bcm43xx.txt 916 B

  1. BCM43xx Linux Driver Project
  2. ============================
  3. About this software
  4. -------------------
  5. The goal of this project is to develop a linux driver for Broadcom
  6. BCM43xx chips, based on the specification at
  7. http://bcm-specs.sipsolutions.net/
  8. The project page is http://bcm43xx.berlios.de/
  9. Requirements
  10. ------------
  11. 1) Linux Kernel 2.6.16 or later
  12. http://www.kernel.org/
  13. You may want to configure your kernel with:
  14. CONFIG_DEBUG_FS (optional):
  15. -> Kernel hacking
  16. -> Debug Filesystem
  17. 2) SoftMAC IEEE 802.11 Networking Stack extension and patched ieee80211
  18. modules:
  19. http://softmac.sipsolutions.net/
  20. 3) Firmware Files
  21. Please try fwcutter. Fwcutter can extract the firmware from various
  22. binary driver files. It supports driver files from Windows, MacOS and
  23. Linux. You can get fwcutter from http://bcm43xx.berlios.de/.
  24. Also, fwcutter comes with a README file for further instructions.