/* * wmfs2 by Martin Duquesnoy { for(i = 2011; i < 2111; ++i) ©(i); } * For license, see COPYING. */ #include "config.h" #include "wmfs.h" #include "parse.h" #include "tag.h" #include "screen.h" #include "infobar.h" #include "util.h" #define CONFIG_DEFAULT_PATH ".config/wmfs/wmfsrc2" /* tmp */ static void config_theme(void) { struct theme *t, *p = NULL; size_t i, n; struct conf_sec *sec, **ks; /* [themes] */ sec = fetch_section_first(NULL, "themes"); ks = fetch_section(sec, "theme"); /* No theme section? Make one with default value anyway. */ if(!(n = fetch_section_count(ks))) ++n; SLIST_INIT(&W->h.theme); /* [theme]*/ for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { t = (struct theme*)xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct theme)); t->name = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "default", "name").str; wmfs_init_font(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "fixed", "font").str, t); /* bars */ t->bars.fg = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#CCCCCC", "bars_fg").str); t->bars.bg = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#222222", "bars_bg").str); t->bars_width = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "12", "bars_width").num; /* * Elements */ t->tags_n.fg = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#CCCCCC", "tags_normal_fg").str); t->tags_n.bg = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#222222", "tags_normal_bg").str); t->tags_s.fg = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#222222", "tags_sel_fg").str); t->tags_s.bg = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#CCCCCC", "tags_sel_bg").str); t->tags_border_col = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#888888", "tags_border_color").str); t->tags_border_width = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "0", "tags_border_width").num; /* Client / frame */ t->client_n.fg = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#CCCCCC", "client_normal_fg").str); t->client_n.bg = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#222222", "client_normal_bg").str); t->client_s.fg = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#222222", "client_sel_fg").str); t->client_s.bg = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#CCCCCC", "client_sel_bg").str); t->frame_bg = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#555555", "frame_bg").str); t->client_titlebar_width = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "12", "client_titlebar_width").num; t->client_border_width = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "1", "client_border_width").num; /* insert_tail with SLIST */ if(SLIST_EMPTY(&W->h.theme)) SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&W->h.theme, t, next); else SLIST_INSERT_AFTER(p, t, next); p = t; } free(ks); } static void config_bars(void) { struct screen *s; struct theme *t; size_t i, n; struct conf_sec *sec, **ks; int screenid; char *elem; Barpos pos = BarTop; /* [bars] */ sec = fetch_section_first(NULL, "bars"); ks = fetch_section(sec, "bar"); n = fetch_section_count(ks); /* [bar] */ for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { elem = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "", "elements").str; screenid = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "-1", "screen").num; t = name_to_theme(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "default", "theme").str); pos = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "0", "position").num; SLIST_FOREACH(s, &W->h.screen, next) if(screenid == s->id || screenid == -1) infobar_new(s, t, pos, elem); } free(ks); } static void config_tag(void) { struct screen *s; struct tag *t; size_t i, n; struct conf_sec *sec, **ks; char *name; int screenid; /* [tags] */ sec = fetch_section_first(NULL, "tags"); ks = fetch_section(sec, "tag"); n = fetch_section_count(ks); /* [tag] */ for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { name = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "tag", "name").str; screenid = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "-1", "screen").num; SLIST_FOREACH(s, &W->h.screen, next) if(screenid == s->id || screenid == -1) { t = tag_new(s, name); /* Set first tag as seltag */ if(t == TAILQ_FIRST(&s->tags)) s->seltag = t; } } free(ks); } static void config_keybind(void) { int i; size_t j, n; struct conf_sec *sec, **ks; struct opt_type *opt; char *cmd; struct keybind *k; /* [keys] */ sec = fetch_section_first(NULL, "keys"); ks = fetch_section(sec, "key"); n = fetch_section_count(ks); SLIST_INIT(&W->h.keybind); /* [key] */ for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { k = (struct keybind*)xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct keybind)); /* mod = {} */ opt = fetch_opt(ks[i], "", "mod"); for(j = k->mod = 0; j < fetch_opt_count(opt); ++j) k->mod |= modkey_keysym(opt[j].str); free(opt); /* key = */ k->keysym = XStringToKeysym(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "None", "key").str); /* func = */ if(!(k->func = uicb_name_func(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "", "func").str))) { warnx("configuration: Unknown Function \"%s\".", fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "", "func").str); k->func = uicb_spawn; } /* cmd = */ if((cmd = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "", "cmd").str)) k->cmd = xstrdup(cmd); SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&W->h.keybind, k, next); } wmfs_grab_keys(); free(ks); } void config_init(void) { char *path; xasprintf(&path, "%s/"CONFIG_DEFAULT_PATH, getenv("HOME")); if(get_conf(path) == -1) errx(1, "parsing configuration file (%s) failed.", path); config_theme(); config_keybind(); config_tag(); config_bars(); free(path); free_conf(); }