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devsaurus 8 years ago

+ 0 - 101

@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
--- BMP085 query module
--- Vladimir Dronnikov <>
--- Heavily based on work of Christee <>
--- Example:
--- dofile("bmp085.lua").read(sda, scl)
-local M
-  -- cache
-  local i2c, tmr = i2c, tmr
-  -- helpers
-  local r8 = function(reg)
-    i2c.start(0)
-    i2c.address(0, 0x77, i2c.TRANSMITTER)
-    i2c.write(0, reg)
-    i2c.stop(0)
-    i2c.start(0)
-    i2c.address(0, 0x77, i2c.RECEIVER)
-    local r =, 1)
-    i2c.stop(0)
-    return r:byte(1)
-  end
-  local w8 = function(reg, val)
-    i2c.start(0)
-    i2c.address(0, 0x77, i2c.TRANSMITTER)
-    i2c.write(0, reg)
-    i2c.write(0, val)
-    i2c.stop(0)
-  end
-  local r16u = function(reg)
-    return r8(reg) * 256 + r8(reg + 1)
-  end
-  local r16 = function(reg)
-    local r = r16u(reg)
-    if r > 32767 then r = r - 65536 end
-    return r
-  end
-  -- calibration data
-  local AC1, AC2, AC3, AC4, AC5, AC6, B1, B2, MB, MC, MD
-  -- read
-  local read = function(sda, scl, oss)
-    i2c.setup(0, sda, scl, i2c.SLOW)
-    -- cache calibration data
-    if not AC1 then
-      AC1 = r16(0xAA)
-      AC2 = r16(0xAC)
-      AC3 = r16(0xAE)
-      AC4 = r16u(0xB0)
-      AC5 = r16u(0xB2)
-      AC6 = r16u(0xB4)
-      B1  = r16(0xB6)
-      B2  = r16(0xB8)
-      MB  = r16(0xBA)
-      MC  = r16(0xBC)
-      MD  = r16(0xBE)
-    end
-    -- get raw P
-    if not oss then oss = 0 end
-    if oss <= 0 then oss = 0 end
-    if oss > 3 then oss = 3 end
-    w8(0xF4, 0x34 + 64 * oss)
-    tmr.delay((4 + 3 ^ oss) * 1000)
-    local p = r8(0xF6) * 65536 + r8(0xF7) * 256 + r8(0xF8)
-    p = p / 2 ^ (8 - oss)
-    -- get T
-    w8(0xF4, 0x2E)
-    tmr.delay(5000)
-    local t = r16(0xF6)
-    local X1 = (t - AC6) * AC5 / 32768
-    local X2 = MC * 2048 / (X1 + MD)
-    t = (X2 + X1 + 8) / 16
-    -- normalize P
-    local B5 = t * 16 - 8;
-    local B6 = B5 - 4000
-    local X1 = B2 * (B6 * B6 / 4096) / 2048
-    local X2 = AC2 * B6 / 2048
-    local X3 = X1 + X2
-    local B3 = ((AC1 * 4 + X3) * 2 ^ oss + 2) / 4
-    X1 = AC3 * B6 / 8192
-    X2 = (B1 * (B6 * B6 / 4096)) / 65536
-    X3 = (X1 + X2 + 2) / 4
-    local B4 = AC4 * (X3 + 32768) / 32768
-    local B7 = (p - B3) * (50000 / 2 ^ oss)
-    p = B7 / B4 * 2
-    X1 = (p / 256) ^ 2
-    X1 = (X1 * 3038) / 65536
-    X2 = (-7357 * p) / 65536
-    p = p + (X1 + X2 + 3791) / 16
-    -- Celsius * 10, Hg mm * 10
-    return t, p * 3 / 40
-  end
-  -- expose
-  M = {
-    read = read,
-  }
-return M

+ 0 - 84

@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
--- DHT11/22 query module
--- Vladimir Dronnikov <>
--- Example:
--- print("DHT11", dofile("dht22.lua").read(4))
--- print("DHT22", dofile("dht22.lua").read(4, true))
--- NB: the very first read sometimes fails
-local M
-  -- cache
-  local gpio = gpio
-  local val =
-  local waitus = tmr.delay
-  --
-  local read = function(pin, dht22)
-    -- wait for pin value
-    local w = function(v)
-      local c = 255
-      while c > 0 and val(pin) ~= v do c = c - 1 end
-      return c
-    end
-    -- NB: we preallocate incoming data buffer
-    --     or precise timing in reader gets broken
-    local b = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
-    -- kick the device
-    gpio.mode(pin, gpio.INPUT, gpio.PULLUP)
-    gpio.write(pin, 1)
-    waitus(10)
-    gpio.mode(pin, gpio.OUTPUT)
-    gpio.write(pin, 0)
-    waitus(20000)
-    gpio.write(pin, 1)
-    gpio.mode(pin, gpio.INPUT, gpio.PULLUP)
-    -- wait for device presense
-    if w(0) == 0 or w(1) == 0 or w(0) == 0 then
-      return nil, 0
-    end
-    -- receive 5 octets of data, msb first
-    for i = 1, 5 do
-      local x = 0
-      for j = 1, 8 do
-        x = x + x
-        if w(1) == 0 then return nil, 1 end
-        -- 70us for 1, 27 us for 0
-        waitus(30)
-        if val(pin) == 1 then
-          x = x + 1
-          if w(0) == 0 then return nil, 2 end
-        end
-      end
-      b[i] = x
-    end
-    -- check crc. NB: calculating in receiver loop breaks timings
-    local crc = 0
-    for i = 1, 4 do
-      crc = (crc + b[i]) % 256
-    end
-    if crc ~= b[5] then return nil, 3 end
-    -- convert
-    local t, h
-    -- DHT22: values in tenths of unit, temperature can be negative
-    if dht22 then
-      h = b[1] * 256 + b[2]
-      t = b[3] * 256 + b[4]
-      if t > 0x8000 then t = -(t - 0x8000) end
-    -- DHT11: no negative temperatures, only integers
-    -- NB: return in 0.1 Celsius
-    else
-      h = 10 * b[1]
-      t = 10 * b[3]
-    end
-    return t, h
-  end
-  -- expose interface
-  M = {
-    read = read,
-  }
-return M

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Support for this Lua module has been discontinued.
+Equivalent functionality is available from the bmp085 module in the NodeMCU
+firmware code base. Refer to `docs/en/modules/` for API
+The original Lua code can be found in the [git repository](

+ 0 - 166

@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-# BMP085 module
-bmp085 = require("bmp085")
-## Release
-bmp085 = nil
-<a id="bmp085_init"></a>
-Setting the i2c pin of bmp085.<br />
-init(sda, scl)
-sda: 1~12, IO index.<br />
-scl: 1~12, IO index.<br />
-bmp085 = require("bmp085")
-gpio5 = 1
-gpio4 = 2
-sda = gpio5
-scl = gpio4
-bmp085.init(sda, scl)
--- Don't forget to release it after use
-bmp085 = nil
-####See also
-**-**   []()
-<a id="bmp085_getUP"></a>
-Get calibrated data of pressure from bmp085.<br />
-oss: Over sampling setting, which is 0,1,2,3. Default value is 0.<br />
-p: Integer, calibrated data of pressure from bmp085.
-bmp085 = require("bmp085")
-sda = 1
-scl = 2
-bmp085.init(sda, scl)
-p = bmp085.getUP(oss)
--- Don't forget to release it after use
-bmp085 = nil
-####See also
-**-**   []()
-<a id="bmp085_getUP_raw"></a>
-Get raw data of pressure from bmp085.<br />
-oss: Over sampling setting, which is 0,1,2,3. Default value is 0.<br />
-up_raw: Integer, raw data of pressure from bmp085.
-bmp085 = require("bmp085")
-sda = 1
-scl = 2
-bmp085.init(sda, scl)
-up = bmp085.getUP_raw(oss)
--- Don't forget to release it after use
-bmp085 = nil
-####See also
-**-**   []()
-<a id="bmp085_getUT"></a>
-Get temperature from bmp085.<br />
-num_10x: num_10x: bool value, if true, return number of 0.1 centi-degree. Default value is false, which return a string , eg: 16.7.<br />
-t: Integer or String, if num_10x is true, return number of 0.1 centi-degree, otherwise return a string.The temperature from bmp085.<br />
-bmp085 = require("bmp085")
-sda = 1
-scl = 2
-bmp085.init(sda, scl)
--- Get string of temperature.
-p = bmp085.getUT(false)
--- Get number of temperature.
-p = bmp085.getUT(true)
--- Don't forget to release it after use
-bmp085 = nil
-####See also
-**-**   []()
-<a id="bmp085_getAL"></a>
-Get estimated data of altitude from bmp085.<br />
-oss: over sampling setting, which is 0,1,2,3. Default value is 0.<br />
-e: Integer, estimated data of altitude. Altitudi can be calculated by pressure refer to sea level pressure, which is 101325. Pressure changes 100pa corresponds to 8.43m at sea level<br />
-bmp085 = require("bmp085")
-sda = 1
-scl = 2
-bmp085.init(sda, scl)
--- Get string of temperature.
-e = bmp085.getAL()
--- Don't forget to release it after use
-bmp085 = nil
-####See also
-**-**   []()

+ 0 - 158

@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
--- BMP085 I2C module for NODEMCU
--- Christee <>
-    local moduleName = ... 
-    local M = {}
-    _G[moduleName] = M
-    --default value for i2c communication
-    local id=0
-    --default oversampling setting
-    local oss = 0
-    --CO: calibration coefficients table.
-    local CO = {}
-    -- read reg for 1 byte
-    local function read_reg(dev_addr, reg_addr)
-      i2c.start(id)
-      i2c.address(id, dev_addr ,i2c.TRANSMITTER)
-      i2c.write(id,reg_addr)
-      i2c.stop(id)
-      i2c.start(id)
-      i2c.address(id, dev_addr,i2c.RECEIVER)
-      local,1)
-      i2c.stop(id)
-      return c
-    end   
-    --write reg for 1 byte
-    local function write_reg(dev_addr, reg_addr, reg_val)
-      i2c.start(id)
-      i2c.address(id, dev_addr, i2c.TRANSMITTER)
-      i2c.write(id, reg_addr)
-      i2c.write(id, reg_val)
-      i2c.stop(id)
-    end    
-    --get signed or unsigned 16
-    --parameters:
-    --reg_addr: start address of short
-    --signed: if true, return signed16
-    local function getShort(reg_addr, signed)
-      local tH = string.byte(read_reg(0x77, reg_addr))
-      local tL = string.byte(read_reg(0x77, (reg_addr + 1)))
-      local temp = tH*256 + tL
-      if (temp > 32767) and (signed == true) then 
-        temp = temp - 65536
-      end
-      return temp
-    end    
-    -- initialize i2c
-    --parameters:
-    --d: sda
-    --l: scl
-    function M.init(d, l)      
-      if (d ~= nil) and (l ~= nil) and (d >= 0) and (d <= 11) and (l >= 0) and ( l <= 11) and (d ~= l) then
-        sda = d
-        scl = l 
-      else 
-        print("iic config failed!") return nil
-      end
-        print("init done")
-        i2c.setup(id, sda, scl, i2c.SLOW) 
-        --get calibration coefficients.
-        CO.AC1 = getShort(0xAA, true)
-        CO.AC2 = getShort(0xAC, true)
-        CO.AC3 = getShort(0xAE, true)
-        CO.AC4 = getShort(0xB0)         
-        CO.AC5 = getShort(0xB2)
-        CO.AC6 = getShort(0xB4)
-        CO.B1  = getShort(0xB6, true)
-        CO.B2  = getShort(0xB8, true)
-        CO.MB  = getShort(0xBA, true)
-        CO.MC  = getShort(0xBC, true)
-        CO.MD  = getShort(0xBE, true)      
-    end
-    --get temperature from bmp085
-    --parameters:
-    --num_10x: bool value, if true, return number of 0.1 centi-degree
-    --                     default value is false, which return a string , eg: 16.7
-    function M.getUT(num_10x)
-      write_reg(0x77, 0xF4, 0x2E);
-      tmr.delay(10000);
-      local temp = getShort(0xF6)
-      local X1 = (temp - CO.AC6) * CO.AC5 / 32768
-      local X2 = CO.MC * 2048/(X1 + CO.MD)
-      local r = (X2 + X1 + 8)/16 
-      if(num_10x == true) then 
-        return r
-      else 
-        return ((r/10).."."..(r%10))
-      end
-    end
-    --get raw data of pressure from bmp085
-    --parameters:
-    --oss: over sampling setting, which is 0,1,2,3. Default value is 0 
-    function M.getUP_raw(oss)
-      local os = 0
-      if ((oss == 0) or (oss == 1) or (oss == 2) or (oss == 3)) and (oss ~= nil) then
-        os = oss
-      end
-      local ov = os * 64
-      write_reg(0x77, 0xF4, (0x34 + ov));
-      tmr.delay(30000); 
-      --delay 30ms, according to bmp085 document, wait time are:
-      -- 4.5ms 7.5ms 13.5ms 25.5ms respectively according to oss 0,1,2,3
-      local MSB = string.byte(read_reg(0x77, 0xF6))
-      local LSB = string.byte(read_reg(0x77, 0xF7))
-      local XLSB = string.byte(read_reg(0x77, 0xF8))
-      local up_raw = (MSB*65536 + LSB *256 + XLSB)/2^(8 - os)
-      return up_raw
-    end
-    --get calibrated data of pressure from bmp085
-    --parameters:
-    --oss: over sampling setting, which is 0,1,2,3. Default value is 0
-    function M.getUP(oss)
-      local os = 0
-      if ((oss == 0) or (oss == 1) or (oss == 2) or (oss == 3)) and (oss ~= nil) then
-        os = oss
-      end
-      local raw = M.getUP_raw(os)
-      local B5 = M.getUT(true) * 16 - 8;
-      local B6 = B5 - 4000
-      local X1 = CO.B2 * (B6 * B6 /4096)/2048
-      local X2 = CO.AC2 * B6 / 2048
-      local X3 = X1 + X2
-      local B3 = ((CO.AC1*4 + X3)*2^os + 2)/4
-      X1 = CO.AC3 * B6 /8192
-      X2 = (CO.B1 * (B6 * B6 / 4096))/65536
-      X3 = (X1 + X2 + 2)/4
-      local B4 = CO.AC4 * (X3 + 32768) / 32768
-      local B7 = (raw -B3) * (50000/2^os)
-      local p = B7/B4 * 2
-      X1 = (p/256)^2
-      X1 = (X1 *3038)/65536
-      X2 = (-7357 *p)/65536
-      p = p +(X1 + X2 + 3791)/16
-      return p
-    end
-    --get estimated data of altitude from bmp085
-    --parameters:
-    --oss: over sampling setting, which is 0,1,2,3. Default value is 0
-    function M.getAL(oss)
-      --Altitudi can be calculated by pressure refer to sea level pressure, which is 101325
-      --pressure changes 100pa corresponds to 8.43m at sea level
-      return (M.getUP(oss) - 101325)*843/10000
-    end
-    return M

+ 5 - 87

@@ -1,89 +1,7 @@
-# DHTxx module
+Support for this Lua module has been discontinued.
-This module is compatible with DHT11, DHT21 and DHT22.  
-And is able to auto-select wheather you are using DHT11 or DHT2x
+Equivalent functionality is available from the dht module in the NodeMCU
+firmware code base. Refer to `docs/en/modules/` for API
-No need to use a resistor to connect the pin data of DHT22 to ESP8266.
-##Integer Verison[When using DHT11, Float version is useless...]
-### Example  
-PIN = 4 --  data pin, GPIO2
-DHT= require("dht_lib")
-t = DHT.getTemperature()
-h = DHT.getHumidity()
-if h == nil then
-  print("Error reading from DHTxx")
-  -- temperature in degrees Celsius  and Farenheit
-  print("Temperature: "..((t-(t % 10)) / 10).."."..(t % 10).." deg C")
-  print("Temperature: "..(9 * t / 50 + 32).."."..(9 * t / 5 % 10).." deg F")
-  -- humidity
-  print("Humidity: "..((h - (h % 10)) / 10).."."..(h % 10).."%")
--- release module
-DHT = nil
-##Float Verison
-PIN = 4 --  data pin, GPIO2
-DHT= require("dht_lib")
-t = DHT.getTemperature()
-h = DHT.getHumidity()
-if h == nil then
-  print("Error reading from DHT11/22")
-  -- temperature in degrees Celsius  and Farenheit
-  -- floating point and integer version:
-  print("Temperature: "..(t/10).." deg C")
-  print("Temperature: "..(9 * t / 50 + 32).." deg F")
-  -- humidity
-  print("Humidity: "..(h/10).."%")
--- release module
-DHT = nil
-## Functions
-Read humidity and temperature from DHTxx(11,21,22...).
-* pin - ESP8266 pin connect to data pin
-### getHumidity
-Returns the humidity of the last reading.
-* last humidity reading in per thousand
-### getTemperature
-Returns the temperature of the last reading.
-* last temperature reading in(dht22) 0.1ºC (dht11)1ºC
+The original Lua code can be found in the [git repository](

+ 0 - 178

@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
--- ***************************************************************************
--- DHTxx(11,21,22) module for ESP8266 with nodeMCU
--- Written by Javier Yanez mod by Martin
--- but based on a script of Pigs Fly from forum
--- MIT license,
--- ***************************************************************************
---Support list:
---DHT11 Tested 
---DHT21 Not Test yet
---DHT22(AM2302) Tested
---AM2320 Not Test yet
---Output format-> Real temperature times 10(or DHT22 will miss it float part in Int Version)
---==========================Module Part======================
-local moduleName = ...
-local M = {}
-_G[moduleName] = M
---==========================Local the UMI and TEMP===========
-local humidity
-local temperature
---==========================Local the bitStream==============
-local bitStream = {}
----------------------------Read bitStream from DHTXX--------------------------
-local function read(pin)
-  local bitlength = 0
-  humidity = 0
-  temperature = 0
-  -- Use Markus Gritsch trick to speed up read/write on GPIO
-  local gpio_read =
-  for j = 1, 40, 1 do
-    bitStream[j] = 0
-  end
-  -- Step 1:  send out start signal to DHT22
-  gpio.mode(pin, gpio.OUTPUT)
-  gpio.write(pin, gpio.HIGH)
-  tmr.delay(100)
-  gpio.write(pin, gpio.LOW)
-  tmr.delay(20000)
-  gpio.write(pin, gpio.HIGH)
-  gpio.mode(pin, gpio.INPUT)
-  -- Step 2:  Receive bitStream from DHT11/22
-  -- bus will always let up eventually, don't bother with timeout
-  while (gpio_read(pin) == 0 ) do end
-  local c=0
-  while (gpio_read(pin) == 1 and c < 500) do c = c + 1 end
-  -- bus will always let up eventually, don't bother with timeout
-  while (gpio_read(pin) == 0 ) do end
-  c=0
-  while (gpio_read(pin) == 1 and c < 500) do c = c + 1 end
-  -- Step 3: DHT22 send data
-  for j = 1, 40, 1 do
-    while (gpio_read(pin) == 1 and bitlength < 10 ) do
-      bitlength = bitlength + 1
-    end
-    bitStream[j] = bitlength
-    bitlength = 0
-    -- bus will always let up eventually, don't bother with timeout
-    while (gpio_read(pin) == 0) do end
-  end
----------------------------Check out the data--------------------------
-----Auto Select the DHT11/DHT22 By check the byte[1] && byte[3] -------
----------------Which is empty when using DHT11-------------------------
-  read(pin)
-  local byte_0 = 0
-  local byte_1 = 0
-  local byte_2 = 0
-  local byte_3 = 0
-  local byte_4 = 0
-  for i = 1, 8, 1 do -- Byte[0]
-    if (bitStream[i] > 3) then
-      byte_0 = byte_0 + 2 ^ (8 - i)
-    end
-  end
-  for i = 1, 8, 1 do -- Byte[1]
-    if (bitStream[i+8] > 3) then
-      byte_1 = byte_1 + 2 ^ (8 - i)
-    end
-  end
-  for i = 1, 8, 1 do -- Byte[2]
-    if (bitStream[i+16] > 3) then
-      byte_2 = byte_2 + 2 ^ (8 - i)
-    end
-  end
-  for i = 1, 8, 1 do -- Byte[3]
-    if (bitStream[i+24] > 3) then
-      byte_2 = byte_2 + 2 ^ (8 - i)
-    end
-  end
-  for i = 1, 8, 1 do -- Byte[4]
-    if (bitStream[i+32] > 3) then
-      byte_4 = byte_4 + 2 ^ (8 - i)
-    end
-  end
-  if byte_1==0 and byte_3 == 0 then
-  ---------------------------Convert the bitStream into Number through DHT11's Way--------------------------
-  --As for DHT11 40Bit is consisit of 5Bytes
-  --First byte->Humidity Data's Int part
-  --Sencond byte->Humidity Data's Float Part(Which should be empty)
-  --Third byte->Temp Data;s Intpart
-  --Forth byte->Temp Data's Float Part(Which should be empty)
-  --Fifth byte->SUM Byte, Humi+Temp
-    if(byte_4 ~= byte_0+byte_2) then
-     humidity = nil
-     temperature = nil
-    else
-     humidity = byte_0 *10 -- In order to universe with the DHT22
-     temperature = byte_2 *10 
-    end
-  else ---------------------------Convert the bitStream into Number through DHT22's Way--------------------------
-  --As for DHT22 40Bit is consisit of 5Bytes
-  --First byte->Humidity Data's High Bit
-  --Sencond byte->Humidity Data's Low Bit(And if over 0x8000, use complement)
-  --Third byte->Temp Data's High Bit
-  --Forth byte->Temp Data's Low Bit
-  --Fifth byte->SUM Byte
-  humidity = byte_0 * 256 + byte_1
-  temperature = byte_2 * 256 + byte_3
-  checksum = byte_4
-  checksumTest = (, 0xFF) + bit.rshift(humidity, 8) +, 0xFF) + bit.rshift(temperature, 8))
-  checksumTest =, 0xFF)
-  if temperature > 0x8000 then
-    -- convert to negative format
-    temperature = -(temperature - 0x8000)
-  end
-  -- conditions compatible con float point and integer
-  if (checksumTest - checksum >= 1) or (checksum - checksumTest >= 1) then
-    humidity = nil
-  end
-  end
-   byte_0 = nil
-   byte_1 = nil
-   byte_2 = nil
-   byte_3 = nil
-   byte_4 = nil
---------------API for geting the data out------------------
-function M.getTemperature()
-  return temperature
-function M.getHumidity()
-  return humidity
--------------Return Index------------------------------------
-return M

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Support for this Lua module has been discontinued.
+Equivalent functionality is available from the dht module in the NodeMCU
+firmware code base. Refer to `docs/en/modules/` for API
+The original Lua code can be found in the [git repository](

+ 0 - 240

@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
--- ***************************************************************************
--- tsl2561.lua
--- Module for ESP8266 with nodeMCU
--- Ported from
--- Copyright (c) 2012 seeed technology inc.
--- Website    :
--- Author     : zhangkun
--- Create Time:
--- Change Log : 2015-07-21: Ported original code to Lua
---              by Marius Schmeding (
--- MIT License,
--- ***************************************************************************
-local TSL2561_Control = 0x80
-local TSL2561_Timing = 0x81
-local TSL2561_Interrupt = 0x86
-local TSL2561_Channel0L = 0x8C
-local TSL2561_Channel0H = 0x8D
-local TSL2561_Channel1L = 0x8E
-local TSL2561_Channel1H = 0x8F
-local TSL2561_Address = 0x29   -- device address
-local LUX_SCALE     = 14       -- scale by 2^14
-local RATIO_SCALE   = 9        -- scale ratio by 2^9
-local CH_SCALE      = 10       -- scale channel values by 2^10
-local CHSCALE_TINT0 = 0x7517   -- 322/11 * 2^CH_SCALE
-local CHSCALE_TINT1 = 0x0fe7   -- 322/81 * 2^CH_SCALE
--- Scale table
-local S = {}
-S.K1T = 0x0040   -- 0.125 * 2^RATIO_SCALE
-S.B1T = 0x01f2   -- 0.0304 * 2^LUX_SCALE
-S.M1T = 0x01be   -- 0.0272 * 2^LUX_SCALE
-S.K2T = 0x0080   -- 0.250 * 2^RATIO_SCA
-S.B2T = 0x0214   -- 0.0325 * 2^LUX_SCALE
-S.M2T = 0x02d1   -- 0.0440 * 2^LUX_SCALE
-S.K3T = 0x00c0   -- 0.375 * 2^RATIO_SCALE
-S.B3T = 0x023f   -- 0.0351 * 2^LUX_SCALE
-S.M3T = 0x037b   -- 0.0544 * 2^LUX_SCALE
-S.K4T = 0x0100   -- 0.50 * 2^RATIO_SCALE
-S.B4T = 0x0270   -- 0.0381 * 2^LUX_SCALE
-S.M4T = 0x03fe   -- 0.0624 * 2^LUX_SCALE
-S.K5T = 0x0138   -- 0.61 * 2^RATIO_SCALE
-S.B5T = 0x016f   -- 0.0224 * 2^LUX_SCALE
-S.M5T = 0x01fc   -- 0.0310 * 2^LUX_SCALE
-S.K6T = 0x019a   -- 0.80 * 2^RATIO_SCALE
-S.B6T = 0x00d2   -- 0.0128 * 2^LUX_SCALE
-S.M6T = 0x00fb   -- 0.0153 * 2^LUX_SCALE
-S.K7T = 0x029a   -- 1.3 * 2^RATIO_SCALE
-S.B7T = 0x0018   -- 0.00146 * 2^LUX_SCALE
-S.M7T = 0x0012   -- 0.00112 * 2^LUX_SCALE
-S.K8T = 0x029a   -- 1.3 * 2^RATIO_SCALE
-S.B8T = 0x0000   -- 0.000 * 2^LUX_SCALE
-S.M8T = 0x0000   -- 0.000 * 2^LUX_SCALE
-S.K1C = 0x0043   -- 0.130 * 2^RATIO_SCALE
-S.B1C = 0x0204   -- 0.0315 * 2^LUX_SCALE
-S.M1C = 0x01ad   -- 0.0262 * 2^LUX_SCALE
-S.K2C = 0x0085   -- 0.260 * 2^RATIO_SCALE
-S.B2C = 0x0228   -- 0.0337 * 2^LUX_SCALE
-S.M2C = 0x02c1   -- 0.0430 * 2^LUX_SCALE
-S.K3C = 0x00c8   -- 0.390 * 2^RATIO_SCALE
-S.B3C = 0x0253   -- 0.0363 * 2^LUX_SCALE
-S.M3C = 0x0363   -- 0.0529 * 2^LUX_SCALE
-S.K4C = 0x010a   -- 0.520 * 2^RATIO_SCALE
-S.B4C = 0x0282   -- 0.0392 * 2^LUX_SCALE
-S.M4C = 0x03df   -- 0.0605 * 2^LUX_SCALE
-S.K5C = 0x014d   -- 0.65 * 2^RATIO_SCALE
-S.B5C = 0x0177   -- 0.0229 * 2^LUX_SCALE
-S.M5C = 0x01dd   -- 0.0291 * 2^LUX_SCALE
-S.K6C = 0x019a   -- 0.80 * 2^RATIO_SCALE
-S.B6C = 0x0101   -- 0.0157 * 2^LUX_SCALE
-S.M6C = 0x0127   -- 0.0180 * 2^LUX_SCALE
-S.K7C = 0x029a   -- 1.3 * 2^RATIO_SCALE
-S.B7C = 0x0037   -- 0.00338 * 2^LUX_SCALE
-S.M7C = 0x002b   -- 0.00260 * 2^LUX_SCALE
-S.K8C = 0x029a   -- 1.3 * 2^RATIO_SCALE
-S.B8C = 0x0000   -- 0.000 * 2^LUX_SCALE
-S.M8C = 0x0000   -- 0.000 * 2^LUX_SCALE
-local moduleName = ... 
-local M = {}
-_G[moduleName] = M
--- i2c interface ID
-local id = 0
--- local vars
-local ch0,ch1,chScale,channel1,channel0,ratio1,b,m,temp,lux = 0
--- Wrapping I2C functions to retain original calls
-local Wire = {}
-function Wire.beginTransmission(ADDR)
-    i2c.start(id)
-    i2c.address(id, ADDR, i2c.TRANSMITTER)
-function Wire.write(commands)
-    i2c.write(id, commands)
-function Wire.endTransmission()
-    i2c.stop(id)
-function Wire.requestFrom(ADDR, length)
-    i2c.start(id)
-    i2c.address(id, ADDR,i2c.RECEIVER)
-    c =, length)
-    i2c.stop(id)
-    return string.byte(c)
-local function readRegister(deviceAddress, address)
-     Wire.beginTransmission(deviceAddress)
-     Wire.write(address)                -- register to read
-     Wire.endTransmission()
-     value = Wire.requestFrom(deviceAddress, 1) -- read a byte
-     return value
-local function writeRegister(deviceAddress, address, val)
-     Wire.beginTransmission(deviceAddress)  -- start transmission to device
-     Wire.write(address)                    -- send register address
-     Wire.write(val)                        -- send value to write
-     Wire.endTransmission()                 -- end transmission
-function M.getLux()
-    local CH0_LOW=readRegister(TSL2561_Address,TSL2561_Channel0L)
-    local CH0_HIGH=readRegister(TSL2561_Address,TSL2561_Channel0H)
-    --read two bytes from registers 0x0E and 0x0F
-    local CH1_LOW=readRegister(TSL2561_Address,TSL2561_Channel1L)
-    local CH1_HIGH=readRegister(TSL2561_Address,TSL2561_Channel1H)
-    ch0 = bit.bor(bit.lshift(CH0_HIGH,8),CH0_LOW)
-    ch1 = bit.bor(bit.lshift(CH1_HIGH,8),CH1_LOW)
-function M.init(sda, scl)
-   i2c.setup(id, sda, scl, i2c.SLOW)
-   writeRegister(TSL2561_Address,TSL2561_Control,0x03)  -- POWER UP
-   writeRegister(TSL2561_Address,TSL2561_Timing,0x00)  --No High Gain (1x), integration time of 13ms
-   writeRegister(TSL2561_Address,TSL2561_Interrupt,0x00)
-   writeRegister(TSL2561_Address,TSL2561_Control,0x00)  -- POWER Down
-function M.readVisibleLux()
-   writeRegister(TSL2561_Address,TSL2561_Control,0x03)  -- POWER UP
-   tmr.delay(14000)
-   M.getLux()
-   writeRegister(TSL2561_Address,TSL2561_Control,0x00)  -- POWER Down
-   if(ch0/ch1 < 2 and ch0 > 4900) then
-     return -1  -- ch0 out of range, but ch1 not. the lux is not valid in this situation.
-   end
-   return M.calculateLux(0, 0, 0)  -- T package, no gain, 13ms
-function M.calculateLux(iGain, tInt, iType)
-   if tInt == 0 then -- 13.7 msec
-      chScale = CHSCALE_TINT0
-   elseif tInt == 1 then -- 101 msec
-      chScale = CHSCALE_TINT1
-   else -- assume no scaling
-      chScale = bit.lshift(1,CH_SCALE)
-   end
-   if (not iGain) then chScale = bit.lshift(chScale,4) end -- scale 1X to 16X
-   -- scale the channel values
-   channel0 = bit.rshift((ch0 * chScale),CH_SCALE)
-   channel1 = bit.rshift((ch1 * chScale),CH_SCALE)
-   ratio1 = 0
-   if channel0 ~= 0 then ratio1 = bit.lshift(channel1,(RATIO_SCALE+1))/channel0 end
-   -- round the ratio value
-   ratio = bit.rshift((ratio1 + 1),1)
-   if iType == 0 then -- T package
-       if ratio >= 0 and ratio <= S.K1T then
-          b=S.B1T
-          m=S.M1T
-       elseif ratio <= S.K2T then
-          b=S.B2T 
-          m=S.M2T
-       elseif ratio <= S.K3T then
-          b=S.B3T 
-          m=S.M3T
-       elseif ratio <= S.K4T then
-          b=S.B4T
-          m=S.M4T
-       elseif ratio <= S.K5T then
-          b=S.B5T
-          m=S.M5T
-       elseif ratio <= S.K6T then
-          b=S.B6T
-          m=S.M6T
-       elseif ratio <= S.K7T then
-          b=S.B7T
-          m=S.M7T
-       elseif ratio > S.K8T then
-          b=S.B8T
-          m=S.M8T
-       end
-   elseif iType == 1 then -- CS package
-       if ratio >= 0 and ratio <= S.K1C then
-          b=S.B1C
-          m=S.M1C
-       elseif ratio <= S.K2C then
-          b=S.B2C
-          m=S.M2C
-       elseif ratio <= S.K3C then
-          b=S.B3C
-          m=S.M3C
-       elseif ratio <= S.K4C then
-          b=S.B4C
-          m=S.M4C
-       elseif ratio <= S.K5C then
-          b=S.B5C
-          m=S.M5C
-       elseif ratio <= S.K6C then
-          b=S.B6C
-          m=S.M6C
-       elseif ratio <= S.K7C then
-          b=S.B7C
-          m=S.M7C
-       end
-   end
-   temp=((channel0*b)-(channel1*m))
-   if temp<0 then temp=0 end
-   temp = temp + bit.lshift(1,(LUX_SCALE-1))
-   -- strip off fractional portion
-   lux = bit.rshift(temp,LUX_SCALE)
-   return lux
-return M

+ 0 - 72

@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-# tsl2561 Module
-tsl2561 = require("tsl2561")
-## Release
-tsl2561 = nil
-<a id="tsl2561_init"></a>
-Setting the I2C pin of tsl2561.<br />
-init(sda, scl)
-sda: 1~12, IO index.<br />
-scl: 1~12, IO index.<br />
-SDA_PIN = 6 -- sda pin, GPIO12
-SCL_PIN = 5 -- scl pin, GPIO14
-tsl2561 = require("tsl2561")
-tsl2561.init(SDA_PIN, SCL_PIN)
--- release module
-tsl2561 = nil
-####See also
-**-**   []()
-<a id="tsl2561_read"></a>
-Get the Lux reading of visible light<br />
-nil.<br />
-nil.<br />
-SDA_PIN = 6 -- sda pin, GPIO12
-SCL_PIN = 5 -- scl pin, GPIO14
-tsl2561 = require("tsl2561")
-tsl2561.init(SDA_PIN, SCL_PIN)
-lux = tsl2561.readVisibleLux()
--- release module
-tsl2561 = nil
-####See also
-**-**   []()

+ 0 - 25

@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
--- ***************************************************************************
--- TSL2561 Example Program for ESP8266 with nodeMCU
--- Written by Marius Schmeding
--- MIT license,
--- ***************************************************************************
-tmr.alarm(0, 5000, 1, function()
-    SDA_PIN = 6 -- sda pin
-    SCL_PIN = 5 -- scl pin
-    -- init module
-    tsl2561 = require("tsl2561")
-    tsl2561.init(SDA_PIN, SCL_PIN)
-    -- read value
-    l = tsl2561.readVisibleLux()
-    print("lux: "..l.." lx")
-    -- release module
-    tsl2561 = nil
-    package.loaded["tsl2561"]=nil