pc_errors 12 KB

  1. non-standard feature used
  2. identifier '%s' declared twice
  3. end of file encountered
  4. bad line directive
  5. unsigned real: digit of fraction expected
  6. unsigned real: digit of exponent expected
  7. unsigned real: too many digits (>72)
  8. unsigned integer: too many digits (>72)
  9. unsigned integer: overflow (>32767)
  10. string constant: must not exceed one line
  11. string constant: at least one character expected
  12. string constant: double quotes not allowed (see c option)
  13. string constant: too long (>72 chars)
  14. bad character
  15. identifier '%s' not declared
  16. location counter overflow: arrays too big
  17. location counter overflow: arrays too big
  18. arraysize too big
  19. variable '%s' never used
  20. variable '%s' never assigned
  21. the files contained in '%s' are not closed automatically
  22. constant expected
  23. constant: only integers and reals may be signed
  24. constant: out of bounds
  25. simple type expected
  26. enumerated type: element identifier expected
  27. enumerated type: ',' or ')' expected
  28. enumerated type: ',' expected
  29. enumerated type: ')' expected
  30. subrange type: type must be scalar, but not real
  31. subrange type: '..' expected
  32. subrange type: type of lower and upper bound incompatible
  33. subrange type: lower bound exceeds upper bound
  34. array type: '[' expected
  35. conformant array: low bound identifier expected
  36. conformant array: '..' expected
  37. conformant array: high bound identifier expected
  38. conformant array: ':' expected
  39. conformant array: index type identifier expected
  40. array type: index type not bounded
  41. array type: index separator or ']' expected
  42. array type: index separator expected
  43. array type: ']' expected
  44. array type: 'of' expected
  45. record variant part: tag type identifier expected
  46. record variant part: tag type identifier expected
  47. record variant part: type must be bounded
  48. record variant part: 'of' expected
  49. record variant: type of case label and tag incompatible
  50. record variant: multiple defined case label
  51. record variant: ',' or ':' expected
  52. record variant: ',' expected
  53. record variant: ':' expected
  54. record variant: '(' expected
  55. record variant: ')' expected
  56. record variant part: ';' or end of variant list expected
  57. record variant part: ';' expected
  58. record variant part: end of variant list expected
  59. record variant part: there must be a variant for each tag value
  60. field list: record section expected
  61. record section: field identifier expected
  62. record section: ',' or ':' expected
  63. record section: ',' expected
  64. record section: ':' expected
  65. field list: ';' or end of record section list expected
  66. field list: ';' expected
  67. field list: end of record section list expected
  68. type expected
  69. type: simple and pointer type may not be packed
  70. pointer type: type identifier expected
  71. pointer type: type identifier expected
  72. record type: 'end' expected
  73. set type: 'of' expected
  74. set type: too many elements in set
  75. set type: bad subrange of integer
  76. set of integer: the i option dictates the number of bits (default 16)
  77. set type: base type not bounded
  78. file type: 'of' expected
  79. file type: files within files not allowed
  80. var parameter: type identifier or conformant array expected
  81. var parameter: type identifier expected
  82. label declaration: unsigned integer expected
  83. label declaration: label '%i' multiple declared
  84. label declaration: ',' or ';' expected
  85. label declaration: ',' expected
  86. label declaration: ';' expected
  87. const declaration: constant identifier expected
  88. const declaration: '=' expected
  89. const declaration: ';' expected
  90. const declaration: constant identifier or 'type', 'var', 'procedure', 'function' or 'begin' expected
  91. type declaration: type identifier expected
  92. type declaration: '=' expected
  93. type declaration: ';' expected
  94. type declaration: type identifier or 'var', 'procedure', 'function' or 'begin' expected
  95. var declaration: var identifier expected
  96. var declaration: ',' or ':' expected
  97. var declaration: ',' expected
  98. var declaration: ':' expected
  99. var declaration: ';' expected
  100. var declaration: var identifier or 'procedure', 'function' or 'begin' expected
  101. parameter list: 'var','procedure','function' or identifier expected
  102. parameter list: parameter identifier expected
  103. parameter list: ',' or ':' expected
  104. parameter list: ',' expected
  105. parameter list: ':' expected
  106. parameter list: type identifier expected
  107. parameter list: ';' or ')' expected
  108. parameter list: ';' expected
  109. proc/func declaration: proc/func identifier expected
  110. proc/func declaration: previous declaration of '%s' was not forward
  111. proc/func declaration: parameter list expected
  112. parameterlist: ')' expected
  113. func declaration: ':' expected
  114. func declaration: result type identifier expected
  115. func declaration: result type must be scalar, subrange or pointer
  116. proc/func declaration: ';' expected
  117. proc/func declaration: block or directive expected
  118. proc/func declaration: '%s' unknown directive
  119. proc/func declaration: '%s' again forward declared
  120. proc/func declaration: ';' expected
  121. indexed variable: '[' only allowed following array variables
  122. indexed variable: index type not compatible with declaration
  123. indexed variable: ',' or ']' expected
  124. indexed variable: ',' expected
  125. assignment: standard function not allowed as destination
  126. assignment: cannot store the function result
  127. assignment: formal parameter function not allowed as destination
  128. assignment: function identifier may not be de-referenced
  129. variable: '[', '.', '^' or end of variable expected
  130. indexed variable: ']' expected
  131. field designator: field identifier expected
  132. field designator: '.' only allowed following record variables
  133. field designator: no field '%s' in this record
  134. referenced variable: '^' not allowed following zero-terminated strings
  135. referenced variable: '^' only allowed following pointer or file variables
  136. variable: var or field identifier expected
  137. call: too many actual parameters supplied
  138. call: proc/func identifier expected
  139. call: standard proc/func may not be used as parameter
  140. call: parameter lists of actual and formal proc/func incompatible
  141. call: type of actual and formal value parameter not compatible
  142. call: array parameter not conformable
  143. call: type of actual and formal variable parameter not similar
  144. call: packed elements not allowed as variable parameter
  145. call: ',' or ')' expected
  146. call: too few actual parameters supplied
  147. read(ln): type must be integer, char or real
  148. write(ln): type must be integer, char, real, string or boolean
  149. write(ln): ':', ',' or ')' expected
  150. write(ln): field width must be integer
  151. write(ln): ':', ',' or ')' expected
  152. write(ln): precision must be integer
  153. write(ln): precision may only be specified for reals
  154. read/write: too few actual parameters supplied
  155. read/write: standard input/output not mentioned in program heading
  156. read/write: ',' or ')' expected
  157. read/write: type of parameter not the same as that of the file elements
  158. read/write: parameter list expected
  159. readln/writeln: standard input/output not mentioned in program heading
  160. readln/writeln: only allowed on text files
  161. new/dispose: C-type strings not allowed here
  162. new/dispose: ',' or ')' expected
  163. new/dispose: too many actual parameters supplied
  164. new/dispose: type of tagfield value is incompatible with declaration
  165. call: '(' or end of call expected
  166. standard proc/func: parameter list expected
  167. standard input/output not mentioned in program heading
  168. file variable expected
  169. pointer variable expected
  170. pack: ',' expected
  171. pack: ',' expected
  172. unpack: ',' expected
  173. unpack: ',' expected
  174. standard proc/func: parameter type incompatible with specification
  175. eoln/page: text file variable expected
  176. pack/unpack: array types are incompatible
  177. pack/unpack: only for arrays
  178. abs: integer or real expected
  179. sqr: integer or real expected
  180. ord: type must be scalar or subrange, but not real
  181. pred/succ: type must be scalar or subrange, but not real
  182. trunc/round: real argument required
  183. call: ')' expected
  184. expression: left and right operand are incompatible
  185. set: incompatible elements
  186. set: base type must be bounded or of type integer
  187. set: base type upper bound exceeds maximum set element number
  188. set: element out of range
  189. set: ']' or element list expected
  190. set: '..', ',' or ']' expected
  191. set: ',' or ']' expected
  192. set: ',' expected
  193. factor expected
  194. factor: ')' expected
  195. factor: type of factor must be boolean
  196. set: ']' expected
  197. term: multiplying operator or end of term expected
  198. term: '*' only defined for integers, reals and sets
  199. term: '/' only defined for integers and reals
  200. term: 'div' only defined for integers
  201. term: 'mod' only defined for integers
  202. term: 'and' only defined for booleans
  203. simple expression: only integers and reals may be signed
  204. simple expression: adding operator or end of simple expression expected
  205. simple expression: '+' only defined for integers, reals and sets
  206. simple expression: '-' only defined for integers, reals and sets
  207. simple expression: 'or' only defined for booleans
  208. expression: relational operator or end of expression expected
  209. expression: set expected
  210. expression: left operand of 'in' not compatible with base type of right operand
  211. expression: only '=' and '<>' allowed on pointers
  212. expression: '<' and '>' not allowed on sets
  213. expression: comparison of arrays only allowed for strings
  214. expression: comparison of records not allowed
  215. expression: comparison of files not allowed
  216. assignment: ':=' expected
  217. assignment: left and right hand side incompatible
  218. goto statement: unsigned integer expected
  219. goto statement: label '%i' not declared
  220. if statement: type of expression must be boolean
  221. if statement: 'then' expected
  222. if statement: 'else' or end of if statement expected
  223. case statement: type must be scalar or subrange, but not real
  224. case statement: 'of' expected
  225. case statement: incompatible case label
  226. case statement: multiple defined case label
  227. case statement: ',' or ':' expected
  228. case statement: ',' expected
  229. case statement: ':' expected
  230. case statement: ';' or 'end' expected
  231. case statement: ';' expected
  232. case statement: 'end' expected
  233. repeat statement: ';' or 'until' expected
  234. repeat statement: ';' expected
  235. repeat statement: 'until' expected
  236. repeat statement: type of expression must be boolean
  237. while statement: type of expression must be boolean
  238. while statement: 'do' expected
  239. for statement: type of bound and control variable incompatible
  240. for statement: control variable expected
  241. for statement: control variable must be local
  242. for statement: type must be scalar or subrange, but not real
  243. for statement: ':=' expected
  244. for statement: 'to' or 'downto' expected
  245. for statement: upper bound not assignment compatible
  246. for statement: 'do' expected
  247. with statement: record variable expected
  248. with statement: ',' or 'do' expected
  249. with statement: ',' expected
  250. with statement: 'do' expected
  251. assertion: type of expression must be boolean
  252. statement expected
  253. label '%i' not declared
  254. label '%i' multiple defined
  255. statement: ':' expected
  256. unlabeled statement expected
  257. compound statement: ';' or 'end' expected
  258. compound statement: ';' expected
  259. compound statement: 'end' expected
  260. case statement: 'end' expected
  261. body: ';' or 'end' expected
  262. body: ';' expected
  263. body: label '%i' declared, but never defined
  264. program parameter '%s' not declared
  265. function '%s' never assigned
  266. block: declaration or body expected
  267. block: 'const', 'type', 'var', 'procedure', 'function' or 'begin' expected
  268. block: 'type', 'var', 'procedure', 'function' or 'begin' expected
  269. block: 'var', 'procedure', 'function' or 'begin' expected
  270. block: 'procedure', 'function' or 'begin' expected
  271. block: unsatisfied forward proc/func declaration(s)
  272. block: 'begin' expected
  273. block: 'end' expected
  274. program heading: 'program' expected
  275. program heading: program identifier expected
  276. program heading: file identifier list expected
  277. program heading: file identifier expected
  278. program heading: ',' or ')' expected
  279. program heading: ',' expected
  280. program heading: maximum number of file arguments exceeded (12)
  281. program heading: ')' expected
  282. program heading: ';' expected
  283. program: '.' expected
  284. 'program' expected
  285. module: 'const', 'type', 'var', 'procedure' or 'function' expected
  286. module: 'type', 'var', 'procedure' or 'function' expected
  287. module: 'var', 'procedure' or 'function' expected
  288. module: 'procedure' or 'function' expected
  289. garbage at end of program