var messageQueue = []; var bConfigUpdate = false; var dateCheck = new Date(); var secCurrent = dateCheck.getSeconds(); // helper functions /** Omega -> MCU**/ // perform the sending to mcu function sendMcuCmd (cmd, payload) { print ('sendMcuCmd, cmd.length = ' + cmd.length + ' payload.length = ' + payload.length); if (cmd.length === 1 && payload.length >= 1) { var data = '~' + cmd + payload + ';'; print('Sending command to mcu: ' + data); serialWrite(String(data)); } } // --- functions to send commands to the mcu --- // function setMcuTime (payload) { var serialCmd = 'T'; sendMcuCmd(serialCmd, String(payload)); } function setMcuHourMode (payload) { var serialCmd = 'H'; var serialPayload = parseInt(payload); if (serialPayload === 12 || serialPayload === 24 ) { sendMcuCmd(serialCmd, String(serialPayload)); } } function setMcuNightLight (payload) { var serialCmd = 'L'; sendMcuCmd(serialCmd, String(parseInt(payload))); } function setMcuButton (id, payload) { var serialCmd = 'b'; if (typeof id !== 'undefined') { var serialPayload = String(id) + String(parseInt(payload)); sendMcuCmd(serialCmd, String(serialPayload)); } } function setMcuButtons (value) { var serialCmd = 'l'; var serialPayload = String(value[0]) + ':' + String(value[1]) + ':' + String(value[2]) + ':' + String(value[3]); sendMcuCmd(serialCmd, String(serialPayload)); } function setMcuTimeDisplayBrightness (payload) { var serialCmd = 'B'; sendMcuCmd(serialCmd, String(parseInt(payload))); } function setMcuDayNightLed (payload) { var serialCmd = 'D'; var serialPayload = ((payload === true || payload === 'true') ? 1 : 0); sendMcuCmd(serialCmd, String(serialPayload)); } function setMcuInit () { var serialCmd = 'B'; var serialPayload = '1'; sendMcuCmd(serialCmd, String(serialPayload)); } // parse mqtt messages function handleSetProperty (e) { if (typeof e.cmd !== 'undefined' && typeof e.value !== 'undefined') { // var serialCmd = ''; // var serialPayload = ''; switch (e.cmd) { case 'rtc': case 'time': setMcuTime (e.value); break; case 'hour mode': case 'hourMode': // serialPayload = parseInt(e.value); // if (serialPayload === 12 || serialPayload === 24 ) { // serialCmd = 'H'; // } setMcuHourMode(e.value); break; case 'nightlight': // serialPayload = parseInt(e.value); // serialCmd = 'L'; setMcuNightLight(e.value) break; case 'button': if (typeof !== 'undefined') { // serialCmd = 'b'; // serialPayload = String( + String(parseInt(e.value)); setMcuButton(, e.value) } break; case 'buttons': if (Array.isArray(e.value) && e.value.length === 4) { print('value IS TOTALLY an array of length 4') // debug // serialCmd = 'l'; // serialPayload = String(e.value[0]) + ':' + String(e.value[1]) + ':' + String(e.value[2]) + ':' + String(e.value[3]); setMcuButtons(e.value); } // debug else { print('value is NOT an array of length 4') } break; case 'brightnessTime': case 'timeDisplay': // serialCmd = 'B'; // serialPayload = parseInt(e.value); setMcuTimeDisplayBrightness(e.value); break; case 'day-night-indicator': case 'dayNightLed': // serialCmd = 'D'; // serialPayload = ((e.value === true || e.value === 'true') ? 1 : 0); setMcuDayNightLed(e.value); break; case 'init': // serialCmd = 'I'; // serialPayload = '1'; setMcuInit(); break; default: break; } // if (serialPayload === '') { // serialPayload = e.value; // } // // sendMcuCmd(serialCmd, String(serialPayload)); // TODO: publish ack to set } } /** MCU -> Omega **/ // decode received button messages function decodeButtons(inputStr) { var buttons = []; var payload = parseInt(inputStr.slice(0,2), 16); var duration = parseInt(inputStr.slice(2)); print('button payload is ' + payload + ', pressed for ' + duration + ' milliseconds'); // check which buttons have been pressed if (payload & 0x01) { buttons.push(0); } if (payload & 0x02) { buttons.push(1); } if (payload & 0x04) { buttons.push(2); } if (payload & 0x08) { buttons.push(3); } if (buttons.length > 0) { var obj = { id: buttons[0], action: 'press', duration: duration, multitouch: false } // adjustments for multi-touch case if (buttons.length > 1) { obj['id'] = payload; obj['multitouch'] = true; } print ('button: ' + JSON.stringify(obj)); publish('/button', JSON.stringify(obj)); } } // decode received gesture messages function decodeGesture(inputStr) { var direction = '' // publish to gesture topic switch (inputStr) { case 'L': direction = 'left'; break; case 'R': direction = 'right'; break; case 'U': direction = 'up'; break; case 'D': direction = 'down'; break; case 'X': default: direction = 'none'; break; } publish('/gesture', JSON.stringify({ direction: direction })) // implement card switching // TODO: this functionality should be moved to the card manager switch (inputStr) { // more natural input: // gesture left makes card animate leftward case 'L': direction = 'right'; break; case 'R': direction = 'left'; break; default: direction = ''; break; } if (direction !== '') { var msg = { cmd: 'select_card', action: direction }; print ('gesture: ' + direction) publish('/card', JSON.stringify(msg)); } } // calculate battery percentage var batterySteps = [ 3.65, 3.7, 3.78, 3.9, 4.15 ]; function calculateBatteryPercentage(a) { var detectedVoltage = a * 3.3 / 1024.0; var batteryVoltage = detectedVoltage * 1.49; for (var i = batterySteps.length; i >= 0; i--) { if (batteryVoltage >= batterySteps[i]) { return i; } } // default is empty return 0; } // decode battery voltage( function decodeBattery (input) { var payload = { cmd: 'update', elements: [{ type: 'battery', value: calculateBatteryPercentage(input) }] }; publish('/status', JSON.stringify(payload)); } function wifiStatus (input) { var payload = { cmd: 'update', elements: [{ type: 'wifi', value: input }] }; publish('/status', JSON.stringify(payload)); } // decode time from MCU function decodeTime (inputTime) { if (inputTime.match(/^\d+$/) !== null) { print('received date: ' + inputTime); updateSystemTime(inputTime); } } // parse property received from MCU function handleReceivedProperty(cmd, payload) { switch (cmd) { case 'V': // battery voltage (0-1023) decodeBattery(payload); break; case 'A': // ambient light (0-?) // TODO: implement this when supported by hw break; case 't': // touch button decodeButtons(payload); break; case 'G': // gesture decodeGesture(payload); break; case 'i': // time from RTC decodeTime(payload); break; default: print ('Unrecognized command'); break; } } // parse string of received messages from MCU function handleReceivedProperties (msg) { var props = msg.split(/\r?\n/); props.forEach(function(element) { if (element) { var components = element.match(/^~(.)(.+);/); if (components != null && components.length === 3) { print ('cmd: ' + components[1] + ', value: ' + components[2]); handleReceivedProperty(components[1], components[2]); } } }); } // config functions to read and implement config changes function readConfig() { readFile('/etc/config.json', '', function (err, data) { if (!err) { var config; try { state = JSON.parse(data); } catch(e) { print(e); // error in the above string! return null; } // apply the settings from the config file if (state.config.hourMode) setMcuHourMode(state.config.hourMode); if (typeof(state.config.dayNightLed) == typeof(true)) setMcuDayNightLed(state.config.dayNightLed); if (state.config.brightnessTime) setMcuTimeDisplayBrightness(state.config.brightnessTime); } print('configuration: hourMode = ' + state.config.hourMode + '; dayNightLed = ' + state.config.dayNightLed + '; brightnessTime = ' + state.config.brightnessTime); }); } function readWifiHelper(){ var status; readFile('/tmp/wifi-active', '', function (err, data) { if (!err) { try { status = data; } catch(e) { print(e); // error in the above string! return null; } } print('status ' + status); }); if(status.includes("1")){ wifiStatus(1); } else { wifiStatus(0); } } // base functions function setup() { connect('localhost', 1883, null, function () { print('subscribing to topic'); subscribe('/set'); subscribe('/config/update'); print('opening serial port'); openSerialPort("/dev/ttyS1"); sendMcuCmd ("I", "0"); }); sleep(2); } function loop() { // handle any config updates if (bConfigUpdate) { readConfig() bConfigUpdate = false; } // handle any incoming mqtt messages if (messageQueue.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < messageQueue.length; i++) { handleSetProperty(messageQueue[i]); } messageQueue = []; } // look for new messages from mcu -- this is a blocking call var msg = serialRead(); if (msg !== null && msg.length > 0) { print("received serial message of length " + msg.length + " value is " + msg); handleReceivedProperties(msg); } dateLocal = new Date(); if((dateLocal.getSeconds() % 15) == 0 && secCurrent != dateLocal.getSeconds()){ print("update wifi status"); secCurrent = dateLocal.getSeconds(); readWifiHelper(); // check if connected // send status message } } function onMessage(e) { if (typeof e.topic !== 'undefined' && typeof e.payload !== 'undefined' ) { print('message! topic: ' + e.topic + ', value: ' + JSON.stringify(e.payload)); if (e.topic === '/set') { messageQueue.push(e.payload); } else if (e.topic === '/config/update') { bConfigUpdate = true; } } }