# WS2801 Module | Since | Origin / Contributor | Maintainer | Source | | :----- | :-------------------- | :---------- | :------ | | 2015-07-12 | [Espressif example](https://github.com/CHERTS/esp8266-devkit/blob/master/Espressif/examples/ESP8266/EspLightNode/user/ws2801.c), [Konrad Beckmann](https://github.com/kbeckmann) | [Konrad Beckmann](https://github.com/kbeckmann) | [ws2801.c](../../app/modules/ws2801.c)| !!! caution This module has an _optional_ dependency to the [pixbuf module](pixbuf.md) i.e. it can work without. However, if you compile the firmware without pixbuf the respective features will be missing from this module. ## ws2801.init() Initializes the module and sets the pin configuration. #### Syntax `ws2801.init(pin_clk, pin_data)` #### Parameters - `pin_clk` pin for the clock. Supported are GPIO 0, 2, 4, 5. - `pin_data` pin for the data. Supported are GPIO 0, 2, 4, 5. #### Returns `nil` ## ws2801.write() Sends data of RGB Data in 24 bits to WS2801. Don't forget to call `ws2801.init()` before. #### Syntax `ws2801.write(data)` ####Parameters - `data` payload to be sent to one or more WS2801. Payload type could be: - `string` representing bytes to send It should be composed from an RGB triplet per element. - `R1` the first pixel's red channel value (0-255) - `G1` the first pixel's green channel value (0-255) - `B1` the first pixel's blue channel value (0-255)
... You can connect a lot of WS2801... - `R2`, `G2`, `B2` are the next WS2801's Red, Green, and Blue channel values - a [pixbuf](pixbuf) object containing the bytes to send. The pixbuf's type is not checked! #### Returns `nil` #### Example ```lua ws2801.write(string.char(255,0,0, 0,255,0, 0,0,255)) ```