#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Peter Magnusson import time import logging import hashlib import os import serial from .utils import default_port from .luacode import SAVE_LUA, LIST_FILES, UART_SETUP log = logging.getLogger(__name__) __all__ = ['Uploader', 'default_port'] class Uploader(object): """Uploader is the class for communicating with the nodemcu and that will allow various tasks like uploading files, formating the filesystem etc. """ BAUD = 9600 TIMEOUT = 5 PORT = default_port() def __init__(self, port=PORT, baud=BAUD): log.info('opening port %s', port) if port == 'loop://': self._port = serial.serial_for_url(port, baud, timeout=Uploader.TIMEOUT) else: self._port = serial.Serial(port, baud, timeout=Uploader.TIMEOUT) # Keeps things working, if following conections are made: ## RTS = CH_PD (i.e reset) ## DTR = GPIO0 self._port.setRTS(False) self._port.setDTR(False) def sync(): # Get in sync with LUA (this assumes that NodeMCU gets reset by the previous two lines) log.debug('getting in sync with LUA'); self.exchange(';') # Get a defined state self.writeln('print("%sync%");') self.expect('%sync%\r\n> ') sync() if baud != Uploader.BAUD: log.info('Changing communication to %s baud', baud) self.writeln(UART_SETUP.format(baud=baud)) # Wait for the string to be sent before switching baud time.sleep(0.1) self.set_baudrate(baud) # Get in sync again sync() self.line_number = 0 def set_baudrate(self, baud): try: self._port.setBaudrate(baud) except AttributeError: self._port.baudrate = baud def expect(self, exp='> ', timeout=TIMEOUT): """will wait for exp to be returned from nodemcu or timeout""" timer = self._port.timeout # Checking for new data every 100us is fast enough lt = 0.0001 if self._port.timeout != lt: self._port.timeout = lt end = time.time() + timeout # Finish as soon as either exp matches or we run out of time (work like dump, but faster on success) data = '' while not data.endswith(exp) and time.time() <= end: data += self._port.read() self._port.timeout = timer log.debug('expect return: %s', data) return data def write(self, output, binary=False): """write data on the nodemcu port. If 'binary' is True the debug log will show the intended output as hex, otherwise as string""" if not binary: log.debug('write: %s', output) else: log.debug('write binary: %s', ':'.join(x.encode('hex') for x in output)) self._port.write(output) self._port.flush() def writeln(self, output): """write, with linefeed""" self.write(output + '\n') def exchange(self, output): self.writeln(output) return self.expect() def close(self): """restores the nodemcu to default baudrate and then closes the port""" self.writeln(UART_SETUP.format(baud=Uploader.BAUD)) self._port.close() def prepare(self): """ This uploads the protocol functions nessecary to do binary chunked transfer """ log.info('Preparing esp for transfer.') data = SAVE_LUA.format(baud=self._port.baudrate) ##change any \r\n to just \n and split on that lines = data.replace('\r', '').split('\n') #remove some unneccesary spaces to conserve some bytes for line in lines: line = line.strip().replace(', ', ',').replace(' = ', '=') if len(line) == 0: continue d = self.exchange(line) #do some basic test of the result if 'unexpected' in d or len(d) > len(SAVE_LUA)+10: log.error('error in save_lua "%s"', d) return def download_file(self, filename): chunk_size = 256 bytes_read = 0 data = "" while True: d = self.exchange(DOWNLOAD_FILE.format(filename=filename, bytes_read=bytes_read, chunk_size=chunk_size)) cmd, size, tmp_data = d.split('\n', 2) data = data + tmp_data[0:chunk_size] bytes_read = bytes_read + chunk_size if bytes_read > int(size): break data = data[0:int(size)] return data def read_file(self, filename, destination=''): if not destination: destination = filename log.info('Transfering %s to %s', filename, destination) data = self.download_file(filename) with open(destination, 'w') as f: f.write(data) def write_file(self, path, destination='', verify='none'): filename = os.path.basename(path) if not destination: destination = filename log.info('Transfering %s as %s', path, destination) self.writeln("recv()") res = self.expect('C> ') if not res.endswith('C> '): log.error('Error waiting for esp "%s"', res) return log.debug('sending destination filename "%s"', destination) self.write(destination + '\x00', True) if not self.got_ack(): log.error('did not ack destination filename') return f = open(path, 'rb') content = f.read() f.close() log.debug('sending %d bytes in %s', len(content), filename) pos = 0 chunk_size = 128 while pos < len(content): rest = len(content) - pos if rest > chunk_size: rest = chunk_size data = content[pos:pos+rest] if not self.write_chunk(data): d = self.expect() log.error('Bad chunk response "%s" %s', d, ':'.join(x.encode('hex') for x in d)) return pos += chunk_size log.debug('sending zero block') #zero size block self.write_chunk('') if verify == 'standard': log.info('Verifying...') data = self.download_file(destination) if content != data: log.error('Verification failed.') elif verify == 'sha1': #Calculate SHA1 on remote file. Extract just hash from result data = self.exchange('shafile("'+destination+'")').splitlines()[1] log.info('Remote SHA1: %s', data) #Calculate hash of local data filehashhex = hashlib.sha1(content.encode()).hexdigest() log.info('Local SHA1: %s', filehashhex) if data != filehashhex: log.error('Verification failed.') def exec_file(self, path): filename = os.path.basename(path) log.info('Execute %s', filename) f = open(path, 'rt') res = '> ' for line in f: line = line.rstrip('\r\n') retlines = (res + self.exchange(line)).splitlines() # Log all but the last line res = retlines.pop() for lin in retlines: log.info(lin) # last line log.info(res) f.close() def got_ack(self): log.debug('waiting for ack') res = self._port.read(1) log.debug('ack read %s', res.encode('hex')) return res == '\x06' #ACK def write_lines(self, data): lines = data.replace('\r', '').split('\n') for line in lines: self.exchange(line) return def write_chunk(self, chunk): log.debug('writing %d bytes chunk', len(chunk)) data = '\x01' + chr(len(chunk)) + chunk if len(chunk) < 128: padding = 128 - len(chunk) log.debug('pad with %d characters', padding) data = data + (' ' * padding) log.debug("packet size %d", len(data)) self.write(data) return self.got_ack() def file_list(self): log.info('Listing files') res = self.exchange(LIST_FILES) log.info(res) return res def file_do(self, f): log.info('Executing '+f) res = self.exchange('dofile("'+f+'")') log.info(res) return res def file_format(self): log.info('Formating...') res = self.exchange('file.format()') if 'format done' not in res: log.error(res) else: log.info(res) return res def node_heap(self): log.info('Heap') res = self.exchange('print(node.heap())') log.info(res) return res def node_restart(self): log.info('Restart') res = self.exchange('node.restart()') log.info(res) return res def file_compile(self, path): log.info('Compile '+path) cmd = 'node.compile("%s")' % path res = self.exchange(cmd) log.info(res) return res def file_remove(self, path): log.info('Remove '+path) cmd = 'file.remove("%s")' % path res = self.exchange(cmd) log.info(res) return res