httpserver.lua 6.9 KB

  1. -- httpserver
  2. -- Author: Marcos Kirsch
  3. -- Starts web server in the specified port.
  4. return function (port)
  5. local s = net.createServer(net.TCP, 10) -- 10 seconds client timeout
  6. s:listen(
  7. port,
  8. function (connection)
  9. -- This variable holds the thread (actually a Lua coroutine) used for sending data back to the user.
  10. -- We do it in a separate thread because we need to send in little chunks and wait for the onSent event
  11. -- before we can send more, or we risk overflowing the mcu's buffer.
  12. local connectionThread
  13. local allowStatic = {GET=true, HEAD=true, POST=false, PUT=false, DELETE=false, TRACE=false, OPTIONS=false, CONNECT=false, PATCH=false}
  14. local function startServing(fileServeFunction, connection, req, args)
  15. connectionThread = coroutine.create(function(fileServeFunction, bufferedConnection, req, args)
  16. fileServeFunction(bufferedConnection, req, args)
  17. -- The bufferedConnection may still hold some data that hasn't been sent. Flush it before closing.
  18. if not bufferedConnection:flush() then
  19. connection:close()
  20. connectionThread = nil
  21. end
  22. end)
  23. local BufferedConnectionClass = dofile("")
  24. local bufferedConnection = BufferedConnectionClass:new(connection)
  25. local status, err = coroutine.resume(connectionThread, fileServeFunction, bufferedConnection, req, args)
  26. if not status then
  27. print("Error: ", err)
  28. end
  29. end
  30. local function handleRequest(connection, req)
  31. collectgarbage()
  32. local method = req.method
  33. local uri = req.uri
  34. local fileServeFunction = nil
  35. if #(uri.file) > 32 then
  36. -- nodemcu-firmware cannot handle long filenames.
  37. uri.args = {code = 400, errorString = "Bad Request"}
  38. fileServeFunction = dofile("")
  39. else
  40. local fileExists =, "r")
  41. file.close()
  42. if not fileExists then
  43. -- gzip check
  44. fileExists = .. ".gz", "r")
  45. file.close()
  46. if fileExists then
  47. --print("gzip variant exists, serving that one")
  48. uri.file = uri.file .. ".gz"
  49. uri.isGzipped = true
  50. end
  51. end
  52. if not fileExists then
  53. uri.args = {code = 404, errorString = "Not Found"}
  54. fileServeFunction = dofile("")
  55. elseif uri.isScript then
  56. fileServeFunction = dofile(uri.file)
  57. else
  58. if allowStatic[method] then
  59. uri.args = {file = uri.file, ext = uri.ext, isGzipped = uri.isGzipped}
  60. fileServeFunction = dofile("")
  61. else
  62. uri.args = {code = 405, errorString = "Method not supported"}
  63. fileServeFunction = dofile("")
  64. end
  65. end
  66. end
  67. startServing(fileServeFunction, connection, req, uri.args)
  68. end
  69. local function onReceive(connection, payload)
  70. collectgarbage()
  71. local conf = dofile("config.lua")
  72. local auth
  73. local user = "Anonymous"
  74. -- as suggest by anyn99 (
  75. -- Some browsers send the POST data in multiple chunks.
  76. -- Collect data packets until the size of HTTP body meets the Content-Length stated in header
  77. if payload:find("Content%-Length:") or bBodyMissing then
  78. if fullPayload then fullPayload = fullPayload .. payload else fullPayload = payload end
  79. if (tonumber(string.match(fullPayload, "%d+", fullPayload:find("Content%-Length:")+16)) > #fullPayload:sub(fullPayload:find("\r\n\r\n", 1, true)+4, #fullPayload)) then
  80. bBodyMissing = true
  81. return
  82. else
  83. --print("HTTP packet assembled! size: "..#fullPayload)
  84. payload = fullPayload
  85. fullPayload, bBodyMissing = nil
  86. end
  87. end
  88. collectgarbage()
  89. -- parse payload and decide what to serve.
  90. local req = dofile("")(payload)
  91. --print(req.method .. ": " .. req.request)
  92. if conf.auth.enabled then
  93. auth = dofile("")
  94. user = auth.authenticate(payload) -- authenticate returns nil on failed auth
  95. req.user = user -- store authenticated user to req table
  96. end
  97. if user and req.methodIsValid and (req.method == "GET" or req.method == "POST" or req.method == "PUT") then
  98. handleRequest(connection, req)
  99. else
  100. local args = {}
  101. local fileServeFunction = dofile("")
  102. if not user then
  103. args = {code = 401, errorString = "Not Authorized", headers = {auth.authErrorHeader()}}
  104. elseif req.methodIsValid then
  105. args = {code = 501, errorString = "Not Implemented"}
  106. else
  107. args = {code = 400, errorString = "Bad Request"}
  108. end
  109. startServing(fileServeFunction, connection, req, args)
  110. end
  111. end
  112. local function onSent(connection, payload)
  113. collectgarbage()
  114. if connectionThread then
  115. local connectionThreadStatus = coroutine.status(connectionThread)
  116. if connectionThreadStatus == "suspended" then
  117. -- Not finished sending file, resume.
  118. local status, err = coroutine.resume(connectionThread)
  119. if not status then
  120. print(err)
  121. end
  122. elseif connectionThreadStatus == "dead" then
  123. -- We're done sending file.
  124. connection:close()
  125. connectionThread = nil
  126. end
  127. end
  128. end
  129. local function onDisconnect(connection, payload)
  130. if connectionThread then
  131. connectionThread = nil
  132. collectgarbage()
  133. end
  134. end
  135. connection:on("receive", onReceive)
  136. connection:on("sent", onSent)
  137. connection:on("disconnection", onDisconnect)
  138. end
  139. )
  140. -- false and nil evaluate as false
  141. local ip = wifi.sta.getip()
  142. if not ip then ip = wifi.ap.getip() end
  143. if not ip then ip = "unknown IP" end
  144. print("nodemcu-httpserver running at http://" .. ip .. ":" .. port)
  145. return s
  146. end