xfs_log_priv.h 18 KB

  1. /*
  2. * Copyright (c) 2000-2003,2005 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
  3. * All Rights Reserved.
  4. *
  5. * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  6. * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
  7. * published by the Free Software Foundation.
  8. *
  9. * This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful,
  10. * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  12. * GNU General Public License for more details.
  13. *
  14. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  15. * along with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation,
  16. * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
  17. */
  18. #ifndef __XFS_LOG_PRIV_H__
  19. #define __XFS_LOG_PRIV_H__
  20. struct xfs_buf;
  21. struct ktrace;
  22. struct log;
  23. struct xlog_ticket;
  24. struct xfs_buf_cancel;
  25. struct xfs_mount;
  26. /*
  27. * Macros, structures, prototypes for internal log manager use.
  28. */
  29. #define XLOG_MIN_ICLOGS 2
  30. #define XLOG_MED_ICLOGS 4
  31. #define XLOG_MAX_ICLOGS 8
  32. #define XLOG_HEADER_MAGIC_NUM 0xFEEDbabe /* Invalid cycle number */
  33. #define XLOG_VERSION_1 1
  34. #define XLOG_VERSION_2 2 /* Large IClogs, Log sunit */
  36. #define XLOG_RECORD_BSIZE (16*1024) /* eventually 32k */
  37. #define XLOG_BIG_RECORD_BSIZE (32*1024) /* 32k buffers */
  38. #define XLOG_MAX_RECORD_BSIZE (256*1024)
  39. #define XLOG_HEADER_CYCLE_SIZE (32*1024) /* cycle data in header */
  40. #define XLOG_RECORD_BSHIFT 14 /* 16384 == 1 << 14 */
  41. #define XLOG_BIG_RECORD_BSHIFT 15 /* 32k == 1 << 15 */
  42. #define XLOG_MAX_RECORD_BSHIFT 18 /* 256k == 1 << 18 */
  43. #define XLOG_BTOLSUNIT(log, b) (((b)+(log)->l_mp->m_sb.sb_logsunit-1) / \
  44. (log)->l_mp->m_sb.sb_logsunit)
  45. #define XLOG_LSUNITTOB(log, su) ((su) * (log)->l_mp->m_sb.sb_logsunit)
  46. #define XLOG_HEADER_SIZE 512
  47. #define XLOG_REC_SHIFT(log) \
  48. BTOBB(1 << (XFS_SB_VERSION_HASLOGV2(&log->l_mp->m_sb) ? \
  50. #define XLOG_TOTAL_REC_SHIFT(log) \
  51. BTOBB(XLOG_MAX_ICLOGS << (XFS_SB_VERSION_HASLOGV2(&log->l_mp->m_sb) ? \
  53. /*
  54. * set lsns
  55. */
  56. #define ASSIGN_ANY_LSN_HOST(lsn,cycle,block) \
  57. { \
  58. (lsn) = ((xfs_lsn_t)(cycle)<<32)|(block); \
  59. }
  60. #define ASSIGN_ANY_LSN_DISK(lsn,cycle,block) \
  61. { \
  62. INT_SET(((uint *)&(lsn))[0], ARCH_CONVERT, (cycle)); \
  63. INT_SET(((uint *)&(lsn))[1], ARCH_CONVERT, (block)); \
  64. }
  65. #define ASSIGN_LSN(lsn,log) \
  66. ASSIGN_ANY_LSN_DISK(lsn,(log)->l_curr_cycle,(log)->l_curr_block);
  67. #define XLOG_SET(f,b) (((f) & (b)) == (b))
  68. #define GET_CYCLE(ptr, arch) \
  69. (INT_GET(*(uint *)(ptr), arch) == XLOG_HEADER_MAGIC_NUM ? \
  70. INT_GET(*((uint *)(ptr)+1), arch) : \
  71. INT_GET(*(uint *)(ptr), arch) \
  72. )
  73. #define BLK_AVG(blk1, blk2) ((blk1+blk2) >> 1)
  74. #ifdef __KERNEL__
  75. /*
  76. * get client id from packed copy.
  77. *
  78. * this hack is here because the xlog_pack code copies four bytes
  79. * of xlog_op_header containing the fields oh_clientid, oh_flags
  80. * and oh_res2 into the packed copy.
  81. *
  82. * later on this four byte chunk is treated as an int and the
  83. * client id is pulled out.
  84. *
  85. * this has endian issues, of course.
  86. */
  87. #ifndef XFS_NATIVE_HOST
  88. #define GET_CLIENT_ID(i,arch) \
  89. ((i) & 0xff)
  90. #else
  91. #define GET_CLIENT_ID(i,arch) \
  92. ((i) >> 24)
  93. #endif
  94. #define GRANT_LOCK(log) mutex_spinlock(&(log)->l_grant_lock)
  95. #define GRANT_UNLOCK(log, s) mutex_spinunlock(&(log)->l_grant_lock, s)
  96. #define LOG_LOCK(log) mutex_spinlock(&(log)->l_icloglock)
  97. #define LOG_UNLOCK(log, s) mutex_spinunlock(&(log)->l_icloglock, s)
  98. #define xlog_panic(args...) cmn_err(CE_PANIC, ## args)
  99. #define xlog_exit(args...) cmn_err(CE_PANIC, ## args)
  100. #define xlog_warn(args...) cmn_err(CE_WARN, ## args)
  101. /*
  102. * In core log state
  103. */
  104. #define XLOG_STATE_ACTIVE 0x0001 /* Current IC log being written to */
  105. #define XLOG_STATE_WANT_SYNC 0x0002 /* Want to sync this iclog; no more writes */
  106. #define XLOG_STATE_SYNCING 0x0004 /* This IC log is syncing */
  107. #define XLOG_STATE_DONE_SYNC 0x0008 /* Done syncing to disk */
  108. #define XLOG_STATE_DO_CALLBACK \
  109. 0x0010 /* Process callback functions */
  110. #define XLOG_STATE_CALLBACK 0x0020 /* Callback functions now */
  111. #define XLOG_STATE_DIRTY 0x0040 /* Dirty IC log, not ready for ACTIVE status*/
  112. #define XLOG_STATE_IOERROR 0x0080 /* IO error happened in sync'ing log */
  113. #define XLOG_STATE_ALL 0x7FFF /* All possible valid flags */
  114. #define XLOG_STATE_NOTUSED 0x8000 /* This IC log not being used */
  115. #endif /* __KERNEL__ */
  116. /*
  117. * Flags to log operation header
  118. *
  119. * The first write of a new transaction will be preceded with a start
  120. * record, XLOG_START_TRANS. Once a transaction is committed, a commit
  121. * record is written, XLOG_COMMIT_TRANS. If a single region can not fit into
  122. * the remainder of the current active in-core log, it is split up into
  123. * multiple regions. Each partial region will be marked with a
  124. * XLOG_CONTINUE_TRANS until the last one, which gets marked with XLOG_END_TRANS.
  125. *
  126. */
  127. #define XLOG_START_TRANS 0x01 /* Start a new transaction */
  128. #define XLOG_COMMIT_TRANS 0x02 /* Commit this transaction */
  129. #define XLOG_CONTINUE_TRANS 0x04 /* Cont this trans into new region */
  130. #define XLOG_WAS_CONT_TRANS 0x08 /* Cont this trans into new region */
  131. #define XLOG_END_TRANS 0x10 /* End a continued transaction */
  132. #define XLOG_UNMOUNT_TRANS 0x20 /* Unmount a filesystem transaction */
  133. #ifdef __KERNEL__
  134. /*
  135. * Flags to log ticket
  136. */
  137. #define XLOG_TIC_INITED 0x1 /* has been initialized */
  138. #define XLOG_TIC_PERM_RESERV 0x2 /* permanent reservation */
  139. #define XLOG_TIC_IN_Q 0x4
  140. #endif /* __KERNEL__ */
  141. #define XLOG_UNMOUNT_TYPE 0x556e /* Un for Unmount */
  142. /*
  143. * Flags for log structure
  144. */
  145. #define XLOG_CHKSUM_MISMATCH 0x1 /* used only during recovery */
  146. #define XLOG_ACTIVE_RECOVERY 0x2 /* in the middle of recovery */
  147. #define XLOG_RECOVERY_NEEDED 0x4 /* log was recovered */
  148. #define XLOG_IO_ERROR 0x8 /* log hit an I/O error, and being
  149. shutdown */
  150. typedef __uint32_t xlog_tid_t;
  151. #ifdef __KERNEL__
  152. /*
  153. * Below are states for covering allocation transactions.
  154. * By covering, we mean changing the h_tail_lsn in the last on-disk
  155. * log write such that no allocation transactions will be re-done during
  156. * recovery after a system crash. Recovery starts at the last on-disk
  157. * log write.
  158. *
  159. * These states are used to insert dummy log entries to cover
  160. * space allocation transactions which can undo non-transactional changes
  161. * after a crash. Writes to a file with space
  162. * already allocated do not result in any transactions. Allocations
  163. * might include space beyond the EOF. So if we just push the EOF a
  164. * little, the last transaction for the file could contain the wrong
  165. * size. If there is no file system activity, after an allocation
  166. * transaction, and the system crashes, the allocation transaction
  167. * will get replayed and the file will be truncated. This could
  168. * be hours/days/... after the allocation occurred.
  169. *
  170. * The fix for this is to do two dummy transactions when the
  171. * system is idle. We need two dummy transaction because the h_tail_lsn
  172. * in the log record header needs to point beyond the last possible
  173. * non-dummy transaction. The first dummy changes the h_tail_lsn to
  174. * the first transaction before the dummy. The second dummy causes
  175. * h_tail_lsn to point to the first dummy. Recovery starts at h_tail_lsn.
  176. *
  177. * These dummy transactions get committed when everything
  178. * is idle (after there has been some activity).
  179. *
  180. * There are 5 states used to control this.
  181. *
  182. * IDLE -- no logging has been done on the file system or
  183. * we are done covering previous transactions.
  184. * NEED -- logging has occurred and we need a dummy transaction
  185. * when the log becomes idle.
  186. * DONE -- we were in the NEED state and have committed a dummy
  187. * transaction.
  188. * NEED2 -- we detected that a dummy transaction has gone to the
  189. * on disk log with no other transactions.
  190. * DONE2 -- we committed a dummy transaction when in the NEED2 state.
  191. *
  192. * There are two places where we switch states:
  193. *
  194. * 1.) In xfs_sync, when we detect an idle log and are in NEED or NEED2.
  195. * We commit the dummy transaction and switch to DONE or DONE2,
  196. * respectively. In all other states, we don't do anything.
  197. *
  198. * 2.) When we finish writing the on-disk log (xlog_state_clean_log).
  199. *
  200. * No matter what state we are in, if this isn't the dummy
  201. * transaction going out, the next state is NEED.
  202. * So, if we aren't in the DONE or DONE2 states, the next state
  203. * is NEED. We can't be finishing a write of the dummy record
  204. * unless it was committed and the state switched to DONE or DONE2.
  205. *
  206. * If we are in the DONE state and this was a write of the
  207. * dummy transaction, we move to NEED2.
  208. *
  209. * If we are in the DONE2 state and this was a write of the
  210. * dummy transaction, we move to IDLE.
  211. *
  212. *
  213. * Writing only one dummy transaction can get appended to
  214. * one file space allocation. When this happens, the log recovery
  215. * code replays the space allocation and a file could be truncated.
  216. * This is why we have the NEED2 and DONE2 states before going idle.
  217. */
  218. #define XLOG_STATE_COVER_IDLE 0
  219. #define XLOG_STATE_COVER_NEED 1
  220. #define XLOG_STATE_COVER_DONE 2
  221. #define XLOG_STATE_COVER_NEED2 3
  222. #define XLOG_STATE_COVER_DONE2 4
  223. #define XLOG_COVER_OPS 5
  224. /* Ticket reservation region accounting */
  225. #define XLOG_TIC_LEN_MAX 15
  226. #define XLOG_TIC_RESET_RES(t) ((t)->t_res_num = \
  227. (t)->t_res_arr_sum = (t)->t_res_num_ophdrs = 0)
  228. #define XLOG_TIC_ADD_OPHDR(t) ((t)->t_res_num_ophdrs++)
  229. #define XLOG_TIC_ADD_REGION(t, len, type) \
  230. do { \
  231. if ((t)->t_res_num == XLOG_TIC_LEN_MAX) { \
  232. /* add to overflow and start again */ \
  233. (t)->t_res_o_flow += (t)->t_res_arr_sum; \
  234. (t)->t_res_num = 0; \
  235. (t)->t_res_arr_sum = 0; \
  236. } \
  237. (t)->t_res_arr[(t)->t_res_num].r_len = (len); \
  238. (t)->t_res_arr[(t)->t_res_num].r_type = (type); \
  239. (t)->t_res_arr_sum += (len); \
  240. (t)->t_res_num++; \
  241. } while (0)
  242. /*
  243. * Reservation region
  244. * As would be stored in xfs_log_iovec but without the i_addr which
  245. * we don't care about.
  246. */
  247. typedef struct xlog_res {
  248. uint r_len; /* region length :4 */
  249. uint r_type; /* region's transaction type :4 */
  250. } xlog_res_t;
  251. typedef struct xlog_ticket {
  252. sv_t t_sema; /* sleep on this semaphore : 20 */
  253. struct xlog_ticket *t_next; /* :4|8 */
  254. struct xlog_ticket *t_prev; /* :4|8 */
  255. xlog_tid_t t_tid; /* transaction identifier : 4 */
  256. int t_curr_res; /* current reservation in bytes : 4 */
  257. int t_unit_res; /* unit reservation in bytes : 4 */
  258. char t_ocnt; /* original count : 1 */
  259. char t_cnt; /* current count : 1 */
  260. char t_clientid; /* who does this belong to; : 1 */
  261. char t_flags; /* properties of reservation : 1 */
  262. uint t_trans_type; /* transaction type : 4 */
  263. /* reservation array fields */
  264. uint t_res_num; /* num in array : 4 */
  265. uint t_res_num_ophdrs; /* num op hdrs : 4 */
  266. uint t_res_arr_sum; /* array sum : 4 */
  267. uint t_res_o_flow; /* sum overflow : 4 */
  268. xlog_res_t t_res_arr[XLOG_TIC_LEN_MAX]; /* array of res : 8 * 15 */
  269. } xlog_ticket_t;
  270. #endif
  271. typedef struct xlog_op_header {
  272. xlog_tid_t oh_tid; /* transaction id of operation : 4 b */
  273. int oh_len; /* bytes in data region : 4 b */
  274. __uint8_t oh_clientid; /* who sent me this : 1 b */
  275. __uint8_t oh_flags; /* : 1 b */
  276. ushort oh_res2; /* 32 bit align : 2 b */
  277. } xlog_op_header_t;
  278. /* valid values for h_fmt */
  279. #define XLOG_FMT_UNKNOWN 0
  280. #define XLOG_FMT_LINUX_LE 1
  281. #define XLOG_FMT_LINUX_BE 2
  282. #define XLOG_FMT_IRIX_BE 3
  283. /* our fmt */
  284. #ifdef XFS_NATIVE_HOST
  286. #else
  288. #endif
  289. typedef struct xlog_rec_header {
  290. uint h_magicno; /* log record (LR) identifier : 4 */
  291. uint h_cycle; /* write cycle of log : 4 */
  292. int h_version; /* LR version : 4 */
  293. int h_len; /* len in bytes; should be 64-bit aligned: 4 */
  294. xfs_lsn_t h_lsn; /* lsn of this LR : 8 */
  295. xfs_lsn_t h_tail_lsn; /* lsn of 1st LR w/ buffers not committed: 8 */
  296. uint h_chksum; /* may not be used; non-zero if used : 4 */
  297. int h_prev_block; /* block number to previous LR : 4 */
  298. int h_num_logops; /* number of log operations in this LR : 4 */
  299. uint h_cycle_data[XLOG_HEADER_CYCLE_SIZE / BBSIZE];
  300. /* new fields */
  301. int h_fmt; /* format of log record : 4 */
  302. uuid_t h_fs_uuid; /* uuid of FS : 16 */
  303. int h_size; /* iclog size : 4 */
  304. } xlog_rec_header_t;
  305. typedef struct xlog_rec_ext_header {
  306. uint xh_cycle; /* write cycle of log : 4 */
  307. uint xh_cycle_data[XLOG_HEADER_CYCLE_SIZE / BBSIZE]; /* : 256 */
  308. } xlog_rec_ext_header_t;
  309. #ifdef __KERNEL__
  310. /*
  311. * - A log record header is 512 bytes. There is plenty of room to grow the
  312. * xlog_rec_header_t into the reserved space.
  313. * - ic_data follows, so a write to disk can start at the beginning of
  314. * the iclog.
  315. * - ic_forcesema is used to implement synchronous forcing of the iclog to disk.
  316. * - ic_next is the pointer to the next iclog in the ring.
  317. * - ic_bp is a pointer to the buffer used to write this incore log to disk.
  318. * - ic_log is a pointer back to the global log structure.
  319. * - ic_callback is a linked list of callback function/argument pairs to be
  320. * called after an iclog finishes writing.
  321. * - ic_size is the full size of the header plus data.
  322. * - ic_offset is the current number of bytes written to in this iclog.
  323. * - ic_refcnt is bumped when someone is writing to the log.
  324. * - ic_state is the state of the iclog.
  325. */
  326. typedef struct xlog_iclog_fields {
  327. sv_t ic_forcesema;
  328. sv_t ic_writesema;
  329. struct xlog_in_core *ic_next;
  330. struct xlog_in_core *ic_prev;
  331. struct xfs_buf *ic_bp;
  332. struct log *ic_log;
  333. xfs_log_callback_t *ic_callback;
  334. xfs_log_callback_t **ic_callback_tail;
  335. #ifdef XFS_LOG_TRACE
  336. struct ktrace *ic_trace;
  337. #endif
  338. int ic_size;
  339. int ic_offset;
  340. int ic_refcnt;
  341. int ic_bwritecnt;
  342. ushort_t ic_state;
  343. char *ic_datap; /* pointer to iclog data */
  344. } xlog_iclog_fields_t;
  345. typedef union xlog_in_core2 {
  346. xlog_rec_header_t hic_header;
  347. xlog_rec_ext_header_t hic_xheader;
  348. char hic_sector[XLOG_HEADER_SIZE];
  349. } xlog_in_core_2_t;
  350. typedef struct xlog_in_core {
  351. xlog_iclog_fields_t hic_fields;
  352. xlog_in_core_2_t *hic_data;
  353. } xlog_in_core_t;
  354. /*
  355. * Defines to save our code from this glop.
  356. */
  357. #define ic_forcesema hic_fields.ic_forcesema
  358. #define ic_writesema hic_fields.ic_writesema
  359. #define ic_next hic_fields.ic_next
  360. #define ic_prev hic_fields.ic_prev
  361. #define ic_bp hic_fields.ic_bp
  362. #define ic_log hic_fields.ic_log
  363. #define ic_callback hic_fields.ic_callback
  364. #define ic_callback_tail hic_fields.ic_callback_tail
  365. #define ic_trace hic_fields.ic_trace
  366. #define ic_size hic_fields.ic_size
  367. #define ic_offset hic_fields.ic_offset
  368. #define ic_refcnt hic_fields.ic_refcnt
  369. #define ic_bwritecnt hic_fields.ic_bwritecnt
  370. #define ic_state hic_fields.ic_state
  371. #define ic_datap hic_fields.ic_datap
  372. #define ic_header hic_data->hic_header
  373. /*
  374. * The reservation head lsn is not made up of a cycle number and block number.
  375. * Instead, it uses a cycle number and byte number. Logs don't expect to
  376. * overflow 31 bits worth of byte offset, so using a byte number will mean
  377. * that round off problems won't occur when releasing partial reservations.
  378. */
  379. typedef struct log {
  380. /* The following block of fields are changed while holding icloglock */
  381. sema_t l_flushsema; /* iclog flushing semaphore */
  382. int l_flushcnt; /* # of procs waiting on this
  383. * sema */
  384. int l_ticket_cnt; /* free ticket count */
  385. int l_ticket_tcnt; /* total ticket count */
  386. int l_covered_state;/* state of "covering disk
  387. * log entries" */
  388. xlog_ticket_t *l_freelist; /* free list of tickets */
  389. xlog_ticket_t *l_unmount_free;/* kmem_free these addresses */
  390. xlog_ticket_t *l_tail; /* free list of tickets */
  391. xlog_in_core_t *l_iclog; /* head log queue */
  392. lock_t l_icloglock; /* grab to change iclog state */
  393. xfs_lsn_t l_tail_lsn; /* lsn of 1st LR with unflushed
  394. * buffers */
  395. xfs_lsn_t l_last_sync_lsn;/* lsn of last LR on disk */
  396. struct xfs_mount *l_mp; /* mount point */
  397. struct xfs_buf *l_xbuf; /* extra buffer for log
  398. * wrapping */
  399. struct xfs_buftarg *l_targ; /* buftarg of log */
  400. xfs_daddr_t l_logBBstart; /* start block of log */
  401. int l_logsize; /* size of log in bytes */
  402. int l_logBBsize; /* size of log in BB chunks */
  403. int l_curr_cycle; /* Cycle number of log writes */
  404. int l_prev_cycle; /* Cycle number before last
  405. * block increment */
  406. int l_curr_block; /* current logical log block */
  407. int l_prev_block; /* previous logical log block */
  408. int l_iclog_size; /* size of log in bytes */
  409. int l_iclog_size_log; /* log power size of log */
  410. int l_iclog_bufs; /* number of iclog buffers */
  411. /* The following field are used for debugging; need to hold icloglock */
  412. char *l_iclog_bak[XLOG_MAX_ICLOGS];
  413. /* The following block of fields are changed while holding grant_lock */
  414. lock_t l_grant_lock;
  415. xlog_ticket_t *l_reserve_headq;
  416. xlog_ticket_t *l_write_headq;
  417. int l_grant_reserve_cycle;
  418. int l_grant_reserve_bytes;
  419. int l_grant_write_cycle;
  420. int l_grant_write_bytes;
  421. /* The following fields don't need locking */
  422. #ifdef XFS_LOG_TRACE
  423. struct ktrace *l_trace;
  424. struct ktrace *l_grant_trace;
  425. #endif
  426. uint l_flags;
  427. uint l_quotaoffs_flag; /* XFS_DQ_*, for QUOTAOFFs */
  428. struct xfs_buf_cancel **l_buf_cancel_table;
  429. int l_iclog_hsize; /* size of iclog header */
  430. int l_iclog_heads; /* # of iclog header sectors */
  431. uint l_sectbb_log; /* log2 of sector size in BBs */
  432. uint l_sectbb_mask; /* sector size (in BBs)
  433. * alignment mask */
  434. } xlog_t;
  435. #define XLOG_FORCED_SHUTDOWN(log) ((log)->l_flags & XLOG_IO_ERROR)
  436. /* common routines */
  437. extern xfs_lsn_t xlog_assign_tail_lsn(struct xfs_mount *mp);
  438. extern int xlog_find_tail(xlog_t *log,
  439. xfs_daddr_t *head_blk,
  440. xfs_daddr_t *tail_blk);
  441. extern int xlog_recover(xlog_t *log);
  442. extern int xlog_recover_finish(xlog_t *log, int mfsi_flags);
  443. extern void xlog_pack_data(xlog_t *log, xlog_in_core_t *iclog, int);
  444. extern void xlog_recover_process_iunlinks(xlog_t *log);
  445. extern struct xfs_buf *xlog_get_bp(xlog_t *, int);
  446. extern void xlog_put_bp(struct xfs_buf *);
  447. extern int xlog_bread(xlog_t *, xfs_daddr_t, int, struct xfs_buf *);
  448. /* iclog tracing */
  449. #define XLOG_TRACE_GRAB_FLUSH 1
  450. #define XLOG_TRACE_REL_FLUSH 2
  451. #define XLOG_TRACE_SLEEP_FLUSH 3
  452. #define XLOG_TRACE_WAKE_FLUSH 4
  453. /*
  454. * Unmount record type is used as a pseudo transaction type for the ticket.
  455. * It's value must be outside the range of XFS_TRANS_* values.
  456. */
  457. #define XLOG_UNMOUNT_REC_TYPE (-1U)
  458. #endif /* __KERNEL__ */
  459. #endif /* __XFS_LOG_PRIV_H__ */