# Oboo-Packages OpenWRT Packages Feed for Oboo Smart Clock. This repository holds the source code and OpenWRT makefiles for all custom Oboo Smart Clock software packages. ## Where are the Packages Published? The compiled packages can be found here: http://repo.getoboo.com/oboo-clock/packages/ ## How Can I Test my Changes? The packages from this repo are build by the [Oboo-Source build system](https://github.com/ObooSmartClock/Oboo-Source). Follow the instructions from that repo to create an initial build. Then: 1. Make your code changes in `Oboo-Source/feeds/oboo/` and recompile the affected packages 2. Take the new ipk file from `bin/packages/mipsel_24kc/oboo/` and install on your Oboo Smart Clock 3. Test out your new changes ## How Can I Contribute? If you have a code change that you would like to share with everyone, please create a Pull Request and provide the following: * **Use a clear and descriptive title** for the PR to identify the code change. * **Provide a step-by-step description of the enhancement** in as many details as possible. * **Describe the current behavior** and **explain which behavior you expect to see instead with your change** and why. * **Increment** the `PKG_VERSION` or `PKG_RELEASE` for the affected package for changed to be properly propagated to other users * For example, my PR has changes to for `clock-mcu/src`, then I would also need to [increment `PKG_RELEASE` in `clock-mcu/Makefile`](https://github.com/ObooSmartClock/Oboo-Packages/blob/master/clock-mcu/Makefile#L11) * Pull Requests must be **atomic**, that is, focus on a single improvement ## How is Code Released? Once the PR is accepted in this repo, create a PR with a dummy change in the [Oboo-Source](https://github.com/ObooSmartClock/Oboo-Source) repo to trigger the CD system. It will build the packages and release them to: http://repo.getoboo.com/oboo-clock/packages/latest/