percpu.h 1.5 KB

  1. #ifndef _ASM_GENERIC_PERCPU_H_
  2. #define _ASM_GENERIC_PERCPU_H_
  3. #include <linux/compiler.h>
  4. #define __GENERIC_PER_CPU
  5. #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
  6. extern unsigned long __per_cpu_offset[NR_CPUS];
  7. #define per_cpu_offset(x) (__per_cpu_offset[x])
  8. /* Separate out the type, so (int[3], foo) works. */
  9. #define DEFINE_PER_CPU(type, name) \
  10. __attribute__((__section__(".data.percpu"))) __typeof__(type) per_cpu__##name
  11. /* var is in discarded region: offset to particular copy we want */
  12. #define per_cpu(var, cpu) (*({ \
  13. extern int simple_identifier_##var(void); \
  14. RELOC_HIDE(&per_cpu__##var, __per_cpu_offset[cpu]); }))
  15. #define __get_cpu_var(var) per_cpu(var, smp_processor_id())
  16. #define __raw_get_cpu_var(var) per_cpu(var, raw_smp_processor_id())
  17. /* A macro to avoid #include hell... */
  18. #define percpu_modcopy(pcpudst, src, size) \
  19. do { \
  20. unsigned int __i; \
  21. for_each_possible_cpu(__i) \
  22. memcpy((pcpudst)+__per_cpu_offset[__i], \
  23. (src), (size)); \
  24. } while (0)
  25. #else /* ! SMP */
  26. #define DEFINE_PER_CPU(type, name) \
  27. __typeof__(type) per_cpu__##name
  28. #define per_cpu(var, cpu) (*((void)(cpu), &per_cpu__##var))
  29. #define __get_cpu_var(var) per_cpu__##var
  30. #define __raw_get_cpu_var(var) per_cpu__##var
  31. #endif /* SMP */
  32. #define DECLARE_PER_CPU(type, name) extern __typeof__(type) per_cpu__##name
  33. #define EXPORT_PER_CPU_SYMBOL(var) EXPORT_SYMBOL(per_cpu__##var)
  34. #define EXPORT_PER_CPU_SYMBOL_GPL(var) EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(per_cpu__##var)
  35. #endif /* _ASM_GENERIC_PERCPU_H_ */