
-    FILE *f=fopen(destFileName,"wb");
-    if (!f)
-        return -1;
-    syn_XMLStart(f);
-    if (fputs("<highlighting>\n",f)==EOF)
-      return 1;
-    if (fputs("<list name=\"symbols\">\n"
-             "<item> &#60; </item>\n" //for '<'
-             "<item> { </item>\n"
-             "<item> [ </item>\n"
-             "<item> ( </item>\n"
-             "<item> ) </item>\n"
-             "<item> ] </item>\n"
-             "<item> } </item>\n"
-             "<item> &#62; </item>\n" //for '>'
-             "<item> ; </item>\n"
-             "<item> : </item>\n"
-             "<item> , </item>\n"
-             "<item> . </item>\n"
-             "<item> = </item>\n"
-             "<item> + </item>\n"
-             "<item> - </item>\n"
-             "<item> * </item>\n"
-             "<item> / </item>\n"
-             "<item> \\ </item>\n"
-             "<item> | </item>\n"
-             "<item> \" </item>\n"
-             "<item> \' </item>\n"
-             "<item> ! </item>\n"
-             "<item> ? </item>\n"
-             "<item> &#38; </item>\n" //for '&'
-             "<item> % </item>\n"
-             "<item> # </item>\n"
-             "<item> @ </item>\n"
-             "<item> ^ </item>\n"
-             "<item> ~ </item>\n"
-             "</list>\n"
-    ,f)==EOF)
-      return 1;
-    syn_XMLEnd(f);
-    return 0;
+  CHILD_NODE(contexts,highlighting,"contexts");
+  CHILD_NODE(defaultContext,contexts,"context");
+  ADD_ATTR(defaultContext,"name","Default");
+  ADD_ATTR(defaultContext,"attribute","Normal");
+  ADD_ATTR(defaultContext,"lineEndContext","#stay");
+  for (QValueList<Syn_CustomStyle>::ConstIterator it=synprefs.customStyles.begin();
+       it!=synprefs.customStyles.end(); ++it) {
+    const Syn_CustomStyle &customStyle=*it;
+    switch (customStyle.beginning.length()) {
+      case 0: // Ignore these ones altogether.
+        break;
+      case 1:
+        {
+          CHILD_NODE(detectCustomStyle,defaultContext,"DetectChar");
+          ADD_ATTR(detectCustomStyle,"attribute",customStyle.name);
+          ADD_ATTR(detectCustomStyle,"context",customStyle.name);
+          if (customStyle.lineStartOnly)
+            ADD_ATTR(detectCustomStyle,"firstNonSpace","true");
+          ADD_ATTR(detectCustomStyle,"char",customStyle.beginning.left(1));
+        }
+        break;
+      case 2:
+        {
+          CHILD_NODE(detectCustomStyle,defaultContext,"Detect2Chars");
+          ADD_ATTR(detectCustomStyle,"attribute",customStyle.name);
+          ADD_ATTR(detectCustomStyle,"context",customStyle.name);
+          if (customStyle.lineStartOnly)
+            ADD_ATTR(detectCustomStyle,"firstNonSpace","true");
+          ADD_ATTR(detectCustomStyle,"char",customStyle.beginning.left(1));
+          ADD_ATTR(detectCustomStyle,"char1",customStyle.beginning.mid(1,1));
+        }
+        break;
+      default:
+        {
+          CHILD_NODE(detectCustomStyle,defaultContext,"StringDetect");
+          ADD_ATTR(detectCustomStyle,"attribute",customStyle.name);
+          ADD_ATTR(detectCustomStyle,"context",customStyle.name);
+          if (customStyle.lineStartOnly)
+            ADD_ATTR(detectCustomStyle,"firstNonSpace","true");
+          ADD_ATTR(detectCustomStyle,"String",customStyle.beginning);
+        }
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+  for (QValueList<Syn_WordList>::ConstIterator it=synprefs.wordLists.begin();
+       it!=synprefs.wordLists.end(); ++it) {
+    const Syn_WordList &wordList=*it;
+    CHILD_NODE(detectWordList,defaultContext,"keyword");
+    ADD_ATTR(detectWordList,"attribute",wordList.name);
+    ADD_ATTR(detectWordList,"context","#stay");
+    ADD_ATTR(detectWordList,"String",wordList.name);
+  }
+  CHILD_NODE(numFloat,defaultContext,"Float");
+  ADD_ATTR(numFloat,"attribute","Number");
+  ADD_ATTR(numFloat,"context","#stay");
+  CHILD_NODE(numFloatSuffix,numFloat,"AnyChar");
+  ADD_ATTR(numFloatSuffix,"String","fF");
+  ADD_ATTR(numFloatSuffix,"attribute","Number");
+  ADD_ATTR(numFloatSuffix,"context","#stay");
+  CHILD_NODE(numOct,defaultContext,"HlCOct");
+  ADD_ATTR(numOct,"attribute","Number");
+  ADD_ATTR(numOct,"context","#stay");
+  CHILD_NODE(numHex,defaultContext,"HlCHex");
+  ADD_ATTR(numHex,"attribute","Number");
+  ADD_ATTR(numHex,"context","#stay");
+  CHILD_NODE(numBin,defaultContext,"RegExpr");
+  ADD_ATTR(numBin,"String","0b[01]+(ULL|LUL|LLU|UL|LU|LL|U|L)?");
+  ADD_ATTR(numBin,"insensitive","TRUE");
+  ADD_ATTR(numBin,"attribute","Number");
+  ADD_ATTR(numBin,"context","#stay");
+  CHILD_NODE(numDec,defaultContext,"Int");
+  ADD_ATTR(numDec,"attribute","Number");
+  ADD_ATTR(numDec,"context","#stay");
+  QString suffixes[8]={"ULL","LUL","LLU","UL","LU","LL","U","L"};
+  for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {
+    CHILD_NODE(numDecSuffix,numDec,"StringDetect");
+    ADD_ATTR(numDecSuffix,"attribute","Number");
+    ADD_ATTR(numDecSuffix,"context","#stay");
+    ADD_ATTR(numDecSuffix,"String",suffixes[i]);
+    ADD_ATTR(numDecSuffix,"insensitive","TRUE");
+  }
+  CHILD_NODE(symbols,defaultContext,"AnyChar");
+  ADD_ATTR(symbols,"String","<{[()]}>;:,.=+-*/\\|\"\'!?&%#@^~");
+  ADD_ATTR(symbols,"attribute","Symbol");
+  ADD_ATTR(symbols,"context","#stay");
+  CHILD_NODE(keywords,general,"keywords");
+  ADD_ATTR(keywords,"casesensitive",allWordListsCaseInsensitive?"0":"1");
+  ADD_ATTR(keywords,"additionalDeliminator","\'\"@");
+  #undef ADD_ATTR
+  #undef ADD_TEXT
+  #undef CHILD_NODE
+  // Write it to disk.
+  std::FILE *f=std::fopen(QString("%1/.kde/share/apps/katepart/syntax/ktigcc%2.xml")
+                          .arg(QDir::homeDirPath()).arg(internalName),"w");
+  if (f) {
+    if (fputs("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
+              "<!-- Syntax highlighting description autogenerated by KTIGCC.\n"
+              "     All changes to this file will be lost! -->\n",f)<0) {
+      fclose(f);
+      return;
+    }
+    (void) fputs(doc.toCString(2),f);
+    fclose(f);
+  }
 static void updateSyntaxXML(void)
+  writeSyntaxXML(preferences.synC,"C","c");
+  writeSyntaxXML(preferences.synS,"GNU As","s");
+  writeSyntaxXML(preferences.synASM,"A68k","asm");
+  writeSyntaxXML(preferences.synQLL,"Quill","qll");
 static bool loadSyntaxPreference(Syn_SettingsForDoc &synprefs, const QString &group)
@@ -148,7 +263,6 @@ static bool loadSyntaxPreference(Syn_SettingsForDoc &synprefs, const QString &gr
   synprefs.symbolColor=pconfig->readColorEntry("Symbol Color");
   if (!synprefs.symbolColor.isValid()) return FALSE;
   unsigned numParenthesisColors=pconfig->readUnsignedNumEntry("Num Parenthesis Colors");
-  if (!numParenthesisColors) return FALSE;
   for (unsigned i=0; i<numParenthesisColors; i++) {
     QColor parenthesisColor=pconfig->readColorEntry(QString("Parenthesis Color %1").arg(i));
     if (!parenthesisColor.isValid()) return FALSE;