#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Peter Magnusson import argparse import logging import os import glob from .uploader import Uploader from .term import terminal from serial import VERSION as serialversion log = logging.getLogger(__name__) from .version import __version__ def destination_from_source(sources): """ Split each of the sources in the array on ':' First part will be source, second will be destination. Modifies the the original array to contain only sources and returns an array of destinations. """ destinations = [] newsources = [] for i in range(0, len(sources)): sd = sources[i].split(':') if len(sd) == 2: destinations.append(sd[1]) newsources[i] = sd[0] else: listing = glob.glob(sd[0]) for filename in listing: newsources.append(filename) #always use forward slash at destination destinations.append(filename.replace('\\', '/')) return [newsources, destinations] def operation_upload(uploader, sources, verify, do_compile, do_file, do_restart): """The upload operation""" sources, destinations = destination_from_source(sources) if len(destinations) == len(sources): if uploader.prepare(): for f, d in zip(sources, destinations): if do_compile: uploader.file_remove(os.path.splitext(d)[0]+'.lc') uploader.write_file(f, d, verify) if do_compile and d != 'init.lua': uploader.file_compile(d) uploader.file_remove(d) if do_file: uploader.file_do(os.path.splitext(d)[0]+'.lc') elif do_file: uploader.file_do(d) else: raise Exception('Error preparing nodemcu for reception') else: raise Exception('You must specify a destination filename for each file you want to upload.') if do_restart: uploader.node_restart() log.info('All done!') def operation_download(uploader, sources): """The download operation""" destinations = destination_from_source(sources) if len(destinations) == len(sources): for f, d in zip(sources, destinations): uploader.read_file(f, d) else: raise Exception('You must specify a destination filename for each file you want to download.') log.info('All done!') def operation_file(uploader, cmd, filename=''): """File operations""" if cmd == 'list': uploader.file_list() if cmd == 'do': for f in filename: uploader.file_do(f) elif cmd == 'format': uploader.file_format() elif cmd == 'remove': for f in filename: uploader.file_remove(f) elif cmd == 'print': for f in filename: uploader.file_print(f) def arg_auto_int(value): """parsing function for integer arguments""" return int(value, 0) def main_func(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='NodeMCU Lua file uploader', prog='nodemcu-uploader' ) parser.add_argument( '--verbose', help='verbose output', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument( '--version', help='prints the version and exists', action='version', version='%(prog)s {version} (serial {serialversion})'.format(version=__version__, serialversion=serialversion) ) parser.add_argument( '--port', '-p', help='Serial port device', default=Uploader.PORT) parser.add_argument( '--baud', '-b', help='Serial port baudrate', type=arg_auto_int, default=Uploader.BAUD) parser.add_argument( '--start_baud', '-B', help='Initial Serial port baudrate', type=arg_auto_int, default=Uploader.START_BAUD) parser.add_argument( '--timeout', '-t', help='Timeout for operations', type=arg_auto_int, default=Uploader.TIMEOUT) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers( dest='operation', help='Run nodemcu-uploader {command} -h for additional help') upload_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'upload', help='Path to one or more files to be uploaded. Destination name will be the same as the file name.') upload_parser.add_argument( 'filename', nargs='+', help='Lua file to upload. Use colon to give alternate destination.' ) upload_parser.add_argument( '--compile', '-c', help='If file should be uploaded as compiled', action='store_true', default=False ) upload_parser.add_argument( '--verify', '-v', help='To verify the uploaded data.', action='store', nargs='?', choices=['none', 'raw', 'sha1'], default='none' ) upload_parser.add_argument( '--dofile', '-e', help='If file should be run after upload.', action='store_true', default=False ) upload_parser.add_argument( '--restart', '-r', help='If esp should be restarted', action='store_true', default=False ) exec_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'exec', help='Path to one or more files to be executed line by line.') exec_parser.add_argument('filename', nargs='+', help='Lua file to execute.') download_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'download', help='Path to one or more files to be downloaded. Destination name will be the same as the file name.') download_parser.add_argument('filename', nargs='+', help='Lua file to download. Use colon to give alternate destination.') file_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'file', help='File functions') file_parser.add_argument( 'cmd', choices=('list', 'do', 'format', 'remove', 'print'), help="list=list files, do=dofile given path, format=formate file area, remove=remove given path") file_parser.add_argument('filename', nargs='*', help='path for cmd') node_parse = subparsers.add_parser( 'node', help='Node functions') node_parse.add_argument('ncmd', choices=('heap', 'restart'), help="heap=print heap memory, restart=restart nodemcu") terminal_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'terminal', help='Run pySerials miniterm' ) args = parser.parse_args() default_level = logging.INFO if args.verbose: default_level = logging.DEBUG #formatter = logging.Formatter('%(message)s') logging.basicConfig(level=default_level, format='%(message)s') if args.operation == 'terminal': #uploader can not claim the port terminal(args.port) return # let uploader user the default (short) timeout for establishing connection uploader = Uploader(args.port, args.baud, start_baud=args.start_baud) # and reset the timeout (if we have the uploader&timeout) if args.timeout: uploader.TIMEOUT = args.timeout if args.operation == 'upload': operation_upload(uploader, args.filename, args.verify, args.compile, args.dofile, args.restart) elif args.operation == 'download': operation_download(uploader, args.filename) elif args.operation == 'exec': sources = args.filename for f in sources: uploader.exec_file(f) elif args.operation == 'file': operation_file(uploader, args.cmd, args.filename) elif args.operation == 'node': if args.ncmd == 'heap': uploader.node_heap() elif args.ncmd == 'restart': uploader.node_restart() #no uploader related commands after this point uploader.close()