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-# **nodeMcu API说明** #
-[English Version](
-###版本 0.9.2 build 2014-11-20
-<a id="change_log"></a>
-2014-11-20<br />
-修正tmr.delay,支持2s以上的延时,但是长延时可能会引起beacon timer out,导致与AP之间重新连接。<br />
-增加tmr.wdclr(),用来重置看门狗计数器,用在长循环中,以防芯片因看门狗重启。<br />
-修正net模块UDP无法连接问题。<br />
-createServer(net.TCP, timeout)函数增加连接超时参数设置。
-2014-11-19<br />
-增加adc模块,读取adc的值。<br />
-wifi模块增加wifi.sta.getap() 函数,用于获取ap列表。
-2014-11-18<br />
-修正tcp服务器不能使用:close()函数关闭tcp连接的问题。<br />
-tcp服务器: 服务器将关闭30s内未使用的闲置的连接。(修正前为180s)<br />
-增加了函数node.input()用来向lua解释器输入lua代码段, 支持多行输入。<br />
-增加了函数node.ouput(function)用来将串口输出重定向于回调函数。<br />
-file.readline()函数返回值包含了EOL'\n', 当读到EOF时,返回nil。
-2014-11-12<br />
-全功能版本固件<br />
-2014-11-11<br />
-文件模块中增加了函数。<br />
-最多支持6个PWM输出。<br />
-2014-11-10<br />
-log模块更名为file模块<br />
-文件操作支持多次读写。<br />
-当前仅支持打开一个文件进行操作。<br />
-2014-11-5<br />
-node模块中删除了log函数。<br />
-增加了log模块。<br />
-修改wifi模块的函数。<br />
-修改了node.key长按与短按的默认回调函数。<br />
-只有当按钮被松开后,key才会被触发。<br />
-###flash 错误
-注意:有些模块在烧写之后启动,串口输出 ERROR in flash_read: r=。。。<br />
-这是因为模块原来的flash内部没有擦除。<br />
-可使用blank512k.bin,<br />
-内容为全0xFF,从0x00000开始烧入。<br />
-# 概述
-- 快速、自动连接无线路由器
-- 基于Lua 5.1.4,使用者需了解最简单的Lua语法
-- 采用事件驱动的编程模型
-- 内置file, timer, pwm, i2c, net, gpio, wifi模块
-- 串口波特率:9600-8N1
-- 对模块的引脚进行编号;gpio,i2c,pwm等模块需要使用引脚编号进行索引
-- 目前的编号对应表格:
-  <tr>
-    <th scope="col">IO index</th><th scope="col">ESP8266 pin</th><th scope="col">IO index</th><th scope="col">ESP8266 pin</th>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td>0</td><td>GPIO12</td><td>8</td><td>GPIO0</td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td>1</td><td>GPIO13</td><td>9</td><td>GPIO2</td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr>
-    <td>2</td><td>GPIO14</td><td>10</td><td>GPIO4</td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td>3</td><td>GPIO15</td><td>11</td><td>GPIO5</td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr>
-    <td>4</td><td>GPIO3</td><td></td><td></td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td>5</td><td>GPIO1</td><td></td><td></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr>
-    <td>6</td><td>GPIO9</td><td></td><td></td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td>7</td><td>GPIO10</td<td></td><td></td>
-   </tr>
-nodemcu_512k.bin: 0x00000<br />
-<a id="nm_restart"></a>
-## node.restart()
-    node.restart();
-**-**   []()
-<a id="nm_dsleep"></a>
-## node.dsleep()
-进入睡眠模式,计时时间之后唤醒<br />
-node.dsleep(us)<br />
-**-注意:** 如需使用此功能,需要将esp8266的PIN32(RST)和PIN8(XPD_DCDC)短接。
-us: 睡眠时间,单位:us
-    node.dsleep(us);
-**-**   []()
-<a id="nm_chipid"></a>
-## node.chipid()
-    id = node.chipid();
-**-**   []()
-<a id="nm_heap"></a>
-## node.heap()
-number: 系统剩余内存字节数
-    heap_size = node.heap();
-**-**   []()
-<a id="nm_key"></a>
-## node.key()
-定义按键的功能函数, 按键与GPIO16相连。
-node.key(type, function())
-type: type取字符串"long"或者"short". long:按下按键持续3s以上, short: 短按按键(时间短于3s)<br />
-function(): 用户自定义的按键回调函数。 如果为nil, 则取消用户定义的回调函数。<br />
-    node.key("long", function(){print('hello world')})
-**-**   []()
-<a id="nm_led"></a>
-## node.led()
-设置LED的亮/暗时间, LED连接到GPIO16, 与node.key()复用。
-node.led(low, high)
-Low: LED关闭时间,如设置为0,则LED处于常亮状态。单位:毫秒,时间分辨率:80~100ms<br />
-High: LED打开时间,单位:毫秒,时间分辨率:80~100ms
-    -- LED常亮.
-    node.led(0);
-**-**   []()
-<a id="nm_input"></a>
-## node.input()
-接收字符串并将字符串传入lua解释器。<br />
-str: Lua代码段
-    -- 注意:该函数不支持在命令行中使用。
-    sk:on("receive", function(conn, payload) node.input(payload) end)
-**-**   []()
-<a id="nm_output"></a>
-## node.output()
-node.output(function(str), serial_debug)
-function(str): 接收lua解释器输出的str作为输入,可以将该输出通过socket发送。<br />
-serial_debug: 1:将输出送至串口; 0:输出不送至串口
-    function tonet(str)
-      sk:send(str)
-      -- print(str) 错误!!! 千万不要在此函数中再使用print函数
-      -- 因为这样会导致函数的嵌套调用!!
-    end
-    node.ouput(tonet, 1)  -- serial also get the lua output.
-**-**   []()
-#file 模块
-<a id="fl_remove"></a>
-## file.remove()
-filename: 需要删除的文件。
-    -- 删除foo.lua文件
-    file.remove("foo.lua")
-**-**   [](#fl_open)<br />
-**-**   [file.close()](#fl_close)
-<a id="fl_open"></a>
-####语法, mode)
-filename: 需要打开的文件,不支持文件夹。<br />
-mode:<br />
-   "r": read mode (the default)<br />
-   "w": write mode<br />
-   "a": append mode<br />
-   "r+": update mode, 文件内的数据保留<br />
-   "w+": update mode, 文件内的数据清除<br />
-   "a+": append update mode, 文件内的数据保留,要写入的数据仅能增加在文件最后。
-    -- 打开'init.lua',并打印文件的第一行。
-"init.lua", "r")
-    print(file.readline())
-    file.close()
-**-**   [file.close()](#fl_close)<br />
-**-**   [file.readline()](#fl_readline)
-<a id="fl_close"></a>
-## file.close()
-    -- 打开'init.lua',并打印文件的第一行,然后关闭文件。
-"init.lua", "r")
-    print(file.readline())
-    file.close()
-**-**   [](#fl_open)<br />
-**-**   [file.readline()](#fl_readline)
-<a id="fl_readline"></a>
-## file.readline()
-逐行返回文件内容。返回值末尾包含EOL('\n')<br />
-    -- 打开'init.lua',读取并打印文件的第一行,然后关闭文件。
-"init.lua", "r")
-    print(file.readline())
-    file.close()
-**-**   [](#fl_open)<br />
-**-**   [file.close()](#fl_close)
-<a id="fl_writeline"></a>
-## file.writeline()
-string: 需要写入的字符串
-true: 写入成功<br />
-nil: 写入失败
-    -- 以'a+'的模式打开'init.lua'
-"init.lua", "a+")
-    -- 将'foo bar'写到文件的末尾
-    file.writeline('foo bar')
-    file.close()
-**-**   [](#fl_open)<br />
-**-**   [file.write()](#fl_write)
-<a id="fl_write"></a>
-## file.write()
-string: 需要写入的字符串
-true: 写入成功<br />
-nil: 写入失败
-    -- 以'a+'的模式打开'init.lua'
-"init.lua", "a+")
-    -- 将'foo bar'写到文件的末尾
-    file.writeline('foo bar')
-    file.close()
-**-**   [](#fl_open)<br />
-**-**   [file.writeline()](#fl_writeline)
-<a id="fl_flush"></a>
-## file.flush()
-    -- 以'a+'的模式打开'init.lua'
-"init.lua", "a+")
-    -- 将'foo bar'写到文件的末尾
-    file.write('foo bar')
-    file.flush()
-    file.close()
-**-**   [](#fl_open)<br />
-**-**   [file.writeline()](#fl_writeline)
-<a id="fl_seek"></a>
-####语法, offset)
-whence:<br />
-"set": base is position 0 (beginning of the file);<br />
-"cur": base is current position;(default value)<br />
-"end": base is end of file;<br />
-offset: default 0
-成功: 返回当前的文件读写位置<br />
-失败: 返回nil
-    -- 以'a+'的模式打开'init.lua'
-"init.lua", "a+")
-    -- 将'foo bar'写到文件的末尾
-    file.write('foo bar')
-    file.flush()
-    --将文件读写位置设置在文件开始
-    --读取并打印文件的第一行
-    print(file.readline())
-    file.close()
-**-**   [](#fl_open)<br />
-**-**   [file.writeline()](#fl_writeline)
-<a id="fl_list"></a>
-## file.list()
-返回包含{文件名:文件大小}的lua table
-    l = file.list();
-    for k,v in pairs(l) do
-      print("name:"..k..", size:"..v)
-    end
-**-**   [file.remove()](#fl_remove)
-<a id="wf_setmode"></a>
-## wifi.setmode(mode)
-mode: 取值为:wifi.STATION, wifi.SOFTAP or wifi.STATIONAP
-    wifi.setmode(wifi.STATION)
-**-**   [wifi.getmode()](#wf_getmode)
-<a id="wf_getmode"></a>
-## wifi.getmode(mode)
-    print(wifi.getmode())
-**-**   [wifi.setmode()](#wf_setmode)
-<a id="wf_startsmart"></a>
-## wifi.startsmart()
-wifi.startsmart(channel, function succeed_callback())
-channel: 1~13, 启动寻找的初始频段,如果为nil默认值为6频段。每个频段搜寻20s。<br />
-succeed_callback: 配置成功的回调函数,配置成功并连接至AP后调用此函数。
-    wifi.startsmart(6, cb())
-**-**   [wifi.stopsmart()](#wf_stopsmart)
-<a id="wf_stopsmart"></a>
-## wifi.stopsmart()
-    wifi.stopsmart()
-**-**   [wifi.startsmart()](#wf_startsmart)
-#wifi.sta 子模块
-<a id="ws_config"></a>
-## wifi.sta.config()
-wifi.sta.config(ssid, password)
-ssid: 字符串,长度小于32字节。<br />
-password: 字符串,长度小于64字节。
-    wifi.sta.config("myssid","mypassword")
-**-**   [wifi.sta.connect()](#ws_connect)<br />
-**-**   [wifi.sta.disconnect()](#ws_disconnect)
-<a id="ws_connect"></a>
-## wifi.sta.connect()
-    wifi.sta.connect()
-**-**   [wifi.sta.disconnect()](#ws_disconnect)<br />
-**-**   [wifi.sta.config()](#ws_config)
-<a id="ws_disconnect"></a>
-## wifi.sta.disconnect()
-    wifi.sta.disconnect()
-**-**   [wifi.sta.config()](#ws_config)<br />
-**-**   [wifi.sta.connect()](#ws_connect)
-<a id="ws_autoconnect"></a>
-## wifi.sta.autoconnect()
-auto: 0:取消自动连接,1:使能自动连接。
-    wifi.sta.autoconnect()
-**-**   [wifi.sta.config()](#ws_config)<br />
-**-**   [wifi.sta.connect()](#ws_connect)<br />
-**-**   [wifi.sta.disconnect()](#ws_disconnect)
-<a id="ws_getip"></a>
-## wifi.sta.getip()
-    -- print current ip
-    print(wifi.sta.getip())
-**-**   [wifi.sta.getmac()](#ws_getmac)
-<a id="ws_getmac"></a>
-## wifi.sta.getmac()
-    -- 打印当前的mac地址
-    print(wifi.sta.getmac())
-**-**   [wifi.sta.getip()](#ws_getip)
-<a id="ws_getap"></a>
-## wifi.sta.getap()
-扫描并列出ap,结果以一个lua table为参数传递给回调函数。
-function(table): 当扫描结束时,调用此回调函数<br />
-    扫描结果是一个lua table,key为ap的ssid,value为其他信息,格式:authmode,rssi,bssid,channel
-    -- print ap list
-    function listap(t)
-      for k,v in pairs(t) do
-        print(k.." : "..v)
-      end
-    end
-    wifi.sta.getap(listap)
-**-**   [wifi.sta.getip()](#ws_getip)
-#wifi.ap 子模块
-<a id="wa_config"></a>
-## wifi.ap.config()
-cfg: 设置AP的lua table
-     cfg={}
-     cfg.ssid="myssid"
-     cfg.pwd="mypwd"
-     wifi.ap.setconfig(cfg)
-    wifi.ap.config(ssid, 'password')
-**-**    []()
-<a id="wa_getip"></a>
-## wifi.ap.getip()
-    wifi.ap.getip()
-**-**   [wifi.ap.getmac()](#wa_getmac)
-<a id="wa_getmac"></a>
-## wifi.ap.getmac()
-    wifi.ap.getmac()
-**-**   [wifi.ap.getip()](#wa_getip)
-#timer 模块
-<a id="tm_delay"></a>
-## tmr.delay()
-us: 延迟时间,单位:微秒
-    -- delay 100us
-    tmr.delay(100)
-**-**   [](#tm_now)
-<a id="tm_now"></a>
-uint32: value of counter
-    -- 打印计数器的当前值。
-    print(
-**-**   [tmr.delay()](#tm_delay)
-<a id="tm_alarm"></a>
-## tmr.alarm()
-闹钟函数。<br />
-**-注意:** 只能允许存在一个闹钟,如果在调用tmr.stop()之前重复调用tmr.alarm(),以最后一次设置的为准,此前定义的闹钟都将失效。
-tmr.alarm(interval, repeat, function do())
-Interval: 定时时间,单位:毫秒。<br />
-repeat: 0:一次性闹钟;1:重复闹钟。<br />
-function do(): 定时器到时回调函数。
-    -- 每1000ms输出一个hello world
-    tmr.alarm(1000, 1, function() print("hello world") end )
-**-**   [](#tm_now)
-<a id="tm_stop"></a>
-## tmr.stop()
-停止闹钟功能。<br />
-    -- 每隔1000ms打印hello world
-    tmr.alarm(1000, 1, function() print("hello world") end )
-    -- 其它代码
-    -- 停止闹钟
-    tmr.stop()
-**-**   [](#tm_now)
-<a id="tm_wdclr"></a>
-## tmr.wdclr()
-清除看门狗计数器。<br />
-    for i=1,10000 do 
-      print(i)
-      tmr.wdclr()   -- 一个长时间的循环或者事务,需内部调用tmr.wdclr() 清楚看门狗计数器,防止重启。
-    end 
-**-**   [tmr.delay()](#tm_delay)
-#GPIO 模块
-gpio.OUTPUT, gpio.INPUT, gpio.INT, gpio.HIGH, gpio.LOW
-<a id="io_mode"></a>
-## gpio.mode()
-gpio.mode(pin, mode)
-pin: 0~11, IO编号<br />
-mode: 取值为:gpio.OUTPUT or gpio.INPUT, or gpio.INT(中断模式)
-    -- 将GPIO0设置为输出模式
-    gpio.mode(0, gpio.OUTPUT)
-**-**   [](#io_read)
-<a id="io_read"></a>
-pin: 0~11, IO编号
-number:0:低电平, 1:高电平。
-    -- 读取GPIO0的电平
-**-**   [gpio.mode()](#io_mode)
-<a id="io_write"></a>
-## gpio.write()
-pin: 0~11, IO编号<br />
-level: gpio.HIGH or gpio.LOW
-    -- 设置GPIP1为输出模式,并将输出电平设置为高
-    pin=1
-    gpio.mode(pin, gpio.OUTPUT)
-    gpio.write(pin, gpio.HIGH)
-**-**   [gpio.mode()](#io_mode)<br />
-**-**   [](#io_read)
-<a id="io_trig"></a>
-## gpio.trig()
-gpio.trig(pin, type, function(level))
-pin: 0~11, IO编号<br />
-type: 取值为"up", "down", "both", "low", "high", 分别代表上升沿、下降沿、双边沿、低电平、高电平触发方式。<br />
-function(level): 中断触发的回调函数,GPIO的电平作为输入参数。如果此处没有定义函数,则使用之前定义的回调函数。
-    -- 使用GPIO0检测输入脉冲宽度
-    pulse0 = 0
-    du = 0
-    gpio.mode(0,gpio.INT)
-    function pin0cb(level)
-     du = – pulse0
-     print(du)
-     pulse0 =
-     if level == 1 then gpio.trig(0, "down ") else gpio.trig(0, "up ") end
-    end
-    gpio.trig(0, "down ",pin0cb)
-**-**   [gpio.mode()](#io_mode)<br />
-**-**   [gpio.write()](#io_write)
-<a id="pw_setup"></a>
-## pwm.setup()
-pwm.setup(pin, clock, duty)
-pin: 0~11, IO编号<br />
-clock: 1~500, pwm频率<br />
-duty: 0~100, pwm占空比,百分比表示。
-    -- 将管脚0设置为pwm输出模式,频率100Hz,占空比50-50
-    pwm.setup(0, 100, 50)
-**-**   [pwm.start()](#pw_start)
-<a id="pw_close"></a>
-## pwm.close()
-pin: 0~11, IO编号
-    pwm.close(0)
-**-**   [pwm.start()](#pw_start)
-<a id="pw_start"></a>
-## pwm.start()
-pin: 0~11, IO编号
-    pwm.start(0)
-**-**   [pwm.stop()](#pw_stop)
-<a id="pw_stop"></a>
-## pwm.stop()
-pin: 0~11, IO编号
-    pwm.stop(0)
-**-**   [pwm.start()](#pw_start)
-<a id="pw_setclock"></a>
-## pwm.setclock()
-设置pwm的频率<br />
-**-Note:** 设置pwm频率将会同步改变其他pwm输出的频率,当前版本的所有pwm仅支持同一频率输出。
-pwm.setclock(pin, clock)
-pin: 0~11, IO编号<br />
-clock: 1~500, pwm周期
-    pwm.setclock(0, 100)
-**-**   [pwm.getclock()](#pw_getclock)
-<a id="pw_getclock"></a>
-## pwm.getclock()
-pin: 0~11, IO编号
-    print(pwm.getclock(0))
-**-**   [pwm.setclock()](#pw_setclock)
-<a id="pw_setduty"></a>
-## pwm.setduty()
-pwm.setduty(pin, duty)
-pin: 0~11, IO编号<br />
-duty: 0~100, pwm的占空比,以百分数表示
-    pwm.setduty(0, 50)
-**-**   [pwm.getduty()](#pw_getduty)
-<a id="pw_getduty"></a>
-## pwm.getduty()
-pin: 0~11, IO编号
-    -- D0 连接绿色led
-    -- D1 连接蓝色led
-    -- D2 连接红色led
-    pwm.setup(0,500,50)
-    pwm.setup(1,500,50)
-    pwm.setup(2,500,50)
-    pwm.start(0)
-    pwm.start(1)
-    pwm.start(2)
-    function led(r,g,b)
-      pwm.setduty(0,g)
-      pwm.setduty(1,b)
-      pwm.setduty(2,r)
-    end
-    led(50,0,0) --  led显示红色
-    led(0,0,50) -- led显示蓝色
-**-**   [pwm.setduty()](#pw_setduty)
-#net 模块
-net.TCP, net.UDP
-<a id="nt_createServer"></a>
-## net.createServer()
-net.createServer(type, timeout)
-type: 取值为:net.TCP 或者 net.UDP<br />
-timeout: 1~28800, 当为tcp服务器时,客户端的超时时间设置。
-    net.createServer(net.TCP, 30)
-**-**   [net.createConnection()](#nt_createConnection)
-<a id="nt_createConnection"></a>
-## net.createConnection()
-net.createConnection(type, secure)
-type: 取值为:net.TCP 或者 net.UDP<br />
-secure: 设置为1或者0, 1代表安全连接,0代表普通连接。
-    net.createConnection(net.UDP, 0)
-**-**   [net.createServer()](#nt_createServer)
-#net.server 子模块
-<a id="ns_listen"></a>
-## listen()
-port: 端口号<br />
-ip:ip地址字符串,可以省略<br />
-function(net.socket): 连接创建成功的回调函数,可以作为参数传给调用函数。
-    -- 创建一个server
-    sv=net.createServer(net.TCP, 30)  -- 30s 超时
-    -- server侦听端口80,如果收到数据将数据打印至控制台,并向远端发送‘hello world’
-    sv:listen(80,function(c)
-      c:on("receive", function(sck, pl) print(pl) end)
-      c:send("hello world")
-      end)
-**-**   [net.createServer()](#nt_createServer)
-<a id="ns_close"></a>
-## close()
-    -- 创建server
-    sv=net.createServer(net.TCP, 5)
-    -- 关闭server
-    sv:close()
-**-**   [net.createServer()](#nt_createServer)
-#net.socket 子模块
-<a id="nk_connect"></a>
-## connect()
-connect(port, ip)
-port: 端口号<br />
-ip: ip地址字符串
-**-**   [net.socket:on()](#nk_on)
-<a id="nk_send"></a>
-## send()
-send(string, function(sent))
-string: 待发送的字符串<br />
-function(sent): 发送字符串后的回调函数。
-**-**   [net.socket:on()](#nk_on)
-<a id="nk_on"></a>
-## on()
-on(event, function cb())
-event: 字符串,取值为: "connection", "reconnection", "disconnection", "receive", "sent"<br />
-function cb(net.socket, [string]): 回调函数。第一个参数是socket.<br />
-如果事件是"receive",  第二个参数则为接收到的字符串。
-    sk=net.createConnection(net.TCP, 0)
-    sk:on("receive", function(sck, c) print(c) end )
-    sk:connect(80,"")
-    sk:send("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nAccept: */*\r\n\r\n")
-**-**   [net.createServer()](#nt_createServer)
-<a id="nk_close"></a>
-## close()
-**-**   [net.createServer()](#nt_createServer)
-<a id="nk_dns"></a>
-## dns()
-dns(domain, function(net.socket, ip))
-domain: 当前域的名称<br />
-function (net.socket, ip): 回调函数。第一个参数是socket,第二个参数是当前域的ip字符串。
-**-**   [net.createServer()](#nt_createServer)
-i2c.SLOW,  i2c.TRANSMITTER, i2c. RECEIVER.  FAST(400k)模式目前不支持。
-<a id="ic_setup"></a>
-## i2c.setup()
-i2c.setup(id, pinSDA, pinSCL, speed)
-id = 0<br />
-pinSDA: 0~11, IO编号<br />
-pinSCL: 0~11, IO编号<br />
-speed:  i2c.SLOW
-**-**   [](#ic_read)
-<a id="ic_start"></a>
-## i2c.start()
-id = 0
-**-**   [](#ic_read)
-<a id="ic_stop"></a>
-## i2c.stop()
-id = 0
-**-**   [](#ic_read)
-<a id="ic_address"></a>
-## i2c.address()
-i2c.address(id, device_addr, direction)
-id=0<br />
-device_addr: 设备地址。<br />
-direction: i2c.TRANSMITTER:写模式;i2c. RECEIVER:读模式。
-**-**   [](#ic_read)
-<a id="ic_write"></a>
-## i2c.write()
-向i2c写数据。数据可以是多个数字, 字符串或者lua table。
-i2c.write(id, data1, data2,...)
-id=0<br />
-data: 数据可以是多个数字, 字符串或者lua table。
-    i2c.write(0, "hello", "world")
-**-**   [](#ic_read)
-<a id="ic_read"></a>
-####语法, len)
-id=0<br />
-len: 数据长度。
-    id=0
-    sda=1
-    scl=0
-    -- 初始化i2c, 将pin1设置为sda, 将pin0设置为scl
-    i2c.setup(id,sda,scl,i2c.SLOW)
-    -- 用户定义函数:读取地址dev_addr的寄存器reg_addr中的内容。
-    function read_reg(dev_addr, reg_addr)
-      i2c.start(id)
-      i2c.address(id, dev_addr ,i2c.TRANSMITTER)
-      i2c.write(id,reg_addr)
-      i2c.stop(id)
-      i2c.start(id)
-      i2c.address(id, dev_addr,i2c.RECEIVER)
-      i2c.stop(id)
-      return c
-    end
-    -- 读取0x77的寄存器0xAA中的内容。
-    reg = read_reg(0x77, 0xAA)
-    pirnt(string.byte(reg))
-**-**   [i2c.write()](#ic_write)
-#adc 模块
-<a id="adc_read"></a>
-读取adc的值,esp8266只有一个10bit adc,id为0,引脚为TOUT,最大值1024
-id = 0<br />
-adc 值 10bit,最大1024.
-**-**   []()

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 14

+ 0 - 1816

@@ -1,1816 +0,0 @@
-# **nodeMcu API Instruction** #
-###version 0.9.2 build 2014-11-20
-<a id="change_log"></a>
-###change log: 
-2014-11-20<br />
-fix tmr.delay to support more than 2s delay, may cause bacon time out, lost connection to AP.<br />
-add tmr.wdclr to clear watchdog counter in chip, use in long time loop.<br />
-fix UDP part of net module.<br />
-add a timeout para to createServer(net.TCP, timeout).
-2014-11-19<br />
-add adc module, use to read adc value, no tests made.<br />
-add wifi.sta.getap() api to wifi.sta module, to get ap list.
-2014-11-18<br />
-bug fixed: net.socket:connect() has no effect.
-2014-11-18<br />
-bug fixed: as a tcp server, the connection can't closed with :close().<br />
-tcp server: inactive connection will closed by server in 30s (previously 180s).<br />
-add a test api node.input() to put lua chunk into lua interpretor, multi-line supported.<br />
-add a test api node.ouput(function) to direct serial output to a callback function.<br />
-file.readline() now returns line include EOL('\n'), and returns nil when EOF. 
-2014-11-12<br />
-full version firmware<br />
-2014-11-11<br />
-add api to file module<br />
-now max 6 pwm channel is supported<br />
-2014-11-10<br />
-change log module to file module<br />
-now file operation support multiple read/write<br />
-for now file module only allowed one file opened<br />
-2014-11-5<br />
-delete log operation api from node module<br />
-add log module<br />
-modify wifi module api<br />
-modify node.key long_press and short_press default function<br />
-key is triged only when key is released<br />
-# Summary
-- Easy to access wireless router
-- Based on Lua 5.1.4, Developers are supposed to have experience with Lua Program language.
-- Event-Drive programming modal.
-- Build-in file, timer, pwm, i2c, net, gpio, wifi module.
-- Serial Port BaudRate:9600
-- Re-mapped GPIO pin, use the index to program gpio, i2c, pwm.
-- GPIO Map Table:
-  <tr>
-    <th scope="col">IO index</th><th scope="col">ESP8266 pin</th><th scope="col">IO index</th><th scope="col">ESP8266 pin</th>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td>0</td><td>GPIO12</td><td>8</td><td>GPIO0</td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td>1</td><td>GPIO13</td><td>9</td><td>GPIO2</td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr>
-    <td>2</td><td>GPIO14</td><td>10</td><td>GPIO4</td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td>3</td><td>GPIO15</td><td>11</td><td>GPIO5</td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr>
-    <td>4</td><td>GPIO3</td><td></td><td></td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td>5</td><td>GPIO1</td><td></td><td></td>
-   </tr>
-   <tr>
-    <td>6</td><td>GPIO9</td><td></td><td></td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td>7</td><td>GPIO10</td<td></td><td></td>
-   </tr>
-#Burn/Flash Firmware
-nodemcu_512k.bin: 0x00000<br />
-#node module
-<a id="nm_restart"></a>
-## node.restart()
-restart the chip.
-    node.restart();
-####See also
-**-**   []()
-<a id="nm_dsleep"></a>
-## node.dsleep()
-Enter deep sleep mode, wake up when timed out<br />
-node.dsleep(us)<br />
-**-Note:** This function can only be used in the condition that esp8266 PIN32(RST) and PIN8(XPD_DCDC) are connected together.
-us: sleep time in micro second
-    node.dsleep(us);
-####See also
-**-**   []()
-<a id="nm_chipid"></a>
-## node.chipid()
-return chip ID
-number:chip ID
-    id = node.chipid();
-####See also
-**-**   []()
-<a id="nm_heap"></a>
-## node.heap()
-return the remain HEAP size in bytes
-number: system heap size left in bytes
-    heap_size = node.heap();
-####See also
-**-**   []()
-<a id="nm_key"></a>
-## node.key()
-define button function, button is connected to GPIO16.
-node.key(type, function())
-type: type is either string "long" or "short". long: press the key for 3 seconds, short: press shortly(less than 3 seconds)<br />
-function(): user defined function which is called when key is pressed. If nil, cancling the user defined function.<br />
-Default function: long: change LED blinking rate,  short: reset chip
-    node.key("long", function(){print('hello world')})
-####See also
-**-**   []()
-<a id="nm_led"></a>
-## node.led()
-setup the on/off time for led, which connected to GPIO16, multiplexing with node.key()
-node.led(low, high)
-Low: LED off time, LED keeps on when low=0. Unit: milliseconds, time resolution: 80~100ms<br />
-High: LED off time. Unit: milliseconds, time resolution: 80~100ms
-    -- turn led on forever.
-    node.led(0);
-####See also
-**-**   []()
-<a id="nm_input"></a>
-## node.input()
-accept a string and put the string into Lua interpretor.<br />
-same as pcall(loadstring(str)) but support multi seperated line.
-str: Lua chunk
-    -- never use node.input() in console. no effect.
-    sk:on("receive", function(conn, payload) node.input(payload) end)
-####See also
-**-**   []()
-<a id="nm_output"></a>
-## node.output()
-direct output from lua interpretor to a call back function.
-node.output(function(str), serial_debug)
-function(str): a function accept every output as str, and can send the output to a socket.<br />
-serial_debug: 1 output also show in serial. 0: no serial output.
-    function tonet(str)
-      sk:send(str)
-      -- print(str) WRONG!!! never ever print something in this function
-      -- because this will cause a recursive function call!!!
-    end
-    node.ouput(tonet, 1)  -- serial also get the lua output.
-    -- a simple telnet server
-    s=net.createServer(net.TCP) 
-    s:listen(2323,function(c) 
-       con_std = c 
-       function s_output(str) 
-          if(con_std~=nil) 
-             then con_std:send(str) 
-          end 
-       end 
-       node.output(s_output, 0)   -- re-direct output to function s_ouput.
-       c:on("receive",function(c,l) 
-          node.input(l)           -- works like pcall(loadstring(l)) but support multiple separate line
-       end) 
-       c:on("disconnection",function(c) 
-          con_std = nil 
-          node.output(nil)        -- un-regist the redirect output function, output goes to serial
-       end) 
-    end)
-####See also
-**-**   []()
-#file module
-<a id="fl_remove"></a>
-## file.remove()
-remove file from file system.
-filename: file to remove
-    -- remove "foo.lua" from file system.
-    file.remove("foo.lua")
-####See also
-**-**   [](#fl_open)<br />
-**-**   [file.close()](#fl_close)
-<a id="fl_open"></a>
-open file.
-####Syntax, mode)
-filename: file to be opened, directories are not supported<br />
-mode:<br />
-   "r": read mode (the default)<br />
-   "w": write mode<br />
-   "a": append mode<br />
-   "r+": update mode, all previous data is preserved<br />
-   "w+": update mode, all previous data is erased<br />
-   "a+": append update mode, previous data is preserved, writing is only allowed at the end of file
-    -- open 'init.lua', print the first line.
-"init.lua", "r")
-    print(file.readline())
-    file.close()
-####See also
-**-**   [file.close()](#fl_close)<br />
-**-**   [file.readline()](#fl_readline)
-<a id="fl_close"></a>
-## file.close()
-close the file.
-    -- open 'init.lua', print the first line.
-"init.lua", "r")
-    print(file.readline())
-    file.close()
-####See also
-**-**   [](#fl_open)<br />
-**-**   [file.readline()](#fl_readline)
-<a id="fl_readline"></a>
-## file.readline()
-read one line of file which is opened before.
-file content in string, line by line, include EOL('\n')<br />
-return nil when EOF.
-    -- print the first line of 'init.lua'
-"init.lua", "r")
-    print(file.readline())
-    file.close()
-####See also
-**-**   [](#fl_open)<br />
-**-**   [file.close()](#fl_close)
-<a id="fl_writeline"></a>
-## file.writeline()
-write string to file and add a '\n' at the end.
-string: content to be write to file
-true: write ok.
-nil: there is error
-    -- open 'init.lua' in 'a+' mode
-"init.lua", "a+")
-    -- write 'foo bar' to the end of the file
-    file.writeline('foo bar')
-    file.close()
-####See also
-**-**   [](#fl_open)<br />
-**-**   [file.write()](#fl_write)
-<a id="fl_write"></a>
-## file.write()
-write string to file.
-string: content to be write to file.
-true: write ok.
-nil: there is error
-    -- open 'init.lua' in 'a+' mode
-"init.lua", "a+")
-    -- write 'foo bar' to the end of the file
-    file.write('foo bar')
-    file.close()
-####See also
-**-**   [](#fl_open)<br />
-**-**   [file.writeline()](#fl_writeline)
-<a id="fl_flush"></a>
-## file.flush()
-flush to file.
-    -- open 'init.lua' in 'a+' mode
-"init.lua", "a+")
-    -- write 'foo bar' to the end of the file
-    file.write('foo bar')
-    file.flush()
-    file.close()
-####See also
-**-**   [](#fl_open)<br />
-**-**   [file.writeline()](#fl_writeline)
-<a id="fl_seek"></a>
-Sets and gets the file position, measured from the beginning of the file, to the position given by offset plus a base specified by the string whence.
-####Syntax, offset)
-whence:<br />
-"set": base is position 0 (beginning of the file);<br />
-"cur": base is current position;(default value)<br />
-"end": base is end of file;<br />
-offset: default 0
-success: returns the final file position<br />
-fail: returns nil
-    -- open 'init.lua' in 'a+' mode
-"init.lua", "a+")
-    -- write 'foo bar' to the end of the file
-    file.write('foo bar')
-    file.flush()
-    print(file.readline())
-    file.close()
-####See also
-**-**   [](#fl_open)<br />
-**-**   [file.writeline()](#fl_writeline)
-<a id="fl_list"></a>
-## file.list()
-list all files.
-a lua table which contains the {file name: file size} pairs
-    l = file.list();
-    for k,v in l do
-      print("name:"..k..", size:"..v)
-    end
-####See also
-**-**   [file.remove()](#fl_remove)
-#wifi module
-<a id="wf_setmode"></a>
-## wifi.setmode(mode)
-setup wifi operation mode.
-mode: value should be: wifi.STATION, wifi.SOFTAP or wifi.STATIONAP
-current mode after setup
-    wifi.setmode(wifi.STATION)
-####See also
-**-**   [wifi.getmode()](#wf_getmode)
-<a id="wf_getmode"></a>
-## wifi.getmode(mode)
-get wifi operation mode.
-wifi operation mode
-    print(wifi.getmode())
-####See also
-**-**   [wifi.setmode()](#wf_setmode)
-<a id="wf_startsmart"></a>
-## wifi.startsmart()
-starts to auto configuration, if success set up ssid and pwd automatically .
-wifi.startsmart(channel, function succeed_callback())
-channel: 1~13, startup channel for searching, if nil, default to 6.  20 seconds for each channel.<br />
-succeed_callback: callback function called after configuration, which is called when got password and connected to AP.
-    wifi.startsmart(6, cb())
-####See also
-**-**   [wifi.stopsmart()](#wf_stopsmart)
-<a id="wf_stopsmart"></a>
-## wifi.stopsmart()
-stop the configuring process.
-    wifi.stopsmart()
-####See also
-**-**   [wifi.startsmart()](#wf_startsmart)
-#wifi.sta module
-<a id="ws_config"></a>
-## wifi.sta.config()
-set ssid and password in station mode.
-wifi.sta.config(ssid, password)
-ssid: string which is less than 32 bytes.<br />
-password: string which is less than 64 bytes.
-    wifi.sta.config("myssid","mypassword")
-####See also
-**-**   [wifi.sta.connect()](#ws_connect)<br />
-**-**   [wifi.sta.disconnect()](#ws_disconnect)
-<a id="ws_connect"></a>
-## wifi.sta.connect()
-connect to AP in station mode.
-    wifi.sta.connect()
-####See also
-**-**   [wifi.sta.disconnect()](#ws_disconnect)<br />
-**-**   [wifi.sta.config()](#ws_config)
-<a id="ws_disconnect"></a>
-## wifi.sta.disconnect()
-disconnect from AP in station mode.
-    wifi.sta.disconnect()
-####See also
-**-**   [wifi.sta.config()](#ws_config)<br />
-**-**   [wifi.sta.connect()](#ws_connect)
-<a id="ws_autoconnect"></a>
-## wifi.sta.autoconnect()
-auto connect to AP in station mode.
-auto: 0 to disable auto connecting. 1 to enable auto connecting
-    wifi.sta.autoconnect()
-####See also
-**-**   [wifi.sta.config()](#ws_config)<br />
-**-**   [wifi.sta.connect()](#ws_connect)<br />
-**-**   [wifi.sta.disconnect()](#ws_disconnect)
-<a id="ws_getip"></a>
-## wifi.sta.getip()
-get ip address in station mode.
-ip address in string, for example:""
-    -- print current ip
-    print(wifi.sta.getip())
-####See also
-**-**   [wifi.sta.getmac()](#ws_getmac)
-<a id="ws_getmac"></a>
-## wifi.sta.getmac()
-get mac address in station mode.
-mac address in string, for example:"18-33-44-FE-55-BB"
-    -- print current mac address
-    print(wifi.sta.getmac())
-####See also
-**-**   [wifi.sta.getip()](#ws_getip)
-<a id="ws_getap"></a>
-## wifi.sta.getap()
-scan and get ap list as a lua table into callback function.
-function(table): a callback function to receive ap table when scan is done<br />
-    this function receive a table, the key is the ssid, value is other info in format: authmode,rssi,bssid,channel
-    -- print ap list
-    function listap(t)
-      for k,v in pairs(t) do
-        print(k.." : "..v)
-      end
-    end
-    wifi.sta.getap(listap)
-####See also
-**-**   [wifi.sta.getip()](#ws_getip)
-#wifi.ap module
-<a id="wa_config"></a>
-## wifi.ap.config()
-set ssid and password in ap mode.
-cfg: lua table to setup ap.
-     cfg={}
-     cfg.ssid="myssid"
-     cfg.pwd="mypwd"
-     wifi.ap.setconfig(cfg)
-    wifi.ap.config(ssid, 'password')
-####See also
-**-**    []()
-<a id="wa_getip"></a>
-## wifi.ap.getip()
-get ip in ap mode.
-ip address in string, for example:""
-    wifi.ap.getip()
-####See also
-**-**   [wifi.ap.getmac()](#wa_getmac)
-<a id="wa_getmac"></a>
-## wifi.ap.getmac()
-get mac address in ap mode.
-mac address in string, for example:"1A-33-44-FE-55-BB"
-    wifi.ap.getmac()
-####See also
-**-**   [wifi.ap.getip()](#wa_getip)
-#timer module
-<a id="tm_delay"></a>
-## tmr.delay()
-delay us micro seconds.
-us: delay time in micro second
-    -- delay 100us
-    tmr.delay(100)
-####See also
-**-**   [](#tm_now)
-<a id="tm_now"></a>
-return the current value of system counter: uint32, us.
-uint32: value of counter
-    -- print current value of counter
-    print(
-####See also
-**-**   [tmr.delay()](#tm_delay)
-<a id="tm_alarm"></a>
-## tmr.alarm()
-alarm time.
-tmr.alarm(interval, repeat, function do())
-Interval: alarm time, unit: millisecond<br />
-repeat: 0 - one time alarm, 1 - repeat<br />
-function do(): callback function for alarm timed out
-    -- print "hello world" every 1000ms
-    tmr.alarm(1000, 1, function() print("hello world") end )
-####See also
-**-**   [](#tm_now)
-<a id="tm_stop"></a>
-## tmr.stop()
-stop alarm.<br />
-**-Note:** only one alarm is allowed, the previous one would be replaced if tmr.alarm() called again before tmr.stop().
-    -- print "hello world" every 1000ms
-    tmr.alarm(1000, 1, function() print("hello world") end )
-    -- something else
-    -- stop alarm
-    tmr.stop()
-####See also
-**-**   [](#tm_now)
-<a id="tm_wdclr"></a>
-## tmr.wdclr()
-clear system watchdog counter.<br />
-    for i=1,10000 do 
-      print(i)
-      tmr.wdclr()   -- should call tmr.wdclr() in a long loop to avoid hardware reset caused by watchdog.
-    end 
-####See also
-**-**   [tmr.delay()](#tm_delay)
-#GPIO module
-gpio.OUTPUT, gpio.INPUT, gpio.INT, gpio.HIGH, gpio.LOW
-<a id="io_mode"></a>
-## gpio.mode()
-initialize pin to GPIO mode, set the pin in/out mode.
-gpio.mode(pin, mode)
-pin: 0~11, IO index<br />
-mode: gpio.OUTPUT or gpio.INPUT, or gpio.INT(interrupt mode)
-    -- set gpio 0 as output.
-    gpio.mode(0, gpio.OUTPUT)
-####See also
-**-**   [](#io_read)
-<a id="io_read"></a>
-read pin value.
-pin: 0~11, IO index
-number:0 - low, 1 - high
-    -- read value of gpio 0.
-####See also
-**-**   [gpio.mode()](#io_mode)
-<a id="io_write"></a>
-## gpio.write()
-set pin value.
-pin: 0~11, IO index<br />
-level: gpio.HIGH or gpio.LOW
-    -- set pin index 1 to GPIO mode, and set the pin to high.
-    pin=1
-    gpio.mode(pin, gpio.OUTPUT)
-    gpio.write(pin, gpio.HIGH)
-####See also
-**-**   [gpio.mode()](#io_mode)<br />
-**-**   [](#io_read)
-<a id="io_trig"></a>
-## gpio.trig()
-set the interrupt callback function for pin.
-gpio.trig(pin, type, function(level))
-pin: 0~11, IO index<br />
-type: "up", "down", "both", "low", "high", which represent rising edge, falling edge, both edge, low level, high level trig mode separately.<br />
-function(level): callback function when triggered. The gpio level is the param. Use previous callback function if undefined here.
-    -- use pin 0 as the input pulse width counter
-    pulse0 = 0
-    du = 0
-    gpio.mode(0,gpio.INT)
-    function pin0cb(level)
-     du = – pulse0
-     print(du)
-     pulse0 =
-     if level == 1 then gpio.trig(0, "down ") else gpio.trig(0, "up ") end
-    end
-    gpio.trig(0, "down ",pin0cb)
-####See also
-**-**   [gpio.mode()](#io_mode)<br />
-**-**   [gpio.write()](#io_write)
-#PWM module
-<a id="pw_setup"></a>
-## pwm.setup()
-set pin to PWM mode. Only 3 pins can be set to PWM mode at the most.
-pwm.setup(pin, clock, duty)
-pin: 0~11, IO index<br />
-clock: 1~500, pwm frequency<br />
-duty: 0~100, pwm duty cycle in percentage
-    -- set pin index 0 as pwm output, frequency is 100Hz, duty cycle is 50-50.
-    pwm.setup(0, 100, 50)
-####See also
-**-**   [pwm.start()](#pw_start)
-<a id="pw_close"></a>
-## pwm.close()
-quit PWM mode for specified pin.
-pin: 0~11, IO index
-    pwm.close(0)
-####See also
-**-**   [pwm.start()](#pw_start)
-<a id="pw_start"></a>
-## pwm.start()
-pwm starts, you can detect the waveform on the gpio.
-pin: 0~11, IO index
-    pwm.start(0)
-####See also
-**-**   [pwm.stop()](#pw_stop)
-<a id="pw_stop"></a>
-## pwm.stop()
-pause the output of PWM waveform.
-pin: 0~11, IO index
-    pwm.stop(0)
-####See also
-**-**   [pwm.start()](#pw_start)
-<a id="pw_setclock"></a>
-## pwm.setclock()
-set pwm frequency for pin.<br />
-**-Note:** setup pwm frequency will synchronously change others if there are any. Only one PWM frequency can be allowed for the system.
-pwm.setclock(pin, clock)
-pin: 0~11, IO index.<br />
-clock: 1~500, pwm frequency.
-    pwm.setclock(0, 100)
-####See also
-**-**   [pwm.getclock()](#pw_getclock)
-<a id="pw_getclock"></a>
-## pwm.getclock()
-get pwm frequency of pin.
-pin: 0~11, IO index.
-number:pwm frequency of pin
-    print(pwm.getclock(0))
-####See also
-**-**   [pwm.setclock()](#pw_setclock)
-<a id="pw_setduty"></a>
-## pwm.setduty()
-set duty clycle for pin.
-pwm.setduty(pin, duty)
-pin: 0~11, IO index<br />
-duty: 0~100, pwm duty cycle in percentage
-    pwm.setduty(0, 50)
-####See also
-**-**   [pwm.getduty()](#pw_getduty)
-<a id="pw_getduty"></a>
-## pwm.getduty()
-get duty clycle for pin.
-pin: 0~11, IO index
-    -- D0 is connected to green led
-    -- D1 is connected to blue led
-    -- D2 is connected to red led
-    pwm.setup(0,500,50)
-    pwm.setup(1,500,50)
-    pwm.setup(2,500,50)
-    pwm.start(0)
-    pwm.start(1)
-    pwm.start(2)
-    function led(r,g,b)
-      pwm.setduty(0,g)
-      pwm.setduty(1,b)
-      pwm.setduty(2,r)
-    end
-    led(50,0,0) --  set led to red
-    led(0,0,50) -- set led to blue.
-####See also
-**-**   [pwm.setduty()](#pw_setduty)
-#net module
-net.TCP, net.UDP
-<a id="nt_createServer"></a>
-## net.createServer()
-create a server.
-net.createServer(type, timeout)
-type: net.TCP or net.UDP<br />
-timeout: for a TCP server, timeout is 1~28800 seconds, for a inactive client to disconnected.
-net.server sub module
-    net.createServer(net.TCP, 30) -- 30s timeout
-####See also
-**-**   [net.createConnection()](#nt_createConnection)
-<a id="nt_createConnection"></a>
-## net.createConnection()
-create a client.
-net.createConnection(type, secure)
-type: net.TCP or net.UDP<br />
-secure: 1 or 0, 1 for ssl link, 0 for normal link
-net.server sub module
-    net.createConnection(net.UDP, 0)
-####See also
-**-**   [net.createServer()](#nt_createServer)
-#net.server module
-<a id="ns_listen"></a>
-## listen()
-listen on port from [ip] address.
-port: port number<br />
-ip:ip address string, can be omitted<br />
-function(net.socket): callback function, pass to Caller function as param if a connection is created successfully
-    -- create a server
-    sv=net.createServer(net.TCP, 30)    -- 30s time out for a inactive client
-    -- server listen on 80, if data received, print data to console, and send "hello world" to remote.
-    sv:listen(80,function(c)
-      c:on("receive", function(sck, pl) print(pl) end)
-      c:send("hello world")
-      end)
-####See also
-**-**   [net.createServer()](#nt_createServer)
-<a id="ns_close"></a>
-## close()
-close server.
-    -- create a server
-    sv=net.createServer(net.TCP, 30)
-    -- close server
-    sv:close()
-####See also
-**-**   [net.createServer()](#nt_createServer)
-#net.socket module
-<a id="nk_connect"></a>
-## connect()
-connect to remote.
-connect(port, ip)
-port: port number<br />
-ip: ip address in string
-####See also
-**-**   [net.socket:on()](#nk_on)
-<a id="nk_send"></a>
-## send()
-send data to remote via connection.
-send(string, function(sent))
-string: data in string which will be sent to remote<br />
-function(sent): callback function for sending string
-####See also
-**-**   [net.socket:on()](#nk_on)
-<a id="nk_on"></a>
-## on()
-register callback function for event.
-on(event, function cb())
-event: string, which can be: "connection", "reconnection", "disconnection", "receive", "sent"<br />
-function cb(net.socket, [string]): callback function. The first param is the socket.<br />
-If  event is"receive",  the second param is received data in string.
-    sk=net.createConnection(net.TCP, 0)
-    sk:on("receive", function(sck, c) print(c) end )
-    sk:connect(80,"")
-    sk:send("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nAccept: */*\r\n\r\n")
-####See also
-**-**   [net.createServer()](#nt_createServer)
-<a id="nk_close"></a>
-## close()
-close socket.
-####See also
-**-**   [net.createServer()](#nt_createServer)
-<a id="nk_dns"></a>
-## dns()
-get domain ip
-dns(domain, function(net.socket, ip))
-domain: domain name.<br />
-function (net.socket, ip): callback function. The first param is the socket, the second param is the ip address in string.
-####See also
-**-**   [net.createServer()](#nt_createServer)
-#i2c module
-i2c.SLOW,  i2c.TRANSMITTER, i2c. RECEIVER.  FAST(400k)is not supported for now.
-<a id="ic_setup"></a>
-## i2c.setup()
-initialize i2c.
-i2c.setup(id, pinSDA, pinSCL, speed)
-id = 0<br />
-pinSDA: 0~11, IO index<br />
-pinSCL: 0~11, IO index<br />
-speed:  i2c.SLOW
-####See also
-**-**   [](#ic_read)
-<a id="ic_start"></a>
-## i2c.start()
-start i2c transporting.
-id = 0
-####See also
-**-**   [](#ic_read)
-<a id="ic_stop"></a>
-## i2c.stop()
-stop i2c transporting.
-id = 0
-####See also
-**-**   [](#ic_read)
-<a id="ic_address"></a>
-## i2c.address()
-setup i2c address and read/write mode.
-i2c.address(id, device_addr, direction)
-id=0<br />
-device_addr: device address.<br />
-direction: i2c.TRANSMITTER for writing mode , i2c. RECEIVER for reading mode
-####See also
-**-**   [](#ic_read)
-<a id="ic_write"></a>
-## i2c.write()
-write data to i2c, data can be multi numbers, string or lua table.
-i2c.write(id, data1, data2,...)
-id=0<br />
-data: data can be numbers, string or lua table.
-    i2c.write(0, "hello", "world")
-####See also
-**-**   [](#ic_read)
-<a id="ic_read"></a>
-read data for len bytes.
-####Syntax, len)
-id=0<br />
-len: data length
-string:data received.
-    id=0
-    sda=1
-    scl=0
-    -- initialize i2c, set pin1 as sda, set pin0 as scl
-    i2c.setup(id,sda,scl,i2c.SLOW)
-    -- user defined function: read from reg_addr content of dev_addr
-    function read_reg(dev_addr, reg_addr)
-      i2c.start(id)
-      i2c.address(id, dev_addr ,i2c.TRANSMITTER)
-      i2c.write(id,reg_addr)
-      i2c.stop(id)
-      i2c.start(id)
-      i2c.address(id, dev_addr,i2c.RECEIVER)
-      i2c.stop(id)
-      return c
-    end
-    -- get content of register 0xAA of device 0x77
-    reg = read_reg(0x77, 0xAA)
-    pirnt(string.byte(reg))
-####See also
-**-**   [i2c.write()](#ic_write)
-#adc module
-<a id="adc_read"></a>
-read adc value of id, esp8266 has only one 10bit adc, id=0, pin TOUT
-id = 0<br />
-adc value
-####See also
-**-**   []()

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff