
Add Lua module for Gossip protocol (#3013)

Alexandru Antochi 4 年 前

+ 34 - 0

+ 73 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+-- need a wifi connection
+-- enter your wifi credentials
+local credentials = {SSID = "SSID", PASS = "PASS"};
+-- push a message onto the network
+-- this can also be done by changing gossip.networkState[gossip.ip].data = {temperature = 78};
+local function sendAlarmingData()
+  Gossip.pushGossip({temperature = 78});
+  print('Pushed alarming data');
+local function removeAlarmingData()
+  Gossip.pushGossip(nil);
+  print('Removed alarming data from the network.');
+-- callback function for when gossip receives an update
+local function treatAlarmingData(updateData)
+  for k in pairs(updateData) do
+    if updateData[k].data then
+      if updateData[k].data.temperature and updateData[k].data.temperature > 30 then
+        print('Warning, the temp is above 30 degrees at ' .. k);
+      end
+    end
+  end
+local function Startup()
+  -- initialize all nodes with the seed except for the seed itself
+  -- eventually they will all know about each other
+  -- enter at least one ip that will be a start seed
+  local startingSeed = '';
+  -- luacheck: push allow defined
+  Gossip = require('gossip');
+  -- luacheck: pop
+  local config = {debug = true, seedList = {}};
+  if wifi.sta.getip() ~= startingSeed then
+    table.insert(config.seedList, startingSeed);
+  end
+  Gossip.setConfig(config);
+  -- add the update callback
+  Gossip.updateCallback = treatAlarmingData;
+  -- start gossiping
+  Gossip.start();
+  -- send some alarming data timer
+  if wifi.sta.getip() == startingSeed then
+    tmr.create():alarm(50000, tmr.ALARM_SINGLE, sendAlarmingData);
+    tmr.create():alarm(50000*3, tmr.ALARM_SINGLE, removeAlarmingData);
+  end
+local function startExample()
+  wifi.eventmon.register(wifi.eventmon.STA_DISCONNECTED,
+                         function() print('Diconnected') end);
+  print("Connecting to WiFi access point...");
+  if wifi.sta.getip() == nil then
+    wifi.setmode(wifi.STATION);
+    wifi.sta.config({ssid = credentials.SSID, pwd = credentials.PASS});
+  end
+  print('Ip: ' .. wifi.sta.getip() .. '. Starting in 5s ..');
+  tmr.create():alarm(5000, tmr.ALARM_SINGLE, Startup);

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# Gossip module
+Documentation for this Lua module is available in the [gossip.md](../../docs/lua-modules/gossip.md) file and in the [Official NodeMCU Documentation](https://nodemcu.readthedocs.io/) in `Lua Modules` section.

+ 274 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+-- Gossip protocol implementation
+-- https://github.com/alexandruantochi/
+local gossip = {};
+local constants = {};
+local utils = {};
+local network = {};
+local state = {};
+-- Utils
+utils.contains = function(list, element)
+  for k in pairs(list) do if list[k] == element then return true; end end
+  return false;
+utils.debug = function(message)
+  if gossip.config.debug then
+    if gossip.config.debugOutput then
+      gossip.config.debugOutput(message);
+    else
+      print(message);
+    end
+  end
+utils.getNetworkState = function() return sjson.encode(gossip.networkState); end
+utils.isNodeDataValid = function(nodeData)
+  return (nodeData and nodeData.revision and nodeData.heartbeat and
+             nodeData.state) ~= nil;
+utils.compare = function(first, second)
+  if first > second then return -1; end
+  if first < second then return 1; end
+  return 0;
+utils.compareNodeData = function(first, second)
+  local firstDataValid = utils.isNodeDataValid(first);
+  local secondDataValid = utils.isNodeDataValid(second);
+  if firstDataValid and secondDataValid then
+    for index in ipairs(constants.comparisonFields) do
+      local comparisonField = constants.comparisonFields[index];
+      local comparisonResult = utils.compare(first[comparisonField],
+                                             second[comparisonField]);
+      if comparisonResult ~= 0 then return comparisonResult; end
+    end
+  elseif firstDataValid then
+    return -1;
+  elseif secondDataValid then
+    return 1;
+  end
+  return 0;
+-- computes data1 - data2 based on node compare function
+utils.getMinus = function(data1, data2)
+  local diff = {};
+  for ip, nodeData1 in pairs(data1) do
+    if utils.compareNodeData(nodeData1, data2[ip]) == -1 then
+      diff[ip] = nodeData1;
+    end
+  end
+  return diff;
+utils.setConfig = function(userConfig)
+  for k, v in pairs(userConfig) do
+    if gossip.config[k] ~= nil and type(gossip.config[k]) == type(v) then
+      gossip.config[k] = v;
+    end
+  end
+-- State
+state.setRev = function()
+  local revision = 0;
+  if file.exists(constants.revFileName) then
+    revision = file.getcontents(constants.revFileName) + 1;
+  end
+  file.putcontents(constants.revFileName, revision);
+  utils.debug('Revision set to ' .. revision);
+  return revision;
+state.setRevFileValue = function(revNumber)
+  if revNumber then
+    file.putcontents(constants.revFileName, revNumber);
+    utils.debug('Revision overriden to ' .. revNumber);
+  else
+    utils.debug('Please provide a revision number.');
+  end
+state.start = function()
+  if gossip.started then
+    utils.debug('Gossip already started.');
+    return;
+  end
+  gossip.ip = wifi.sta.getip();
+  if not gossip.ip then
+    utils.debug('Node not connected to network. Gossip will not start.');
+    return;
+  end
+  gossip.networkState[gossip.ip] = {};
+  local localState = gossip.networkState[gossip.ip];
+  localState.revision = state.setRev();
+  localState.heartbeat = tmr.time();
+  localState.state = constants.nodeState.UP;
+  gossip.inboundSocket = net.createUDPSocket();
+  gossip.inboundSocket:listen(gossip.config.comPort);
+  gossip.inboundSocket:on('receive', network.receiveData);
+  gossip.started = true;
+  gossip.timer = tmr.create();
+  gossip.timer:register(gossip.config.roundInterval, tmr.ALARM_AUTO,
+                        network.sendSyn);
+  gossip.timer:start();
+  utils.debug('Gossip started.');
+state.tickNodeState = function(ip)
+  if gossip.networkState[ip] then
+    local nodeState = gossip.networkState[ip].state;
+    if nodeState < constants.nodeState.REMOVE then
+      nodeState = nodeState + constants.nodeState.TICK;
+      gossip.networkState[ip].state = nodeState;
+    end
+  end
+-- Network
+network.pushGossip = function(data, ip)
+  gossip.networkState[gossip.ip].data = data;
+  network.sendSyn(nil, ip);
+network.updateNetworkState = function(updateData)
+  if gossip.updateCallback then gossip.updateCallback(updateData); end
+  for ip, data in pairs(updateData) do
+    if not utils.contains(gossip.config.seedList, ip) then
+      table.insert(gossip.config.seedList, ip);
+    end
+    gossip.networkState[ip] = data;
+  end
+-- luacheck: push no unused
+network.sendSyn = function(t, ip)
+  local destination = ip or network.pickRandomNode();
+  gossip.networkState[gossip.ip].heartbeat = tmr.time();
+  if destination then
+    network.sendData(destination, gossip.networkState, constants.updateType.SYN);
+    state.tickNodeState(destination);
+  end
+-- luacheck: pop
+network.pickRandomNode = function()
+  if #gossip.config.seedList > 0 then
+    local randomListPick = node.random(1, #gossip.config.seedList);
+    utils.debug('Randomly picked: ' .. gossip.config.seedList[randomListPick]);
+    return gossip.config.seedList[randomListPick];
+  end
+  utils.debug(
+      'Seedlist is empty. Please provide one or wait for node to be contacted.');
+  return nil;
+network.sendData = function(ip, data, sendType)
+  local outboundSocket = net.createUDPSocket();
+  data.type = sendType;
+  local dataToSend = sjson.encode(data);
+  data.type = nil;
+  outboundSocket:send(gossip.config.comPort, ip, dataToSend);
+  outboundSocket:close();
+network.receiveSyn = function(ip, synData)
+  utils.debug('Received SYN from ' .. ip);
+  local update = utils.getMinus(synData, gossip.networkState);
+  local diff = utils.getMinus(gossip.networkState, synData);
+  network.updateNetworkState(update);
+  network.sendAck(ip, diff);
+network.receiveAck = function(ip, ackData)
+  utils.debug('Received ACK from ' .. ip);
+  local update = utils.getMinus(ackData, gossip.networkState);
+  network.updateNetworkState(update);
+network.sendAck = function(ip, diff)
+  local diffIps = '';
+  for k in pairs(diff) do diffIps = diffIps .. ' ' .. k; end
+  utils.debug('Sending ACK to ' .. ip .. ' with ' .. diffIps .. ' updates.');
+  network.sendData(ip, diff, constants.updateType.ACK);
+-- luacheck: push no unused
+network.receiveData = function(socket, data, port, ip)
+  if gossip.networkState[ip] then
+    gossip.networkState[ip].state = constants.nodeState.UP;
+  end
+  local messageDecoded, updateData = pcall(sjson.decode, data);
+  if not messageDecoded then
+    utils.debug('Invalid JSON received from ' .. ip);
+    return;
+  end
+  local updateType = updateData.type;
+  updateData.type = nil;
+  if updateType == constants.updateType.SYN then
+    network.receiveSyn(ip, updateData);
+  elseif updateType == constants.updateType.ACK then
+    network.receiveAck(ip, updateData);
+  else
+    utils.debug('Invalid data comming from ip ' .. ip ..
+                    '. No valid type specified.');
+  end
+-- luacheck: pop
+-- Constants
+constants.nodeState = {TICK = 1, UP = 0, SUSPECT = 2, DOWN = 3, REMOVE = 4};
+constants.defaultConfig = {
+  seedList = {},
+  roundInterval = 15000,
+  comPort = 5000,
+  debug = false
+constants.comparisonFields = {'revision', 'heartbeat', 'state'};
+constants.updateType = {ACK = 'ACK', SYN = 'SYN'}
+constants.revFileName = 'gossip/rev.dat';
+-- Return
+gossip = {
+  started = false,
+  config = constants.defaultConfig,
+  setConfig = utils.setConfig,
+  start = state.start,
+  setRevFileValue = state.setRevFileValue,
+  networkState = {},
+  getNetworkState = utils.getNetworkState,
+  pushGossip = network.pushGossip
+-- return
+if (... == 'test') then
+  return {
+    _gossip = gossip,
+    _constants = constants,
+    _utils = utils,
+    _network = network,
+    _state = state
+  };
+elseif net and file and tmr and wifi then
+  return gossip;
+  error('Gossip requires these modules to work: net, file, tmr, wifi');

+ 277 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+-- Gossip protocol implementation tests
+-- https://github.com/alexandruantochi/
+local gossipSubmodules = loadfile('gossip.lua')('test');
+local gossip = gossipSubmodules._gossip;
+local constants = gossipSubmodules._constants;
+local utils = gossipSubmodules._utils;
+local network = gossipSubmodules._network;
+local state = gossipSubmodules._state;
+-- test constants and mocks
+local function dummy() return nil; end
+-- luacheck: push allow defined
+tmr = {};
+tmr.time = function() return 200; end
+sjson = {};
+sjson.decode = function(data) return data; end
+file = {};
+file.exists = dummy
+file.putcontents = dummy
+-- luacheck: pop
+local Ip_1 = '';
+local Ip_2 = '';
+-- test runner
+local Test = {};
+local RunTests = function()
+  local failures = {};
+  print('\nRunning tests...\n');
+  for testName, test in pairs(Test) do
+    if type(test) == 'function' then
+      local result = testName .. ': ';
+      local passed, res = pcall(test);
+      if passed then
+        result = result .. ' Passed.';
+      else
+        result = result .. ' Failed ->';
+        result = '>>>' .. result .. res;
+        table.insert(failures, testName);
+      end
+      print(result);
+    end
+  end
+  if (#failures ~= 0) then
+    print('\n\n');
+    print('Failed tests (' .. #failures .. '): \n');
+    for k in pairs(failures) do print(failures[k]); end
+    print('\n');
+  end
+-- utils
+function Test.utils_contains()
+    local seedList = {};
+    assert(not utils.contains(seedList, Ip_1));
+    table.insert(seedList, Ip_1);
+    assert(utils.contains(seedList, Ip_1));
+    table.insert(seedList, Ip_2);
+    assert(utils.contains(seedList, Ip_1) and utils.contains(seedList, Ip_2));
+function Test.utils_setConfig()
+  local config = {
+    seedList = {Ip_1},
+    roundInterval = 1500,
+    comPort = 8000,
+    junk = 'junk'
+  };
+  gossip.config = constants.defaultConfig;
+  utils.setConfig(config);
+  assert(#gossip.config.seedList == 1, 'Config failed when adding seedList');
+  assert(gossip.config.seedList[1] == Ip_1,
+         'Config failed to add ip to seedList');
+  assert(gossip.config.roundInterval == 1500,
+         'Config failed to add round interval.');
+  assert(gossip.config.comPort == 8000, 'Config failed to add comPort.');
+  assert(gossip.config.debug == false, 'Debug should be false.');
+  assert(gossip.config.junk == nil, 'Junk data inserted in config.');
+  gossip.config = constants.defaultConfig;
+function Test.utils_compare()
+  assert(utils.compare(1, 2) == 1);
+  assert(utils.compare(2, 1) == -1);
+  assert(utils.compare(0, 0) == 0);
+function Test.utils_compareNodeData_on_revision()
+  local networkData_1 = {
+    revision = 1,
+    heartbeat = 500,
+    state = constants.nodeState.UP
+  };
+  local networkData_2 = {
+    revision = 2,
+    heartbeat = 500,
+    state = constants.nodeState.UP
+  };
+  assert(utils.compareNodeData(networkData_1, networkData_2) == 1);
+  assert(utils.compareNodeData(networkData_2, networkData_1) == -1);
+  networkData_1.revision = networkData_2.revision;
+  assert(utils.compareNodeData(networkData_1, networkData_2) == 0);
+function Test.utils_compareNodeData_on_heartbeat()
+  local networkData_1 = {
+    revision = 1,
+    heartbeat = 500,
+    state = constants.nodeState.UP
+  };
+  local networkData_2 = {
+    revision = 1,
+    heartbeat = 600,
+    state = constants.nodeState.UP
+  };
+  assert(utils.compareNodeData(networkData_1, networkData_2) == 1);
+  assert(utils.compareNodeData(networkData_2, networkData_1) == -1);
+  networkData_1.heartbeat = networkData_2.heartbeat;
+  assert(utils.compareNodeData(networkData_1, networkData_2) == 0);
+function Test.utils_compareNodeData_on_state()
+  local networkData_1 = {
+    revision = 1,
+    heartbeat = 500,
+    state = constants.nodeState.UP
+  };
+  local networkData_2 = {
+    revision = 1,
+    heartbeat = 500,
+    state = constants.nodeState.SUSPECT
+  };
+  assert(utils.compareNodeData(networkData_1, networkData_2) == 1);
+  assert(utils.compareNodeData(networkData_2, networkData_1) == -1);
+  networkData_1.state = networkData_2.state;
+  assert(utils.compareNodeData(networkData_1, networkData_2) == 0);
+function Test.utils_compareNodeData_on_bad_data()
+  local networkData_1 = {
+    revision = 1,
+    heartbeat = nil,
+    state = constants.nodeState.UP
+  };
+  local networkData_2 = {
+    revision = 1,
+    heartbeat = 600,
+    state = constants.nodeState.UP
+  };
+  assert(utils.compareNodeData(networkData_1, networkData_2) == 1);
+  assert(utils.compareNodeData(networkData_2, networkData_1) == -1);
+  networkData_2.state = nil;
+  assert(utils.compareNodeData(networkData_1, networkData_2) == 0);
+function Test.utils_getMinus()
+  local data1 = {};
+  local data2 = {};
+  data1[Ip_1] = {
+    revision = 1,
+    heartbeat = 500,
+    state = constants.nodeState.UP
+  };
+  data1[Ip_2] = {
+    revision = 1,
+    heartbeat = 400,
+    state = constants.nodeState.UP
+  };
+  data2[Ip_1] = {
+    revision = 1,
+    heartbeat = 400,
+    state = constants.nodeState.UP
+  };
+  data2[Ip_2] = {
+    revision = 1,
+    heartbeat = 400,
+    state = constants.nodeState.SUSPECT;
+  };
+  --local diff1 = utils.getMinus(data1, data2);
+  local diff2 = utils.getMinus(data2, data1);
+  --assert(diff1[Ip_1] ~= nil and diff1[Ip_2] == nil);
+  assert(diff2[Ip_1] == nil and diff2[Ip_2] ~= nil);
+-- state
+function Test.state_setRev()
+  gossip.ip = Ip_1;
+  gossip.networkState[Ip_1] = {};
+  gossip.networkState[Ip_1].revision = -1;
+  assert(state.setRev() == 0, 'Revision not initialized to 0.');
+function Test.state_tickNodeState()
+  local ip_1 = Ip_1;
+  local ip_2 = Ip_2;
+  gossip.networkState[ip_1] = {};
+  gossip.networkState[ip_2] = {};
+  gossip.networkState[ip_1].state = constants.nodeState.UP;
+  gossip.networkState[ip_2].state = constants.nodeState.DOWN;
+  state.tickNodeState(ip_1);
+  state.tickNodeState(ip_2);
+  assert(gossip.networkState[ip_1].state == constants.nodeState.UP +
+             constants.nodeState.TICK);
+  assert(gossip.networkState[ip_2].state == constants.nodeState.REMOVE);
+  state.tickNodeState(ip_1);
+  assert(gossip.networkState[ip_1].state == constants.nodeState.SUSPECT);
+  gossip.networkState = {};
+-- network
+function Test.network_updateNetworkState_no_callback()
+  local updateData = {}
+  updateData[Ip_1] = {
+    revision = 1,
+    heartbeat = 400,
+    state = constants.nodeState.UP
+  };
+  updateData[Ip_2] = {
+    revision = 1,
+    heartbeat = 700,
+    state = constants.nodeState.UP
+  };
+  network.updateNetworkState(updateData);
+  -- send duplicate data
+  network.updateNetworkState(updateData);
+  assert(#gossip.config.seedList == 2);
+  assert(gossip.config.seedList[1] == Ip_1);
+  assert(gossip.config.seedList[2] == Ip_2);
+  assert(gossip.networkState[Ip_1] ~= nil and gossip.networkState[Ip_2] ~= nil);
+  gossip.networkState = {};
+  gossip.config = constants.defaultConfig;
+function Test.network_updateNetworkState_with_callback()
+  local callbackTriggered = false;
+  local function updateCallback() callbackTriggered = true; end
+  gossip.updateCallback = updateCallback;
+  Test.network_updateNetworkState_no_callback();
+  assert(callbackTriggered);
+  gossip.updateCallback = nil;
+function Test.network_receiveData_when_receive_syn()
+  local originalReceiveSyn = network.receiveSyn;
+  local receiveSynCalled = false;
+  network.receiveSyn = function() receiveSynCalled = true; end
+  network.receiveData('socket', {type = constants.updateType.SYN});
+  network.receiveSyn = originalReceiveSyn;
+  assert(receiveSynCalled);
+function Test.network_receiveData_when_receive_ack()
+  local originalReceiveAck = network.receiveAck;
+  local receiveAckCalled = false;
+  network.receiveAck = function() receiveAckCalled = true; end
+  network.receiveData('socket', {type = constants.updateType.ACK});
+  network.receiveAck = originalReceiveAck;
+  assert(receiveAckCalled);
+-- run tests

+ 1 - 0

@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ pages:
     - 'fifo' : 'lua-modules/fifo.md'
     - 'fifosock' : 'lua-modules/fifosock.md'
     - 'ftpserver': 'lua-modules/ftpserver.md'
+    - 'gossip': 'lua-modules/gossip.md'
     - 'hdc1000': 'lua-modules/hdc1000.md'
     - 'httpserver': 'lua-modules/httpserver.md'
     - 'imap': 'lua-modules/imap.md'
