
Branch for wmfs2

Martin Duquesnoy 12 年 前

+ 68 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# wmfs version
+VERSION=$(shell scripts/setlocalversion)
+SRCS=                 \
+      src/barwin.c    \
+      src/config.c    \
+      src/client.c    \
+      src/event.c     \
+      src/ewmh.c      \
+      src/infobar.c   \
+      src/layout.c    \
+      src/parse_api.c \
+      src/parse.c     \
+      src/screen.c    \
+      src/tag.c       \
+      src/util.c      \
+      src/wmfs.c
+# flags
+CFLAGS+= -Wall -Wextra
+OBJS= ${SRCS:.c=.o}
+all: ${PROG}
+${PROG}: ${OBJS}
+	${CC} -o $@ ${OBJS} ${LDFLAGS}
+	${CC} -c ${CFLAGS} $< -o $@
+.PHONY: all clean distclean install uninstall dist
+	rm -f ${OBJS} wmfs
+distclean: clean
+	rm -f Makefile
+install: all
+	@echo installing executable file to ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin
+	mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin
+	install ${PROG} ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin
+	@echo installing xsession file to ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/xsessions
+	mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/xsessions
+	install -m 644 wmfs.desktop ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/xsessions/
+	@echo installing default config file to ${DESTDIR}${XDG_CONFIG_DIR}/wmfs/
+	mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}${XDG_CONFIG_DIR}/wmfs/
+	install -m 444 wmfsrc ${DESTDIR}${XDG_CONFIG_DIR}/wmfs/
+	@echo removing executable file from ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin
+	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/wmfs
+	@echo removing xsession file from ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/xsessions
+	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/xsessions/wmfs.desktop
+	@echo removing config file from ${DESTDIR}${XDG_CONFIG_DIR}/wmfs/
+	rm -f ${DESTDIR}${XDG_CONFIG_DIR}/wmfs/wmfsrc
+	rmdir ${DESTDIR}${XDG_CONFIG_DIR}/wmfs/
+	@echo "Generate wmfs-`date +%Y%m`.tar.gz"
+	git archive --format=tar --prefix=wmfs-`date +%Y%m`/ master | gzip -c > wmfs-`date +%Y%m`.tar.gz

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1 +1 @@
-Some usefull hacks of any k1nd
+next WMFS dev branch.

+ 91 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+USE_XFT="xft freetype2"
+OS=`uname -s`
+while true; do
+	case "$1" in
+		--without-xinerama)
+			USE_XINERAMA="";  shift;;
+		--prefix)
+			[ -z "$2" ] && echo "Missing argument" && exit 1
+			PREFIX=$2; shift 2;;
+		--xdg-config-dir)
+			[ -z "$2" ] && echo "Missing argument" && exit 1
+			XDG_CONFIG_DIR=$2; shift 2;;
+		--help|-h)
+			echo "Usage: ./configure [options]
+	--without-xinerama		: compile without xinerama support
+	--prefix DIRECTORY		: install binary with specified prefix (default $PREFIX)
+	--xdg-config-dir DIRECTORY	: install configuration to specified directory (default $XDG_CONFIG_DIR)"
+			exit 0;;
+		*) break;;
+	esac
+which pkg-config >/dev/null 2>&1
+if [ $? -eq 0 ];
+	CFLAGS=`pkg-config --cflags-only-I $LIBS`
+	LDFLAGS=`pkg-config --libs $LIBS`
+	# Try to use some known paths
+	case $OS in
+		FreeBSD)
+			CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include"
+			LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib";;
+		OpenBSD)
+			CFLAGS="-I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/local/include"
+			LDFLAGS="-L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/local/lib";;
+		NetBSD)
+			CFLAGS="-I/usr/X11R7/include -I/usr/local/include"
+			LDFLAGS="-L/usr/X11R7/lib -L/usr/local/lib";;
+		Linux)
+			CFLAGS=""
+			LDFLAGS=""
+			;;
+		*)
+			echo "No default CFLAGS and LDFLAGS found for your OS, feel free to contribute or install pkg-config :)"
+			exit 1;;
+	esac
+	[ -n "$USE_XINERAMA" ] && LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -lXinerama"
+cat > Makefile << EOF
+cat Makefile.in >> Makefile
+echo "Compilation resume:
+You can run 'make' now :-)

+ 0 - 272

@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
- * HFTSniff simple sniffer using pcap
- * xorg62@gmail.com
- ******/
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <pcap.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <netinet/if_ether.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-/* Macros */
-#define LEN(x)  (sizeof(x) / sizeof(*x))
-/* Using ANSI escape codes to use bold in simple text mode */
-#define IP_SRCDEST(src, psrc, dest, pdest)                  \
-     do {                                                   \
-          printf("%s:\e[1m%d\e[0m  ==>  %s:\e[1m%d\e[0m\n", \
-                    src, psrc, dest, pdest);                \
-     } while(/* CONSTCOND */ 0);
-#define DISP_PROTO(s)                     \
-     do {                                 \
-          printf("( \e[1m%s\e[0m ) ", s); \
-     } while(/* CONSTCOND */ 0);
-#define DISP_PAYLOAD(p, l)                  \
-     do {                                   \
-          int i = 0;                        \
-          for(; i < (l) && (p); ++i, ++(p)) \
-               if(isprint(*(p)))            \
-                    putchar((char)*(p));    \
-     } while(/* CONSTCOND */ 0);
-#define BYE(s, er)                           \
-     do {                                    \
-          fprintf(stderr,  s": (%s)\n", er); \
-          exit(EXIT_FAILURE);                \
-     } while(/* CONSTCOND */ 0);
-#define PKT_ERROR(r, s, a)                                 \
-     do {                                                  \
-          fprintf(stderr, "  PKT_ERROR: %s (%u)\n", s, a); \
-          return r;                                        \
-     } while(/* CONSTCOND */ 0);                           \
-/* Option const */
-#define FILTER  "ip"
-#define TIMEOUT (10)
- * Ethernet packet format
- */
-#define ETHERNET_SIZE (14)
-#define ETHERNET_ALEN (6)
-struct ethernet_header
-     unsigned char  ether_dhost[ETHERNET_ALEN]; /* Destination ethernet address */
-     unsigned char  ether_shost[ETHERNET_ALEN]; /* Source ethernet adress       */
-     unsigned short ether_type;                 /* Packet type, id field        */
- * Ip packet format (tcpdump way)
- */
-#define IP_V(ip)  (((ip)->ip_vhl & 0xf0) >> 4)
-#define IP_HL(ip) ((ip)->ip_vhl  & 0x0f)
-#define IP_DF      (0x4000) /* Dont fragment flag        */
-#define IP_MF      (0x2000) /* More fragments flag       */
-#define IP_OFFMASK (0x1fff) /* Mask for fragmenting bits */
-struct ip_header
-     unsigned char  ip_vhl;                 /* Header length, version  */
-     unsigned char  ip_tos;                 /* Type of service         */
-     unsigned short ip_len;                 /* Total length            */
-     unsigned short ip_id;                  /* Identification          */
-     unsigned short ip_off;                 /* Fragment offset field   */
-     unsigned char  ip_ttl;                 /* Time to live            */
-     unsigned char  ip_p;                   /* Protocol                */
-     unsigned short ip_sum;                 /* Checksum                */
-     struct         in_addr ip_src, ip_dst; /* Source and dest address */
- * TCP packet format
- */
-#define TH_OFF(th) (((th)->th_offx2 & 0xf0) >> 4)
-#define TH_FIN   (0x01)
-#define TH_SYN   (0x02)
-#define TH_RST   (0x04)
-#define TH_PUSH  (0x08)
-#define TH_ACK   (0x10)
-#define TH_URG   (0x20)
-#define TH_ECE   (0x40)
-#define TH_CWR   (0x80)
-#define TH_FLAGS (0xf7) /* TH_* */
-struct tcp_header
-     unsigned short th_sport; /* Source port            */
-     unsigned short th_dport; /* Destination port       */
-     unsigned int   th_seq;   /* Sequence number        */
-     unsigned int   th_ack;   /* Acknowledgement number */
-     unsigned char  th_offx2; /* Data offset, rsvd      */
-     unsigned char  th_flags; /* Flags bitfield         */
-     unsigned short th_win;   /* Window                 */
-     unsigned short th_sum;   /* Checksum               */
-     unsigned short th_urp;   /* Urgent pointer         */
-/* Function protos */
-int pkt_tcp_handle(void *, void *);
-/* Usefull things */
-const struct
-     unsigned int p;
-     int          (*f)(void *, void*);
-     char         name[32];
-} protos[] =
-     { IPPROTO_IP,   NULL,           "IP"   }, /* _IP   0  */
-     { IPPROTO_ICMP, NULL,           "ICMP" }, /* _ICMP 1  */
-     { IPPROTO_TCP,  pkt_tcp_handle, "TCP"  }, /* _TCP  6  */
-     { IPPROTO_UDP,  NULL,           "UDP"  }, /* _UDP  17 */
-     { -1, NULL, ""}
-/* As defined in man: */
-char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];
- * Handle TCP packets
- */
-pkt_tcp_handle(void *pkt, void *prev_pkt)
-     const struct tcp_header *tcp;
-     const struct ip_header  *ip;
-     int                      len;
-     ip  = (struct ip_header*)prev_pkt;
-     tcp = (struct tcp_header*)(pkt + ETHERNET_SIZE + (IP_HL(ip) << 2));
-     if((len = TH_OFF(tcp) << 2) < 20)
-          PKT_ERROR(0, "Invalid IP header length:", len);
-     IP_SRCDEST(inet_ntoa(ip->ip_src), ntohs(tcp->th_sport),  /* src  */
-                inet_ntoa(ip->ip_dst), ntohs(tcp->th_dport)); /* dest */
-     return len;
- * Handle every packet, point it to corresponding pkt_proto_handle
- */
-pkt_handle(unsigned char *args, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const unsigned char *packet)
-     struct ethernet_header *eth;
-     struct ip_header       *ip;
-     const unsigned char    *payload;
-     int                     len, plen, paylen, i = 0;
-     bool                    pfound = false;
-     /* Translate ethernet pkt */
-     eth = (struct ethernet_header*)packet;
-     /* Translate ip pkt */
-     ip = (struct ip_header*)(packet + ETHERNET_SIZE);
-     /* Check ipv4 */
-     if((len = IP_HL(ip) << 2) < 20)
-          PKT_ERROR(, "Invalid IP header length:", len);
-     /* Protocol */
-     for(; i < LEN(protos); ++i)
-          if(ip->ip_p == protos[i].p)
-          {
-               DISP_PROTO(protos[i].name);
-               if(protos[i].f)
-                    plen = protos[i].f((void*)packet, (void*)ip);
-               pfound = true;
-               break;
-          }
-     /* Unknown protocol */
-     if(!pfound)
-     {
-          DISP_PROTO("unknown");
-          IP_SRCDEST(inet_ntoa(ip->ip_src), -1,  /* src  */
-                     inet_ntoa(ip->ip_dst), -1); /* dest */
-          puts("\n");
-          return;
-     }
-     /* Get / Display payload */
-     payload = (unsigned char*)(packet + ETHERNET_SIZE + len + plen);
-     if((paylen = ntohs(ip->ip_len) - (len + plen)) > 0)
-          DISP_PAYLOAD(payload, paylen);
-     puts("\n");
-     return;
-main(int argc, char **argv)
-     char               *dev;
-     bpf_u_int32         mask;
-     bpf_u_int32         netip;
-     pcap_t             *descr;
-     struct bpf_program  bpf;
-     if(argc < 2)
-     {
-          fprintf(stderr, "%s usage: %s <interface>\n", argv[0], argv[0]);
-          exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-     }
-     /* Find adress & mask */
-     if(pcap_lookupnet(argv[1], &netip, &mask, errbuf) < 0)
-     {
-          fprintf(stderr, "Can't find Adress or Mask: (%s)\n", errbuf);
-          netip = mask = 0;
-     }
-     /* Open device and reaaad */
-     if(!(descr = pcap_open_live(argv[1], SNAPLEN, true,  TIMEOUT, errbuf)))
-          BYE("Fail at opening and reading device", errbuf);
-     /* Check if packet is from ethernet device */
-     if(pcap_datalink(descr) != DLT_EN10MB)
-          BYE("Device is not an Ethernet", dev);
-     /* Parse & set pcap with option expression */
-     if(pcap_compile(descr, &bpf, FILTER, 0, netip) < 0)
-          BYE("Option parse error", pcap_geterr(descr));
-     if(pcap_setfilter(descr, &bpf) < 0)
-          BYE("Can't use option", pcap_geterr(descr));
-     printf("%d\n", 1<<1);
-     pcap_loop(descr, 10, pkt_handle, NULL);
-     pcap_freecode(&bpf);
-     pcap_close(descr);
-     return 0;

+ 75 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# Print additional version information for non-release trees.
+usage() {
+	echo "Usage: $0 [srctree]" >&2
+	exit 1
+cd "${1:-.}" || usage
+# Check for git and a git repo.
+if head=`git rev-parse --verify --short HEAD 2>/dev/null`; then
+	# Do we have an untagged version?
+	if git name-rev --tags HEAD | grep -E '^HEAD[[:space:]]+(.*~[0-9]*|undefined)$' > /dev/null; then
+		if tag=`git describe 2>/dev/null`; then
+			echo $tag | awk -F- '{printf("-%05d-%s", $(NF-1),$(NF))}'
+		else
+			printf '%s%s' -g $head
+		fi
+	fi
+	# Is this git on svn?
+	if git config --get svn-remote.svn.url >/dev/null; then
+	        printf -- '-svn%s' "`git svn find-rev $head`"
+	fi
+	# Are there uncommitted changes?
+	git update-index --refresh --unmerged > /dev/null
+	if git diff-index --name-only HEAD | grep -v "^scripts/package" \
+	    | read dummy; then
+		printf '%s' -dirty
+	fi
+	# All done with git
+	exit
+# Check for mercurial and a mercurial repo.
+if hgid=`hg id 2>/dev/null`; then
+	tag=`printf '%s' "$hgid" | cut -d' ' -f2`
+	# Do we have an untagged version?
+	if [ -z "$tag" -o "$tag" = tip ]; then
+		id=`printf '%s' "$hgid" | sed 's/[+ ].*//'`
+		printf '%s%s' -hg "$id"
+	fi
+	# Are there uncommitted changes?
+	# These are represented by + after the changeset id.
+	case "$hgid" in
+		*+|*+\ *) printf '%s' -dirty ;;
+	esac
+	# All done with mercurial
+	exit
+# Check for svn and a svn repo.
+if rev=`svn info 2>/dev/null | grep '^Last Changed Rev'`; then
+	rev=`echo $rev | awk '{print $NF}'`
+	changes=`svn status 2>/dev/null | grep '^[AMD]' | wc -l`
+	# Are there uncommitted changes?
+	if [ $changes != 0 ]; then
+		printf -- '-svn%s%s' "$rev" -dirty
+	else
+		printf -- '-svn%s' "$rev"
+	fi
+	# All done with svn
+	exit
+# default version
+printf -- '-%s' "`date +%Y%m`"

+ 11 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#WMFS status.sh example file
+#Will be executed if put in ~/.config/wmfs/
+#Timing adjustable in wmfsrc (misc -> status_timing)
+     wmfs -s "`date`"
+while true; do statustext; sleep 10; done

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@

+ 0 - 124

@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
- *  wmfs2 by Martin Duquesnoy <xorg62@gmail.com> { for(i = 2011; i < 2111; ++i) ©(i); }
- *  For license, see COPYING.
- */
-#include "wmfs.h"
-#include "barwin.h"
-#include "util.h"
-/** Create a barwin
- * \param parent Parent window of the BarWindow
- * \param x X position
- * \param y Y position
- * \param w barwin Width
- * \param h barwin Height
- * \param color barwin color
- * \param entermask bool for know if the EnterMask mask is needed
- * \return The BarWindow pointer
-struct barwin*
-barwin_new(Window parent, int x, int y, int w, int h, Color fg, Color bg, bool entermask)
-     struct barwin *b = (struct barwin*)xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct barwin));
-     XSetWindowAttributes at =
-     {
-          .override_redirect = True,
-          .background_pixmap = ParentRelative,
-          .event_mask = BARWIN_MASK
-     };
-     if(entermask)
-          at.event_mask |= BARWIN_ENTERMASK;
-     /* Create window */
-     b->win = XCreateWindow(W->dpy, parent,
-                            x, y, w, h,
-                            0, W->xdepth,
-                            CopyFromParent,
-                            DefaultVisual(W->dpy, W->xscreen),
-                            BARWIN_WINCW,
-                            &at);
-     b->dr = XCreatePixmap(W->dpy, parent, w, h, W->xdepth);
-     /* Property */
-     b->geo.x = x;
-     b->geo.y = y;
-     b->geo.w = w;
-     b->geo.h = h;
-     b->bg = bg;
-     b->fg = fg;
-     SLIST_INIT(&b->mousebinds);
-     /* Attach */
-     SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&W->h.barwin, b, next);
-     return b;
-/** Delete a barwin
- * \param bw barwin pointer
-barwin_remove(struct barwin *b)
-     SLIST_REMOVE(&W->h.barwin, b, barwin, next);
-     XSelectInput(W->dpy, b->win, NoEventMask);
-     XDestroyWindow(W->dpy, b->win);
-     XFreePixmap(W->dpy, b->dr);
-     /* Free mousebinds */
-     FREE_LIST(mousebind, b->mousebinds);
-     free(b);
-/** Resize a barwin
- * \param bw barwin pointer
- * \param w Width
- * \param h Height
-barwin_resize(struct barwin *b, int w, int h)
-     /* Frame */
-     XFreePixmap(W->dpy, b->dr);
-     b->dr = XCreatePixmap(W->dpy, W->root, w, h, W->xdepth);
-     b->geo.w = w;
-     b->geo.h = h;
-     XResizeWindow(W->dpy, b->win, w, h);
-barwin_mousebind_new(struct barwin *b, unsigned int button, bool u, struct geo a, void (*func)(Uicb), Uicb cmd)
-     struct mousebind *m = (struct mousebind*)xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct mousebind));
-     m->button = button;
-     m->use_area = u;
-     m->area = a;
-     m->func = func;
-     m->cmd = (cmd ? xstrdup(cmd) : NULL);
-     SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&b->mousebinds, m, next);
-/** Refresh the barwin Color
- * \param bw barwin pointer
-barwin_refresh_color(struct barwin *b)
-     XSetForeground(W->dpy, W->gc, b->bg);
-     XFillRectangle(W->dpy, b->dr, W->gc, 0, 0, b->geo.w, b->geo.h);

+ 0 - 32

@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
- *  wmfs2 by Martin Duquesnoy <xorg62@gmail.com> { for(i = 2011; i < 2111; ++i) ©(i); }
- *  For license, see COPYING.
- */
-#ifndef BARWIN_H
-#define BARWIN_H
-#include "wmfs.h"
-#define BARWIN_MASK                                                  \
-     (SubstructureRedirectMask | SubstructureNotifyMask              \
-      | ButtonMask | MouseMask | ExposureMask | VisibilityChangeMask \
-      | StructureNotifyMask | SubstructureRedirectMask)
-#define BARWIN_ENTERMASK (EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask | FocusChangeMask)
-#define BARWIN_WINCW     (CWOverrideRedirect | CWBackPixmap | CWEventMask)
-#define barwin_delete_subwin(b) XDestroySubwindows(W->dpy, b->win)
-#define barwin_map_subwin(b)    XMapSubwindows(W->dpy, b->win)
-#define barwin_unmap_subwin(b)  XUnmapSubwindows(W->dpy, b->win)
-#define barwin_refresh(b)       XCopyArea(W->dpy, b->dr, b->win, W->gc, 0, 0, b->geo.w, b->geo.h, 0, 0)
-#define barwin_map(b)           XMapWindow(W->dpy, b->win);
-#define barwin_unmap(b)         XUnmapWindow(W->dpy, b->win);
-struct barwin* barwin_new(Window parent, int x, int y, int w, int h, Color fg, Color bg, bool entermask);
-void barwin_remove(struct barwin *b);
-void barwin_resize(struct barwin *b, int w, int h);
-void barwin_mousebind_new(struct barwin *b, unsigned int button, bool u, struct geo a, void (*func)(Uicb), Uicb cmd);
-void barwin_refresh_color(struct barwin *b);
-#endif /* BARWIN_H */

+ 0 - 430

@@ -1,430 +0,0 @@
- *  wmfs2 by Martin Duquesnoy <xorg62@gmail.com> { for(i = 2011; i < 2111; ++i) ©(i); }
- *  For license, see COPYING.
- */
-#include <X11/Xutil.h>
-#include "client.h"
-#include "config.h"
-#include "util.h"
-#include "barwin.h"
-#include "ewmh.h"
-#include "layout.h"
-#include "draw.h"
-#define CLIENT_MOUSE_MOD Mod1Mask
-#define CLIENT_RESIZE_DIR(D)                          \
-void uicb_client_resize_##D(Uicb cmd)                 \
-{                                                     \
-     if(W->client)                                    \
-          client_fac_resize(W->client, D, ATOI(cmd)); \
-#define CLIENT_ACTION_DIR(A, D)                                \
-void uicb_client_##A##_##D(Uicb cmd)                           \
-{                                                              \
-     (void)cmd;                                                \
-     struct client *c;                                         \
-     if(W->client && (c = client_next_with_pos(W->client, D))) \
-          client_##A(c);                                       \
-#define CLIENT_ACTION_LIST(A, L)                  \
-void uicb_client_##A##_##L(Uicb cmd)              \
-{                                                 \
-     (void)cmd;                                   \
-     struct client *c;                            \
-     if(W->client && (c = client_##L(W->client))) \
-          client_##A(c);                          \
-/* uicb_client_resize_dir() */
-/* uicb_client_focus_dir() */
-CLIENT_ACTION_DIR(focus, Right)
-CLIENT_ACTION_DIR(focus, Bottom)
-/* uicb_client_swapsel_dir() */
-#define client_swapsel(c) client_swap(W->client, c)
-CLIENT_ACTION_DIR(swapsel, Right)
-CLIENT_ACTION_DIR(swapsel, Left)
-CLIENT_ACTION_DIR(swapsel, Top)
-CLIENT_ACTION_DIR(swapsel, Bottom)
-/* uicb_client_focus_next/prev() */
-CLIENT_ACTION_LIST(focus, next)
-CLIENT_ACTION_LIST(focus, prev)
-/* uicb_client_swapsel_next/prev() */
-CLIENT_ACTION_LIST(swapsel, next)
-CLIENT_ACTION_LIST(swapsel, prev)
-/** Send a ConfigureRequest event to the struct client
- * \param c struct client pointer
-client_configure(struct client *c)
-     XConfigureEvent ev =
-     {
-          .type              = ConfigureNotify,
-          .event             = c->win,
-          .window            = c->win,
-          .x                 = c->geo.x,
-          .y                 = c->geo.y,
-          .width             = c->geo.w,
-          .height            = c->geo.h,
-          .above             = None,
-          .border_width      = 0,
-          .override_redirect = 0
-     };
-     XSendEvent(W->dpy, c->win, False, StructureNotifyMask, (XEvent *)&ev);
-     XSync(W->dpy, False);
-struct client*
-client_gb_win(Window w)
-     struct client *c = SLIST_FIRST(&W->h.client);
-     while(c && c->win != w)
-          c = SLIST_NEXT(c, next);
-     return c;
-inline struct client*
-client_gb_pos(struct tag *t, int x, int y)
-     struct client *c = SLIST_FIRST(&t->clients);
-     while(c)
-     {
-          if(INAREA(x, y, c->geo))
-               return c;
-          c = SLIST_NEXT(c, tnext);
-     }
-     return NULL;
-/** Get client left/right/top/bottom of selected client
-  *\param bc Base client
-  *\param pos Position
-  *\return Client found or NULL
-struct client*
-client_next_with_pos(struct client *bc, Position p)
-     struct client *c;
-     int x, y;
-     const static char scanfac[PositionLast] = { +10, -10, 0, 0 };
-     Position ip = Bottom - p;
-     /*
-      * Set start place of pointer (edge with position
-      * of base client) for faster scanning.
-      */
-     x = bc->geo.x + ((p == Right)  ? bc->geo.w : 0);
-     y = bc->geo.y + ((p == Bottom) ? bc->geo.h : 0);
-     y += ((LDIR(p))  ? (bc->geo.h >> 1) : 0);
-     x += ((p > Left) ? (bc->geo.w >> 1) : 0);
-     /* Scan in right direction to next(p) physical client */
-     while((c = client_gb_pos(bc->tag, x, y)) == bc)
-     {
-          x += scanfac[p];
-          y += scanfac[ip];
-     }
-     return c;
-client_swap(struct client *c1, struct client *c2)
-     struct tag *t;
-     struct geo g;
-     if(c1 == c2 || !c1 || !c2)
-          return;
-     t = c1->tag;
-     g = c1->geo;
-     swap_ptr((void**)&c1->screen, (void**)&c2->screen);
-     tag_client(c2->tag, c1);
-     tag_client(t, c2);
-     client_moveresize(c1, c2->geo);
-     client_moveresize(c2, g);
-static void
-client_grabbuttons(struct client *c, bool focused)
-     XUngrabButton(W->dpy, AnyButton, AnyModifier, c->win);
-     if(focused)
-     {
-          int i = 0;
-          while(i++ != Button5)
-          {
-               XGrabButton(W->dpy, i, CLIENT_MOUSE_MOD, c->win, False,
-                         ButtonMask, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeSync, None, None);
-               XGrabButton(W->dpy, i, CLIENT_MOUSE_MOD | LockMask, c->win, False,
-                         ButtonMask, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeSync, None, None);
-               XGrabButton(W->dpy, i, CLIENT_MOUSE_MOD | W->numlockmask, c->win, False,
-                         ButtonMask, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeSync, None, None);
-               XGrabButton(W->dpy, i, CLIENT_MOUSE_MOD | LockMask | W->numlockmask, c->win, False,
-                         ButtonMask, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeSync, None, None);
-          }
-          return;
-     }
-     XGrabButton(W->dpy, AnyButton, AnyModifier, c->win, False,
-               ButtonMask, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeSync, None, None);
-static inline void
-client_draw_bord(struct client *c)
-     struct geo g = { 0, 0, c->screen->ugeo.w, c->screen->ugeo.h };
-     draw_rect(c->tag->frame, g, THEME_DEFAULT->client_n.bg);
-     /* Selected client's border */
-     if(W->client)
-          draw_rect(W->client->tag->frame, W->client->tag->sel->geo, THEME_DEFAULT->client_s.bg);
-client_focus(struct client *c)
-     /* Unfocus selected */
-     if(W->client && W->client != c)
-          client_grabbuttons(W->client, false);
-     /* Focus c */
-     if((W->client = c))
-     {
-          c->tag->sel = c;
-          client_draw_bord(c);
-          client_grabbuttons(c, true);
-          XSetInputFocus(W->dpy, c->win, RevertToPointerRoot, CurrentTime);
-     }
-     else
-     {
-          W->client = W->screen->seltag->sel = NULL;
-          XSetInputFocus(W->dpy, W->root, RevertToPointerRoot, CurrentTime);
-     }
-/** Get a client name
- * \param c struct client pointer
-client_get_name(struct client *c)
-     Atom rt;
-     int rf;
-     unsigned long ir, il;
-     /* This one instead XFetchName for utf8 name support */
-     if(XGetWindowProperty(W->dpy, c->win, ATOM("_NET_WM_NAME"), 0, 4096,
-                    False, ATOM("UTF8_STRING"), &rt, &rf, &ir, &il, (unsigned char**)&c->title) != Success)
-          XGetWindowProperty(W->dpy, c->win, ATOM("WM_NAME"), 0, 4096,
-                             False, ATOM("UTF8_STRING"), &rt, &rf, &ir, &il, (unsigned char**)&c->title);
-     /* Still no title... */
-     if(!c->title)
-          XFetchName(W->dpy, c->win, &(c->title));
-/** Close a client
- * \param c struct client pointer
-client_close(struct client *c)
-     int proto;
-     XEvent ev;
-     Atom *atom = NULL;
-     /* Event will call client_remove */
-     if(XGetWMProtocols(W->dpy, c->win, &atom, &proto) && atom)
-     {
-          while(proto--)
-               if(atom[proto] == ATOM("WM_DELETE_WINDOW"))
-               {
-                    ev.type = ClientMessage;
-                    ev.xclient.window = c->win;
-                    ev.xclient.message_type = ATOM("WM_PROTOCOLS");
-                    ev.xclient.format = 32;
-                    ev.xclient.data.l[0] = ATOM("WM_DELETE_WINDOW");
-                    ev.xclient.data.l[1] = CurrentTime;
-                    XSendEvent(W->dpy, c->win, False, NoEventMask, &ev);
-                    XFree(atom);
-                    return;
-               }
-     }
-     XKillClient(W->dpy, c->win);
-uicb_client_close(Uicb cmd)
-     if(W->client)
-          client_close(W->client);
-struct client*
-client_new(Window w, XWindowAttributes *wa)
-     struct client *c = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct client));
-     /* C attributes */
-     c->win    = w;
-     c->screen = W->screen;
-     c->flags  = 0;
-     c->tag    = NULL;
-     /* struct geometry */
-     c->geo.x = wa->x;
-     c->geo.y = wa->y;
-     c->geo.w = wa->width;
-     c->geo.h = wa->height;
-     c->tgeo = c->wgeo = c->geo;
-     /* Set tag */
-     tag_client(W->screen->seltag, c);
-     /* X window attributes */
-     XSelectInput(W->dpy, w, EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask | StructureNotifyMask | PropertyChangeMask);
-     XSetWindowBorderWidth(W->dpy, w, 0);
-     client_grabbuttons(c, false);
-     /* Attach */
-     SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&W->h.client, c, next);
-     /* Map */
-     WIN_STATE(w, Map);
-     ewmh_set_wm_state(w, NormalState);
-     client_get_name(c);
-     client_focus(c);
-     client_configure(c);
-     return c;
-client_moveresize(struct client *c, struct geo g)
-     int bord = THEME_DEFAULT->client_border_width;
-     c->geo = g;
-     /* Window geo */
-     c->wgeo.x = g.x + bord;
-     c->wgeo.y = g.y + bord ;
-     c->wgeo.w = g.w - (bord << 1);
-     c->wgeo.h = g.h - (bord << 1);
-     XMoveResizeWindow(W->dpy, c->win,
-                       c->wgeo.x, c->wgeo.y,
-                       c->wgeo.w, c->wgeo.h);
-     client_draw_bord(c);
-     client_configure(c);
-client_maximize(struct client *c)
-     c->geo = c->tag->screen->ugeo;
-     c->geo.x = c->geo.y = 0; /* Frame x/y, not screen geo */
-     c->geo.w = c->tag->screen->ugeo.w;
-     c->geo.h = c->tag->screen->ugeo.h;
-     client_moveresize(c, c->geo);
-client_fac_resize(struct client *c, Position p, int fac)
-     struct client *gc = client_next_with_pos(c, p);
-     Position rp = RPOS(p);
-     if(!gc || gc->screen != c->screen)
-          return;
-     /* Check futur size/pos */
-     if(!client_fac_geo(c, p, fac)
-        || !client_fac_geo(gc, rp, -fac)
-        || !client_fac_check_row(c, p, fac)
-        || !client_fac_check_row(gc, rp, -fac))
-          return;
-     /* Simple resize with only c & gc */
-     if(GEO_CHECK2(c->geo, gc->geo, p))
-     {
-          client_moveresize(c, c->tgeo);
-          client_moveresize(gc, gc->tgeo);
-     }
-     /* Resize with row parents */
-     else
-     {
-          client_fac_arrange_row(c, p, fac);
-          client_fac_arrange_row(gc, rp, -fac);
-     }
-client_remove(struct client *c)
-     XGrabServer(W->dpy);
-     XSetErrorHandler(wmfs_error_handler_dummy);
-     XReparentWindow(W->dpy, c->win, W->root, c->geo.x, c->geo.y);
-     /* Remove from global client list */
-     SLIST_REMOVE(&W->h.client, c, client, next);
-     tag_client(NULL, c);
-     ewmh_set_wm_state(c->win, WithdrawnState);
-     XUngrabServer(W->dpy);
-     XSync(W->dpy, False);
-     XSetErrorHandler(wmfs_error_handler);
-     free(c);
-     FREE_LIST(client, W->h.client);

+ 0 - 130

@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
- *  wmfs2 by Martin Duquesnoy <xorg62@gmail.com> { for(i = 2011; i < 2111; ++i) ©(i); }
- *  For license, see COPYING.
- */
-#ifndef CLIENT_H
-#define CLIENT_H
-#include "wmfs.h"
-#include "layout.h"
-void client_configure(struct client *c);
-struct client *client_gb_win(Window w);
-inline struct client *client_gb_pos(struct tag *t, int x, int y);
-struct client *client_next_with_pos(struct client *bc, Position p);
-void client_swap(struct client *c1, struct client *c2);
-void client_focus(struct client *c);
-void client_get_name(struct client *c);
-void client_close(struct client *c);
-void uicb_client_close(Uicb cmd);
-struct client *client_new(Window w, XWindowAttributes *wa);
-void client_moveresize(struct client *c, struct geo g);
-void client_maximize(struct client *c);
-void client_fac_resize(struct client *c, Position p, int fac);
-void client_remove(struct client *c);
-void client_free(void);
-/* Generated */
-void uicb_client_resize_Right(Uicb);
-void uicb_client_resize_Left(Uicb);
-void uicb_client_resize_Top(Uicb);
-void uicb_client_resize_Bottom(Uicb);
-void uicb_client_focus_Right(Uicb);
-void uicb_client_focus_Left(Uicb);
-void uicb_client_focus_Top(Uicb);
-void uicb_client_focus_Bottom(Uicb);
-void uicb_client_swapsel_Right(Uicb);
-void uicb_client_swapsel_Left(Uicb);
-void uicb_client_swapsel_Top(Uicb);
-void uicb_client_swapsel_Bottom(Uicb);
-void uicb_client_focus_next(Uicb);
-void uicb_client_focus_prev(Uicb);
-void uicb_client_swapsel_next(Uicb);
-void uicb_client_swapsel_prev(Uicb);
-static inline struct client*
-client_next(struct client *c)
-     return (SLIST_NEXT(c, tnext)
-               ? SLIST_NEXT(c, tnext)
-               : SLIST_FIRST(&c->tag->clients));
-static inline struct client*
-client_prev(struct client *c)
-     struct client *cc;
-     for(cc = SLIST_FIRST(&c->tag->clients);
-         SLIST_NEXT(cc, tnext) && SLIST_NEXT(cc, tnext) != c;
-         cc = SLIST_NEXT(cc, tnext));
-     return cc;
-static inline bool
-client_fac_geo(struct client *c, Position p, int fac)
-     struct geo cg = c->geo;
-     switch(p)
-     {
-          default:
-          case Right:
-               cg.w += fac;
-               break;
-          case Left:
-               cg.x -= fac;
-               cg.w += fac;
-               break;
-          case Top:
-               cg.y -= fac;
-               cg.h += fac;
-               break;
-          case Bottom:
-               cg.h += fac;
-               break;
-     }
-     /* Check for incompatible geo */
-     if(cg.w > c->screen->ugeo.w || cg.h > c->screen->ugeo.h
-               || cg.w < 5 || cg.h < 5)
-          return false;
-     /* Set transformed geo in tmp geo */
-     c->tgeo = cg;
-     return true;
-static inline bool
-client_fac_check_row(struct client *c, Position p, int fac)
-     struct geo g = c->geo;
-     struct client *cc;
-     /* Travel clients to search parents of row and check geos */
-     SLIST_FOREACH(cc, &c->tag->clients, tnext)
-          if(GEO_PARENTROW(g, cc->geo, p) && !client_fac_geo(cc, p, fac))
-               return false;
-     return true;
-static inline void
-client_fac_arrange_row(struct client *c, Position p, int fac)
-     struct geo g = c->geo;
-     struct client *cc;
-     /* Travel clients to search row parents and apply fac */
-     SLIST_FOREACH(cc, &c->tag->clients, tnext)
-          if(GEO_PARENTROW(g, cc->geo, p))
-          {
-               client_fac_geo(cc, p, fac);
-               client_moveresize(cc, cc->tgeo);
-          }
-#endif /* CLIENT_H */

+ 0 - 216

@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
- *  wmfs2 by Martin Duquesnoy <xorg62@gmail.com> { for(i = 2011; i < 2111; ++i) ©(i); }
- *  For license, see COPYING.
- */
-#include "config.h"
-#include "wmfs.h"
-#include "parse.h"
-#include "tag.h"
-#include "screen.h"
-#include "infobar.h"
-#include "util.h"
-#define CONFIG_DEFAULT_PATH ".config/wmfs/wmfsrc2" /* tmp */
-static void
-     struct theme *t, *p = NULL;
-     size_t i, n;
-     struct conf_sec *sec, **ks;
-     /* [themes] */
-     sec = fetch_section_first(NULL, "themes");
-     ks = fetch_section(sec, "theme");
-     /* No theme section? Make one with default value anyway. */
-     if(!(n = fetch_section_count(ks)))
-          ++n;
-     SLIST_INIT(&W->h.theme);
-     /* [theme]*/
-     for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
-     {
-          t = (struct theme*)xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct theme));
-          t->name = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "default", "name").str;
-          wmfs_init_font(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "fixed", "font").str, t);
-          /* bars */
-          t->bars.fg    = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#CCCCCC", "bars_fg").str);
-          t->bars.bg    = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#222222", "bars_bg").str);
-          t->bars_width = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "12", "bars_width").num;
-          /*
-           * Elements
-           */
-          t->tags_n.fg         = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#CCCCCC", "tags_normal_fg").str);
-          t->tags_n.bg         = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#222222", "tags_normal_bg").str);
-          t->tags_s.fg         = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#222222", "tags_sel_fg").str);
-          t->tags_s.bg         = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#CCCCCC", "tags_sel_bg").str);
-          t->tags_border_col   = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#888888", "tags_border_color").str);
-          t->tags_border_width = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "0", "tags_border_width").num;
-          /* Client / frame */
-          t->client_n.fg = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#CCCCCC", "client_normal_fg").str);
-          t->client_n.bg = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#222222", "client_normal_bg").str);
-          t->client_s.fg = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#222222", "client_sel_fg").str);
-          t->client_s.bg = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#CCCCCC", "client_sel_bg").str);
-          t->frame_bg    = color_atoh(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "#555555", "frame_bg").str);
-          t->client_titlebar_width = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "12", "client_titlebar_width").num;
-          t->client_border_width   = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "1", "client_border_width").num;
-          /* insert_tail with SLIST */
-          if(SLIST_EMPTY(&W->h.theme))
-               SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&W->h.theme, t, next);
-          else
-               SLIST_INSERT_AFTER(p, t, next);
-          p = t;
-     }
-     free(ks);
-static void
-     struct screen *s;
-     struct theme *t;
-     size_t i, n;
-     struct conf_sec *sec, **ks;
-     int screenid;
-     char *elem;
-     Barpos pos = BarTop;
-     /* [bars] */
-     sec = fetch_section_first(NULL, "bars");
-     ks = fetch_section(sec, "bar");
-     n = fetch_section_count(ks);
-     /* [bar] */
-     for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
-     {
-          elem = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "", "elements").str;
-          screenid = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "-1", "screen").num;
-          t = name_to_theme(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "default", "theme").str);
-          pos = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "0", "position").num;
-          SLIST_FOREACH(s, &W->h.screen, next)
-               if(screenid == s->id || screenid == -1)
-                    infobar_new(s, t, pos, elem);
-     }
-     free(ks);
-static void
-     struct screen *s;
-     struct tag *t;
-     size_t i, n;
-     struct conf_sec *sec, **ks;
-     char *name;
-     int screenid;
-     /* [tags] */
-     sec = fetch_section_first(NULL, "tags");
-     ks = fetch_section(sec, "tag");
-     n = fetch_section_count(ks);
-     /* [tag] */
-     for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
-     {
-          name = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "tag", "name").str;
-          screenid = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "-1", "screen").num;
-          SLIST_FOREACH(s, &W->h.screen, next)
-               if(screenid == s->id || screenid == -1)
-               {
-                    t = tag_new(s, name);
-                    /* Set first tag as seltag */
-                    if(t == TAILQ_FIRST(&s->tags))
-                         s->seltag = t;
-               }
-     }
-     free(ks);
-static void
-     int i;
-     size_t j, n;
-     struct conf_sec *sec, **ks;
-     struct opt_type *opt;
-     char *cmd;
-     struct keybind *k;
-     /* [keys] */
-     sec = fetch_section_first(NULL, "keys");
-     ks = fetch_section(sec, "key");
-     n = fetch_section_count(ks);
-     SLIST_INIT(&W->h.keybind);
-     /* [key] */
-     for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
-     {
-          k = (struct keybind*)xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct keybind));
-          /* mod = {} */
-          opt = fetch_opt(ks[i], "", "mod");
-          for(j = k->mod = 0; j < fetch_opt_count(opt); ++j)
-               k->mod |= modkey_keysym(opt[j].str);
-          free(opt);
-          /* key = */
-          k->keysym = XStringToKeysym(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "None", "key").str);
-          /* func = */
-          if(!(k->func = uicb_name_func(fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "", "func").str)))
-          {
-               warnx("configuration: Unknown Function \"%s\".",
-                         fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "", "func").str);
-               k->func = uicb_spawn;
-          }
-          /* cmd = */
-          if((cmd = fetch_opt_first(ks[i], "", "cmd").str))
-               k->cmd = xstrdup(cmd);
-          SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&W->h.keybind, k, next);
-     }
-     wmfs_grab_keys();
-     free(ks);
-     char *path;
-     xasprintf(&path, "%s/"CONFIG_DEFAULT_PATH, getenv("HOME"));
-     if(get_conf(path) == -1)
-          errx(1, "parsing configuration file (%s) failed.", path);
-     config_theme();
-     config_keybind();
-     config_tag();
-     config_bars();
-     free(path);
-     free_conf();

+ 0 - 115

@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
- *  wmfs2 by Martin Duquesnoy <xorg62@gmail.com> { for(i = 2011; i < 2111; ++i) ©(i); }
- *  For license, see COPYING.
- */
-#ifndef CONFIG_H
-#define CONFIG_H
-#include <string.h>
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include "wmfs.h"
-#include "util.h"
-#include "tag.h"
-#include "client.h"
-#define THEME_DEFAULT (SLIST_FIRST(&W->h.theme))
-static const struct { char *name; void (*func)(Uicb cmd); } uicb_list[] =
-     /* Sys */
-     { "spawn",  uicb_spawn },
-     { "quit",   uicb_quit },
-     { "reload", uicb_reload },
-     /* Tag */
-     { "tag_set",  uicb_tag_set },
-     { "tag",      uicb_tag_set_with_name },
-     { "tag_next", uicb_tag_next },
-     { "tag_prev", uicb_tag_prev },
-     /* Layout */
-     { "layout_vmirror",      uicb_layout_vmirror },
-     { "layout_hmirror",      uicb_layout_hmirror },
-     { "layout_rotate_left",  uicb_layout_rotate_left },
-     { "layout_rotate_right", uicb_layout_rotate_right },
-     /* Client */
-     { "client_close",         uicb_client_close },
-     { "client_resize_right",  uicb_client_resize_Right },
-     { "client_resize_left",   uicb_client_resize_Left },
-     { "client_resize_top",    uicb_client_resize_Top },
-     { "client_resize_bottom", uicb_client_resize_Bottom },
-     { "client_focus_right",   uicb_client_focus_Right },
-     { "client_focus_left",    uicb_client_focus_Left },
-     { "client_focus_top",     uicb_client_focus_Top },
-     { "client_focus_bottom",  uicb_client_focus_Bottom },
-     { "client_swap_right",    uicb_client_swapsel_Right },
-     { "client_swap_left",     uicb_client_swapsel_Left },
-     { "client_swap_top",      uicb_client_swapsel_Top },
-     { "client_swap_bottom",   uicb_client_swapsel_Bottom },
-     { "client_focus_next",    uicb_client_focus_next },
-     { "client_focus_prev",    uicb_client_focus_prev },
-     { "client_swap_next",     uicb_client_swapsel_next },
-     { "client_swap_prev",     uicb_client_swapsel_prev },
-     { NULL, NULL }
-static inline void*
-uicb_name_func(Uicb name)
-     int i = 0;
-     for(; uicb_list[i].func; ++i)
-          if(!strcmp(name, uicb_list[i].name))
-               return uicb_list[i].func;
-     return NULL;
-static const struct { const char *name; KeySym keysym; } key_list[] =
-     {"Control", ControlMask },
-     {"Shift",   ShiftMask },
-     {"Lock",    LockMask },
-     {"Alt",     Mod1Mask },
-     {"Mod1",    Mod1Mask },
-     {"Mod2",    Mod2Mask },
-     {"Mod3",    Mod3Mask },
-     {"Mod4",    Mod4Mask },
-     {"Super",   Mod4Mask },
-     {"Home",    Mod4Mask },
-     {"Mod5",    Mod5Mask },
-     {NULL,      NoSymbol }
-static inline KeySym
-modkey_keysym(const char *name)
-     int i = 0;
-     for(; key_list[i].name; ++i)
-          if(!strcmp(name, key_list[i].name))
-               return key_list[i].keysym;
-     return NoSymbol;
-static inline struct theme*
-name_to_theme(const char *name)
-     struct theme *t;
-     SLIST_FOREACH(t, &W->h.theme, next)
-          if(!strcmp(t->name, name))
-               return t;
-     return THEME_DEFAULT;
-void config_init(void);
-#endif /* CONFIG_H */

+ 0 - 42

@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
- *  wmfs2 by Martin Duquesnoy <xorg62@gmail.com> { for(i = 2011; i < 2111; ++i) ©(i); }
- *  For license, see COPYING.
- */
-#ifndef DRAW_H
-#define DRAW_H
-#include <string.h>
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include "wmfs.h"
-#define TEXTY(t, w) ((t->font.height - t->font.de) + ((w - t->font.height) >> 1))
-#define PAD (8)
-static inline void
-draw_text(Drawable d, struct theme *t, int x, int y, Color fg, const char *str)
-     XSetForeground(W->dpy, W->gc, fg);
-     XmbDrawString(W->dpy, d, t->font.fontset, W->gc, x, y, str, strlen(str));
-static inline void
-draw_rect(Drawable d, struct geo g, Color bg)
-     XSetForeground(W->dpy, W->gc, bg);
-     XFillRectangle(W->dpy, d, W->gc, g.x, g.y, g.w, g.h);
-static inline unsigned short
-draw_textw(struct theme *t, const char *str)
-     XRectangle r;
-     XmbTextExtents(t->font.fontset, str, strlen(str), NULL, &r);
-     return r.width;
-#endif /* DRAW_H */

+ 0 - 259

@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
- *  wmfs2 by Martin Duquesnoy <xorg62@gmail.com> { for(i = 2011; i < 2111; ++i) ©(i); }
- *  For license, see COPYING.
- */
-#include "event.h"
-#include "ewmh.h"
-#include "util.h"
-#include "wmfs.h"
-#include "client.h"
-#include "barwin.h"
-#include "screen.h"
-#define EVDPY(e) (e)->xany.display
-static void
-event_buttonpress(XEvent *e)
-     XButtonEvent *ev = &e->xbutton;
-     struct mousebind *m;
-     struct barwin *b;
-     screen_update_sel();
-     SLIST_FOREACH(b, &W->h.barwin, next)
-          if(b->win == ev->window)
-          {
-               SLIST_FOREACH(m, &b->mousebinds, next)
-                    if(m->button == ev->button)
-                         if(!m->use_area || (m->use_area && INAREA(ev->x, ev->y, m->area)))
-                              if(m->func)
-                                   m->func(m->cmd);
-               break;
-          }
-static void
-event_enternotify(XEvent *e)
-     XCrossingEvent *ev = &e->xcrossing;
-     struct client *c;
-     if((ev->mode != NotifyNormal
-        || ev->detail == NotifyInferior
-        || ev->detail ==  NotifyAncestor)
-               && ev->window != W->root)
-          return;
-     if((c = client_gb_win(ev->window)))
-          client_focus(c);
-static void
-event_clientmessageevent(XEvent *e)
-     /*  XClientMessageEvent *ev = &e->xclient;
-         client *c;*/
-static void
-event_configureevent(XEvent *e)
-     XConfigureRequestEvent *ev = &e->xconfigurerequest;
-     XWindowChanges wc;
-     struct client *c;
-     if((c = client_gb_win(ev->window)))
-     {
-          if(ev->value_mask & CWX)
-               c->geo.x = ev->x;
-          if(ev->value_mask & CWY)
-               c->geo.y = ev->y;
-          if(ev->value_mask & CWWidth)
-               c->geo.w = ev->width;
-          if(ev->value_mask & CWHeight)
-               c->geo.h = ev->height;
-          client_configure(c);
-          XMoveResizeWindow(EVDPY(e), c->win, c->geo.x, c->geo.y, c->geo.w, c->geo.h);
-     }
-     else
-     {
-          wc.x            = ev->x;
-          wc.y            = ev->y;
-          wc.width        = ev->width;
-          wc.height       = ev->height;
-          wc.border_width = ev->border_width;
-          wc.sibling      = ev->above;
-          wc.stack_mode   = ev->detail;
-          XConfigureWindow(EVDPY(e), ev->window, ev->value_mask, &wc);
-     }
-static void
-event_destroynotify(XEvent *e)
-     XDestroyWindowEvent *ev = &e->xdestroywindow;
-     struct client *c;
-     if((c = client_gb_win(ev->window)))
-          client_remove(c);
-static void
-event_focusin(XEvent *e)
-     if(W->client && e->xfocus.window != W->client->win)
-          client_focus(W->client);
-static void
-event_maprequest(XEvent *e)
-     XMapRequestEvent *ev = &e->xmaprequest;
-     XWindowAttributes at;
-     /* Which windows to manage */
-     if(!XGetWindowAttributes(EVDPY(e), ev->window, &at)
-               || at.override_redirect)
-          return;
-     if(!client_gb_win(ev->window))
-          client_new(ev->window, &at);
-static void
-event_mappingnotify(XEvent *e)
-     XMappingEvent *ev = &e->xmapping;
-     XRefreshKeyboardMapping(ev);
-     if(ev->request == MappingKeyboard)
-          wmfs_grab_keys();
-static void
-event_propertynotify(XEvent *e)
-     XPropertyEvent *ev = &e->xproperty;
-     struct client *c;
-     if(ev->state == PropertyDelete)
-          return;
-     if((c = client_gb_win(ev->window)))
-     {
-          switch(ev->atom)
-          {
-               case XA_WM_TRANSIENT_FOR:
-                    break;
-               case XA_WM_NORMAL_HINTS:
-                    /* client_get_size_hints(c); */
-                    break;
-               case XA_WM_HINTS:
-                    /*
-                    XWMHints *h;
-                    if((h = XGetWMHints(EVDPY, c->win)) && (h->flags & XUrgencyHint) && c != sel)
-                    {
-                         client_urgent(c, True);
-                         XFree(h);
-                    }
-                     */
-                    break;
-               default:
-                    if(ev->atom == XA_WM_NAME || ev->atom == W->net_atom[net_wm_name])
-                         client_get_name(c);
-                    break;
-          }
-     }
-static void
-event_unmapnotify(XEvent *e)
-     XUnmapEvent *ev = &e->xunmap;
-     struct client *c;
-     if((c = client_gb_win(ev->window)) && ev->send_event)
-          client_remove(c);
-static void
-event_motionnotify(XEvent *e)
-     XMotionEvent *ev = &e->xmotion;
-     struct client *c;
-     if((c = client_gb_win(ev->subwindow)) && c != c->tag->sel)
-          client_focus(c);
-static void
-event_keypress(XEvent *e)
-     XKeyPressedEvent *ev = &e->xkey;
-     KeySym keysym = XKeycodeToKeysym(EVDPY(e), (KeyCode)ev->keycode, 0);
-     struct keybind *k;
-     screen_update_sel();
-     SLIST_FOREACH(k, &W->h.keybind, next)
-          if(k->keysym == keysym && KEYPRESS_MASK(k->mod) == KEYPRESS_MASK(ev->state))
-               if(k->func)
-                    k->func(k->cmd);
-static void
-event_expose(XEvent *e)
-     XExposeEvent *ev = &e->xexpose;
-     struct barwin *b;
-     SLIST_FOREACH(b, &W->h.barwin, next)
-          if(b->win == ev->window)
-          {
-               barwin_refresh(b);
-               return;
-          }
-static void
-event_dummy(XEvent *e)
-   /*  printf("%d\n", e->type);*/
-     (void)e;
-     int i = MAX_EV;
-     while(i--)
-          event_handle[i] = event_dummy;
-     event_handle[ButtonPress]      = event_buttonpress;
-     event_handle[ClientMessage]    = event_clientmessageevent;
-     event_handle[ConfigureRequest] = event_configureevent;
-     event_handle[DestroyNotify]    = event_destroynotify;
-     event_handle[EnterNotify]      = event_enternotify;
-     event_handle[Expose]           = event_expose;
-     event_handle[FocusIn]          = event_focusin;
-     event_handle[KeyPress]         = event_keypress;
-     /*event_handle[MapNotify]        = event_mapnotify;*/
-     event_handle[MapRequest]       = event_maprequest;
-     event_handle[MappingNotify]    = event_mappingnotify;
-     /*event_handle[MotionNotify]     = event_motionnotify;*/
-     event_handle[PropertyNotify]   = event_propertynotify;
-     /*event_handle[ReparentNotify]   = event_reparentnotify;*/
-     /*event_handle[SelectionClear]   = event_selectionclearevent;*/
-     event_handle[UnmapNotify]      = event_unmapnotify;

+ 0 - 20

@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
- *  wmfs2 by Martin Duquesnoy <xorg62@gmail.com> { for(i = 2011; i < 2111; ++i) ©(i); }
- *  For license, see COPYING.
- */
-#ifndef EVENT_H
-#define EVENT_H
-#include "wmfs.h"
-#define MAX_EV 256
-#define KEYPRESS_MASK(m) (m & ~(W->numlockmask | LockMask))
-#define EVENT_HANDLE(e) event_handle[(e)->type](e);
-void event_init(void);
-void (*event_handle[MAX_EV])(XEvent*);
-#endif /* EVENT_H */

+ 0 - 106

@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
- *  wmfs2 by Martin Duquesnoy <xorg62@gmail.com> { for(i = 2011; i < 2111; ++i) ©(i); }
- *  For license, see COPYING.
- */
-#include <X11/Xatom.h>
-#include <X11/Xutil.h>
-#include "ewmh.h"
-#include "util.h"
-     int b = 1;
-     W->net_atom = xcalloc(net_last, sizeof(Atom));
-     /* EWMH hints */
-     W->net_atom[wm_state]                       = ATOM("WM_STATE");
-     W->net_atom[net_supported]                  = ATOM("_NET_SUPPORTED");
-     W->net_atom[net_client_list]                = ATOM("_NET_CLIENT_LIST");
-     W->net_atom[net_frame_extents]              = ATOM("_NET_FRAME_EXTENTS");
-     W->net_atom[net_number_of_desktops]         = ATOM("_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS");
-     W->net_atom[net_current_desktop]            = ATOM("_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP");
-     W->net_atom[net_desktop_names]              = ATOM("_NET_DESKTOP_NAMES");
-     W->net_atom[net_desktop_geometry]           = ATOM("_NET_DESKTOP_GEOMETRY");
-     W->net_atom[net_active_window]              = ATOM("_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW");
-     W->net_atom[net_close_window]               = ATOM("_NET_CLOSE_WINDOW");
-     W->net_atom[net_wm_name]                    = ATOM("_NET_WM_NAME");
-     W->net_atom[net_wm_pid]                     = ATOM("_NET_WM_PID");
-     W->net_atom[net_wm_desktop]                 = ATOM("_NET_WM_DESKTOP");
-     W->net_atom[net_showing_desktop]            = ATOM("_NET_SHOWING_DESKTOP");
-     W->net_atom[net_wm_icon_name]               = ATOM("_NET_WM_ICON_NAME");
-     W->net_atom[net_wm_window_type]             = ATOM("_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE");
-     W->net_atom[net_supporting_wm_check]        = ATOM("_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK");
-     W->net_atom[net_wm_window_opacity]          = ATOM("_NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY");
-     W->net_atom[net_wm_window_type_normal]      = ATOM("_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL");
-     W->net_atom[net_wm_window_type_dock]        = ATOM("_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK");
-     W->net_atom[net_wm_window_type_splash]      = ATOM("_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH");
-     W->net_atom[net_wm_window_type_dialog]      = ATOM("_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG");
-     W->net_atom[net_wm_icon]                    = ATOM("_NET_WM_ICON");
-     W->net_atom[net_wm_state]                   = ATOM("_NET_WM_STATE");
-     W->net_atom[net_wm_state_fullscreen]        = ATOM("_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN");
-     W->net_atom[net_wm_state_sticky]            = ATOM("_NET_WM_STATE_STICKY");
-     W->net_atom[net_wm_state_demands_attention] = ATOM("_NET_WM_STATE_DEMANDS_ATTENTION");
-     W->net_atom[net_wm_system_tray_opcode]      = ATOM("_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_OPCODE");
-     W->net_atom[net_system_tray_message_data]   = ATOM("_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_MESSAGE_DATA");
-     W->net_atom[net_system_tray_visual]         = ATOM("_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_VISUAL");
-     W->net_atom[net_system_tray_orientation]    = ATOM("_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_ORIENTATION");
-     W->net_atom[xembed]                         = ATOM("_XEMBED");
-     W->net_atom[xembedinfo]                     = ATOM("_XEMBED_INFO");
-     W->net_atom[manager]                        = ATOM("MANAGER");
-     W->net_atom[utf8_string]                    = ATOM("UTF8_STRING");
-     /* WMFS hints */
-     W->net_atom[wmfs_running]                   = ATOM("_WMFS_RUNNING");
-     W->net_atom[wmfs_update_hints]              = ATOM("_WMFS_UPDATE_HINTS");
-     W->net_atom[wmfs_set_screen]                = ATOM("_WMFS_SET_SCREEN");
-     W->net_atom[wmfs_screen_count]              = ATOM("_WMFS_SCREEN_COUNT");
-     W->net_atom[wmfs_current_tag]               = ATOM("_WMFS_CURRENT_TAG");
-     W->net_atom[wmfs_tag_list]                  = ATOM("_WMFS_TAG_LIST");
-     W->net_atom[wmfs_current_screen]            = ATOM("_WMFS_CURRENT_SCREEN");
-     W->net_atom[wmfs_current_layout]            = ATOM("_WMFS_CURRENT_LAYOUT");
-     W->net_atom[wmfs_mwfact]                    = ATOM("_WMFS_MWFACT");
-     W->net_atom[wmfs_nmaster]                   = ATOM("_WMFS_NMASTER");
-     W->net_atom[wmfs_function]                  = ATOM("_WMFS_FUNCTION");
-     W->net_atom[wmfs_cmd]                       = ATOM("_WMFS_CMD");
-     W->net_atom[wmfs_font]                      = ATOM("_WMFS_FONT");
-     XChangeProperty(W->dpy, W->root, W->net_atom[net_supported], XA_ATOM, 32,
-                     PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*)W->net_atom, net_last);
-     XChangeProperty(W->dpy, W->root, W->net_atom[wmfs_running], XA_CARDINAL, 32,
-                     PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*)&b, 1);
-     XChangeProperty(W->dpy, W->root, W->net_atom[net_supporting_wm_check], XA_WINDOW, 32,
-                     PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*)&W->root, 1);
-     /*
-     XChangeProperty(W->dpy, W->root, W->net_atom[net_wm_name], W->net_atom[utf8_string], 8,
-                     PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*)&rootn, strlen(rootn));
-     XChangeProperty(W->dpy, W->root, ATOM("WM_CLASS"), XA_STRING, 8,
-                     PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*)&class, strlen(class));
-      * Set _NET_WM_PID
-     XChangeProperty(W->dpy, W->root, W->net_atom[net_wm_pid], XA_CARDINAL, 32,
-                     PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*)&pid, 1);
-     XChangeProperty(W->dpy, W->root, W->net_atom[net_showing_desktop], XA_CARDINAL, 32,
-                     PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*)&showing_desk, 1);
-      */
-ewmh_set_wm_state(Window w, int state)
-     unsigned char d[] = { state, None };
-     XChangeProperty(W->dpy, w, W->net_atom[wm_state],
-                     W->net_atom[wm_state], 32, PropModeReplace, d, 2);

+ 0 - 74

@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
- *  wmfs2 by Martin Duquesnoy <xorg62@gmail.com> { for(i = 2011; i < 2111; ++i) ©(i); }
- *  For license, see COPYING.
- */
-#ifndef EWMH_H
-#define EWMH_H
-#include "wmfs.h"
-/* Ewmh hints list */
-     /* ICCCM */
-     wm_state,
-     /* EWMH */
-     net_supported,
-     net_wm_name,
-     net_client_list,
-     net_frame_extents,
-     net_number_of_desktops,
-     net_current_desktop,
-     net_desktop_names,
-     net_desktop_geometry,
-     net_active_window,
-     net_close_window,
-     net_wm_icon_name,
-     net_wm_window_type,
-     net_wm_pid,
-     net_showing_desktop,
-     net_supporting_wm_check,
-     net_wm_window_opacity,
-     net_wm_window_type_normal,
-     net_wm_window_type_dock,
-     net_wm_window_type_splash,
-     net_wm_window_type_dialog,
-     net_wm_desktop,
-     net_wm_icon,
-     net_wm_state,
-     net_wm_state_fullscreen,
-     net_wm_state_sticky,
-     net_wm_state_demands_attention,
-     net_wm_system_tray_opcode,
-     net_system_tray_message_data,
-     net_system_tray_s,
-     net_system_tray_visual,
-     net_system_tray_orientation,
-     xembed,
-     xembedinfo,
-     manager,
-     utf8_string,
-     /* WMFS HINTS */
-     wmfs_running,
-     wmfs_update_hints,
-     wmfs_current_tag,
-     wmfs_current_screen,
-     wmfs_current_layout,
-     wmfs_tag_list,
-     wmfs_mwfact,
-     wmfs_nmaster,
-     wmfs_set_screen,
-     wmfs_screen_count,
-     wmfs_function,
-     wmfs_cmd,
-     wmfs_font,
-     wmfs_statustext,
-     net_last
-void ewmh_init(void);
-void ewmh_set_wm_state(Window w, int state);
-#endif /* EWMH_H */

+ 0 - 246

@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
- *  wmfs2 by Martin Duquesnoy <xorg62@gmail.com> { for(i = 2011; i < 2111; ++i) ©(i); }
- *  For license, see COPYING.
- */
-#include "wmfs.h"
-#include "draw.h"
-#include "infobar.h"
-#include "barwin.h"
-#include "util.h"
-#include "tag.h"
-static void infobar_elem_tag_init(struct element *e);
-static void infobar_elem_tag_update(struct element *e);
-const struct elem_funcs
-     char c;
-     void (*func_init)(struct element *e);
-     void (*func_update)(struct element *e);
-} elem_funcs[] =
-     { 't', infobar_elem_tag_init, infobar_elem_tag_update },
-     /* { 'l',  infobar_elem_layout_init, infobar_elem_layout_update },
-        { 's',  infobar_elem_selbar_init, infobar_elem_selbar_update },
-        { 'S',  infobar_elem_status_init, infobar_elem_status_update },*/
-     { '\0', NULL, NULL }
-static void
-infobar_elem_tag_init(struct element *e)
-     struct tag *t;
-     struct barwin *b, *prev = NULL;
-     struct geo g = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
-     int s, j;
-     infobar_elem_placement(e);
-     j = e->geo.x;
-     e->geo.h -= (e->infobar->theme->tags_border_width << 1);
-     TAILQ_FOREACH(t, &e->infobar->screen->tags, next)
-     {
-          s = draw_textw(e->infobar->theme, t->name) + PAD;
-          /* Init barwin */
-          b = barwin_new(e->infobar->bar->win, j, 0, s, e->geo.h, 0, 0, false);
-          /* Set border */
-          if(e->infobar->theme->tags_border_width)
-          {
-               XSetWindowBorder(W->dpy, b->win, e->infobar->theme->tags_border_col);
-               XSetWindowBorderWidth(W->dpy, b->win, e->infobar->theme->tags_border_width);
-          }
-          b->ptr = (void*)t;
-          barwin_map(b);
-          /* TODO: refer to tag element configuration */
-          barwin_mousebind_new(b, Button1, false, g, uicb_tag_set_with_name, (Uicb)t->name);
-          barwin_mousebind_new(b, Button4, false, g, uicb_tag_next, NULL);
-          barwin_mousebind_new(b, Button5, false, g, uicb_tag_prev, NULL);
-          /* insert_tail with SLIST */
-          if(SLIST_EMPTY(&e->bars))
-               SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&e->bars, b, enext);
-          else
-               SLIST_INSERT_AFTER(prev, b, enext);
-          prev = b;
-          j += s;
-     }
-     e->infobar->screen->elemupdate |= FLAGINT(ElemTag);
-     e->geo.w = j;
-static void
-infobar_elem_tag_update(struct element *e)
-     struct tag *t, *sel = e->infobar->screen->seltag;
-     struct barwin *b;
-     SLIST_FOREACH(b, &e->bars, enext)
-     {
-          t = (struct tag*)b->ptr;
-          /* Selected */
-          /* TODO: color from conf */
-          if(t == sel)
-          {
-               b->fg = e->infobar->theme->tags_s.fg;
-               b->bg = e->infobar->theme->tags_s.bg;
-          }
-          else
-          {
-               b->fg = e->infobar->theme->tags_n.fg;
-               b->bg = e->infobar->theme->tags_n.bg;
-          }
-          barwin_refresh_color(b);
-          draw_text(b->dr, e->infobar->theme, (PAD >> 1),
-                    TEXTY(e->infobar->theme, e->geo.h), b->fg, t->name);
-          barwin_refresh(b);
-     }
-static void
-infobar_elem_init(struct infobar *i)
-     struct element *e;
-     int n, j;
-     TAILQ_INIT(&i->elements);
-     for(n = 0; n < strlen(i->elemorder); ++n)
-     {
-          for(j = 0; j < LEN(elem_funcs); ++j)
-               if(elem_funcs[j].c == i->elemorder[n])
-               {
-                    e = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct element));
-                    SLIST_INIT(&e->bars);
-                    e->infobar = i;
-                    e->type = j;
-                    e->func_init = elem_funcs[j].func_init;
-                    e->func_update = elem_funcs[j].func_update;
-                    TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&i->elements, e, next);
-                    e->func_init(e);
-                    break;
-               }
-     }
-infobar_elem_update(struct infobar *i)
-     struct element *e;
-     TAILQ_FOREACH(e, &i->elements, next)
-          if(i->screen->elemupdate & FLAGINT(e->type))
-               e->func_update(e);
-infobar_elem_remove(struct element *e)
-     struct barwin *b;
-     TAILQ_REMOVE(&e->infobar->elements, e, next);
-     while(!SLIST_EMPTY(&e->bars))
-     {
-          b = SLIST_FIRST(&e->bars);
-          SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&e->bars, enext);
-          barwin_remove(b);
-     }
-struct infobar*
-infobar_new(struct screen *s, struct theme *theme, Barpos pos, const char *elem)
-     bool map;
-     struct infobar *i = (struct infobar*)xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct infobar));
-     i->screen = s;
-     i->theme = theme;
-     i->elemorder = xstrdup(elem);
-     map = infobar_placement(i, pos);
-     /* struct barwin create */
-     i->bar = barwin_new(W->root, i->geo.x, i->geo.y, i->geo.w, i->geo.h,
-               theme->bars.fg, theme->bars.bg, false);
-     SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&s->infobars, i, next);
-     /* struct elements */
-     infobar_elem_init(i);
-     /* Render, only if pos is Top or Bottom */
-     if(!map)
-          return i;
-     barwin_map(i->bar);
-     barwin_map_subwin(i->bar);
-     barwin_refresh_color(i->bar);
-     infobar_refresh(i);
-     return i;
-infobar_refresh(struct infobar *i)
-     infobar_elem_update(i);
-     barwin_refresh(i->bar);
-infobar_remove(struct infobar *i)
-     struct element *e;
-     free(i->elemorder);
-     TAILQ_FOREACH(e, &i->elements, next)
-          infobar_elem_remove(e);
-     barwin_remove(i->bar);
-     SLIST_REMOVE(&i->screen->infobars, i, infobar, next);
-     free(i);
-infobar_free(struct screen *s)
-     struct infobar *i;
-     while(!SLIST_EMPTY(&s->infobars))
-     {
-          i = SLIST_FIRST(&s->infobars);
-          /* SLIST_REMOVE is done by infobar_remove */
-          infobar_remove(i);
-     }

+ 0 - 74

@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
- *  wmfs2 by Martin Duquesnoy <xorg62@gmail.com> { for(i = 2011; i < 2111; ++i) ©(i); }
- *  For license, see COPYING.
- */
-#ifndef INFOBAR_H
-#define INFOBAR_H
-#include "wmfs.h"
-#include "util.h"
-#include "draw.h"
-#include "tag.h"
-enum { ElemTag = 0, ElemLayout, ElemSelbar, ElemStatus, ElemCustom, ElemLast };
-struct infobar *infobar_new(struct screen *s, struct theme *theme, Barpos pos, const char *elem);
-void infobar_elem_update(struct infobar *i);
-void infobar_refresh(struct infobar *i);
-void infobar_remove(struct infobar *i);
-void infobar_free(struct screen *s);
-/* Basic placement of elements */
-static inline void
-infobar_elem_placement(struct element *e)
-     struct element *p = TAILQ_PREV(e, esub, next);
-     e->geo.y = e->geo.w = 0;
-     e->geo.h = e->infobar->geo.h;
-     e->geo.x = (p ? p->geo.x + p->geo.w + PAD : 0);
-/* Bars placement management and usable space management */
-static inline bool
-infobar_placement(struct infobar *i, Barpos p)
-     i->pos = p;
-     i->geo = i->screen->ugeo;
-     i->geo.h = i->theme->bars_width;
-     switch(p)
-     {
-          case BarTop:
-               i->screen->ugeo.y += i->geo.h;
-               i->screen->ugeo.h -= i->geo.h;
-               break;
-          case BarBottom:
-               i->geo.y = (i->screen->ugeo.y + i->screen->ugeo.h) - i->geo.h;
-               i->screen->ugeo.h -= i->geo.h;
-               break;
-          default:
-          case BarHide:
-               return false;
-     }
-     tag_update_frame_geo(i->screen);
-     return true;
-static inline void
-infobar_elem_screen_update(struct screen *s, int addf)
-     struct infobar *i;
-     s->elemupdate |= FLAGINT(addf);
-     SLIST_FOREACH(i, &s->infobars, next)
-          infobar_elem_update(i);
-     s->elemupdate &= ~FLAGINT(ElemTag);
-#endif /* INFOBAR_H */

+ 0 - 312

@@ -1,312 +0,0 @@
- *  wmfs2 by Martin Duquesnoy <xorg62@gmail.com> { for(i = 2011; i < 2111; ++i) ©(i); }
- *  For license, see COPYING.
- */
-#include "layout.h"
-#include "config.h"
-#include "client.h"
-#include "util.h"
-static struct geo
-layout_split(struct client *c, bool vertical)
-     struct geo og, geo;
-     geo = og = c->geo;
-     if(vertical)
-     {
-          c->geo.w >>= 1;
-          geo.x = c->geo.x + c->geo.w;
-          geo.w >>= 1;
-          /* Remainder */
-          geo.w += (og.x + og.w) - (geo.x + geo.w);
-     }
-     else
-     {
-          c->geo.h >>= 1;
-          geo.y = c->geo.y + c->geo.h;
-          geo.h >>= 1;
-          /* Remainder */
-          geo.h += (og.y + og.h) - (geo.y + geo.h);
-     }
-     client_moveresize(c, c->geo);
-     return geo;
-static inline void
-layout_split_arrange_size(struct geo g, struct client *c, Position p)
-     if(LDIR(p))
-     {
-          c->geo.w += g.w;
-          if(p == Right)
-               c->geo.x = g.x;
-     }
-     else
-     {
-          c->geo.h += g.h;
-          if(p == Bottom)
-               c->geo.y = g.y;
-     }
-     client_moveresize(c, c->geo);
-static inline bool
-layout_split_check_row_dir(struct client *c, struct client *g, Position p)
-     struct geo cgeo = c->geo;
-     struct client *cc;
-     int s = 0, cs = (LDIR(p) ? g->geo.h : g->geo.w);
-     SLIST_FOREACH(cc, &c->tag->clients, tnext)
-          if(GEO_PARENTROW(cgeo, cc->geo, RPOS(p))
-                    && GEO_CHECK_ROW(cc->geo, g->geo, p))
-          {
-               s += (LDIR(p) ? cc->geo.h : cc->geo.w);
-               if(s == cs)
-                    return true;
-               if(s > cs)
-                    return false;
-          }
-     return false;
-/* Use ghost client properties to fix holes in tile
- *
- *     ~   .--.  ~   ~
- *_____ ~ /xx  \   ~   ~
- *  |>>| ~\O _ (____     ~
- *  |  |__.|    .--'-==~   ~
- *  |>>'---\    '.      ~  ,  ~
- *__|__|    '.    '-.___.-'/   ~
- *            '-.__     _.'  ~
- *                 `````   ~
- */
-layout_split_arrange_closed(struct client *ghost)
-     struct client *c, *cc;
-     struct geo g;
-     bool b = false;
-     Position p;
-     /* Search for single parent for easy resize
-      * Example case:
-      *  ___________               ___________
-      * |     |  B  | ->       -> |     |     |
-      * |  A  |_____| -> Close -> |  A  |  B  |
-      * |     |  C  | ->   C   -> |     |v v v|
-      * |_____|_____| ->       -> |_____|_____|
-      */
-     for(p = Right; p < Center; ++p)  /* Check every direction */
-     {
-          if((c = client_next_with_pos(ghost, p)))
-               if(GEO_CHECK2(ghost->geo, c->geo, p))
-               {
-                    layout_split_arrange_size(ghost->geo, c, p);
-                    return;
-               }
-     }
-     /* Check row parents for full resize
-      * Example case:
-      *  ___________               ___________
-      * |     |  B  | ->       -> | <<  B     |
-      * |  A  |_____| -> Close -> |___________|
-      * |     |  C  | ->   A   -> | <<  C     |
-      * |_____|_____| ->       -> |___________|
-      */
-     for(p = Right; p < Center && !b; ++p)
-     {
-          if((c = client_next_with_pos(ghost, p))
-                    && layout_split_check_row_dir(c, ghost, p))
-          {
-               g = c->geo;
-               SLIST_FOREACH(cc, &c->tag->clients, tnext)
-                    if(GEO_PARENTROW(g, cc->geo, RPOS(p))
-                              && GEO_CHECK_ROW(cc->geo, ghost->geo, p))
-                    {
-                         layout_split_arrange_size(ghost->geo, cc, p);
-                         b = true;
-                    }
-          }
-     }
-/* Integrate a client in split layout: split sc and fill c in new geo */
-layout_split_integrate(struct client *c, struct client *sc)
-     struct geo g;
-     /* No sc */
-     if(!sc || sc == c || sc->tag != c->tag)
-     {
-          /*
-           * Not even a first client in list, then
-           * maximize the lonely client
-           */
-          if(!(sc = SLIST_FIRST(&c->tag->clients)))
-          {
-               client_maximize(c);
-               return;
-          }
-     }
-     g = layout_split(sc, (sc->geo.h < sc->geo.w));
-     client_moveresize(c, g);
-/* Arrange inter-clients holes:
- *  ___________      ___________
- * |     ||    | -> |      |    |
- * |  A  || B  | -> |  A  >| B  |
- * |     ||    | -> |     >|    |
- * |_____||____| -> |______|____|
- *        ^ void
- *
- * and client-screen edge holes
- *  ___________      ___________
- * |     |    || -> |     |     |
- * |  A  |  B || -> |  A  |  B >|
- * |     |    || -> |     |    >|
- * |_____|----'| -> |_____|__v__|
- *          ^^^ void
- */
-static inline void
-layout_fix_hole(struct client *c)
-     struct client *cr = client_next_with_pos(c, Right);
-     struct client *cb = client_next_with_pos(c, Bottom);
-     c->geo.w += (cr ? cr->geo.x : c->screen->ugeo.w) - (c->geo.x + c->geo.w);
-     c->geo.h += (cb ? cb->geo.y : c->screen->ugeo.h) - (c->geo.y + c->geo.h);
-     client_moveresize(c, c->geo);
-/* Layout rotation: Rotate 90° all client to right or left.
- * Avoid if(left) condition in layout_rotate loop; use func ptr
- *
- * Left rotation
- *  ____________        ____________
- * |    |   B   |  ->  |  |   A     |
- * |  A |_______|  ->  |__|_________|
- * |____| C | D |  ->  |_____|   B  |
- * |____|___|___|  ->  |_____|______|
- *
- * Right rotation
- *  ____________        ____________
- * |    |   B   |  ->  |   B  |_____|
- * |  A |_______|  ->  |______|_____|
- * |____| C | D |  ->  |     A   |  |
- * |____|___|___|  ->  |_________|__|
- *
- */
-static inline void
-_pos_rotate_left(struct geo *g, struct geo ug, struct geo og)
-     g->x = (ug.h - (og.y + og.h));
-     g->y = og.x;
-static inline void
-_pos_rotate_right(struct geo *g, struct geo ug, struct geo og)
-     g->x = og.y;
-     g->y = (ug.w - (og.x + og.w));
-static void
-layout_rotate(struct tag *t, bool left)
-     struct client *c;
-     struct geo g;
-     float f1 = (float)t->screen->ugeo.w / (float)t->screen->ugeo.h;
-     float f2 = 1 / f1;
-     void (*pos)(struct geo*, struct geo, struct geo) =
-          (left ? _pos_rotate_left : _pos_rotate_right);
-     SLIST_FOREACH(c, &t->clients, tnext)
-     {
-          pos(&g, t->screen->ugeo, c->geo);
-          g.x *= f1;
-          g.y *= f2;
-          g.w = c->geo.h * f1;
-          g.h = c->geo.w * f2;
-          client_moveresize(c, g);
-     }
-     /* Rotate sometimes do not set back perfect size.. */
-     SLIST_FOREACH(c, &t->clients, tnext)
-          layout_fix_hole(c);
-uicb_layout_rotate_left(Uicb cmd)
-     layout_rotate(W->screen->seltag, true);
-uicb_layout_rotate_right(Uicb cmd)
-     layout_rotate(W->screen->seltag, false);
- * Really simple functions, don't need static no-uicb backend
- * so we avoid the use of if(vertical) .. else
- *
- * Vertical mirror
- *  ____________        ____________
- * |    |   B   |  ->  |   B   |    |
- * |  A |_______|  ->  |_______| A  |
- * |    | C | D |  ->  | D | C |    |
- * |____|___|___|  ->  |___|___|____|
- *
- * Horizontal mirror
- *  ____________        ____________
- * |    |   B   |  ->  |    | C | D |
- * |  A |_______|  ->  |  A |___|___|
- * |    | C | D |  ->  |    |   B   |
- * |____|___|___|  ->  |____|_______|
- */
-uicb_layout_vmirror(Uicb cmd)
-     struct client *c;
-     SLIST_FOREACH(c, &W->screen->seltag->clients, tnext)
-     {
-          c->geo.x = W->screen->ugeo.w - (c->geo.x + c->geo.w);
-          client_moveresize(c, c->geo);
-     }
-uicb_layout_hmirror(Uicb cmd)
-     struct client *c;
-     SLIST_FOREACH(c, &W->screen->seltag->clients, tnext)
-     {
-          c->geo.y = W->screen->ugeo.h - (c->geo.y + c->geo.h);
-          client_moveresize(c, c->geo);
-     }

+ 0 - 40

@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- *  wmfs2 by Martin Duquesnoy <xorg62@gmail.com> { for(i = 2011; i < 2111; ++i) ©(i); }
- *  For license, see COPYING.
- */
-#ifndef LAYOUT_H
-#define LAYOUT_H
-#include "wmfs.h"
-/* Check lateral direction (if p is Right or Left) */
-#define LDIR(P) (P < Top)
-/* Reverse position */
-#define RPOS(P) (P & 1 ? P - 1 : P + 1)
-/* geo comparaison */
-#define GEO_CHECK2(g1, g2, p) (LDIR(p) ? ((g1).h == (g2).h) : ((g1).w == (g2).w))
-#define GEO_CHECK_ROW(g1, g2, p)                                     \
-     (LDIR(p)                                                        \
-      ? ((g1).y >= (g2).y && ((g1).y + (g1).h) <= ((g2).y + (g2).h)) \
-      : ((g1).x >= (g2).x && ((g1).x + (g1).w) <= ((g2).x + (g2).w)))
-#define GEO_PARENTROW(g1, g2, p)                                                \
-     (LDIR(p)                                                                   \
-      ? (p == Left ? ((g1).x == (g2).x) : ((g1).x + (g1).w == (g2).x + (g2).w)) \
-      : (p == Top  ? ((g1).y == (g2).y) : ((g1).y + (g1).h == (g2).y + (g2).h)))
-/* Debug */
-#define DGEO(G) printf(": %d %d %d %d\n", G.x, G.y, G.w, G.h)
-void layout_split_integrate(struct client *c, struct client *sc);
-void layout_split_arrange_closed(struct client *ghost);
-void uicb_layout_vmirror(Uicb cmd);
-void uicb_layout_hmirror(Uicb cmd);
-void uicb_layout_rotate_left(Uicb cmd);
-void uicb_layout_rotate_right(Uicb cmd);
-#endif /* LAYOUT_H */

+ 0 - 693

@@ -1,693 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010 Philippe Pepiot <phil@philpep.org>
- * Copyright (c) 2011 Martin Duquesnoy <xorg62@gmail.com>
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
- * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
- * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
-#define _GNU_SOURCE
-#ifndef _BSD_SOURCE
-#define _BSD_SOURCE
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <libgen.h>
-#include <pwd.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#include <err.h>
-#include "parse.h"
-#include "util.h"
-extern char *__progname;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-static const struct
-     const char *name;
-     enum keyword_t type;
-} kw_t_name[] =
-     {"SEC_START",  SEC_START},
-     {"SEC_END",    SEC_END},
-     {"INCLUDE",    INCLUDE},
-     {"WORD",       WORD},
-     {"EQUAL",      EQUAL},
-     {"LIST_END",   LIST_END},
-     {"NONE",       NONE},
-struct files
-     char *name;
-     struct files *parent;
-struct keyword
-     enum keyword_t type;
-     /* if WORD */
-     int line;
-     struct files *file;
-     char *name;
-     struct keyword *next;
-struct state
-     bool quote;
-     bool comment;
-     char quote_char;
-/* TO REMOVE (use a identifier for config and fallback XDG in api functions) */
-TAILQ_HEAD(, conf_sec) config;
-static struct keyword *keywords = NULL;
-static struct keyword *
-push_keyword(struct keyword *tail, enum keyword_t type, char *buf, size_t *offset, struct files *file, int line)
-     struct keyword *kw;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-     int i = 0;
-     if(type == WORD && *offset == 0)
-          return tail;
-     kw       = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*kw));
-     kw->type = type;
-     kw->line = line;
-     kw->file = file;
-     kw->next = NULL;
-     if(*offset)
-     {
-          buf[*offset] = '\0';
-          if(!strcmp(buf, INCLUDE_CMD))
-               kw->type = INCLUDE;
-          else
-               kw->name = strdup(buf);
-          *offset = 0;
-     }
-     else
-          kw->name = NULL;
-     if(tail)
-          tail->next = kw;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-     for(i = 0; kw_t_name[i].type != NONE; ++i)
-          if(kw_t_name[i].type == kw->type)
-               warnx("%s %s %s:%d\n", kw_t_name[i].name,
-                         (kw->name) ? kw->name : "",
-                         kw->file->name, kw->line);
-     return kw;
-static void
-syntax(struct keyword *kw, const char *fmt, ...)
-     va_list args;
-     fprintf(stderr, "%s:", __progname);
-     if(kw && kw->file && kw->file->name)
-          fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d", kw->file->name, kw->line);
-     if(kw && kw->name)
-          fprintf(stderr, ", near '%s'", kw->name);
-     fprintf(stderr, ": ");
-     va_start(args, fmt);
-     vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args);
-     va_end(args);
-     fprintf(stderr, "\n");
-#define PUSH_KEYWORD(type) tail = push_keyword(tail, type, bufname, &j, file, line)
-static struct keyword *
-parse_keywords(const char *filename)
-     int fd;
-     struct stat st;
-     char *buf;
-     struct keyword *head = NULL;
-     struct keyword *tail = NULL;
-     struct files *file;
-     enum keyword_t type; /* keyword type to push */
-     struct state s = { false, false, '\0'};
-     char *bufname;
-     char path[PATH_MAX];
-     size_t i, j;
-     int line;
-     bool error = false;
-     if((fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY)) == -1 || stat(filename, &st) == -1)
-     {
-          warn("%s", filename);
-          return NULL;
-     }
-     if(!st.st_size)
-     {
-          warnx("%s: empty file", filename);
-          close(fd);
-          return NULL;
-     }
-     if(!realpath(filename, path))
-     {
-          warn("%s", filename);
-          close(fd);
-          return NULL;
-     }
-     buf = xmalloc(1, st.st_size + 1);
-     if(read(fd, buf, st.st_size) == -1)
-     {
-          warn("%s", filename);
-          free(buf);
-          close(fd);
-          return NULL;
-     }
-     buf[st.st_size] = '\0';
-     file         = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*file));
-     bufname      = xcalloc(BUFSIZ, sizeof(*bufname));
-     file->name   = strdup(path);
-     file->parent = NULL;
-     for(i = j = 0, line = 1; i < (size_t)st.st_size; ++i)
-     {
-          if(!head && tail)
-               head = tail;
-          if(buf[i] == '\n' && s.comment)
-          {
-               line++;
-               s.comment = false;
-               continue;
-          }
-          if(buf[i] == '#' && !s.quote)
-          {
-               s.comment = true;
-               continue;
-          }
-          if(s.comment)
-               continue;
-          /* end of quotted string */
-          if(s.quote && buf[i] == s.quote_char)
-          {
-               PUSH_KEYWORD(WORD);
-               s.quote = false;
-               continue;
-          }
-          if(!s.quote)
-          {
-               if((buf[i] == '"' || buf[i] == '\''))
-               {
-                    PUSH_KEYWORD(WORD);
-                    /* begin quotted string */
-                    s.quote_char = buf[i];
-                    s.quote = true;
-                    continue;
-               }
-               if(buf[i] == '[')
-               {
-                    PUSH_KEYWORD(WORD);
-                    if(buf[i + 1] == '/')
-                    {
-                         i += 2;
-                         type = SEC_END;
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                         ++i;
-                         type = SEC_START;
-                    }
-                    /* get section name */
-                    while(buf[i] != ']')
-                    {
-                         if(i >= ((size_t)st.st_size-1) || j >= (BUFSIZ-1))
-                         {
-                              bufname[j] = '\0';
-                              syntax(NULL, "word too long in %s:%d near '%s'",
-                                        file->name, line, bufname);
-                              error = true;
-                              break;
-                         }
-                         bufname[j++] = buf[i++];
-                    }
-                    PUSH_KEYWORD(type);
-                    continue;
-               }
-               if(buf[i] == '{')
-               {
-                    PUSH_KEYWORD(WORD);
-                    PUSH_KEYWORD(LIST_START);
-                    continue;
-               }
-               if(buf[i] == '}')
-               {
-                    PUSH_KEYWORD(WORD);
-                    PUSH_KEYWORD(LIST_END);
-                    continue;
-               }
-               if(buf[i] == ',')
-               {
-                    PUSH_KEYWORD(WORD);
-                    continue;
-               }
-               if(buf[i] == '=')
-               {
-                    PUSH_KEYWORD(WORD);
-                    PUSH_KEYWORD(EQUAL);
-                    continue;
-               }
-               if(strchr("\t\n ", buf[i]))
-               {
-                    PUSH_KEYWORD(WORD);
-                    if(buf[i] == '\n')
-                         ++line;
-                    continue;
-               }
-          }
-          if(j >= (BUFSIZ - 1))
-          {
-               bufname[j] = '\0';
-               syntax(NULL, "word too long in %s:%d near '%s'",
-                         file->name, line, bufname);
-               error = true;
-               break;
-          }
-          bufname[j++] = buf[i];
-     }
-     free(buf);
-     free(bufname);
-     close(fd);
-     warnx("%s read", file->name);
-     return (error ? NULL: head);
- * return NULL on failure and head->next if
- * no config found (of file doesn't exist)
- * NOTE to devs: head->name is the file to include
- */
-static struct keyword *
-include(struct keyword *head)
-     struct keyword *kw;
-     struct keyword *tail;
-     struct files *file;
-     struct passwd *user;
-     char *filename = NULL;
-     char *base = NULL;
-     head = head->next;
-     if(!head || head->type != WORD)
-     {
-          syntax(head, "missing filename to include");
-          return NULL;
-     }
-     /* replace ~ by user directory */
-     if(head->name && head->name[0] == '~')
-     {
-          if((user = getpwuid(getuid())) && user->pw_dir)
-               xasprintf(&filename, "%s%s", user->pw_dir, head->name + 1);
-          else if(getenv("HOME"))
-               xasprintf(&filename, "%s%s", getenv("HOME"), head->name + 1);
-          else /* to warning ? */
-               filename = head->name;
-     }
-     /* relative path from parent file */
-     else if(head->name && head->name[0] != '/')
-     {
-          base = strdup(head->file->name);
-          xasprintf(&filename, "%s/%s", dirname(base), head->name);
-          free(base);
-     }
-     else
-          filename = head->name;
-     if(!(kw = parse_keywords(filename)))
-     {
-          warnx("no config found in include file %s", head->name);
-          if(filename != head->name)
-               free(filename);
-          return NULL;
-     }
-     kw->file->parent = head->file;
-     /* detect circular include */
-     for(file = kw->file->parent; file != NULL; file = file->parent)
-          if(!strcmp(file->name, kw->file->name))
-          {
-               syntax(kw, "circular include of %s", kw->file->name);
-               if(filename != head->name)
-                    free(filename);
-               return NULL;
-          }
-     if(filename != head->name)
-         free(filename);
-     head = head->next;
-     if(kw)
-     {
-          for(tail = kw; tail->next; tail = tail->next);
-          tail->next = head;
-     }
-     return kw;
-static void *
-free_opt(struct conf_opt *o)
-     free(o);
-     return NULL;
-static struct conf_opt *
-get_option(struct keyword **head)
-     struct conf_opt *o;
-     size_t j = 0;
-     struct keyword *kw = *head;
-     o           = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*o));
-     o->name     = kw->name;
-     o->used     = false;
-     o->line     = kw->line;
-     o->filename = kw->file->name;
-     kw = kw->next;
-     if(kw->type != EQUAL)
-     {
-          syntax(kw, "missing '=' here");
-          return free_opt(o);
-     }
-     if(!(kw = kw->next))
-     {
-          syntax(kw, "missing value");
-          return free_opt(o);
-     }
-     switch(kw->type)
-     {
-          case INCLUDE:
-               if(!(kw = include(kw)))
-                    return free_opt(o);
-               break;
-          case WORD:
-               o->val[0] = kw->name;
-               o->val[1] = NULL;
-               kw = kw->next;
-               break;
-          case LIST_START:
-               kw = kw->next;
-               while(kw && kw->type != LIST_END)
-               {
-                    switch(kw->type)
-                    {
-                         case WORD:
-                              if(j >= (PARSE_MAX_LIST - 1))
-                              {
-                                   syntax(kw, "too much values in list");
-                                   return free_opt(o);
-                              }
-                              o->val[j++] = kw->name;
-                              kw = kw->next;
-                              break;
-                         case INCLUDE:
-                              if(!(kw = include(kw)))
-                                   return free_opt(o);
-                              break;
-                         default:
-                              syntax(kw, "declaration into a list");
-                              return free_opt(o);
-                              break;
-                    }
-               }
-               if(!kw)
-               {
-                    syntax(kw, "list unclosed");
-                    return free_opt(o);
-               }
-               kw = kw->next;
-               break;
-          default:
-               syntax(kw, "missing value");
-               return free_opt(o);
-               break;
-     }
-     *head = kw;
-     return o;
-static void *
-free_sec(struct conf_sec *sec)
-     struct conf_opt *o;
-     struct conf_sec *s;
-     if(sec)
-     {
-          while(!SLIST_EMPTY(&sec->optlist))
-          {
-               o = SLIST_FIRST(&sec->optlist);
-               SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&sec->optlist, entry);
-               free_opt(o);
-          }
-          while(!TAILQ_EMPTY(&sec->sub))
-          {
-               s = TAILQ_FIRST(&sec->sub);
-               TAILQ_REMOVE(&sec->sub, s, entry);
-               free_sec(s);
-          }
-          free(sec);
-     }
-     return NULL;
-static struct conf_sec *
-get_section(struct keyword **head)
-     struct conf_sec *s;
-     struct conf_opt *o;
-     struct conf_sec *sub;
-     struct keyword *kw = *head;
-     s       = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*s));
-     s->name = kw->name;
-     TAILQ_INIT(&s->sub);
-     SLIST_INIT(&s->optlist);
-     kw = kw->next;
-     while(kw && kw->type != SEC_END)
-     {
-          switch(kw->type)
-          {
-               case INCLUDE:
-                    if(!(kw = include(kw)))
-                         return free_sec(s);
-                    break;
-               case SEC_START:
-                    if(!(sub = get_section(&kw)))
-                         return free_sec(s);
-                    TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&s->sub, sub, entry);
-                    ++s->nsub;
-                    break;
-               case WORD:
-                    if(!(o = get_option(&kw)))
-                         return free_sec(s);
-                    SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&s->optlist, o, entry);
-                    ++s->nopt;
-                    break;
-               default:
-                    syntax(kw, "syntax error");
-                    return free_sec(s);
-                    break;
-          }
-     }
-     if(!kw || strcmp(kw->name, s->name))
-     {
-          syntax(kw, "missing end section %s", s->name);
-          return free_sec(s);
-     }
-     kw = kw->next;
-     *head = kw;
-     return s;
-     struct conf_sec *s;
-     struct keyword *kw, *nkw;
-     struct files **f = NULL;
-     int i, nf = 0;
-     while(!TAILQ_EMPTY(&config))
-     {
-          s = TAILQ_FIRST(&config);
-          TAILQ_REMOVE(&config, s, entry);
-          free_sec(s);
-     }
-     kw = keywords;
-     while(kw)
-     {
-          nkw = kw->next;
-          free(kw->name);
-          for(i = 0; i < nf; ++i)
-               if(f[i] == kw->file)
-               {
-                    if(!(f = realloc(f, sizeof(*f) * (++i))))
-                         err(EXIT_FAILURE, "realloc");
-                    f[i - 1] = kw->file;
-               }
-          kw = nkw;
-     }
-     if(nf > 0)
-     {
-          for(i = 0; i < nf; ++i)
-          {
-               free(f[i]->name);
-               free(f[i]);
-          }
-          free(f);
-     }
-     return -1;
-get_conf(const char *filename)
-     struct conf_sec *s;
-     struct keyword *head, *kw;
-     head = kw = parse_keywords(filename);
-     if(!head)
-          return -1; /* TODO ERREUR */
-     keywords = head;
-     TAILQ_INIT(&config);
-     while(kw)
-     {
-          switch(kw->type)
-          {
-               case INCLUDE:
-                    if(!(kw = include(kw)))
-                         return free_conf();
-                    break;
-               case SEC_START:
-                    if(!(s = get_section(&kw)))
-                         return free_conf();
-                    TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&config, s, entry);
-                    break;
-               default:
-                    syntax(kw, "out of any section");
-                    return free_conf();
-                    break;
-          }
-     }
-     return 0;

+ 0 - 118

@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010 Philippe Pepiot <phil@philpep.org>
- * Copyright (c) 2011 Martin Duquesnoy <xorg62@gmail.com>
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
- * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
- * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
- *
- */
-#ifndef PARSE_H
-#define PARSE_H
-#include "wmfs.h"
-#define INCLUDE_CMD "@include"
-#define PARSE_MAX_LIST 32
-struct conf_opt
-     char *name;
-     char *val[PARSE_MAX_LIST];
-     size_t nval;
-     bool used;
-     int line;
-     char *filename;
-     SLIST_ENTRY(conf_opt) entry;
-struct conf_sec
-     char *name;
-     SLIST_HEAD(, conf_opt) optlist;
-     TAILQ_HEAD(cshead, conf_sec) sub;
-     size_t nopt;
-     size_t nsub;
-     TAILQ_ENTRY(conf_sec) entry;
-struct opt_type
-     long int num;
-     float fnum;
-     bool boolean;
-     char *str;
- * Create config from file
- * return -1 on failure
- */
-int get_conf(const char *);
- * Print unused option name from section s (and subsections).
- * If s == NULL print unused option name for all config struct.
- */
-void print_unused(struct conf_sec *s);
- * Free the config struct.
- * WARNING: This make all string
- * returned by fetch_(opt|section)(_first) unusable.
- */
-int free_conf(void);
- * Get all subsection matching the given name on the given
- * section.
- * If section == NULL, return subsections from root section.
- * Return a NULL terminated array.
- * Subsections are returned in order as they are in config file
- * WARNING : This MUST be free() after use.
- */
-struct conf_sec **fetch_section(struct conf_sec *, char *);
- * Get first subsection  matching the given name
- * on the given section. (first found on the file)
- */
-struct conf_sec *fetch_section_first(struct conf_sec *, char *);
- * Count member of a conf_sec **
- */
-size_t fetch_section_count(struct conf_sec **);
- * Return all options matching the given name on the given subsection.
- * If none match or section == NULL return opt_type build with the
- * given default param.
- * WARNING: This MUST be free() after use.
- * WARNING: The string member is directly taken from the config struct.
- * WARNING: Returned in reverse order as they are in config file.
- * (I think the last option MUST overwrite all others)
- */
-struct opt_type fetch_opt_first(struct conf_sec *, char *, char *);
- * Get first (last in config file) option matching the given name
- * on the given section.
- * WARNING: The string member is directly taken from the config struct.
- */
-struct opt_type *fetch_opt(struct conf_sec *, char *, char *);
- * Count member of a opt_type *
- */
-size_t fetch_opt_count(struct opt_type *);
-#endif /* PARSE_H */

+ 0 - 214

@@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2010 Philippe Pepiot <phil@philpep.org>
- * Copyright (c) 2011 Martin Duquesnoy <xorg62@gmail.com>
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
- * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
- * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _BSD_SOURCE
-#define _BSD_SOURCE
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <err.h>
-#include "wmfs.h"
-#include "parse.h"
-#include "util.h"
-extern TAILQ_HEAD(, conf_sec) config;
-static const struct opt_type opt_type_null = { 0, 0, false, NULL };
-static struct opt_type
-string_to_opt(char *s)
-     struct opt_type ret = opt_type_null;
-     if(!s || !strlen(s))
-          return ret;
-     ret.num = strtol(s, (char**)NULL, 10);
-     ret.fnum = strtod(s, NULL);
-     ret.boolean = (!strcmp(s, "true")
-                   || !strcmp(s, "true")
-                   || !strcmp(s, "TRUE")
-                   || !strcmp(s, "1"));
-     ret.str = s;
-     return ret;
-print_unused(struct conf_sec *sec)
-     struct conf_sec *s;
-     struct conf_opt *o;
-     if(!sec)
-     {
-          TAILQ_FOREACH(s, &config, entry)
-               print_unused(s);
-          return;
-     }
-     SLIST_FOREACH(o, &sec->optlist, entry)
-          if(!o->used)
-               warnx("%s:%d, unused param %s", o->filename, o->line, o->name);
-     TAILQ_FOREACH(s, &sec->sub, entry)
-          if(!TAILQ_EMPTY(&s->sub))
-               print_unused(s);
-struct conf_sec **
-fetch_section(struct conf_sec *s, char *name)
-     struct conf_sec **ret;
-     struct conf_sec *sec;
-     size_t i = 0;
-     if(!name)
-          return NULL;
-     if(!s)
-     {
-          ret = xcalloc(2, sizeof(struct conf_sec *));
-          TAILQ_FOREACH(sec, &config, entry)
-               if(!strcmp(sec->name, name))
-               {
-                    ret[0] = sec;
-                    ret[1] = NULL;
-                    break;
-               }
-     }
-     else
-     {
-          ret = xcalloc(s->nsub + 1, sizeof(struct conf_sec *));
-          TAILQ_FOREACH(sec, &s->sub, entry)
-               if(!strcmp(sec->name, name) && i < s->nsub)
-                    ret[i++] = sec;
-          ret[i] = NULL;
-     }
-     return ret;
-struct conf_sec *
-fetch_section_first(struct conf_sec *s, char *name)
-     struct conf_sec *sec, *ret = NULL;
-     TAILQ_HEAD(cshead, conf_sec) *head =
-          (s
-           ? (struct cshead*)&s->sub
-           : (struct cshead*)&config);
-     if(!name)
-          return NULL;
-     TAILQ_FOREACH(sec, head, entry)
-          if(sec->name && !strcmp(sec->name, name))
-          {
-               ret = sec;
-               break;
-          }
-     return ret;
-fetch_section_count(struct conf_sec **s)
-     size_t ret = 0;
-     while(s[ret])
-          ++ret;
-     return ret;
-struct opt_type *
-fetch_opt(struct conf_sec *s, char *dfl, char *name)
-     struct conf_opt *o;
-     struct opt_type *ret;
-     size_t i = 0;
-     if(!name)
-          return NULL;
-     ret = xcalloc(10, sizeof(struct opt_type));
-     if(s)
-     {
-          SLIST_FOREACH(o, &s->optlist, entry)
-               if(!strcmp(o->name, name))
-               {
-                    while(o->val[i])
-                    {
-                         o->used = true;
-                         ret[i] = string_to_opt(o->val[i]);
-                         ++i;
-                    }
-                    ret[i] = opt_type_null;
-                    return ret;
-               }
-     }
-     ret[0] = string_to_opt(dfl);
-     ret[1] = opt_type_null;
-     return ret;
-struct opt_type
-fetch_opt_first(struct conf_sec *s, char *dfl, char *name)
-     struct conf_opt *o;
-     if(!name)
-          return opt_type_null;
-     else if(s)
-     {
-          SLIST_FOREACH(o, &s->optlist, entry)
-               if(!strcmp(o->name, name))
-               {
-                    o->used = true;
-                    return string_to_opt(o->val[0]);
-               }
-     }
-     return string_to_opt(dfl);
-fetch_opt_count(struct opt_type *o)
-     size_t ret = 0;
-     while(o[ret].str)
-          ++ret;
-     return ret;

+ 0 - 116

@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
- *  wmfs2 by Martin Duquesnoy <xorg62@gmail.com> { for(i = 2011; i < 2111; ++i) ©(i); }
- *  For license, see COPYING.
- */
-#include <X11/extensions/Xinerama.h>
-#endif /* HAVE_XINERAMA */
-#include "screen.h"
-#include "util.h"
-#include "tag.h"
-#include "infobar.h"
-#include "client.h"
-static struct screen*
-screen_new(struct geo *g, int id)
-     struct screen *s = (struct screen*)xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct screen));
-     s->geo = s->ugeo = *g;
-     s->seltag = NULL;
-     s->id = id;
-     TAILQ_INIT(&s->tags);
-     SLIST_INIT(&s->infobars);
-     SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&W->h.screen, s, next);
-     /* Set as selected screen */
-     W->screen = s;
-     return s;
-     struct geo g;
-     SLIST_INIT(&W->h.screen);
-     XineramaScreenInfo *xsi;
-     int i, n = 0;
-     if(XineramaIsActive(W->dpy))
-     {
-          xsi = XineramaQueryScreens(W->dpy, &n);
-          for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
-          {
-               g.x = xsi[i].x_org;
-               g.y = xsi[i].y_org;
-               g.w = xsi[i].width;
-               g.h = xsi[i].height;
-               screen_new(&g, i);
-          }
-          XFree(xsi);
-     }
-     else
-#endif /* HAVE_XINERAMA */
-     {
-          g.x = g.y = 0;
-          g.w = DisplayWidth(W->dpy, W->xscreen);
-          g.h = DisplayHeight(W->dpy, W->xscreen);
-          screen_new(&g, 0);
-     }
- * Update selected screen with mouse location
- */
-struct screen*
-     if(XineramaIsActive(W->dpy))
-     {
-          struct screen *s;
-          Window w;
-          int d, x, y;
-          XQueryPointer(W->dpy, W->root, &w, &w, &x, &y, &d, &d, (unsigned int *)&d);
-          SLIST_FOREACH(s, &W->h.screen, next)
-               if(INAREA(x, y, s->geo))
-                    break;
-          return (W->screen = s);
-     }
-#endif /* HAVE_XINERAMA */
-     return W->screen;
-     struct screen *s;
-     while(!SLIST_EMPTY(&W->h.screen))
-     {
-          s = SLIST_FIRST(&W->h.screen);
-          SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&W->h.screen, next);
-          infobar_free(s);
-          tag_free(s);
-          free(s);
-     }

+ 0 - 27

@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- *  wmfs2 by Martin Duquesnoy <xorg62@gmail.com> { for(i = 2011; i < 2111; ++i) ©(i); }
- *  For license, see COPYING.
- */
-#ifndef SCREEN_H
-#define SCREEN_H
-#include "wmfs.h"
-static inline struct screen*
-screen_gb_id(int id)
-     struct screen *s;
-     SLIST_FOREACH(s, &W->h.screen, next)
-          if(s->id == id)
-               return s;
-     return SLIST_FIRST(&W->h.screen);
-void screen_init(void);
-struct screen* screen_update_sel(void);
-void screen_free(void);
-#endif /* SCREEN_H */

+ 0 - 198

@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
- *  wmfs2 by Martin Duquesnoy <xorg62@gmail.com> { for(i = 2011; i < 2111; ++i) ©(i); }
- *  For license, see COPYING.
- */
-#include <X11/Xutil.h> /* IconicState / NormalState */
-#include "tag.h"
-#include "util.h"
-#include "infobar.h"
-#include "client.h"
-#include "config.h"
-#include "barwin.h"
-#include "ewmh.h"
-#include "layout.h"
-struct tag*
-tag_new(struct screen *s, char *name)
-     struct tag *t;
-     XSetWindowAttributes at =
-     {
-          .background_pixel  = THEME_DEFAULT->frame_bg,
-          .override_redirect = true,
-          .background_pixmap = ParentRelative,
-          .event_mask        = BARWIN_MASK
-     };
-     t = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct tag));
-     t->screen = s;
-     t->name   = xstrdup(name);
-     t->flags  = 0;
-     t->sel    = NULL;
-     /* Frame window */
-     t->frame = XCreateWindow(W->dpy, W->root,
-                              s->ugeo.x, s->ugeo.y,
-                              s->ugeo.w, s->ugeo.h,
-                              0, CopyFromParent,
-                              InputOutput,
-                              CopyFromParent,
-                              (CWOverrideRedirect | CWBackPixmap
-                               | CWBackPixel | CWEventMask),
-                              &at);
-     SLIST_INIT(&t->clients);
-     TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&s->tags, t, next);
-     return t;
-tag_screen(struct screen *s, struct tag *t)
-     struct client *c;
-     /* Unmap previous tag's frame */
-     WIN_STATE(s->seltag->frame, Unmap);
-     SLIST_FOREACH(c, &s->seltag->clients, tnext)
-          ewmh_set_wm_state(c->win, IconicState);
-     /*
-      * Map selected tag's frame, only if there is
-      * clients in t
-      */
-     if(!SLIST_EMPTY(&t->clients))
-     {
-          WIN_STATE(t->frame, Map);
-          SLIST_FOREACH(c, &t->clients, tnext)
-               ewmh_set_wm_state(c->win, NormalState);
-          client_focus(t->sel);
-     }
-     s->seltag = t;
-     infobar_elem_screen_update(s, ElemTag);
-/* Set t to NULL to untag c from c->tag */
-tag_client(struct tag *t, struct client *c)
-     /* Remove client from its previous tag */
-     if(c->tag)
-     {
-          if(c->tag == t)
-               return;
-          layout_split_arrange_closed(c);
-          SLIST_REMOVE(&c->tag->clients, c, client, tnext);
-          if(c->tag->sel == c || W->client == c)
-               client_focus(client_next(c));
-     }
-     /*
-      * Case of client removing: umap frame if empty
-      */
-     if(!t)
-     {
-          /* Unmap frame if tag is now empty */
-          if(SLIST_EMPTY(&c->tag->clients))
-               WIN_STATE(c->tag->frame, Unmap);
-          return;
-     }
-     /* Reparent client win in frame win */
-     XReparentWindow(W->dpy, c->win, t->frame, 0, 0);
-     /* Map frame if tag was empty */
-     if(SLIST_EMPTY(&t->clients))
-          WIN_STATE(t->frame, Map);
-     c->tag = t;
-     layout_split_integrate(c, t->sel);
-     /* Insert in new tag list */
-     SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&t->clients, c, tnext);
-uicb_tag_set(Uicb cmd)
-     int i = 0, n = ATOI(cmd);
-     struct tag *t;
-     TAILQ_FOREACH(t, &W->screen->tags, next)
-          if(++i == n)
-          {
-               tag_screen(W->screen, t);
-               return;
-          }
-uicb_tag_set_with_name(Uicb cmd)
-     struct tag *t;
-     TAILQ_FOREACH(t, &W->screen->tags, next)
-          if(!strcmp(cmd, t->name))
-          {
-               tag_screen(W->screen, t);
-               return;
-          }
-uicb_tag_next(Uicb cmd)
-     (void)cmd;
-     struct tag *t;
-     if((t = TAILQ_NEXT(W->screen->seltag, next)))
-          tag_screen(W->screen, t);
-     else if( /* CIRCULAR OPTION */ 1)
-          tag_screen(W->screen, TAILQ_FIRST(&W->screen->tags));
-uicb_tag_prev(Uicb cmd)
-     (void)cmd;
-     struct tag *t;
-     if((t = TAILQ_PREV(W->screen->seltag, tsub, next)))
-          tag_screen(W->screen, t);
-     else if( /* CIRCULAR OPTION */ 1)
-          tag_screen(W->screen, TAILQ_LAST(&W->screen->tags, tsub));
-static void
-tag_remove(struct tag *t)
-     free(t->name);
-     XDestroyWindow(W->dpy, t->frame);
-     free(t);
-tag_free(struct screen *s)
-     struct tag *t;
-     TAILQ_FOREACH(t, &s->tags, next)
-     {
-          TAILQ_REMOVE(&s->tags, t, next);
-          tag_remove(t);
-     }

+ 0 - 38

@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- *  wmfs2 by Martin Duquesnoy <xorg62@gmail.com> { for(i = 2011; i < 2111; ++i) ©(i); }
- *  For license, see COPYING.
- */
-#ifndef TAG_H
-#define TAG_H
-#include "wmfs.h"
-struct tag *tag_new(struct screen *s, char *name);
-void tag_screen(struct screen *s, struct tag *t);
-void tag_client(struct tag *t, struct client *c);
-void tag_free(struct screen *s);
-void uicb_tag_set(Uicb cmd);
-void uicb_tag_set_with_name(Uicb cmd);
-void uicb_tag_next(Uicb cmd);
-void uicb_tag_prev(Uicb cmd);
- * Update frames size with screen usable geo
- */
-static inline void
-tag_update_frame_geo(struct screen *s)
-     struct tag *t;
-     TAILQ_FOREACH(t, &s->tags, next)
-          XMoveResizeWindow(W->dpy,
-                            t->frame,
-                            s->ugeo.x,
-                            s->ugeo.y,
-                            s->ugeo.w,
-                            s->ugeo.h);
-#endif /* TAG_H */

+ 0 - 128

@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
- *  wmfs2 by Martin Duquesnoy <xorg62@gmail.com> { for(i = 2011; i < 2111; ++i) ©(i); }
- *  For license, see COPYING.
- */
-#define _GNU_SOURCE /* vasprintf() */
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "util.h"
-/** malloc with error support and size_t overflow protection
- * \param nmemb number of objects
- * \param size size of single object
- * \return non null void pointer
- */
-xmalloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size)
-     void *ret;
-     if(SIZE_MAX / nmemb < size)
-          err(EXIT_FAILURE, "xmalloc(%zu, %zu), "
-                    "size_t overflow detected", nmemb, size);
-     if((ret = malloc(nmemb * size)) == NULL)
-          err(EXIT_FAILURE, "malloc(%zu)", nmemb * size);
-     return ret;
-/** calloc with error support
- * \param nmemb Number of objects
- * \param size size of single object
- * \return non null void pointer
-xcalloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size)
-     void *ret;
-     if((ret = calloc(nmemb, size)) == NULL)
-          err(EXIT_FAILURE, "calloc(%zu * %zu)", nmemb, size);
-     return ret;
-/** asprintf wrapper
- * \param strp target string
- * \param fmt format
- * \return non zero integer
- */
-xasprintf(char **strp, const char *fmt, ...)
-     int ret;
-     va_list args;
-     va_start(args, fmt);
-     ret = vasprintf(strp, fmt, args);
-     va_end(args);
-     if (ret == -1)
-          err(EXIT_FAILURE, "asprintf(%s)", fmt);
-     return ret;
-/** strdup with error support
- * \param str char pointer
- * \retun non null void pointer
- */
-char *
-xstrdup(const char *str)
-     char *ret;
-     if (str == NULL || (ret = strdup(str)) == NULL)
-          err(EXIT_FAILURE, "strdup(%s)", str);
-     return ret;
-/** Execute a system command
- * \param cmd Command
- * \return child pid
-spawn(const char *format, ...)
-     char *sh = NULL;
-     char cmd[512];
-     va_list ap;
-     pid_t pid;
-     size_t len;
-     va_start(ap, format);
-     len = vsnprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd), format, ap);
-     va_end(ap);
-     if (len >= sizeof(cmd))
-     {
-          warnx("command too long (> 512 bytes)");
-          return -1;
-     }
-     if(!(sh = getenv("SHELL")))
-          sh = "/bin/sh";
-     if((pid = fork()) == 0)
-     {
-          setsid();
-          if (execl(sh, sh, "-c", cmd, (char*)NULL) == -1)
-               warn("execl(sh -c %s)", cmd);
-          exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-     }
-     else if (pid == -1)
-          warn("fork");
-     return pid;
-uicb_spawn(Uicb cmd)
-     spawn("%s", cmd);

+ 0 - 63

@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
- *  wmfs2 by Martin Duquesnoy <xorg62@gmail.com> { for(i = 2011; i < 2111; ++i) ©(i); }
- *  For license, see COPYING.
- */
-#ifndef UTIL_H
-#define UTIL_H
-#include "wmfs.h"
-/* Todo FREE_LIST(type, head, function_remove) */
-#define FREE_LIST(type, head)                   \
-     do {                                       \
-          struct type *Z;                       \
-          while(!SLIST_EMPTY(&head)) {          \
-               Z = SLIST_FIRST(&head);          \
-               SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&head, next);  \
-               free(Z); /* function_remove(t)*/ \
-          }                                     \
-     } while(/* CONSTCOND */ 0);
-/* t is Map or Unmap */
-#define WIN_STATE(w, t) do {      \
-     X##t##Subwindows(W->dpy, w); \
-     X##t##Window(W->dpy, w);     \
-} while( /* CONSTCOND */ 0);
-#define ATOM(a)          XInternAtom(W->dpy, (a), False)
-#define LEN(x)           (sizeof(x) / sizeof(*x))
-#define FLAGINT(i)       (1 << i)
-#define ATOI(s)          strtol(s, NULL, 10)
-#define ABS(j)           (j < 0 ? -j : j)
-#define INAREA(i, j, a)  ((i) >= (a).x && (i) <= (a).x + (a).w && (j) >= (a).y && (j) <= (a).y + (a).h)
- * "#RRGGBB" -> 0xRRGGBB
- */
-static inline Color
-color_atoh(const char *col)
-     int shift = (col[0] == '#');
-     return (Color)strtol(col + shift, NULL, 16);
-static inline void
-swap_ptr(void **x, void **y)
-     void *t = *x;
-     *x = *y;
-     *y = t;
-void *xmalloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size);
-void *xcalloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size);
-int xasprintf(char **strp, const char *fmt, ...);
-char *xstrdup(const char *str);
-pid_t spawn(const char *format, ...);
-void uicb_spawn(Uicb cmd);
-#endif /* UTIL_H */

+ 0 - 344

@@ -1,344 +0,0 @@
- *  wmfs2 by Martin Duquesnoy <xorg62@gmail.com> { for(i = 2011; i < 2111; ++i) ©(i); }
- *  For license, see COPYING.
- */
-#include <getopt.h>
-#include <X11/keysym.h>
-#include <X11/cursorfont.h>
-#include "wmfs.h"
-#include "event.h"
-#include "ewmh.h"
-#include "screen.h"
-#include "infobar.h"
-#include "util.h"
-#include "config.h"
-#include "client.h"
-wmfs_error_handler(Display *d, XErrorEvent *event)
-      char mess[256];
-      /* Check if there is another WM running */
-      if(event->error_code == BadAccess
-                && W->root == event->resourceid)
-           errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Another Window Manager is already running.");
-      /* Ignore focus change error for unmapped client
-       * 42 = X_SetInputFocus
-       * 28 = X_GrabButton
-       */
-     if(client_gb_win(event->resourceid))
-          if(event->error_code == BadWindow
-                    || event->request_code == 42
-                    || event->request_code == 28)
-               return 0;
-     if(XGetErrorText(d, event->error_code, mess, 128))
-          warnx("%s(%d) opcodes %d/%d\n  resource #%lx\n",
-                    mess,
-                    event->error_code,
-                    event->request_code,
-                    event->minor_code,
-                    event->resourceid);
-     return 1;
-wmfs_error_handler_dummy(Display *d, XErrorEvent *event)
-     (void)d;
-     (void)event;
-     return 0;
-     int i, j;
-     XModifierKeymap *mm = XGetModifierMapping(W->dpy);
-     for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
-          for(j = 0; j < mm->max_keypermod; ++j)
-               if(mm->modifiermap[i * mm->max_keypermod + j]
-                         == XKeysymToKeycode(W->dpy, XK_Num_Lock))
-                    W->numlockmask = (1 << i);
-     XFreeModifiermap(mm);
-wmfs_init_font(char *font, struct theme *t)
-     XFontStruct **xfs = NULL;
-     char **misschar, **names, *defstring;
-     int d;
-     if(!(t->font.fontset = XCreateFontSet(W->dpy, font, &misschar, &d, &defstring)))
-     {
-          warnx("Can't load font '%s'", font);
-          t->font.fontset = XCreateFontSet(W->dpy, "fixed", &misschar, &d, &defstring);
-     }
-     XExtentsOfFontSet(t->font.fontset);
-     XFontsOfFontSet(t->font.fontset, &xfs, &names);
-     t->font.as    = xfs[0]->max_bounds.ascent;
-     t->font.de    = xfs[0]->max_bounds.descent;
-     t->font.width = xfs[0]->max_bounds.width;
-     t->font.height = t->font.as + t->font.de;
-     if(misschar)
-          XFreeStringList(misschar);
-static void
-     XSetWindowAttributes at =
-     {
-          .event_mask = (KeyMask | ButtonMask | MouseMask
-                    | PropertyChangeMask | SubstructureRedirectMask
-                    | SubstructureNotifyMask | StructureNotifyMask),
-          .cursor = XCreateFontCursor(W->dpy, XC_left_ptr)
-     };
-     /*
-      * X Error handler
-      */
-     XSetErrorHandler(wmfs_error_handler);
-     /*
-      * X var
-      */
-     W->xscreen = DefaultScreen(W->dpy);
-     W->xdepth = DefaultDepth(W->dpy, W->xscreen);
-     W->gc = DefaultGC(W->dpy, W->xscreen);
-     /*
-      * Keys
-      */
-     wmfs_numlockmask();
-     /*
-      * Root window/cursor
-      */
-     W->root = RootWindow(W->dpy, W->xscreen);
-     XChangeWindowAttributes(W->dpy, W->root, CWEventMask | CWCursor, &at);
-     /*
-      * Locale (font encode)
-      */
-     setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "");
-     /*
-      * Barwin linked list
-      */
-     SLIST_INIT(&W->h.barwin);
-     W->running = true;
-     KeyCode c;
-     struct keybind *k;
-     wmfs_numlockmask();
-     XUngrabKey(W->dpy, AnyKey, AnyModifier, W->root);
-     SLIST_FOREACH(k, &W->h.keybind, next)
-          if((c = XKeysymToKeycode(W->dpy, k->keysym)))
-          {
-               XGrabKey(W->dpy, c, k->mod, W->root, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync);
-               XGrabKey(W->dpy, c, k->mod | LockMask, W->root, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync);
-               XGrabKey(W->dpy, c, k->mod | W->numlockmask, W->root, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync);
-               XGrabKey(W->dpy, c, k->mod | LockMask | W->numlockmask, W->root, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync);
-          }
-/** Scan if there are windows on X
- *  for manage it
-static void
-     int i, n;
-     XWindowAttributes wa;
-     Window usl, usl2, *w = NULL;
-     SLIST_INIT(&W->h.client);
-     /*
-        Atom rt;
-        int s, rf, tag = -1, screen = -1, flags = -1, i;
-        ulong ir, il;
-        uchar *ret;
-      */
-     if(XQueryTree(W->dpy, W->root, &usl, &usl2, &w, (unsigned int*)&n))
-          for(i = n - 1; i != -1; --i)
-          {
-               XGetWindowAttributes(W->dpy, w[i], &wa);
-               if(!wa.override_redirect && wa.map_state == IsViewable)
-               {/*
-                    if(XGetWindowProperty(dpy, w[i], ATOM("_WMFS_TAG"), 0, 32,
-                                   False, XA_CARDINAL, &rt, &rf, &ir, &il, &ret) == Success && ret)
-                    {
-                         tag = *ret;
-                         XFree(ret);
-                    }
-                    if(XGetWindowProperty(dpy, w[i], ATOM("_WMFS_SCREEN"), 0, 32,
-                                   False, XA_CARDINAL, &rt, &rf, &ir, &il, &ret) == Success && ret)
-                    {
-                         screen = *ret;
-                         XFree(ret);
-                    }
-                    if(XGetWindowProperty(dpy, w[i], ATOM("_WMFS_FLAGS"), 0, 32,
-                                   False, XA_CARDINAL, &rt, &rf, &ir, &il, &ret) == Success && ret)
-                    {
-                         flags = *ret;
-                         XFree(ret);
-                     }
-                 */
-                    /*c = */ client_new(w[i], &wa);
-                    /*
-                    if(tag != -1)
-                         c->tag = tag;
-                    if(screen != -1)
-                         c->screen = screen;
-                    if(flags != -1)
-                         c->flags = flags;
-                    */
-               }
-          }
-     XFree(w);
-static void
-     XEvent ev;
-     while(XPending(W->dpy))
-          while(W->running && !XNextEvent(W->dpy, &ev))
-               EVENT_HANDLE(&ev);
-static inline void
-     wmfs_xinit();
-     ewmh_init();
-     screen_init();
-     event_init();
-     config_init();
-     struct keybind *k;
-     struct theme *t;
-     /* Will free:
-      *
-      * Screens -> tags
-      *         -> Infobars -> Elements
-      */
-     screen_free();
-     XCloseDisplay(W->dpy);
-     /* Conf stuffs */
-     while(!SLIST_EMPTY(&W->h.keybind))
-     {
-          k = SLIST_FIRST(&W->h.keybind);
-          SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&W->h.keybind, next);
-          free((void*)k->cmd);
-          free(k);
-     }
-     while(!SLIST_EMPTY(&W->h.theme))
-     {
-          t = SLIST_FIRST(&W->h.theme);
-          SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&W->h.theme, next);
-          XFreeFontSet(W->dpy, t->font.fontset);
-          free(t);
-     }
-     free(W->net_atom);
-     free(W);
-     W->running = false;
-/** Reload WMFS binary
-uicb_reload(Uicb cmd)
-     (void)cmd;
-     /* TODO */
-uicb_quit(Uicb cmd)
-     (void)cmd;
-     W->running = false;
-main(int argc, char **argv)
-     W = (struct wmfs*)xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct wmfs));
-     /* Get X display */
-     if(!(W->dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL)))
-     {
-          fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't open X server\n", argv[0]);
-          exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-     }
-     /* Opt */
-     /*
-     int i;
-     while((i = getopt(argc, argv, "hviC:")) != -1)
-     {
-          switch(i)
-          {
-               case 'h':
-                    break;
-               case 'v':
-                    break;
-               case 'C':
-                    break;
-          }
-     }
-     */
-     /* Core */
-     wmfs_init();
-     wmfs_scan();
-     wmfs_loop();
-     wmfs_quit();
-     return 1;

+ 0 - 210

@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
- *  wmfs2 by Martin Duquesnoy <xorg62@gmail.com> { for(i = 2011; i < 2111; ++i) ©(i); }
- *  For license, see COPYING.
- */
-#ifndef WMFS_H
-#define WMFS_H
-/* Standard */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <locale.h>
-#include <err.h>
-#include <sys/queue.h>
-/* Xlib */
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include <X11/Xatom.h>
-/* Local */
-#define ButtonMask (ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | ButtonMotionMask)
-#define MouseMask  (ButtonMask | PointerMotionMask)
-#define KeyMask    (KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask)
-typedef unsigned int Flags;
-typedef unsigned int Color;
-typedef const char* Uicb;
-typedef enum { BarTop = 0, BarBottom, BarHide, BarLast } Barpos;
-typedef enum { Right = 0, Left, Top, Bottom, Center, PositionLast } Position;
- * Structures
- */
-struct geo
-     int x, y, w, h;
-struct barwin
-     struct geo geo;
-     Window win;
-     Drawable dr;
-     Color fg, bg;
-     void *ptr; /* Special cases */
-     SLIST_HEAD(, mousebind) mousebinds;
-     SLIST_ENTRY(barwin) next;  /* global barwin */
-     SLIST_ENTRY(barwin) enext; /* element barwin */
-struct element
-     struct geo geo;
-     struct infobar *infobar;
-     int type;
-     void (*func_init)(struct element *e);
-     void (*func_update)(struct element *e);
-     SLIST_HEAD(, barwin) bars;
-     TAILQ_ENTRY(element) next;
-struct infobar
-     struct barwin *bar;
-     struct geo geo;
-     struct screen *screen;
-     struct theme *theme;
-     char *elemorder;
-     Barpos pos;
-     TAILQ_HEAD(esub, element) elements;
-     SLIST_ENTRY(infobar) next;
-struct screen
-     struct geo geo, ugeo;
-     struct tag *seltag;
-     int id;
-     Flags elemupdate;
-     TAILQ_HEAD(tsub, tag) tags;
-     SLIST_HEAD(, infobar) infobars;
-     SLIST_ENTRY(screen) next;
-struct tag
-     struct screen *screen;
-     struct client *sel;
-     char *name;
-     Flags flags;
-     Window frame;
-     SLIST_HEAD(, client) clients;
-     TAILQ_ENTRY(tag) next;
-struct client
-     struct tag *tag;
-     struct screen *screen;
-     struct barwin *titlebar;
-     struct geo geo, tgeo, wgeo;
-     char *title;
-     Flags flags;
-     Window win;
-     SLIST_ENTRY(client) next;  /* Global list */
-     SLIST_ENTRY(client) tnext; /* struct tag list */
-struct keybind
-     unsigned int mod;
-     void (*func)(Uicb);
-     Uicb cmd;
-     KeySym keysym;
-     SLIST_ENTRY(keybind) next;
-struct mousebind
-     struct geo area;
-     int button;
-     bool use_area;
-     void (*func)(Uicb);
-     Uicb cmd;
-     SLIST_ENTRY(mousebind) next;
-struct colpair
-     Color fg, bg;
-struct theme
-     char *name;
-     /* Font */
-     struct
-     {
-          int as, de, width, height;
-          XFontSet fontset;
-     } font;
-     /* Bars */
-     struct colpair bars;
-     int bars_width;
-     /* struct elements */
-     struct colpair tags_n, tags_s; /* normal / selected */
-     int tags_border_width;
-     Color tags_border_col;
-     /* client / frame */
-     struct colpair client_n, client_s;
-     Color frame_bg;
-     int client_titlebar_width;
-     int client_border_width;
-     SLIST_ENTRY(theme) next;
-struct wmfs
-     /* X11 stuffs */
-     Display *dpy;
-     Window root;
-     int xscreen, xdepth;
-     Flags numlockmask;
-     GC gc;
-     Atom *net_atom;
-     bool running;
-     /* Lists heads */
-     struct
-     {
-          SLIST_HEAD(, screen) screen;
-          SLIST_HEAD(, client) client;
-          SLIST_HEAD(, keybind) keybind;
-          SLIST_HEAD(, barwin) barwin;
-          SLIST_HEAD(, theme) theme;
-     } h;
-     /*
-      * Selected screen, client
-      */
-     struct screen *screen;
-     struct client *client;
-int wmfs_error_handler(Display *d, XErrorEvent *event);
-int wmfs_error_handler_dummy(Display *d, XErrorEvent *event);
-void wmfs_grab_keys(void);
-void wmfs_numlockmask(void);
-void wmfs_init_font(char *font, struct theme *t);
-void wmfs_quit(void);
-void uicb_reload(Uicb cmd);
-void uicb_quit(Uicb cmd);
-/* Single global variable */
-struct wmfs *W;
-#endif /* WMFS_H */

+ 0 - 149

@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-# WMFS2 configuration file
-  [theme]
-     # name = "default"
-     font = "fixed"
-     # Bars
-     bars_width = 14
-     bars_fg = "#CCCCCC"
-     bars_bg = "#222222"
-     # Element tags
-     tags_normal_fg = "#CCCCCC"
-     tags_normal_bg = "#222222"
-     tags_sel_fg    = "#222222"
-     tags_sel_bg    = "#CCCCCC"
-     tags_border_color = "#888888"
-     tags_border_width = 1
-     # Frame / Client
-     client_normal_fg = "#CCCCCC"
-     client_normal_bg = "#222222"
-     client_sel_fg = "#222222"
-     client_sel_bg = "#CCCCCC"
-     frame_bg = "#555555"
-     client_titlebar_width = 12 #useless for now
-     client_border_width = 1
-   [/theme]
-   [theme]
-     name = "perso"
-     font = "-*-fixed-bold"
-     bars_width = 20
-     bars_fg = "#222222"
-     bars_bg = "#CCCCCC"
-     tags_sel_bg = "#33AA33"
-     tags_normal_fg = "#AA3333"
-   [/theme]
-  # Position:
-  #   0 Top
-  #   1 Bottom
-  #   2 Hide
-  # Element type:
-  #   t Tags
-  #   S Statustext
-  [bar]
-     position = 1
-     screen = 0
-     elements = "t"
-     theme = "perso"
-  [/bar]
-  [bar]
-     position = 1
-     screen = 0
-     elements = "t"
-     theme = "default"
-  [/bar]
-  [bar]
-     screen = 1
-     elements = "t"
-     theme = "perso"
-  [/bar]
-    [bar]
-     screen = 1
-     elements = "t"
-     theme = "default"
-  [/bar]
-  [tag] screen = 0 name = "one" [/tag]
-  [tag] screen = 0 name = "two" [/tag]
-  [tag] screen = 0 name = "three" [/tag]
-  [tag] screen = 1 name = "four" [/tag]
-  [tag] screen = 1 name = "five" [/tag]
-  [tag] name = "universal tag" [/tag]
-  [key] mod = {"Super"} key = "Return" func = "spawn" cmd = "xterm" [/key]
-  [key] mod = {"Control","Alt"} key = "q" func = "quit" [/key]
-  [key] mod = {"Super"} key = "1" func = "tag_set" cmd = "1" [/key]
-  [key] mod = {"Super"} key = "2" func = "tag_set" cmd = "2" [/key]
-  [key] mod = {"Super"} key = "3" func = "tag_set" cmd = "3" [/key]
-  [key] mod = {"Super"} key = "s" func = "tag_next" [/key]
-  [key] mod = {"Super"} key = "a" func = "tag_prev" [/key]
-  [key] mod = {"Super"} key = "z" func = "tag" cmd = "tag2" [/key]
-  [key] mod = {"Super"} key = "q" func = "client_close" [/key]
-  # Focus next / prev client
-  [key] mod = { "Alt" } key = "Tab" func = "client_focus_next" [/key][key] mod = { "Alt", "Shift" } key = "Tab" func = "client_focus_prev" [/key]
-  # Focus next client with direction
-  [key] mod = {"Alt"} key = "h" func = "client_focus_left"   [/key]
-  [key] mod = {"Alt"} key = "l" func = "client_focus_right"  [/key]
-  [key] mod = {"Alt"} key = "k" func = "client_focus_top"    [/key]
-  [key] mod = {"Alt"} key = "j" func = "client_focus_bottom" [/key]
-  # swap next client with direction:
-  [key] mod = {"Control", "Shift"} key = "h" func = "client_swap_left"   [/key]
-  [key] mod = {"Control", "Shift"} key = "l" func = "client_swap_right"  [/key]
-  [key] mod = {"Control", "Shift"} key = "k" func = "client_swap_top"    [/key]
-  [key] mod = {"Control", "Shift"} key = "j" func = "client_swap_bottom" [/key]
-  # Resize selected tiled client with direction
-  [key] mod = {"Super"} key = "h" func = "client_resize_left"   cmd = "20" [/key]
-  [key] mod = {"Super"} key = "l" func = "client_resize_left"   cmd = "-20" [/key]
-  [key] mod = {"Super"} key = "k" func = "client_resize_top"    cmd = "20" [/key]
-  [key] mod = {"Super"} key = "j" func = "client_resize_top"    cmd = "-20" [/key]
-  [key] mod = {"Super", "Control"} key = "h" func = "client_resize_right"  cmd = "-20" [/key]
-  [key] mod = {"Super", "Control"} key = "l" func = "client_resize_right"  cmd = "20" [/key]
-  [key] mod = {"Super", "Control"} key = "k" func = "client_resize_bottom" cmd = "-20" [/key]
-  [key] mod = {"Super", "Control"} key = "j" func = "client_resize_bottom" cmd = "20" [/key]
-  # Layout manipulation
-  [key] mod = {"Super"}          key = "m" func = "layout_vmirror" [/key]
-  [key] mod = {"Super", "Shift"} key = "m" func = "layout_hmirror" [/key]
-  [key] mod = {"Super"}          key = "r" func = "layout_rotate_right" [/key]
-  [key] mod = {"Super", "Shift"} key = "r" func = "layout_rotate_left" [/key]