Преглед на файлове

Add note about init.lua (#1353)

Marcel Stör преди 8 години
променени са 5 файла, в които са добавени 46 реда и са изтрити 549 реда
  1. 0 4
  2. 46 5
  3. 0 521
  4. 0 18
  5. 0 1

Файловите разлики са ограничени, защото са твърде много
+ 0 - 4

+ 46 - 5

@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
 As with [flashing](flash.md) there are several ways to upload code from your computer to the device.
-Note that the NodeMCU serial interface uses 115200bps at boot time. To change the speed after booting, issue `uart.setup(0,9600,8,0,1,1)`. ESPlorer will do this automatically when changing the speed in the dropdown list. If the device panics and resets at any time, errors will be written to the serial interface at 115200 bps.
+Note that the NodeMCU serial interface uses 115'200bps at boot time. To change the speed after booting, issue `uart.setup(0,9600,8,0,1,1)`. ESPlorer will do this automatically when changing the speed in the dropdown list. If the device panics and resets at any time, errors will be written to the serial interface at 115'200 bps.
-# ESPlorer
+# Tools
+## ESPlorer
 > The essential multiplatforms tools for any ESP8266 developer from luatool author’s, including Lua for NodeMCU and MicroPython. Also, all AT commands are supported. Requires Java (Standard Edition - SE ver 7 and above) installed.
@@ -12,7 +14,7 @@ Source: [https://github.com/4refr0nt/ESPlorer](https://github.com/4refr0nt/ESPlo
 Supported platforms: OS X, Linux, Windows, anything that runs Java
-# nodemcu-uploader.py
+## nodemcu-uploader.py
 > A simple tool for uploading files to the filesystem of an ESP8266 running NodeMCU as well as some other useful commands.
@@ -20,7 +22,7 @@ Source: [https://github.com/kmpm/nodemcu-uploader](https://github.com/kmpm/nodem
 Supported platforms: OS X, Linux, Windows, anything that runs Python
-# NodeMCU Studio
+## NodeMCU Studio
@@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ Source: [https://github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-studio-csharp](https://github.com/no
 Supported platforms: Windows
-# luatool
+## luatool
 > Allow easy uploading of any Lua-based script into the ESP8266 flash memory with NodeMcu firmware
@@ -36,6 +38,45 @@ Source: [https://github.com/4refr0nt/luatool](https://github.com/4refr0nt/luatoo
 Supported platforms: OS X, Linux, Windows, anything that runs Python
+# init.lua
+You will see "lua: cannot open init.lua" printed to the serial console when the device boots after it's been freshly flashed. If NodeMCU finds a `init.lua` in the root of the file system it will execute it as part of the boot sequence (standard Lua feature). Hence, your application is initialized and triggered from `init.lua`. Usually you first set up the WiFi connection and only continue once that has been successful.
+Be very careful not to lock yourself out! If there's a bug in your `init.lua` you may be stuck in an infinite reboot loop. It is, therefore, advisable to build a small delay into your startup sequence that would allow you to interrupt the sequence by e.g. deleting or renaming `init.lua` (see also [FAQ](lua-developer-faq.md#how-do-i-avoid-a-panic-loop-in-initlua)). Your `init.lua` is most likely going to be different than the one below but it's a good starting point for customizations:
+-- load credentials, 'SSID' and 'PASSWORD' declared and initialize in there
+function startup()
+    if file.open("init.lua") == nil then
+        print("init.lua deleted or renamed")
+    else
+        print("Running")
+        file.close("init.lua")
+        -- the actual application is stored in 'application.lua'
+        -- dofile("application.lua")
+    end
+print("Connecting to WiFi access point...")
+wifi.sta.config(SSID, PASSWORD)
+tmr.alarm(1, 1000, 1, function()
+    if wifi.sta.getip() == nil then
+        print("Waiting for IP address...")
+    else
+        tmr.stop(1)
+        print("WiFi connection established, IP address: " .. wifi.sta.getip())
+        print("You have 3 seconds to abort")
+        print("Waiting...")
+        tmr.alarm(0, 3000, 0, startup)
+    end
+Inspired by [https://github.com/ckuehnel/NodeMCU-applications](https://github.com/ckuehnel/NodeMCU-applications)
 # Compiling Lua on your PC for Uploading
 If you install lua on your development PC or Laptop then you can use the standard Lua

+ 0 - 521

@@ -1,521 +0,0 @@
-pwm.setup(0,500,50) pwm.setup(1,500,50) pwm.setup(2,500,50)
-pwm.start(0) pwm.start(1) pwm.start(2)
-function led(r,g,b) pwm.setduty(0,g) pwm.setduty(1,b) pwm.setduty(2,r) end
-tmr.alarm( 1000,1,function() if a==0 then a=1 led(50,50,50) else a=0 led(0,0,0) end end)
-sv:on("receive", function(s,c) s:send("<h1> Hello, world.</h1>") print(c) end )
-sk=net.createConnection(net.TCP, 0) 
-sk:on("receive", function(sck, c) print(c) end )
-sk:send("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nAccept: */*\r\n\r\n")
-sk:send("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nAccept: */*\r\n\r\n")
-function read_bmp(addr) i2c.start(0) i2c.address(0,119,i2c.RECEIVER) c=i2c.read(0,1) i2c.stop(0) print(string.byte(c)) end 
-function read_bmp(addr) i2c.start(0) i2c.address(0,119,i2c.TRANSMITTER) i2c.write(0,addr) i2c.stop(0) i2c.start(0) i2c.address(0,119,i2c.RECEIVER) c=i2c.read(0,2) i2c.stop(0) return c end 
-s=net.createServer(net.TCP) s:listen(80,function(c) end)
-ss=net.createServer(net.TCP) ss:listen(80,function(c) end)
-s=net.createServer(net.TCP) s:listen(80,function(c) c:on("receive",function(s,c) print(c) end) end)
-s:on("receive",function(s,c) print(c) end)
-su:on("receive",function(su,c) print(c) end) 
-for k, v in pairs(mm) do print('file:'..k..' len:'..v) end
-for k,v in pairs(d) do print("n:"..k..", s:"..v) end
-gpio.mode(0,gpio.INT) gpio.trig(0,"down",function(l) print("level="..l) end)
-t0 = 0;
-function tr0(l)	print(tmr.now() - t0) t0 = tmr.now()
-	if l==1 then gpio.trig(0,"down") else gpio.trig(0,"up") end end
-su:on("receive",function(su,c) print(c) end) 
-su:send("hello world")
-s=net.createServer(net.TCP) s:listen(8008,function(c) c:on("receive",function(s,c) print(c) pcall(loadstring(c)) end) end)
-s=net.createServer(net.TCP) s:listen(8008,function(c) con_std = c function s_output(str) if(con_std~=nil) then con_std:send(str) end end 
-	node.output(s_output, 0) c:on("receive",function(c,l) node.input(l) end) c:on("disconnection",function(c) con_std = nil node.output(nil) end) end)
-	con_std = c 
-	function s_output(str) 
-		if(con_std~=nil) 
-			then con_std:send(str) 
-		end 
-	end 
-	node.output(s_output, 0) 
-	c:on("receive",function(c,l) node.input(l) end) 
-	c:on("disconnection",function(c) 
-		con_std = nil 
-		node.output(nil) 
-	end) 
-srv=net.createServer(net.TCP) srv:listen(80,function(conn) conn:on("receive",function(conn,payload) 
-print(node.heap()) door="open" if gpio.read(8)==1 then door="open" else door="closed" end 
-conn:send("<h1> Door Sensor. The door is " .. door ..".</h1>") conn:close() end) end)
-srv=net.createServer(net.TCP) srv:listen(80,function(conn) conn:on("receive",function(conn,payload) 
-print(node.heap()) print(adc.read(0)) door="open" if gpio.read(0)==1 then door="open" else door="closed" end 
-conn:send("<h1> Door Sensor. The door is " .. door ..".</h1>") end) conn:on("sent",function(conn) conn:close() end) end)
-srv=net.createServer(net.TCP) srv:listen(80,function(conn) 
-	conn:on("receive",function(conn,payload) 
-		print(node.heap()) 
-		door="open" 
-		if gpio.read(0)==1 then door="open" else door="closed" end 
-		conn:send("<h1> Door Sensor. The door is " .. door ..".</h1>") 
-		end) 
-	conn:on("sent",function(conn) conn:close() end) 
-port = 9999
-hostip = ""
-sk=net.createConnection(net.TCP, false) 
-sk:on("receive", function(conn, pl) print(pl) end )
-sk:connect(port, hostip)
-file.writeline([[print("Petes Tester 4")]])
-file.writeline([[tmr.alarm(5000, 0, function() dofile("thelot.lua") end )]]) 
-file.writeline([[connecttoap = function (ssid,pw)]])
-file.writeline([[print("Connected to ",ssid," as ",wifi.sta.getip())]])
-s=net.createServer(net.UDP) s:listen(5683) s:on("receive",function(s,c) print(c) s:send("echo:"..c) end)
-s:on("sent",function(s) print("echo donn") end)
-sk=net.createConnection(net.UDP, 0) sk:on("receive", function(sck, c) print(c) end ) sk:connect(8080,"") 
-sk:send("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nAccept: */*\r\n\r\n")
-srv=net.createServer(net.TCP, 5) srv:listen(80,function(conn) conn:on("receive",function(conn,payload) 
-print(node.heap()) print(adc.read(0)) door="open" if gpio.read(0)==1 then door="open" else door="closed" end 
-conn:send("<h1> Door Sensor. The door is " .. door ..".</h1>") end) end)
-	print(payload) print(node.heap())
-	conn:send("<h1> Hello, NodeMcu.</h1>") 
-	end) 
-conn:on("sent",function(conn) conn:close() end) 
-function startServer()
-print("WIFI AP connected. Wicon IP:")
-print("Wifi console connected.")
-function s_output(str)
-if(conn~=nil) then
-if (conn==nil) then
-print("conn is nil")
-mycounter=0 srv=net.createServer(net.TCP) srv:listen(80,function(conn) conn:on("receive",function(conn,payload) 
-if string.find(payload,"?myarg=") then mycounter=mycounter+1 
-m="<br/>Value= " .. string.sub(payload,string.find(payload,"?myarg=")+7,string.find(payload,"HTTP")-2) else m="" end 
-conn:send("<h1> Hello, this is Pete's web page.</h1>How are you today.<br/> Count=" .. mycounter .. m .. "Heap=".. node.heap()) 
-end) conn:on("sent",function(conn) conn:close() conn = nil end) end) 
-srv=net.createServer(net.TCP) srv:listen(80,function(conn) conn:on("receive",function(conn,payload) 
-        conn:send("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n") conn:send("Connection: close\r\n\r\n") conn:send("<h1> Hello, NodeMcu.</h1>")
-        print(node.heap()) conn:close() end) end)
-conn:dns("www.nodemcu.com",function(conn,ip) print(ip) print("hell") end)
-function connected(conn) conn:on("receive",function(conn,payload) 
-        conn:send("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n") conn:send("Connection: close\r\n\r\n") conn:send("<h1> Hello, NodeMcu.</h1>")
-        print(node.heap()) conn:close() end) end
-srv:on("connection",function(conn) conn:on("receive",function(conn,payload) 
-        conn:send("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n") conn:send("Connection: close\r\n\r\n") conn:send("<h1> Hello, NodeMcu.</h1>")
-        print(node.heap()) conn:close() end) end)
--- sieve.lua
--- the sieve of Eratosthenes programmed with coroutines
--- typical usage: lua -e N=500 sieve.lua | column
--- generate all the numbers from 2 to n
-function gen (n)  return coroutine.wrap(function ()  for i=2,n do coroutine.yield(i) end   end) end
--- filter the numbers generated by `g', removing multiples of `p'
-function filter (p, g) return coroutine.wrap(function () for n in g do if n%p ~= 0 then coroutine.yield(n) end end end) end
-N=N or 500		-- from command line
-x = gen(N)		-- generate primes up to N
-while 1 do
-  local n = x()		-- pick a number until done
-  if n == nil then break end
-  print(n)		-- must be a prime number
-  x = filter(n, x)	-- now remove its multiples
-file.writeline([[gpio2 = 9]])
-file.writeline([[gpio0 = 8]])
-file.writeline([[sv=net.createServer(net.TCP, 5) ]]) 
-file.writeline([[c:on("disconnection", function(c) print("Bye") end )]])
-file.writeline([[c:on("receive", function(sck, pl) ]])
--- file.writeline([[print(pl) ]])
-file.writeline([[if (pl=="GO1\n") then c:send(l1) ]])
-file.writeline([[elseif pl=="GO2\n" then c:send(l2) ]])
-file.writeline([[elseif pl=="GO3\n" then c:send(l3) ]])
-file.writeline([[elseif pl=="GO4\n" then c:send(l4) ]])
-file.writeline([[elseif pl=="YES1\n" then l1="1\n" c:send("OK\n") gpio.write(gpio2,gpio.HIGH) ]])
-file.writeline([[elseif pl=="NO1\n" then l1="0\n" c:send("OK\n") gpio.write(gpio2,gpio.LOW) ]])
-file.writeline([[elseif pl=="YES2\n" then l2="1\n" c:send("OK\n") gpio.write(gpio0,gpio.HIGH) ]])
-file.writeline([[elseif pl=="NO2\n" then l2="0\n" c:send("OK\n") gpio.write(gpio0,gpio.LOW) ]])
-file.writeline([[elseif pl=="YES3\n" then l3="1\n" c:send("OK\n") print(node.heap()) ]])
-file.writeline([[elseif pl=="NO3\n" then l3="0\n" c:send("OK\n") print(node.heap()) ]])
-file.writeline([[elseif pl=="YES4\n" then l4="1\n" c:send("OK\n") print(node.heap()) ]])
-file.writeline([[elseif pl=="NO4\n" then l4="0\n" c:send("OK\n") print(node.heap()) ]])
-file.writeline([[else c:send("0\n")	print(node.heap()) ]])	
-file.remove("myli.lua") file.open("myli.lua","w")
-file.writeline([[sv=net.createServer(net.TCP, 5) ]]) 
-file.writeline([[c:on("disconnection", function(c) print("Bye") end )]])
---file.writeline([[c:on("sent", function(c) c:close() end )]])
-file.writeline([[c:on("receive", function(sck, pl) ]])
-file.writeline([[sck:send("0\n")	print(node.heap()) ]])	
-file.writeline([[end)]]) file.writeline([[end)]]) file.close()
-sv=net.createServer(net.TCP, 50) sv:listen(4000,function(c) c:on("disconnection",function(c) print("Bye") end)
-	c:on("receive", function(sck, pl) sck:send("0\n")	print(node.heap()) end)	end)
-sv=net.createServer(net.TCP, 5) sv:listen(4000,function(c) c:on("disconnection",function(c) print("Bye") end)
-	c:on("receive", function(sck, pl) sck:send("0\n")	print(node.heap()) end)	c:on("sent", function(sck) sck:close() end) end)
-s:on("receive",function(s,c) print(c) end) 
-print("This is a long long long line to test the memory limit of nodemcu firmware\n")
-tmr.alarm(1,5000,1,function() print("alarm 1") end)
-tmr.alarm(0,1000,1,function() print("alarm 0") end)
-tmr.alarm(2,2000,1,function() print("alarm 2") end)
-tmr.alarm(6,2000,1,function() print("alarm 6") end)
-for k,v in pairs(_G.package.loaded) do print(k) end
-for k,v in pairs(_G) do print(k) end
-for k,v in pairs(d) do print("n:"..k..", s:"..v) end
-for k, v in string.gmatch(a, "(%w+)=(%w+)") do t[k]=v  end
-function switch() gpio.mode(4,gpio.OUTPUT) gpio.mode(5,gpio.OUTPUT) tmr.delay(1000000) print("hello world") end
-tmr.alarm(0,10000,0,function () uart.setup(0,9600,8,0,1) end) switch()
-sk=net.createConnection(net.TCP, 0) sk:on("receive", function(sck, c) print(c) end ) sk:connect(80,"www.nodemcu.com") sk:send("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.nodemcu.com\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nAccept: */*\r\n\r\n")
-sk=net.createConnection(net.TCP, 0) sk:on("receive", function(sck, c) print(c) end ) 
-sk:on("connection", function(sck) sck:send("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.nodemcu.com\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nAccept: */*\r\n\r\n") end ) sk:connect(80,"www.nodemcu.com") 
-sk=net.createConnection(net.TCP, 0) sk:on("receive", function(sck, c) print(c) end ) sk:connect(80,"") 
-sk:send("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nAccept: */*\r\n\r\n")
-sk=net.createConnection(net.TCP, 1) sk:on("receive", function(sck, c) print(c) end ) 
-sk:on("connection", function(sck) sck:send("GET / HTTPS/1.1\r\nHost: www.google.com.hk\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nAccept: */*\r\n\r\n") end ) sk:connect(443,"") 
-uart.on("data","\r",function(input) if input=="quit\r" then uart.on("data") else print(input) end end, 0)
-uart.on("data","\n",function(input) if input=="quit\n" then uart.on("data") else print(input) end end, 0)
-uart.on("data", 5 ,function(input) if input=="quit\r" then uart.on("data") else print(input) end end, 0)
-uart.on("data", 0 ,function(input) if input=="q" then uart.on("data") else print(input) end end, 0)
-uart.on("data","\r",function(input) if input=="quit" then uart.on("data") else print(input) end end, 1)
-for k, v in pairs(file.list()) do print('file:'..k..' len:'..v) end
-m:subscribe("/topic",0,function(m) print("sub done") end)
-m:on("message",function(m,t,pl) print(t..":") if pl~=nil then print(pl) end end )
-sv=net.createServer(net.TCP, 60)
-global_c = nil
-sv:listen(9999, function(c)
-	if global_c~=nil then
-		global_c:close()
-	end
-	global_c=c
-	c:on("receive",function(sck,pl)	uart.write(0,pl) end)
-uart.on("data",4, function(data)
-	if global_c~=nil then
-		global_c:send(data)
-	end
-end, 0)
-file.writeline([[print("hello nodemcu")]])
--- use copper addon for firefox
-cs:var("myvar") -- get coap:// will return the value of myvar: 1
--- function should tack one string, return one string.
-function myfun(payload)
-	print("myfun called")
-	respond = "hello"
-	return respond
-cs:func("myfun") -- post coap:// will call myfun
-cc = coap.Client()
-cc:get(coap.CON, "coap://")
-cc:post(coap.NON, "coap://", "Hello")
-file.open("test1.txt", "a+") for i = 1, 100*1000 do file.write("x") end file.close() print("Done.")
-for n,s in pairs(file.list()) do print(n.." size: "..s) end 
-for n,s in pairs(file.list()) do print(n.." size: "..s) end
-file.open("test2.txt", "a+") for i = 1, 1*1000 do file.write("x") end file.close() print("Done.")
-function TestDNSLeak()
-     c=net.createConnection(net.TCP, 0)
-     c:connect(80, "bad-name.tlddfdf")
-     tmr.alarm(1, 3000, 0, function() print("hack socket close, MEM: "..node.heap()) c:close() end) -- socket timeout hack
-     print("MEM: "..node.heap())
-print(string.gsub(v, "%%(%x%x)", function(x) return string.char(tonumber(x, 16)) end))
-function ex(x) string.find("abc%0Ddef","bc") return 's' end
-string.gsub("abc%0Ddef", "%%(%x%x)", ex)
-function ex(x) string.char(35) return 's' end
-string.gsub("abc%0Ddef", "%%(%x%x)", ex) print("hello")
-function ex(x) string.lower('Ab') return 's' end
-string.gsub("abc%0Ddef", "%%(%x%x)", ex) print("hello")
-pcall(function() print(string.gsub(v, "%%(%x%x)", function(x) return string.char(tonumber(x, 16)) end)) end)
-mosca -v | bunyan
-m:subscribe(topic,function(m) print("sub done") end)
-m:on("message",function(m,t,pl) print(t..":") if pl~=nil then print(pl) end end )
-m:publish("/topic3","hello",0,0) m:publish("/topic4","hello",0,0)
-m:subscribe("/topic1",0,function(m) print("sub done") end)
-m:subscribe("/topic2",0,function(m) print("sub done") end)
-m:on("message",function(m,t,pl) print(t..":") if pl~=nil then print(pl) end end )
-m:publish("/topic3","hello",0,0) m:publish("/topic4","hello",0,0)
-m:publish("/topic1","hello1",0,0) m:publish("/topic2","hello2",0,0)
-m:subscribe("/topic3",0,function(m) print("sub done") end)
-m:connect("",1883, function(con) print("connected hello") end)
-m:on("connect",function(m) print("connection") end )
-m:on("offline",function(m) print("disconnection") end )
-m:on("connect",function(m) print("connection "..node.heap()) end )
-m:on("offline", function(conn)
-	if conn == nil then print("conn is nil") end
-    print("Reconnect to broker...")
-    print(node.heap())
-    conn:connect("",1883,0,1)
-m:on("connect",function(m) print("connection "..node.heap()) end )
-m:on("offline", function(conn)
-	if conn == nil then print("conn is nil") end
-    print("Reconnect to broker...")
-    print(node.heap())
-    conn:connect("",1883)
-m:on("message",function(m,t,pl) print(t..":") if pl~=nil then print(pl) end end )
-m:subscribe("/topic1",0,function(m) print("sub done") end)
-m:publish("/topic1","hello3",2,0) m:publish("/topic1","hello2",2,0)
-m:publish("/topic1","hello3",0,0) m:publish("/topic1","hello2",2,0)
-m:subscribe("/topic2",2,function(m) print("sub done") end)
-m:publish("/topic2","hello3",0,0) m:publish("/topic2","hello2",2,0)
-	print("connection "..node.heap()) 
-	m:subscribe("/topic1",0,function(m) print("sub done") end)
-	m:publish("/topic1","hello3",0,0) m:publish("/topic1","hello2",2,0)
-	end )
-m:on("offline", function(conn)
-    print("disconnect to broker...")
-    print(node.heap())
--- serout( pin, firstLevel, delay_table, [repeatNum] )
-gpio.serout(1,1,{30,30,60,60,30,30})	-- serial one byte, b10110010
-gpio.serout(1,1,{30,70},8)	-- serial 30% pwm 10k, lasts 8 cycles
-gpio.serout(1,1,{3,7},8)  -- serial 30% pwm 100k, lasts 8 cycles
-gpio.serout(1,1,{0,0},8)	-- serial 50% pwm as fast as possible, lasts 8 cycles
-gpio.serout(1,0,{20,10,10,20,10,10,10,100})	-- sim uart one byte 0x5A at about 100kbps
-gpio.serout(1,1,{8,18},8)	-- serial 30% pwm 38k, lasts 8 cycles
--- Lua: mqtt.Client(clientid, keepalive, user, pass)
--- test with cloudmqtt.com
-function dispatch(m,t,pl)
-	if pl~=nil and m_dis[t] then
-		m_dis[t](pl)
-	end
-function topic1func(pl)
-	print("get1: "..pl)
-function topic2func(pl)
-	print("get2: "..pl)
-	print("connection "..node.heap()) 
-	m:subscribe("/topic1",0,function(m) print("sub done") end)
-	m:subscribe("/topic2",0,function(m) print("sub done") end)
-	m:publish("/topic1","hello",0,0) m:publish("/topic2","world",0,0)
-	end )
-m:on("offline", function(conn)
-    print("disconnect to broker...")
-    print(node.heap())
-m:on("message",dispatch )
--- Lua: mqtt:connect( host, port, secure, auto_reconnect, function(client) )
-tmr.alarm(0,10000,1,function() local pl = "time: "..tmr.time() 
-	m:publish("/topic1",pl,0,0)
-	end)

+ 0 - 18

@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
---init.lua, something like this
-countdown = 3
-    print(countdown)
-    countdown = countdown-1
-    if countdown<1 then
-        tmr.stop(0)
-        countdown = nil
-        local s,err
-        if file.open("user.lc") then
-            file.close()
-            s,err = pcall(function() dofile("user.lc") end)
-        else
-            s,err = pcall(function() dofile("user.lua") end)
-        end
-        if not s then print(err) end
-    end

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-print("hello NodeMCU")

Някои файлове не бяха показани, защото твърде много файлове са промени