var cardInfo = { id: -1, active: false, cardCreated: false, responseTopic: '/systemcard', bgColor: -1, nightlight: [ 0x4eb96f, 0xc44569, 0xf5cd79, 0x546de5 ], params: { }, versions: { fw: '0', sw: '0' } } var notification = { active: false, duration: 0, startTime: 0 } var messageQueue = []; var setupComplete = false; // definitions for the program var elementId = { systemImage: 0, versionInfoFw: 1, versionInfoSw: 2, }; var cardImg = { background: "blank_bg", buttons: "blank_buttons", }; // card functions function createCard () { if (cardInfo.cardCreated) { return; } var cardObj = generateNewCardObj(cardInfo.bgColor, cardInfo.responseTopic); cardObj.elements.push(generateImageElement( elementId.systemImage, generateImgPath(imgRootPath, 'system'), 0, 0) ); cardObj.elements.push(generateTextElement( elementId.versionInfoFw, 'Build: ' + cardInfo.versions.fw, 15, 0, 245, 'left') ); cardObj.elements.push(generateTextElement( elementId.versionInfoSw, 'Software: ' + cardInfo.versions.sw, 15, 0, 260, 'left') ); // init the card initCard(JSON.stringify(cardObj)); cardInfo.cardCreated = true; } // notification functions function setNotification(msg, duration) { publish('/notification', JSON.stringify({ cmd: 'set', text: msg })); = true; notification.duration = duration; notification.startTime =; } // temporary solution to clear a notification after a set amount of time function checkNotification() { // only check if notification is active if ( && notification.duration > 0) { if (( - notification.startTime) >= (notification.duration * 1000)) { print('notification expired'); publish('/notification', JSON.stringify({ cmd: 'clear' })); = false; } } } // input handlers function handleButtonInput(e) { print('Handling button input'); print(JSON.stringify(e)); if (!cardInfo.cardCreated) { // look for simultaneous three button press if ( === 14 && e.multitouch === true && e.action === 'press') { // create the card print('Creating System card!'); createCard() } } else if ( { // check for button long press if (e.duration >= 3000) { print('Detected 3sec button ' +; switch ( { case 0: // reset wifi setNotification('Resetting all WiFi settings', 5); var result = popen('wifisetup reset'); break; case 1: // enter setup mode setNotification('Now in Setup Mode!', 5); system('touch /tmp/setupMode'); break; case 2: // trigger software update setNotification('Software Update in progress', 0); system('sh /etc/cron.week/'); break; case 3: // enter bluetooth pairing mode setNotification('Bluetooth Pairing started', 5); publish('/audio', JSON.stringify({ cmd: 'btPair' })) break; default: // nothing break; } } } } function handleGestureInput(e) { print('Handling gesture input'); print(JSON.stringify(e)); if (cardInfo.cardCreated) { if (e.direction === 'left' || e.direction === 'right') { print('deleting card!'); // delete the card deleteCard(; // reset the card ID = -1; cardInfo.cardCreated = false; = false; } } } // base functions function setup() { // grab version info cardInfo.versions.fw = popen('uci get onion.@onion[0].build'); cardInfo.versions.fw = cardInfo.versions.fw.slice(0,-1); cardInfo.versions.sw = popen('opkg list-installed | grep oboo-clock-base | awk \'{printf $3;}\''); print('version data: ' + JSON.stringify(cardInfo.versions)); // connect to mqtt broker connect('localhost', 1883, null, function () { print('Running connect callback'); subscribe('/cardResponse'); subscribe('/button'); subscribe('/gesture'); setupComplete = true; print('setup complete'); }, null, '/card', JSON.stringify({ cmd: 'remove_card', cardName: cardInfo.responseTopic }) ); } function loop() { if (!setupComplete) { print('skipping loop'); return 0; } // handle notifications checkNotification(); // handle received messages if (messageQueue.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < messageQueue.length; i++) { if (messageQueue[i].source === 'button') { handleButtonInput(messageQueue[i].payload); } else if (messageQueue[i].source === 'gesture') { handleGestureInput(messageQueue[i].payload); } } messageQueue = []; } } function onInput(e) { if (typeof e.source !== 'undefined' && typeof e.payload !== 'undefined' ) { print('input! input source: ' + e.source); messageQueue.push(e); } } function onMessage(e) { if (typeof e.topic !== 'undefined' && typeof e.payload !== 'undefined' ) { print('message! topic: ' + e.topic + ', value: ' + e.payload); switch (e.topic) { case '/cardResponse': cardInfo = handleCardResponseMessage(cardInfo, e.payload); break; default: break; } } }