# Oboo Smart Clock MCU Firmware Firmware for the ATmega micro controller on the Oboo Smart Clock. Interacts with the following: * RTC * 7-Segment Display (via MAX7219) * Gesture & Brightness Sensor * Touch Input * WS2818 Addressable LEDs * Battery Level Monitoring ## Build Instructions To release: ``` make clean make cp build-uno/firmware.hex bin/atmega328p/ ``` Also need to update `version` file to hold latest version number. Device uses this to check for firmware updates. ## TODO List * Switch to using generic MCU-to-Omega serial communication function (sendCommand in `protocol.h`) * ~~Implement Touch detection~~ * ~~Interrupt servicing routine, reading touch values, communication protocol~~ * Battery Level Monitoring * ~~Implement code~~ * Test with new hardware * Debug and improve Up/Down gesture detection algorithm * _Optimize binary size for smaller mcu_