
Merge pull request #519 from md5crypt/tmr_module

rewrote the timer module from scratch
Vowstar 9 年之前
共有 1 個文件被更改,包括 337 次插入211 次删除
  1. 337 211

+ 337 - 211

@@ -1,232 +1,358 @@
-// Module for interfacing with timer
+/*guys, srsly, turn on warnings in the makefile*/
+#if defined(__GNUC__)
+#pragma GCC diagnostic warning "-Wall"
+#pragma GCC diagnostic warning "-Wextra"
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter"
+tmr.wdclr() -- not changed
+tmr.now()   -- not changed
+tmr.time()  -- not changed
+tmr.delay() -- not changed
+tmr.alarm() -- not changed
+tmr.stop()  -- changed, see below. use tmr.unregister for old functionality
+tmr.register(id, interval, mode, function)
+	bind function with timer and set the interval in ms
+	the mode can be:
+		tmr.ALARM_SINGLE for a single run alarm
+		tmr.ALARM_SEMI for a multiple single run alarm
+		tmr.ALARM_AUTO for a repating alarm
+	tmr.register does NOT start the timer
+	tmr.alarm is a tmr.register & tmr.start macro
+	stop alarm, unbind function and clean up memory
+	not needed for ALARM_SINGLE, as it unregisters itself
+	ret: bool
+	start a alarm, returns true on success
+	ret: bool
+	stops a alarm, returns true on success
+	this call dose not free any memory, to do so use tmr.unregister
+	stopped alarms can be started with start
+tmr.interval(id, interval)
+	set alarm interval, running alarm will be restarted
+	ret: (bool, int) or nil
+	returns alarm status (true=started/false=stopped) and mode
+	nil if timer is unregistered
+	set a negative value to stop the timer
+	any other value starts the timer, when the
+	countdown reaches zero, the device restarts
+	the timer units are seconds
+#define MIN_OPT_LEVEL 2
-//#include "lua.h"
 #include "lualib.h"
 #include "lauxlib.h"
 #include "platform.h"
 #include "auxmods.h"
 #include "lrotable.h"
+#include "lrodefs.h"
 #include "c_types.h"
-static os_timer_t alarm_timer[NUM_TMR];
-static bool alarm_timer_repeat[NUM_TMR]= {0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
-void alarm_timer_common(lua_State* L, unsigned id){
-  if(alarm_timer_cb_ref[id] == LUA_NOREF)
-    return;
-  lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, alarm_timer_cb_ref[id]);
-  if(alarm_timer_repeat[id]==0)
-  {
-	  if(alarm_timer_cb_ref[id] != LUA_NOREF)
-		  luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, alarm_timer_cb_ref[id]);
-  }
-  lua_call(L, 0, 0);
-void alarm_timer_cb0(void *arg){
-  if( !arg )
-    return;
-  alarm_timer_common((lua_State*)arg, 0);
-void alarm_timer_cb1(void *arg){
-  if( !arg )
-    return;
-  alarm_timer_common((lua_State*)arg, 1);
-void alarm_timer_cb2(void *arg){
-  if( !arg )
-    return;
-  alarm_timer_common((lua_State*)arg, 2);
-void alarm_timer_cb3(void *arg){
-  if( !arg )
-    return;
-  alarm_timer_common((lua_State*)arg, 3);
-void alarm_timer_cb4(void *arg){
-  if( !arg )
-    return;
-  alarm_timer_common((lua_State*)arg, 4);
-void alarm_timer_cb5(void *arg){
-  if( !arg )
-    return;
-  alarm_timer_common((lua_State*)arg, 5);
-void alarm_timer_cb6(void *arg){
-  if( !arg )
-    return;
-  alarm_timer_common((lua_State*)arg, 6);
-typedef void (*alarm_timer_callback)(void *arg);
-static alarm_timer_callback alarm_timer_cb[NUM_TMR] = {alarm_timer_cb0,alarm_timer_cb1,alarm_timer_cb2,alarm_timer_cb3,alarm_timer_cb4,alarm_timer_cb5,alarm_timer_cb6};
-// Lua: delay( us )
-static int tmr_delay( lua_State* L )
-  s32 us;
-  us = luaL_checkinteger( L, 1 );
-  if ( us <= 0 )
-    return luaL_error( L, "wrong arg range" );
-  if(us<1000000)
-  {
-    os_delay_us( us );
-    WRITE_PERI_REG(0x60000914, 0x73);
-    return 0;
-  }  
-  unsigned sec = (unsigned)us / 1000000;
-  unsigned remain = (unsigned)us % 1000000;
-  int i = 0;
-  for(i=0;i<sec;i++){
-    os_delay_us( 1000000 );
-    WRITE_PERI_REG(0x60000914, 0x73);
-  }
-  if(remain>0)
-    os_delay_us( remain );
-  return 0;  
-// Lua: now() , return system timer in us
-static int tmr_now( lua_State* L )
-  unsigned now = 0x7FFFFFFF & system_get_time();
-  lua_pushinteger( L, now );
-  return 1; 
-// Lua: alarm( id, interval, repeat, function )
-static int tmr_alarm( lua_State* L )
-  s32 interval;
-  unsigned repeat = 0;
-  int stack = 1;
-  unsigned id = luaL_checkinteger( L, stack );
-  stack++;
-  MOD_CHECK_ID( tmr, id );
-  interval = luaL_checkinteger( L, stack );
-  stack++;
-  if ( interval <= 0 )
-    return luaL_error( L, "wrong arg range" );
-  if ( lua_isnumber(L, stack) ){
-    repeat = lua_tointeger(L, stack);
-    stack++;
-    if ( repeat != 1 && repeat != 0 )
-      return luaL_error( L, "wrong arg type" );
-    alarm_timer_repeat[id]=repeat;
-  }
-  // luaL_checkanyfunction(L, stack);
-  if (lua_type(L, stack) == LUA_TFUNCTION || lua_type(L, stack) == LUA_TLIGHTFUNCTION){
-    lua_pushvalue(L, stack);  // copy argument (func) to the top of stack
-    if(alarm_timer_cb_ref[id] != LUA_NOREF)
-      luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, alarm_timer_cb_ref[id]);
-    alarm_timer_cb_ref[id] = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
-  }
-  os_timer_disarm(&(alarm_timer[id]));
-  os_timer_setfn(&(alarm_timer[id]), (os_timer_func_t *)(alarm_timer_cb[id]), L);
-  os_timer_arm(&(alarm_timer[id]), interval, repeat); 
-  return 0;  
-// Lua: stop( id )
-static int tmr_stop( lua_State* L )
-  unsigned id = luaL_checkinteger( L, 1 );
-  MOD_CHECK_ID( tmr, id );
-  os_timer_disarm(&(alarm_timer[id]));
-  if(alarm_timer_cb_ref[id] != LUA_NOREF)
-    luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, alarm_timer_cb_ref[id]);
-  return 0;  
+#define TIMER_MODE_OFF 3
+#define TIMER_MODE_SEMI 2
+#define TIMER_MODE_AUTO 1
+#define TIMER_IDLE_FLAG (1<<7) 
+//well, the following are my assumptions
+//why, oh why is there no good documentation
+//chinese companies should learn from Atmel
+extern void ets_timer_arm_new(os_timer_t* t, uint32_t milliseconds, uint32_t repeat_flag, uint32_t isMstimer);
+extern void ets_timer_disarm(os_timer_t* t);
+extern void ets_timer_setfn(os_timer_t* t, os_timer_func_t *f, void *arg);
+extern void ets_delay_us(uint32_t us);
+extern uint32_t system_get_time();
+extern uint32_t platform_tmr_exists(uint32_t t);
+extern uint32_t system_rtc_clock_cali_proc();
+extern uint32_t system_get_rtc_time();
+extern void system_restart();
+//in fact lua_State is constant, it's pointless to pass it around
+//but hey, whatever, I'll just pass it, still we waste 28B here
+typedef struct{
+	os_timer_t os;
+	lua_State* L;
+	sint32_t lua_ref;
+	uint32_t interval;
+	uint8_t mode;
+typedef timer_struct_t* timer_t;
+//everybody just love unions! riiiiight?
+static union {
+	uint64_t block;
+	uint32_t part[2];
+} rtc_time;
+static sint32_t soft_watchdog  = -1;
+static timer_struct_t alarm_timers[NUM_TMR];
+static os_timer_t rtc_timer;
+static void alarm_timer_common(void* arg){
+	timer_t tmr = &alarm_timers[(uint32_t)arg];
+	if(tmr->lua_ref == LUA_NOREF || tmr->L == NULL)
+		return;
+	lua_rawgeti(tmr->L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, tmr->lua_ref);
+	//if the timer was set to single run we clean up after it
+	if(tmr->mode == TIMER_MODE_SINGLE){
+		luaL_unref(tmr->L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, tmr->lua_ref);
+		tmr->lua_ref = LUA_NOREF;
+		tmr->mode = TIMER_MODE_OFF;
+	}else if(tmr->mode == TIMER_MODE_SEMI){
+		tmr->mode |= TIMER_IDLE_FLAG;
+	}
+	lua_call(tmr->L, 0, 0);
+// Lua: tmr.delay( us )
+static int tmr_delay( lua_State* L ){
+	sint32_t us = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1);
+	if(us <= 0)
+		return luaL_error(L, "wrong arg range");
+	while(us >= 1000000){
+		us -= 1000000;
+		os_delay_us(1000000);
+		WRITE_PERI_REG(0x60000914, 0x73);
+	}
+	if(us>0){
+		os_delay_us(us);
+		WRITE_PERI_REG(0x60000914, 0x73);
+	}
+	return 0; 
+// Lua: tmr.now() , return system timer in us
+static int tmr_now(lua_State* L){
+	uint32_t now = 0x7FFFFFFF & system_get_time();
+	lua_pushinteger(L, now);
+	return 1; 
+// Lua: tmr.register( id, interval, mode, function )
+static int tmr_register(lua_State* L){
+	uint32_t id = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1);
+	MOD_CHECK_ID(tmr, id);
+	sint32_t interval = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2);
+	uint8_t mode = luaL_checkinteger(L, 3);
+	//validate arguments
+	uint8_t args_valid = interval <= 0
+		|| (mode != TIMER_MODE_SINGLE && mode != TIMER_MODE_SEMI && mode != TIMER_MODE_AUTO)
+		|| (lua_type(L, 4) != LUA_TFUNCTION && lua_type(L, 4) != LUA_TLIGHTFUNCTION);
+	if(args_valid)
+		return luaL_error(L, "wrong arg range");
+	//get the lua function reference
+	lua_pushvalue(L, 4);
+	sint32_t ref = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
+	timer_t tmr = &alarm_timers[id];
+	if(!(tmr->mode & TIMER_IDLE_FLAG) && tmr->mode != TIMER_MODE_OFF)
+		ets_timer_disarm(&tmr->os);
+	//there was a bug in this part, the second part of the following condition was missing
+	if(tmr->lua_ref != LUA_NOREF && tmr->lua_ref != ref)
+		luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, tmr->lua_ref);
+	tmr->lua_ref = ref;
+	tmr->mode = mode|TIMER_IDLE_FLAG;
+	tmr->interval = interval;
+	tmr->L = L; 
+	ets_timer_setfn(&tmr->os, alarm_timer_common, (void*)id);
+	return 0;  
+// Lua: tmr.start( id )
+static int tmr_start(lua_State* L){
+	uint8_t id = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1);
+	MOD_CHECK_ID(tmr,id);
+	timer_t tmr = &alarm_timers[id];
+	//we return false if the timer is not idle
+	if(!(tmr->mode&TIMER_IDLE_FLAG)){
+		lua_pushboolean(L, 0);
+	}else{
+		tmr->mode &= ~TIMER_IDLE_FLAG;
+		ets_timer_arm_new(&tmr->os, tmr->interval, tmr->mode==TIMER_MODE_AUTO, 1);
+		lua_pushboolean(L, 1);
+	}
+	return 1;
+// Lua: tmr.alarm( id, interval, repeat, function )
+static int tmr_alarm(lua_State* L){
+	tmr_register(L);
+	return tmr_start(L);
+// Lua: tmr.stop( id )
+static int tmr_stop(lua_State* L){
+	uint8_t id = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1);
+	MOD_CHECK_ID(tmr,id);
+	timer_t tmr = &alarm_timers[id];
+	//we return false if the timer is idle (of not registered)
+	if(!(tmr->mode & TIMER_IDLE_FLAG) && tmr->mode != TIMER_MODE_OFF){
+		tmr->mode |= TIMER_IDLE_FLAG;
+		ets_timer_disarm(&tmr->os);
+		lua_pushboolean(L, 1);
+	}else{
+		lua_pushboolean(L, 0);
+	}
+	return 1;  
+// Lua: tmr.unregister( id )
+static int tmr_unregister(lua_State* L){
+	uint8_t id = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1);
+	MOD_CHECK_ID(tmr,id);
+	timer_t tmr = &alarm_timers[id];
+	if(!(tmr->mode & TIMER_IDLE_FLAG) && tmr->mode != TIMER_MODE_OFF)
+		ets_timer_disarm(&tmr->os);
+	if(tmr->lua_ref != LUA_NOREF)
+		luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, tmr->lua_ref);
+	tmr->lua_ref = LUA_NOREF;
+	tmr->mode = TIMER_MODE_OFF; 
+	return 0;
+// Lua: tmr.interval( id, interval )
+static int tmr_interval(lua_State* L){
+	uint8_t id = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1);
+	MOD_CHECK_ID(tmr,id);
+	timer_t tmr = &alarm_timers[id];
+	sint32_t interval = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2);
+	if(interval <= 0)
+		return luaL_error(L, "wrong arg range");
+	if(tmr->mode != TIMER_MODE_OFF){	
+		tmr->interval = interval;
+		if(!(tmr->mode&TIMER_IDLE_FLAG)){
+			ets_timer_disarm(&tmr->os);
+			ets_timer_arm_new(&tmr->os, tmr->interval, tmr->mode==TIMER_MODE_AUTO, 1);
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+// Lua: tmr.state( id )
+static int tmr_state(lua_State* L){
+	uint8_t id = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1);
+	MOD_CHECK_ID(tmr,id);
+	timer_t tmr = &alarm_timers[id];
+	if(tmr->mode == TIMER_MODE_OFF){
+		lua_pushnil(L);
+		return 1;
+	}
+	lua_pushboolean(L, (tmr->mode&TIMER_IDLE_FLAG)==0);
+	lua_pushinteger(L, tmr->mode&(~TIMER_IDLE_FLAG));
+	return 2;
+/*I left the led comments 'couse I don't know
+why they are here*/
 // extern void update_key_led();
-// Lua: wdclr()
-static int tmr_wdclr( lua_State* L )
-  WRITE_PERI_REG(0x60000914, 0x73);
-  // update_key_led();
-  return 0;  
-static os_timer_t rtc_timer_updator;
-static uint32_t cur_count = 0;
-static uint32_t rtc_10ms = 0;
-void rtc_timer_update_cb(void *arg){
-  uint32_t t = (uint32_t)system_get_rtc_time();
-  uint32_t delta = 0;
-  if(t>=cur_count){
-    delta = t-cur_count;
-  }else{
-    delta = 0xFFFFFFF - cur_count + t + 1;
-  }
-  // uint64_t delta = (t>=cur_count)?(t - cur_count):(0x100000000 + t - cur_count);
-  // NODE_ERR("%x\n",t);
-  cur_count = t;
-  uint32_t c = system_rtc_clock_cali_proc();
-  uint32_t itg = c >> 12;  // ~=5
-  uint32_t dec = c & 0xFFF; // ~=2ff
-  rtc_10ms += (delta*itg + ((delta*dec)>>12)) / 10000;
-  // TODO: store rtc_10ms to rtc memory.
-// Lua: time() , return rtc time in second
-static int tmr_time( lua_State* L )
-  uint32_t local = rtc_10ms;
-  lua_pushinteger( L, ((uint32_t)(local/100)) & 0x7FFFFFFF );
-  return 1; 
+// Lua: tmr.wdclr()
+static int tmr_wdclr( lua_State* L ){
+	WRITE_PERI_REG(0x60000914, 0x73);
+	// update_key_led();
+	return 0;  
+//system_rtc_clock_cali_proc() returns
+//a fixed point value (12 bit fraction part)
+//it tells how many rtc clock ticks represent 1us.
+//the high 64 bits of the uint64_t multiplication
+//are unnedded (I did the math)
+static uint32_t rtc2sec(uint64_t rtc){
+	uint64_t aku = system_rtc_clock_cali_proc();
+	aku *= rtc;
+	return (aku>>12)/1000000;
+//the following function workes, I just wrote it and didn't use it.
+/*static uint64_t sec2rtc(uint32_t sec){
+	uint64_t aku = (1<<20)/system_rtc_clock_cali_proc();
+	aku *= sec;
+	return (aku>>8)*1000000;
+inline static void rtc_timer_update(){
+	uint32_t current = system_get_rtc_time();
+	if(rtc_time.part[0] > current) //overflow check
+		rtc_time.part[1]++;
+	rtc_time.part[0] = current;
+void rtc_callback(void *arg){
+	rtc_timer_update();
+	if(soft_watchdog > 0){
+		soft_watchdog--;
+		if(soft_watchdog == 0)
+			system_restart();
+	}
+// Lua: tmr.time() , return rtc time in second
+static int tmr_time( lua_State* L ){
+	rtc_timer_update();
+	lua_pushinteger(L, rtc2sec(rtc_time.block));
+	return 1; 
+// Lua: tmr.softwd( value )
+static int tmr_softwd( lua_State* L ){
+	soft_watchdog = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1);
+	return 0; 
 // Module function map
-#define MIN_OPT_LEVEL 2
-#include "lrodefs.h"
-const LUA_REG_TYPE tmr_map[] = 
-  { LSTRKEY( "delay" ), LFUNCVAL( tmr_delay ) },
-  { LSTRKEY( "now" ), LFUNCVAL( tmr_now ) },
-  { LSTRKEY( "alarm" ), LFUNCVAL( tmr_alarm ) },
-  { LSTRKEY( "stop" ), LFUNCVAL( tmr_stop ) },
-  { LSTRKEY( "wdclr" ), LFUNCVAL( tmr_wdclr ) },
-  { LSTRKEY( "time" ), LFUNCVAL( tmr_time ) },
+const LUA_REG_TYPE tmr_map[] = {
+	{ LSTRKEY( "delay" ), LFUNCVAL( tmr_delay ) },
+	{ LSTRKEY( "now" ), LFUNCVAL( tmr_now ) },
+	{ LSTRKEY( "wdclr" ), LFUNCVAL( tmr_wdclr ) },
+	{ LSTRKEY( "softwd" ), LFUNCVAL( tmr_softwd ) },
+	{ LSTRKEY( "time" ), LFUNCVAL( tmr_time ) },
+	{ LSTRKEY( "register" ), LFUNCVAL ( tmr_register ) },
+	{ LSTRKEY( "alarm" ), LFUNCVAL( tmr_alarm ) },
+	{ LSTRKEY( "start" ), LFUNCVAL ( tmr_start ) },
+	{ LSTRKEY( "stop" ), LFUNCVAL ( tmr_stop ) },
+	{ LSTRKEY( "unregister" ), LFUNCVAL ( tmr_unregister ) },
+	{ LSTRKEY( "state" ), LFUNCVAL ( tmr_state ) },
+	{ LSTRKEY( "interval" ), LFUNCVAL ( tmr_interval) }, 
-LUALIB_API int luaopen_tmr( lua_State *L )
-  int i = 0;
-  for(i=0;i<NUM_TMR;i++){
-    os_timer_disarm(&(alarm_timer[i]));
-    os_timer_setfn(&(alarm_timer[i]), (os_timer_func_t *)(alarm_timer_cb[i]), L);
-  }
-  os_timer_disarm(&rtc_timer_updator);
-  os_timer_setfn(&rtc_timer_updator, (os_timer_func_t *)(rtc_timer_update_cb), NULL);
-  os_timer_arm(&rtc_timer_updator, 500, 1); 
+LUALIB_API int luaopen_tmr( lua_State *L ){
+	int i;	
+	for(i=0; i<NUM_TMR; i++){
+		alarm_timers[i].lua_ref = LUA_NOREF;
+		alarm_timers[i].mode = TIMER_MODE_OFF;
+		ets_timer_disarm(&alarm_timers[i].os);
+	}
+	rtc_time.block = 0;
+	ets_timer_disarm(&rtc_timer);
+	ets_timer_setfn(&rtc_timer, rtc_callback, NULL);
+	ets_timer_arm_new(&rtc_timer, 1000, 1, 1);
-  return 0;
-#else // #if LUA_OPTIMIZE_MEMORY > 0
-  luaL_register( L, AUXLIB_TMR, tmr_map );
-  // Add constants
-  return 1;
-#endif // #if LUA_OPTIMIZE_MEMORY > 0  
+	return 0;
+	luaL_register( L, AUXLIB_TMR, tmr_map );
+	lua_pushvalue( L, -1 );
+	lua_setmetatable( L, -2 );
+	return 1;