local N = ... N = (N or require "NTest")("file") local function cleanup() file.remove("testfile") file.remove("testfile2") local testfiles = {"testfile1&", "testFILE2"} for _, n in ipairs(testfiles) do file.remove(n,n) end end N.test('exist', function() cleanup() nok(file.exists("non existing file"), "non existing file") file.putcontents("testfile", "testcontents") ok(file.exists("testfile"), "existing file") end) N.test('fscfg', function() cleanup() local start, size = file.fscfg() ok(start, "start") ok(size, "size") end) N.test('fsinfo', function() cleanup() local remaining, used, total = file.fsinfo() ok(remaining, "remaining") ok(used, "used") ok(total, "total") ok(eq(remaining+used, total), "size maths") end) N.test('getcontents', function() cleanup() local testcontent = "some content \0 and more" file.putcontents("testfile", testcontent) local content = file.getcontents("testfile") ok(eq(testcontent, content),"contents") end) N.test('getcontents non existent file', function() cleanup() nok(file.getcontents("non existing file"), "non existent file") end) N.test('getcontents more than 1K', function() cleanup() local f = file.open("testfile", "w") for i = 1,100 do -- luacheck: ignore f:write("some text to test") end f:close() local content = file.getcontents("testfile") ok(eq(#content, 1700), "long contents") end) N.test('read more than 1K', function() cleanup() local f = file.open("testfile", "w") for i = 1,100 do -- luacheck: ignore f:write("some text to test") end f:close() f = file.open("testfile","r") local buffer = f:read() ok(eq(#buffer, 1024), "first block") buffer = f:read() f:close() ok(eq(#buffer, 1700-1024), "second block") end) local function makefile(name, num128) local s128 = "16 bytes written" s128 = s128..s128..s128..s128 s128 = s128..s128 local f = file.open(name, "w") for i = 1, num128 do -- luacheck: ignore f:write(s128) end f:close() end N.test('read 7*128 bytes', function() cleanup() makefile("testfile", 7) local f = file.open("testfile","r") local buffer = f:read() f:close() nok(eq(buffer, nil), "nil first block") ok(eq(#buffer, 128*7), "length first block") end) N.test('read 8*128 bytes long file', function() cleanup() makefile("testfile", 8) local f = file.open("testfile","r") local buffer = f:read() nok(eq(buffer, nil), "nil first block") ok(eq(#buffer, 128*8), "size first block") buffer = f:read() f:close() ok(eq(buffer, nil), "nil second block") end) N.test('read 9*128 bytes', function() cleanup() makefile("testfile", 9) local f = file.open("testfile","r") local buffer = f:read() nok(eq(buffer, nil), "nil first block") ok(eq(#buffer, 1024), "size first block") buffer = f:read() f:close() nok(eq(buffer, nil), "nil second block") ok(eq(#buffer, 128*9-1024), "size second block") end) N.test('list', function() cleanup() local function count(files) local filecount = 0 for _,_ in pairs(files) do filecount = filecount+1 end return filecount end local files local function testfile(name) ok(eq(files[name],#name), "length matches name length") end local testfiles = {"testfile1&", "testFILE2"} for _, n in ipairs(testfiles) do file.putcontents(n,n) end files = file.list("testfile%.*") ok(eq(count(files), 1), "found file") testfile("testfile1&") files = file.list("^%l*%u+%d%.-") ok(eq(count(files), 1), "found file regexp") testfile("testFILE2") files = file.list() ok(count(files) >= 2, "several files found") end) N.test('open non existing', function() cleanup() local function testopen(test, filename, mode) test(file.open(filename, mode), mode) file.close() file.remove(filename) end testopen(nok, "testfile", "r") testopen(ok, "testfile", "w") testopen(ok, "testfile", "a") testopen(nok, "testfile", "r+") testopen(ok, "testfile", "w+") testopen(ok, "testfile", "a+") end) N.test('open existing', function() cleanup() local function testopen(mode, position) file.putcontents("testfile", "testcontent") ok(file.open("testfile", mode), mode) file.write("") ok(eq(file.seek(), position), "seek check") file.close() end testopen("r", 0) testopen("w", 0) testopen("a", 11) testopen("r+", 0) testopen("w+", 0) testopen("a+", 11) end) N.test('remove', function() cleanup() file.putcontents("testfile", "testfile") ok(file.remove("testfile") == nil, "existing file") ok(file.remove("testfile") == nil, "non existing file") end) N.test('rename', function() cleanup() file.putcontents("testfile", "testfile") ok(file.rename("testfile", "testfile2"), "rename existing") nok(file.exists("testfile"), "old file removed") ok(file.exists("testfile2"), "new file exists") nok(file.rename("testfile", "testfile3"), "rename non existing") file.putcontents("testfile", "testfile") nok(file.rename("testfile", "testfile2"), "rename to existing") ok(file.exists("testfile"), "from file exists") ok(file.exists("testfile2"), "to file exists") end) N.test('stat existing file', function() cleanup() file.putcontents("testfile", "testfile") local stat = file.stat("testfile") ok(stat, "stat existing") ok(eq(stat.size, 8), "size") ok(eq(stat.name, "testfile"), "name") ok(stat.time, "no time") ok(eq(stat.time.year, 1970), "year") ok(eq(stat.time.mon, 01), "mon") ok(eq(stat.time.day, 01), "day") ok(eq(stat.time.hour, 0), "hour") ok(eq(stat.time.min, 0), "min") ok(eq(stat.time.sec, 0), "sec") nok(stat.is_dir, "is_dir") nok(stat.is_rdonly, "is_rdonly") nok(stat.is_hidden, "is_hidden") nok(stat.is_sys, "is_sys") nok(stat.is_arch, "is_arch") end) N.test('stat non existing file', function() cleanup() local stat = file.stat("not existing file") ok(stat == nil, "stat empty") end)