readme.txt 2.2 KB

  1. ***********************BOOT MODE***********************
  2. download:
  3. Flash size 8Mbit: 512KB+512KB
  4. boot_v1.2+.bin 0x00000
  5. 0x01000
  6. esp_init_data_default.bin 0xfc000 (optional)
  7. blank.bin 0x7e000 & 0xfe000
  8. Flash size 16Mbit: 512KB+512KB
  9. boot_v1.2+.bin 0x00000
  10. 0x01000
  11. esp_init_data_default.bin 0x1fc000 (optional)
  12. blank.bin 0x7e000 & 0x1fe000
  13. Flash size 16Mbit-C1: 1024KB+1024KB
  14. boot_v1.2+.bin 0x00000
  15. 0x01000
  16. esp_init_data_default.bin 0x1fc000 (optional)
  17. blank.bin 0xfe000 & 0x1fe000
  18. Flash size 32Mbit: 512KB+512KB
  19. boot_v1.2+.bin 0x00000
  20. 0x01000
  21. esp_init_data_default.bin 0x3fc000 (optional)
  22. blank.bin 0x7e000 & 0x3fe000
  23. Flash size 32Mbit-C1: 1024KB+1024KB
  24. boot_v1.2+.bin 0x00000
  25. 0x01000
  26. esp_init_data_default.bin 0x3fc000 (optional)
  27. blank.bin 0xfe000 & 0x3fe000
  28. ***********************NON-BOOT MODE***********************
  29. download
  30. eagle.flash.bin 0x00000
  31. eagle.irom0text.bin 0x40000
  32. blank.bin
  33. Flash size 4Mbit: 0x3e000 & 0x7e000
  34. Flash size 8Mbit: 0x7e000 & 0xfe000
  35. Flash size 16Mbit: 0x7e000 & 0x1fe000
  36. Flash size 16Mbit-C1: 0xfe000 & 0x1fe000
  37. Flash size 32Mbit: 0x7e000 & 0x3fe000
  38. Flash size 32Mbit-C1: 0xfe000 & 0x3fe000
  39. esp_init_data_default.bin (optional)
  40. Flash size 4Mbit: 0x7c000
  41.  Flash size 8Mbit: 0xfc000
  42. Flash size 16Mbit: 0x1fc000
  43. Flash size 16Mbit-C1: 0x1fc000
  44. Flash size 32Mbit: 0x3fc000
  45. Flash size 32Mbit-C1: 0x3fc000
  46. *NOTICE*:
  47. UPDATE is not supported in non-boot mode
  48. ***********************************************************
  49. Update steps
  50. 1.Make sure TE(terminal equipment) is in sta or sta+ap mode
  51. ex. AT+CWMODE=3
  52. OK
  53. AT+RST
  54. 2.Make sure TE got ip address
  55. ex. AT+CWJAP="ssid","12345678"
  56. OK
  57. AT+CIFSR
  59. 3.Let's update
  60. ex. AT+CIUPDATE
  61. +CIPUPDATE:1 found server
  62. +CIPUPDATE:2 connect server
  63. +CIPUPDATE:3 got edition
  64. +CIPUPDATE:4 start start
  65. OK
  66. note. If there are mistakes in the updating, then break update and print ERROR.